모두! 안녕~

It's the first day of December 2010! woah~~~ Time flies fast haha! stupid FaceBook! so irritating, called me to change my name I change that name they don't accept then when I changed that they suspend!? O.o what the hell!!!~ What big deal! Just only Facebook~ no need that I also can enjoy using computer XD lol!!!~ =P

hmmm~ today's my off day! 만세~ 만세~ XD [manse~ manse~] But I'm not sure how I'm gonna spent my day today lol! Feel like going Farrer Park with Elaine 언니, 하지만! 내가 소비하는 돈이 없다!~ ㅠㅠ [But! I have no money to spent with!~ T~T]
Really no money!~ nowadays so tight! lol! 진짝고~ ㅠㅠ hmmm~ morning Elaine 언니 told me that 아빠 gonna work night shift till 중국 설날 [Chinese New Year!] 오모!!!!~ Really wish that I have the ability to earn as much money for him to enjoy his life! Should I study!? I wish to but also hope that I can find a good and perfect job which I really love and interested to work with *sigh!!!~* The job I want is really kinda~..... I can said, have to see luck and~ fate...

Actually more than that~ If I really have the money I wanna ....
- Take photograph together with my family, all the photos we have are when we were young or baby~ so if I got the chance I really wanna have totally a new Lee's family photographs =P

- Bring my parent overseas ^-^ This the most I wanna do, cause my parent they're quite old but still can able to go around the world. First I wanna bring them to Taiwan hehe~ follow by Hong Kong then Korean lol! I wanna go Korean =D I missed those days~ ... the house full of laughter and happiness.... And their beautiful smile with happiness feels on it...
아빠~ 엄마~ 정말 너희 둘을 무척 사랑!!!~ 항상 건강하고 행복하게 유지하시기 바랍니다!
[Papa~ Mama~ I really love you both so/very much!!!~
stay healthy and happy always!]

There still lots that I wanna do/complete so~ really hope I can get the chance or give myself a chance!? 난 포기하지 않을거야!!! =) [I will not give up!!!~]
"이돼이~ 파이팅!!! 고고고!!!~ " ^^

오늘이 바로 그날이야~ 현정오빠 온다 싱가포르! 어!~ 진짜! ㅠㅠ
[Today's the day~ HyunJoong Oppa comes Singapore! ho!~ seriously! T~T]

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