LOL! I'm still in 샤이니 세계! 오모!!!~ ♥_♥ ㅋㅋㅋ~~~ They're just so cute and nature haha! Nature in... they're not Affectation hehe!~ =D That's one of the reason I love them =P Hmmm~ yesterday went for Kidney appointment LOL! I'm like going there really only see the doctor huh!~? haha! Actually I'm gonna do urine test but I've mensuration some more its the first day, WHAT! -_-!!! So for safety they cancel but postpone to my upcoming diabetes appointment which is on the 8th Decemeber. SO~ it really gonna be a tired and busy day issshhh~ hmmm~ poor 암마 gonna go with me!

안돼!!!!~ 현정 오빠! He's coming 싱가포르! and the day is TO-MOR-ROW!!! T~T I wanna meet him!!!! issshhhhhhhh~~~~~~~~~! He's coming for the tour of Faceshop as spokesperson *sigh!~* Can't get the chance to meet him yucks!!!!~ hate it T~T

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