헬로!~ ^-^
Today's the last day of Year 2010!!!! 하지만~ I don't feel anything special or different haha!
oops~ =P To me it's kinda like a normal day... LOL!
오모!!!!!!~ 어떻게!!? =\ Tomorrow is 샤이니 오빠 special and big day! It's their "SHINee 1st Concert in 서울 [SEOUL] ". O.O 안의 서울 [In SEOUL]!!! Their HOMETOWN =D cool!!!
Tomorrow doesn't need to go for work!!!! ^_^V 만세!~~~ ㅋㅋㅋ~ Cause I was being told to be OFF! =D Think maybe is a holiday and maybe~ maybe!~ there will be no much customer oops~ =P Some more the schedule list have so much crew LOL! So I'll stay 홈 [home] to be 돼지 [pig] ^^ Company my family, rarely that 아빠 not working tomorrow too! =D and 오빠 is back from army camp~ ...
안녕하세요~ ^0^
Just eaten 라면 [Ramyeon/ Instant Noodle]... and Fried Honey Chicken chop for 저녁 식사 [Dinner] which I bouht from hougang mall interchange after work =X 오모!!! I'm seriously gonna put on weight again, the chicken chop is too oily X_X some more today all the meal I have are mostly all unhealthy! SAD!!!!~~~ and I'm so full NOW~!!! lol =P
*sigh~* I've been putting black face when I'm working today which I don't know why =( yesterday I've change my blogskin, actually is from blogger template, cause I'm tired to change those complicated code thats why haha! =P
But I'm still finding a way to put in chat box hehe~ =D still have to get to know well of the new code *sigh~* trouble some =P
오 모!~~~ counting down 3 more days to Year 2011!!! ^-^V hehe~ But sad that I can't attend SHINee First concert which is in Korea LOL! If they gonna held in SG I will definitely gooooo~~~~!!! ^0^ ㅋㅋㅋ~ Japan Concert was a huge success ^^ ㅊㄱㅊㄱ~ o(^^o)(0^^)o
" 샤이니!~ 최상의!!! =P 오빠제~ 아자~ 아자~ 화이팅!!! ^^ 고!~ 고!~ 고!~ =D "
[SHINee!~ The best!!! =P Oppa~ aja~ aja~ Hwaiting!!! Go! Go! Go!]
Just eaten 라면 [Ramyeon/ Instant Noodle]... and Fried Honey Chicken chop for 저녁 식사 [Dinner] which I bouht from hougang mall interchange after work =X 오모!!! I'm seriously gonna put on weight again, the chicken chop is too oily X_X some more today all the meal I have are mostly all unhealthy! SAD!!!!~~~ and I'm so full NOW~!!! lol =P
*sigh~* I've been putting black face when I'm working today which I don't know why =( yesterday I've change my blogskin, actually is from blogger template, cause I'm tired to change those complicated code thats why haha! =P
But I'm still finding a way to put in chat box hehe~ =D still have to get to know well of the new code *sigh~* trouble some =P
오 모!~~~ counting down 3 more days to Year 2011!!! ^-^V hehe~ But sad that I can't attend SHINee First concert which is in Korea LOL! If they gonna held in SG I will definitely gooooo~~~~!!! ^0^ ㅋㅋㅋ~ Japan Concert was a huge success ^^ ㅊㄱㅊㄱ~ o(^^o)(0^^)o
" 샤이니!~ 최상의!!! =P 오빠제~ 아자~ 아자~ 화이팅!!! ^^ 고!~ 고!~ 고!~ =D "
[SHINee!~ The best!!! =P Oppa~ aja~ aja~ Hwaiting!!! Go! Go! Go!]
