안녕!~ =D
LOL! I'm feeling sleepy now haha! Morning went to SGH with Elaine 언니, we accompany 엄마 for eyed lazer appointment. After that we went to Hougang mall for lunch!? and!~ we eat McDonald for lunch LOL! I worked McDonald and yet still eat McDonald haha! But doesn't mean I've to eat McDonald on my work days =P But before our lunch we went Fairprice to buy some stuff =)
I've bought "HamBurglar"!!!~ hehe~ the McDonald toy ^^ one for $3! hmmm~ for charity! =D I wanna collect all~~~ But I kinda like the last version most hehe~ "Donale McDonald" ^-^

오모!!!!~ " 샤이니 오빠~ ^-^ "
On epop Magazine! I bought it when the minute I saw it on the sale stand haha! LOL!

I bought this "SHINee" keychain few weeks ago =D The time when I go Hougang mall with Fiona, I bought from Comics Connection! ^-^ Theirs stuff are seriously cool and nice! When you step into the shop you're difficult to get out of it haha! Cause there's seriously lots and lots!~ of cool and interesting stuff that you wanna buy BUT! moslty of it just too expensive awwww~ so sad! T~T
Cute right! haha! =P Behind of the magazine is Rainie Yang puzzle haha! =P

현정오빠 뉴스~ 에 싱가포르! ^-^
[Hyun Joong Oppa News~ In Singapore! ^-^]

Kim Hyun Joong, living in a world of his own
For a person who harbours dreams of alien encounters and outer space travels, it’s not hard to see why the band leader of SS501 has earned himself the nickname of a “fourth-dimensional person”

Text & Photos: Joanna Goh
Videos: Tay Yixuan & Fiona Lin

He lives in a world of his own and is known for having a "fourth-dimensional" personality filled with quirky thoughts and ideas.

Take the recent incident when a Korean fan masquerading as a repairman entered his place on the pretext of repairing his gas pipes. Instead of seeking help from security -- as per what all normal beings would do -- Kim Hyun Joong decided against it and treated her like a "normal repairman".

And that's not the end of his unconventional experience. Calling that his "most outrageous fan encounter", the band leader of SS501 (also known as leader Kim) even allowed her to cook him a bowl of porridge at his place.

Hyun Joong recalled feeling a little "down and unwell" on the day of the incident.

"And the fan, thankfully, she cooked up some porridge and placed a bowl of porridge on the table before leaving," he said through a translator, giving a slight chuckle.

In town as ambassador for Korean beauty brand, The Face Shop, the 24-year-old also flaunted his offbeat sense of humour at the press conference held in Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Center.

He tickled many with his cheeky yet straightforward response when asked if he "goes for looks in a girlfriend".

Instead of providing a conclusive answer, the 24-year-old deftly countered back with a question, "If not looks, what else should I go for?"

Giving the question a second thought, he added, "I don't particularly go for supermodel looks. I feel that on the average, usually when a lady has a very beautiful face, she may have an average figure. When her figure is outstanding, she may have an average face.
"But no, I don't have a particular liking for a very beautiful face. I usually go for the average," the bemused one chuckled.
Wearing an all-white ensemble that was most befitting of his charismatic and princely persona, the singer turned actor shared that he was taken aback by the rousing welcome at the airport when he arrived.

The overwhelming turnout must have left an indelible impression on Hyun Joong as he keenly expressed eagerness in returning to Singapore next year "as a singer" for album promotions and a fan-meeting following the release of his single solo album.
Breaking into his trademark toothy grin, the charming lad quipped, "I also plan to act in new dramas - if there are any good scripts."

Said to bear a striking resemblance to Korean star Bae Yong-joon, the flower boy felt "honoured" to be placed in the same league as the handsome Hallyu actor most famous for his role in Winter Sonata.
"No comment," he said with a hearty laugh when asked to name the better-looking one between the both of them and mused, "The most important thing besides deciding who is more handsome is the fact that Mr Bae Yong-joon is my boss [Hyun Joong is contracted under Bae's management agency, KeyEast]."
[ - Watch Kim Hyun Joong's video interview here! - ]

金贤重 爱黏住情人
金贤重昨天一身白色系打扮出席记者会, 俨然白马王子.
《联合早报》 (编辑: 林佩铮)
韩国人气偶像金贤重会把女友照顾得无微不至, 也喜欢黏住情人, 但往往因不擅于甜言蜜语而被甩……

在情路上常碰钉子的金贤重, 今年圣诞节最希望可以跟女友庆祝, 无奈未能实现. 有别于他在偶像剧中酷酷的白马王子形象, 戏外的他喜欢 "黏" 住情人.

