어~ 잔짜~아~아~아!!!!~~~ 너무 피곤해요! ㅠ_ㅠ [I'm so tired! T~T]
I really have to rest well! I starts work at 9am plus so till around 3pm plus I will starts to get tired BUT! today was totally different! My body started to break down AND! I feel like I'll faint anytime *sigh!!!~* Really don't know what to said bout myself lol!~ This few days I've been on "SFI", one of 샤이니 SHINee's fans club that I've register haha! so cool!~ =P
I've knew some of them ^^ 오모!!!~ quite numbers of them are from SG and I'm kinda close with a girl called "JoJoyeo"!? O.o hehe~ she gaves me her handphone number so that we can contact, woah!~ such a cool person! some more she gonna go for JYP audition on the 8th of this month, awesome!!!! Why didn't I know that there was an audition holding in SG!??? O.O haha! anyway~ I hope I have the brave to go for it LOL! I really wish that I could be a singer!
Today ended work I went to Fairprice to buy some stuff! 오모~~~ I saw Darren!!! ^^ hehe~ So happy to see him!!!! I'm now smsing with him lol! hehe~ I almost can't recognize him, he have grown up! LOL! what I'm saying O.O humans do grown up!? isn't it haha! hmmm~ just that he became more like a man and mature hmmm~ doesn't sound that right !? =P He's one of my secondary school mates =D Just too pity that we don't talk much to one another =X and we separate class when upgrading to sec.2. But I'm really happy that we're close now and is not that late yah! =D hehe~ Hope that we can maintain our friendship or even build it stronger ^^

현정오빠~ He's here in SG since yesterday night, he took a night flight to SG. So said and pity that I can't get the chance to meet him! *sigh~* no choice! too bad~ But i really wanna see him in person!

[SHINee's First Concert In Seoul *SHINEE WORLD*]
오모~!!! 내년에 ^-^ 1욀1, 2일! 너무 멋져요! ~
[omo~!!! next year ^-^ 1st & 2nd January! So Cool!~ ]
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