안녕!!!!~~~ ^^
내가 오늘 너무 행복해요!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ~~~
Yesterday I have lots of fun 와하하하!!! [wahahaha!!!] =D Yesterday I rushed home after work for McD 때늦은 크리스마스 파티 [belated christmas party]! Seriously cool and fun =) After 파티 went to eat subway for 저녁 식사 와 함께 세실리아 & 레이첼
[After party went to eat subway for dinner with Cecilia and Rachel] ^-^
오모!!! 우리들~ gossip damn lots!!!!! =P ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ~~~~~ XD
Nowadays I'm addicted to " 내 여자친구는 구미호 " [我的女友是九尾狐 / My Girlfriend Is GuMiHo] Drama 오모!!!!!~~~~ *-*
내가 오늘 너무 행복해요!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ~~~
Yesterday I have lots of fun 와하하하!!! [wahahaha!!!] =D Yesterday I rushed home after work for McD 때늦은 크리스마스 파티 [belated christmas party]! Seriously cool and fun =) After 파티 went to eat subway for 저녁 식사 와 함께 세실리아 & 레이첼
[After party went to eat subway for dinner with Cecilia and Rachel] ^-^
오모!!! 우리들~ gossip damn lots!!!!! =P ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ~~~~~ XD
Nowadays I'm addicted to " 내 여자친구는 구미호 " [我的女友是九尾狐 / My Girlfriend Is GuMiHo] Drama 오모!!!!!~~~~ *-*
메리 크리스마스!!!~ ^0^ [Merry Christmas!!!]
LOL! yesterday I thought of seeing doctor BUT! all the clinic are close cause is a holiday, open for half day. SAD!!!~ What I can said is... " 好病不病,在假期日生病 " [ 有够倒霉得 -_-!!! ] So I can't produce MC for my work, gonna get nag by boss =\
진짜로!!!!~ Really! can't believe that I've gone bankrupt O.O 뭐라고!? What!? *sigh~* so sad!!! =( I spent all my money on 크리스마스 선물 [Christmas Present] LOL! so stupid and yet I no goods -_-!!! 하하~
오늘~ 일레인 언니.... Told me bout something that really surprise me and makes me feel disappointed and sad! Is bout .... 내 가장 친한 친구!?~ .....
난 너무 슬퍼 해요! =(
진짜로!!!!~ Really! can't believe that I've gone bankrupt O.O 뭐라고!? What!? *sigh~* so sad!!! =( I spent all my money on 크리스마스 선물 [Christmas Present] LOL! so stupid and yet I no goods -_-!!! 하하~
오늘~ 일레인 언니.... Told me bout something that really surprise me and makes me feel disappointed and sad! Is bout .... 내 가장 친한 친구!?~ .....
난 너무 슬퍼 해요! =(
행복한 크리스마스 이브날 !!! ^^ [Happy Christmas Eve!!!]
오늘!!!! 예~ 오늘 크리스마스 이브날! ㅋㅋㅋ~ ^0^ 와~ 시간이 정말 빨리 날아 O.O 하하! [Today!!!! Yes~ Today Christmas Eve! kekeke~ ^0^ Time really flies fast O.O haha!] OMG!!!!~ I'm having cough and flu seriously! ㅠ ㅠ It's killing me!!!!~ =X
Later I'm going out with Claudia 엄마~
Hope I have the money to buy my own stuff!? 크리스마스 선물~ [Christmas Gift~] for myself =D
Later I'm going out with Claudia 엄마~
Hope I have the money to buy my own stuff!? 크리스마스 선물~ [Christmas Gift~] for myself =D
안녕~ =)
Morning went Bugis Buddist Temple for pray 와 함께 엄마 [with eomma], 어~ 진짜요!!! O.O 진짜로 그렇게 많은 사람들이! [seriously so many people!]. Went back Hougang Mall after some window shopping... I'm now seriously gone bankrupt lol! Really no much money left! 오모~ 안돼!!! ㅠ ㅠ My savings only left that small amount of money, why they have to use my money!? *hearts breaking!* Not that I don't wanna give or pay money to/for my parent, just that I have my own stuff to buy too!? *sigh* No choice~ they're my family and parent.... Anyway~ still have the chance to buy my stuff at other time but family only have the only precious ONE! so~ .... sadly I've to bear with it! LOL~ haha! =P [Wait for me to bring you home!!!! XD] oh~ too bad! ...
