haven been almost a week never post O.O
i was quite shocked just now when i view my blog, cause i will post minimum 2 times a week a even seldom everyday but after the holiday day start.... erm... should be after the ' N ' level start i haven been posting much so i was surprise to see all this kind of strange things happening too hahas....

the day before i wanted to post but when i used the com not till 20 mins he wanna use lol..... so sad T.T yesterday went to hougang plaza play pool with bestie ^^ hahas... i having sooo~ much fun but sad to said that bestie doesn't seem to enjoy or having fun T.T hahas i'm not sure why but i try and wanted to entertain her but i can feel that she's not concentrating and thinking of something else lol.... =P hahas...
i think she really getting more and more excited bout her "KIM HYUN JOONG"
design =D right~ bestie ^^ ???
the haptic phone that she order or buy from china will be reaching SG soon haha! i feel happy and excited for her too ^^
although i also really want a phone which i can't afford now but if my bestie happy i happy ^o^

i also very excited the day that Angela held her signature concert OMG~! feel like screaming! hahas =P but if SS501 have it too i will scream till my throat can burst hahas =X not that serious =D hehe .....
i have been work 5 days per week OMG~! my leg's feeling jelly, pain and ache all around too T.T so sad~! only have Tuesday and Friday off ^^ but still have to do some house work on these off days oh my~! haha =D

昨天上班的時候, 下午看到我的三位同學她們來吃麥當鬧. 店里很忙突然聽到有人叫我我抬起頭看到她們笑著的跟我打招呼, 我不知道為什麼我沒跟她們笑只是打個小招呼. 我這群女同學, 這六位同學其實是很好的朋友, 我不知道為什麼我就是這麼的笨!!!!
笨的以為她們是我可以信賴的人, 以為她們真的是我的朋友! 原來我一直都笨笨的為她們服務, 要我或需要我的時候就很像迷糖一樣的粘著我, 裝作何我很親! 不要我的時候就不理,我當我透明, 還給我臉色看. 有一位是跟我最親的也是不大喜歡其她的, 她呢~ ..... 甚至會用手賞我一巴掌! 別誤會, 我的意思是她會和我玩然後突然賞我一巴掌. 我也一直以為是玩玩的也沒什麼可是我現在才知道.... 她... 是故意的.....

我真的都以為她們是我的朋友, 這是天大的笑話~!!!
她們對我的態度是真的很難忍受, 事情也過了我也忍了四年了...
這四年以來... 我就是她們的便利商店~! 要什麼就跟我借還說會換我, 新買的筆也給她們拿去.... 我真的是個笨蛋~! 沒人要的笨蛋~! 為什麼我那麼相信她們 !?
有兩位同學特別的壞, 壞到把我的東西丟掉還裝做不知道幫我找!

我真的真的真的~!!! 終於可以脫離他們, 也真的不希望和她們有多聯絡因為.....
我受夠了~!!! 累了.... 也 ..... 厭倦了 ......
真正的朋友, 永久的朋友是很難找到的! 這句話我真的同意, 因為如果沒有真正的朋友, 會活的很難受也很難過, 甚至會做不該做的是. 我的八位同學, 兩位是沒有什麼的, 一位就是那個和我最親的, 其她都是抽煙的, 罵髒話, 聊那些贰心的話題.

不過我很慶幸有幾位好朋友, 我確定也很肯定我真的可以信賴也甚至可以依靠他們 ^^
Eileen, Gam, Jun Jie .... 我只對這三位印象最深刻哈哈 ^^

不過還有一些我做工的朋友, 因為太多了我也懶的打字 =P

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