韩国人气偶像金贤重以The Face Shop代言人身份来本地宣传. 昨天, 他一身白色系打扮出席记者会, 从白衣服到白鞋子, 因为要配合本地的天气. 他说:
" 新加坡天气比较热, 我想穿一些清凉的颜色, 留给大家清爽的印象, 而且白色也很突出. "

记者会上的问题, 他都有回应, 除了一题 "难倒" 他, 即他和裴勇俊谁比较帅?
金贤重签约裴勇俊旗下的经纪公司Keyeast. 他对外界认为自己长得像裴勇俊感到荣幸" 他非常帅, 我很开心可以长得像他. "

若要比帅, 金贤重就不敢回答了, 他笑说:
" 不能说, 更重要的是, 他是我的老板! "

" 裴勇俊现在正帮我铺路向韩国明星前进. 当年他走这条路时没有人能给他建议或是帮助, 但我有他教, 所以他很羡慕我. "

" 他是我的模范, 因为他对工作很有热忱, 凡事都尽心去做, 我要向他学习. 我们时常见面, 约吃饭或喝茶, 但不谈工作, 就聊日常生活的话题. "

所谓的日常生活话题, 包括提供感情方面的意见?
"我们没有深入谈感情的事, 他没有给特别的意见. "

金贤重以去年头红遍亚洲的《花样男子》里人气暴增. 他在剧中饰演深情的痴心情人, 但现实中, 自己在情路上总是被甩, 和心仪对象告白还常碰钉子.

不过, 他一旦有了交往对象, 会把女友照顾得无微不至, 只是最后往往因不擅于甜言蜜语而被抛弃. 他也说, 若真的谈恋爱, 一定会将恋情保密到家, 因为担心若分手后, 女方会被冠上他前女友的称号, 留下阴影.

有别于他在偶像剧中酷酷的白马王子形象, 戏外的他恰恰相反. 他说:
"跟我在戏里的角色不同, 我喜欢黏住情人. "

至于理想情人, 他形容对方不需要长得像超级模特儿, 可以是很平凡的女生.


" 没有特别想要的, 不过我喜欢跟朋友在家开派对庆祝, 大家开香槟吃蛋糕. 如果可以跟女友庆祝就更棒, 但没有, 我应该会跟男性朋友庆祝. "

身兼歌手与演员的身份, 金贤重认为唱歌偏向体能训练, 要练舞, 练唱, 拍戏则要背很多台词.

比如, 他在最近的偶像剧《恶作剧之吻》的天才角色, 台词超多. 他自称私下不是天才, " 但演久了, 开始觉得自己变聪明了, 因为背台词的速度越来越快! "

虽然《恶作剧之吻》的收视率不理想, 金贤重的信心不受影响.

"只要我能够演到自己想要的角色, 就满足了, 况且事业难免有高低, 我不会太在意. "

金贤重的俊俏外形, 迷倒不少女歌影迷. 他碰过最疯狂的歌迷, 就冒充水管维修员混进他的家.

"我就当她是一般的维修员, 以免引起她太大的反应. 她当时还煮了一碗粥, 放在桌子上就走了. "


SNSD's Yuri and SHINee's Minho act out a kiss scene
On an episode of KBS2TV’s “100 Points out of 100,” SHINee’s Minho and SNSD’s Yuri reenacted a scene of the musical “Grease” while attempting to learn how to express a wider variety of emotions.

Yuri joined the program’s school special as a new student and captured the attention of the studio by performing SNSD’s latest hit, “Hoot.” In a corner created to help stars become more sensitive and emotional, Yuri and Minho were asked to act out “Summer Nights,” a number of the musical “Grease.”

Musical actress Kim So Hyun was highly impressed with Yuri’s skills and complimented, “You could go stand on stage right now!”

The show ended its episode with a kiss scene between Yuri and Minho, and this will be shown on December 4th at 5:15 PM through KBS2TV.

Seo In Young goes topless for her comeback
Seo In Young has posed topless for the first time in her career for the jacket photo shoot of her comeback digital single, “Ellythm.”

The singer made a complete transformation into her punky witch concept with bold hair colors and leather attire that both accentuate her sexiness and give off an air of mystery.

Representatives of Star Empire revealed, “Seo In Young was confidently chosen as the style icon of Korea and even the ‘wannabe’ of women in their 20’s. We tried to go with a concept that only Seo In Young herself could pull off for this jacket photo shoot. We still have a second set of photos filled with her unique charm to reveal so please anticipate it.”

A bit more information was added about the album, continuing, “This album will be something that is rarely seen, as it is perfect in every aspect from her song to her choreography and her concept. We ask for your unending love and interest.”

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