크리스마스~ 이번 주! [Christmas~ This Week!] ㅋㅋㅋ~ ^^ 크리스마스 이브날 [Christmas Eve] I'm going out with my friends 하하하!!! =D hmmm~ somehow I wish I could be a singer LOL! so random huh!?~ =P Although I don't sing well but not everyone's perfect XD ㅋㅋㅋ~ Times prove it =D
Sorry that haven been putting much effort on updating my blog!~ =P
Morning went Bugis Buddist Temple for pray 와 함께 엄마 [with eomma], 어~ 진짜요!!! O.O 진짜로 그렇게 많은 사람들이! [seriously so many people!]. Went back Hougang Mall after some window shopping... I'm now seriously gone bankrupt lol! Really no much money left! 오모~ 안돼!!! ㅠ ㅠ My savings only left that small amount of money, why they have to use my money!? *hearts breaking!* Not that I don't wanna give or pay money to/for my parent, just that I have my own stuff to buy too!? *sigh* No choice~ they're my family and parent.... Anyway~ still have the chance to buy my stuff at other time but family only have the only precious ONE! so~ .... sadly I've to bear with it! LOL~ haha! =P [Wait for me to bring you home!!!! XD] oh~ too bad! ...
크리스마스~ 이번 주! [Christmas~ This Week!] ㅋㅋㅋ~ ^^ 크리스마스 이브날 [Christmas Eve] I'm going out with my friends 하하하!!! =D hmmm~ somehow I wish I could be a singer LOL! so random huh!?~ =P Although I don't sing well but not everyone's perfect XD ㅋㅋㅋ~ Times prove it =D
Sorry that haven been putting much effort on updating my blog!~ =P
나두 나두!!! ㅠ ㅠ
yesterday Sam 오빠 bought a new 한드폰, some more is the brand I want! HTC!!!~~~ 안돼! 나도 싶어요! ㅠ ㅠ 크리스마스 축하 와 함께 Uncle ben, we intend to eat 피자 or maybe KFC!? and 크리스마스 케이크 ^^ 지난 금요일 바베큐 was quite fun actually but plus a little of boring haha! =P Also don't have time for me to enjoy that much cause when the time we reached there the time was 8pm plus haha! OMG! I reached home nearly 12 midnight woah!!!!~
내일~ 바베큐!!! 만세 =D
Tomorrow 4T9 BBQ is helding at Changi beach, woah~ O.o It have been quite sometime that I haven met my secondary school mates, some how I saw two of them today when I'm working! I'm shy and awkward haha! LOL! Eko and Shi Long~ these the two guys I met today haha! =P After work, went Fairprice with Valerie =) OMG~ I realize that we used the same brand of toothbrush LOL! XD
hmmm~ hope tomorrow BBQ will be fun.....
hmmm~ hope tomorrow BBQ will be fun.....
생일 축하!!!~ 삼춘 벤 ^0^ [Happy Birthday !!!~ Uncle Ben ^0^]
Today went SGH with 엄마, for her eye appointment. hmm~ everything goes quite well and smooth =) We went Hougang mall for lunch and we meet Elaine 언니 too. 언니 wanna buy watch so we went for watch shopping but 엄마 wanna drink coffee LOL! so thought of finding her after we bought the watch BUT! can't find her anywhere -_- So we walk all around the mall and outside the mall! at the end she's at the 4th level coffee shop! OMG~ I'm really have to buy myself a spectacles haha!
Oh~ I've register a new Facebook account but still haven updated bout anything yet.
Oh~ I've register a new Facebook account but still haven updated bout anything yet.
" I've passed my FHC !!!!!!!! 만세에에에~~~ =D
Today I've a wonderful nap till morning! Elaine 언니 wake me up and said that is already 10am and yet I'm still on bed like a pig haha! =P So of cause I'm in shocked LOL! Because today I have FHC practical test and need to revise some importants note that I'm afraid I will forget 하기만! ^^ unfortunately I passed! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ~ 만세에에에~~~ =D
Elaine 언니 accompany me go for the test and after that we went to Orchard/Far East plaza for shopping!!! heh~ heh~ Guess/Know what!!!? ^0^
I bought 샤이니 Tee Shirt! 오모~~~ I can't believe that I've actually bought it LOL! haha ^^ I've once saw people wearing it, their favourites KPOP idol Tees while walking on streets and now! I finally have it and there's no need for me to envious bout it anymore hehe!~ The Tees cost $20, But I totally like it and LOVE it! So is WORTH IT! lol!~ =P HAHA! ^///^

At first I'm seriously shy bout it to buy that Tee Shirt or even asking some info bout it but the shop keeper was just that sweet to approach me! lol~ ^///^ When he spoke I realize he's a Korean 오모~ O.O 정말! 한국! The funny thing is that I'm talking korean to him 뭐라고!!! ㅎ ㅎ WOAH! relax~ I'm don't know how to speak Korean well but I really know some basic and simple stuff of it. So I'm acually asking whether they have SS501 Tees but he reply me in korean and I reply it in korean too, I'm shocked OMG!!! O.O " 드블에스 오공일 " ㅋㅋㅋㅋ~
After we done with our shopping we went back to hougang mall hmmm~ for a stupid walk -_- oops~ haha! I bought sweets and noodles for dinner =D hehe~ Tired!~ tomorrow have work so~....
난 곧 자겠는데 =P
잘자요 ~ Z_z
[I'm going to sleep soon =P
good night~ Z_z
Bye~ ^^]
P.S : 내일 샤이니 온유오빠 생일!!! ^^ 하하하~
[ Tomorrow's SHINee Onew Oppa Birthday!!! ^^ hahaha~ ]
Elaine 언니 accompany me go for the test and after that we went to Orchard/Far East plaza for shopping!!! heh~ heh~ Guess/Know what!!!? ^0^
I bought 샤이니 Tee Shirt! 오모~~~ I can't believe that I've actually bought it LOL! haha ^^ I've once saw people wearing it, their favourites KPOP idol Tees while walking on streets and now! I finally have it and there's no need for me to envious bout it anymore hehe!~ The Tees cost $20, But I totally like it and LOVE it! So is WORTH IT! lol!~ =P HAHA! ^///^

After we done with our shopping we went back to hougang mall hmmm~ for a stupid walk -_- oops~ haha! I bought sweets and noodles for dinner =D hehe~ Tired!~ tomorrow have work so~....
난 곧 자겠는데 =P
잘자요 ~ Z_z
[I'm going to sleep soon =P
good night~ Z_z
Bye~ ^^]
P.S : 내일 샤이니 온유오빠 생일!!! ^^ 하하하~
[ Tomorrow's SHINee Onew Oppa Birthday!!! ^^ hahaha~ ]
hmmm~ tomorrow gonna go for FHC practical exam, hope I can make it! =/ Although many people said it's easy to pass LOL! Today have lost of fun during work haha! cause Kelvin kept making jokes and etc XD
Just now eaten KFC for dinner muahahaha! YUMMY~ hehe~ =P I bought Pocky to hehehe!!! =D SAD!!!! my Facebook account still can't get in! Dots.... really don't know whats going on haha! oh well~ =P
Just now eaten KFC for dinner muahahaha! YUMMY~ hehe~ =P I bought Pocky to hehehe!!! =D SAD!!!! my Facebook account still can't get in! Dots.... really don't know whats going on haha! oh well~ =P
♥ 민호 오빠~ 생일 축하 합니다! ^^ ♥
SS501’s Kyujong and Youngsaeng have successful fanmeeting!

The two met in the waiting room once again, full of emotions just like their debut. They were very thankful to the fans who were in attendance, and they were excited for their performance together.
Sports Hankooki was able to capture Kyujong and Youngsaeng’s charisma during the fanmeeting, so check it out below and let the pictures tell you the story.
# ‘Sweet’ Kyujong #
Kyujong smiled sweetly at the camera. There was a hint of playfulness in his wink.

Youngsaeng is preparing for the upcoming stage. His good looks and pursed lips have caught attention.

SHINee’s Onew makes Jung Hyung Don cry with his special skill!

After hearing of Onew’s ‘ddak-bam‘ power (giving a clout by flicking one’s middle finger against their thumb, or by pulling back the middle finger and snapping it back against a forehead), Jung Hyung Don challenged Onew to deliver one as so that he may feel the strength of Onew’s skill. Unfortunately, the force Onew delivered was too much to handle, and Jung ended up tearing right then and there, causing the studio to roar with laughter.
Onew then revealed that he could even crack walnuts with his ‘ddak-bam’ skill, and proceeded to crack a few on the show. Considering that, he probably went a little easy on Jung Hyung Don.
In corner that later followed, in which celebrities confessed their current worries, Onew stated, “My ‘ddak-bam’ are getting weaker,” while Minho admitted, “My face is too small“; Taemin wrapped up the corner by glibly saying, “My feet are too small.”
The episode will air on December 8th.
A representative of the movie’s investment company revealed to Newsen on December 6th, “Rain personally chose ‘Red Scarf’ as his last project before entering his military service. The leading female role will be played by Shin Se Kyung.”
The film is currently nicknamed the “Lee Mi Kyung Project” due to the amount of time and effort the CJ Entertainment CEO is putting into it.
Rain will be playing the role of ‘Taehoon,’ a fighter pilot, while Shin Se Kyung plays his love interest ‘Sae Young,’ an auto mechanic.
Another representative of the movie revealed, “Rain has completed his contract, but Shin Se Kyung has yet to sign her contract due to issues such as guarantees. The title of the movie could also be changed to ‘Living in the Sky.‘”
The filming process should begin as early as January 2011.
SS501’s Park Jung Min to DJ for “Narsha’s Raise the Volume” program!

Due to Brown Eyed Girls‘ busy schedule, special guest DJs will be filling in for Narsha for a week; Park Jung Min will step in as the first subbing host.
His agency, CNR Media, revealed, “Park Jung Min was supposed to release his new album on November 25th but was forced to delay it due to unfortunate events. Although he hasn’t started his official promotions yet, he received a unique opportunity. He has always wanted to try DJing and is overjoyed with this opportunity. He even joked, ‘Shall I use this chance to try to become a fixed member?,’ and is working very hard.”
His segment will air on December 6th, while his official comeback album has been determined for release on January 20th.
Seo In Young releases second set of album jacket photos!
After releasing part one of her concept photos for her comeback album jacket, Seo In Young has finally released the second set of pictures through her official homepage on December 5th.

Netizens showed their hot interest for her comeback and rushed to see the pictures moments after its release, causing the site to crash.
These newer sets of photos are certainly more brash and vivacious, as Seo In Young tackles a rockabilly look with her unique hairstyles and funky outfits.

Representatives of her agency revealed, “We created clothing that featured loud, fluorescent colors. They’re hard to wear for some, but as Seo In Young is the fashion icon of the generation, she handled them perfectly. Her clothing captures attention upon first glance, and the punk influences fits well with her title track, ‘Into the Rhythm.’ Both her concept and her song will delight music lovers.”
Narsha & Jooyeon win a back hug from SHINee’s Taemin !

During the show, the G7 members decided to play a game in which the winners get a back hug from Taemin.
The members had to catch flying radishes that were thrown using their mouths, and each member tried their best to obtain Taemin’s hug.
As G7 members were getting eliminated one by one, they showed their disappointment, especially Sunhwa, who gave Taemin a charismatic look in the eye.
When Kim Shin Young, the last participant to play, was up next, Taemin seemed to be scared as he joked, “I am scared she might catch it with her mouth.” Thankfully for him, she was eliminated, to which Taemin brought the cast to laughter by showing his relief.
At the end, Jooyeon and Narsha won the game, and therefore received Taemin’s back hug. As the two were receiving the hugs, they screamed and were ‘knocked down’ after the hug.
SS501’s Kyu Jong & Young Saeng hold first fanmeeting !

Kyu Jong revealed a bit of the group’s future plans by stating, “I met with the members last week and discussed the plans for SS501’s next album. It will be released next year. We wanted to succeed in our solo activities in order to better regroup as SS501.”
Lead vocalist Heo Young Sang will be releasing a solo album next year, while Kim Kyu Jong focuses on acting activities.
On his acting, Kyu Jong added, “I want to learn properly, so I’m taking it step by step. I felt that the rest of our members were able to reach the level of their acting skills through much effort.”
Heo Young Saeng concluded, “As long as I have my hyungs that I trust, the only thing left in our future is a new road to walk through together.”
Their impressive fanmeeting managed to sell out within 10 minutes of the tickets going on sale, and it will be held later in the day. The two will be revealing footage from their period of hiatus, such as vacation clips and day to day life.
Their fan meetings will continue on to the rest of Asia, through Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, and other locations.
안녕!~ =D
LOL! I'm feeling sleepy now haha! Morning went to SGH with Elaine 언니, we accompany 엄마 for eyed lazer appointment. After that we went to Hougang mall for lunch!? and!~ we eat McDonald for lunch LOL! I worked McDonald and yet still eat McDonald haha! But doesn't mean I've to eat McDonald on my work days =P But before our lunch we went Fairprice to buy some stuff =)
I've bought "HamBurglar"!!!~ hehe~ the McDonald toy ^^ one for $3! hmmm~ for charity! =D I wanna collect all~~~ But I kinda like the last version most hehe~ "Donale McDonald" ^-^
I bought this "SHINee" keychain few weeks ago =D The time when I go Hougang mall with Fiona, I bought from Comics Connection! ^-^ Theirs stuff are seriously cool and nice! When you step into the shop you're difficult to get out of it haha! Cause there's seriously lots and lots!~ of cool and interesting stuff that you wanna buy BUT! moslty of it just too expensive awwww~ so sad! T~T
LOL! I'm feeling sleepy now haha! Morning went to SGH with Elaine 언니, we accompany 엄마 for eyed lazer appointment. After that we went to Hougang mall for lunch!? and!~ we eat McDonald for lunch LOL! I worked McDonald and yet still eat McDonald haha! But doesn't mean I've to eat McDonald on my work days =P But before our lunch we went Fairprice to buy some stuff =)
I've bought "HamBurglar"!!!~ hehe~ the McDonald toy ^^ one for $3! hmmm~ for charity! =D I wanna collect all~~~ But I kinda like the last version most hehe~ "Donale McDonald" ^-^
오모!!!!~ " 샤이니 오빠~ ^-^ "
On epop Magazine! I bought it when the minute I saw it on the sale stand haha! LOL!
On epop Magazine! I bought it when the minute I saw it on the sale stand haha! LOL!
I bought this "SHINee" keychain few weeks ago =D The time when I go Hougang mall with Fiona, I bought from Comics Connection! ^-^ Theirs stuff are seriously cool and nice! When you step into the shop you're difficult to get out of it haha! Cause there's seriously lots and lots!~ of cool and interesting stuff that you wanna buy BUT! moslty of it just too expensive awwww~ so sad! T~T
현정오빠 뉴스~ 에 싱가포르! ^-^
[Hyun Joong Oppa News~ In Singapore! ^-^]
[Hyun Joong Oppa News~ In Singapore! ^-^]
안냥~~~ Z_Z
어~ 잔짜~아~아~아!!!!~~~ 너무 피곤해요! ㅠ_ㅠ [I'm so tired! T~T]
I really have to rest well! I starts work at 9am plus so till around 3pm plus I will starts to get tired BUT! today was totally different! My body started to break down AND! I feel like I'll faint anytime *sigh!!!~* Really don't know what to said bout myself lol!~ This few days I've been on "SFI", one of 샤이니 SHINee's fans club that I've register haha! so cool!~ =P
I've knew some of them ^^ 오모!!!~ quite numbers of them are from SG and I'm kinda close with a girl called "JoJoyeo"!? O.o hehe~ she gaves me her handphone number so that we can contact, woah!~ such a cool person! some more she gonna go for JYP audition on the 8th of this month, awesome!!!! Why didn't I know that there was an audition holding in SG!??? O.O haha! anyway~ I hope I have the brave to go for it LOL! I really wish that I could be a singer!
Today ended work I went to Fairprice to buy some stuff! 오모~~~ I saw Darren!!! ^^ hehe~ So happy to see him!!!! I'm now smsing with him lol! hehe~ I almost can't recognize him, he have grown up! LOL! what I'm saying O.O humans do grown up!? isn't it haha! hmmm~ just that he became more like a man and mature hmmm~ doesn't sound that right !? =P He's one of my secondary school mates =D Just too pity that we don't talk much to one another =X and we separate class when upgrading to sec.2. But I'm really happy that we're close now and is not that late yah! =D hehe~ Hope that we can maintain our friendship or even build it stronger ^^
So sad!!!!! *sob! sob!*
현정오빠~ He's here in SG since yesterday night, he took a night flight to SG. So said and pity that I can't get the chance to meet him! *sigh~* no choice! too bad~ But i really wanna see him in person!
Oh ya! "서울 SHINee 샤이니의 첫 콘서트 * SHINee 샤이니 세계 * "
[SHINee's First Concert In Seoul *SHINEE WORLD*]
오모~!!! 내년에 ^-^ 1욀1, 2일! 너무 멋져요! ~
[omo~!!! next year ^-^ 1st & 2nd January! So Cool!~ ]
어~ 잔짜~아~아~아!!!!~~~ 너무 피곤해요! ㅠ_ㅠ [I'm so tired! T~T]
I really have to rest well! I starts work at 9am plus so till around 3pm plus I will starts to get tired BUT! today was totally different! My body started to break down AND! I feel like I'll faint anytime *sigh!!!~* Really don't know what to said bout myself lol!~ This few days I've been on "SFI", one of 샤이니 SHINee's fans club that I've register haha! so cool!~ =P
I've knew some of them ^^ 오모!!!~ quite numbers of them are from SG and I'm kinda close with a girl called "JoJoyeo"!? O.o hehe~ she gaves me her handphone number so that we can contact, woah!~ such a cool person! some more she gonna go for JYP audition on the 8th of this month, awesome!!!! Why didn't I know that there was an audition holding in SG!??? O.O haha! anyway~ I hope I have the brave to go for it LOL! I really wish that I could be a singer!
Today ended work I went to Fairprice to buy some stuff! 오모~~~ I saw Darren!!! ^^ hehe~ So happy to see him!!!! I'm now smsing with him lol! hehe~ I almost can't recognize him, he have grown up! LOL! what I'm saying O.O humans do grown up!? isn't it haha! hmmm~ just that he became more like a man and mature hmmm~ doesn't sound that right !? =P He's one of my secondary school mates =D Just too pity that we don't talk much to one another =X and we separate class when upgrading to sec.2. But I'm really happy that we're close now and is not that late yah! =D hehe~ Hope that we can maintain our friendship or even build it stronger ^^

현정오빠~ He's here in SG since yesterday night, he took a night flight to SG. So said and pity that I can't get the chance to meet him! *sigh~* no choice! too bad~ But i really wanna see him in person!

[SHINee's First Concert In Seoul *SHINEE WORLD*]
오모~!!! 내년에 ^-^ 1욀1, 2일! 너무 멋져요! ~
[omo~!!! next year ^-^ 1st & 2nd January! So Cool!~ ]
모두! 안녕~
It's the first day of December 2010! woah~~~ Time flies fast haha! stupid FaceBook! so irritating, called me to change my name I change that name they don't accept then when I changed that they suspend!? O.o what the hell!!!~ What big deal! Just only Facebook~ no need that I also can enjoy using computer XD lol!!!~ =P
hmmm~ today's my off day! 만세~ 만세~ XD [manse~ manse~] But I'm not sure how I'm gonna spent my day today lol! Feel like going Farrer Park with Elaine 언니, 하지만! 내가 소비하는 돈이 없다!~ ㅠㅠ [But! I have no money to spent with!~ T~T]
Really no money!~ nowadays so tight! lol! 진짝고~ ㅠㅠ hmmm~ morning Elaine 언니 told me that 아빠 gonna work night shift till 중국 설날 [Chinese New Year!] 오모!!!!~ Really wish that I have the ability to earn as much money for him to enjoy his life! Should I study!? I wish to but also hope that I can find a good and perfect job which I really love and interested to work with *sigh!!!~* The job I want is really kinda~..... I can said, have to see luck and~ fate...
Actually more than that~ If I really have the money I wanna ....
- Take photograph together with my family, all the photos we have are when we were young or baby~ so if I got the chance I really wanna have totally a new Lee's family photographs =P
- Bring my parent overseas ^-^ This the most I wanna do, cause my parent they're quite old but still can able to go around the world. First I wanna bring them to Taiwan hehe~ follow by Hong Kong then Korean lol! I wanna go Korean =D I missed those days~ ... the house full of laughter and happiness.... And their beautiful smile with happiness feels on it...
아빠~ 엄마~ 정말 너희 둘을 무척 사랑!!!~ ♥♥♥ 항상 건강하고 행복하게 유지하시기 바랍니다!
[Papa~ Mama~ I really love you both so/very much!!!~ ♥♥♥ stay healthy and happy always!]
There still lots that I wanna do/complete so~ really hope I can get the chance or give myself a chance!? 난 포기하지 않을거야!!! =) [I will not give up!!!~]
"이돼이~ 파이팅!!! 고고고!!!~ " ^^
It's the first day of December 2010! woah~~~ Time flies fast haha! stupid FaceBook! so irritating, called me to change my name I change that name they don't accept then when I changed that they suspend!? O.o what the hell!!!~ What big deal! Just only Facebook~ no need that I also can enjoy using computer XD lol!!!~ =P
hmmm~ today's my off day! 만세~ 만세~ XD [manse~ manse~] But I'm not sure how I'm gonna spent my day today lol! Feel like going Farrer Park with Elaine 언니, 하지만! 내가 소비하는 돈이 없다!~ ㅠㅠ [But! I have no money to spent with!~ T~T]
Really no money!~ nowadays so tight! lol! 진짝고~ ㅠㅠ hmmm~ morning Elaine 언니 told me that 아빠 gonna work night shift till 중국 설날 [Chinese New Year!] 오모!!!!~ Really wish that I have the ability to earn as much money for him to enjoy his life! Should I study!? I wish to but also hope that I can find a good and perfect job which I really love and interested to work with *sigh!!!~* The job I want is really kinda~..... I can said, have to see luck and~ fate...
Actually more than that~ If I really have the money I wanna ....
- Take photograph together with my family, all the photos we have are when we were young or baby~ so if I got the chance I really wanna have totally a new Lee's family photographs =P
- Bring my parent overseas ^-^ This the most I wanna do, cause my parent they're quite old but still can able to go around the world. First I wanna bring them to Taiwan hehe~ follow by Hong Kong then Korean lol! I wanna go Korean =D I missed those days~ ... the house full of laughter and happiness.... And their beautiful smile with happiness feels on it...
아빠~ 엄마~ 정말 너희 둘을 무척 사랑!!!~ ♥♥♥ 항상 건강하고 행복하게 유지하시기 바랍니다!
[Papa~ Mama~ I really love you both so/very much!!!~ ♥♥♥ stay healthy and happy always!]
There still lots that I wanna do/complete so~ really hope I can get the chance or give myself a chance!? 난 포기하지 않을거야!!! =) [I will not give up!!!~]
"이돼이~ 파이팅!!! 고고고!!!~ " ^^
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