(annyeong jeonyeokttae)
내가 지금 너무 행복해! 정말~ =P (I am so happy right now! Really~)
I've bought "羅輯課" last Friday which was 언니 생일! (eonni saengil) ^0^ 최종적으로! (Finally!) I get what I want ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ!!!~ 좋아 (Good) ^0^ Next will will his album ()__() I have to be fast! His album sold out real FAST!!! T^T haha~ so power huh!~? begin a fan isn't that easy too but being an idol's more tough! 예~ 예~ (yes! yes!) ^0^ 오빠아~ 화이팅! 사랑해~ (oppaah~ hwaiting! saranghae~) ^.~
Saturday went to Jennifer (my manager) 바베큐 웨딩 (BBQ wedding), is kinda of like chalet at Down Town East! =) haha! kinda interesting and fun! ^0^
"제니퍼 (Jennifer)!!!! ㅊㄱ~ ㅊㄱ해 (ㅊㄱ - short form for 축하/chukha = congrats, ㅊㄱ해 = congratulations) ^0^ 祝你早生歸子 와하하하하!!! XD "
Today saw Sharon! O.O 오모~~~! 정말!!! 보고싶었어~~~~ ㅠ.ㅠ (omo~! jeongmal! bogosipeotteo) Miss her so much!!! haha~ It have really been a loooong~ time since the last time we met each other LOL! I'm surprised to know that she have a baby! O.O 뭐라고!!! ( WHAT!) 하지만~ 그녀의 아기 너무 귀엽다 (But~ her baby is so~~ cute) ㅋㅋㅋ~ 축하해 어쨌든 ^0^ (kekeke~ congratulations anyway) hope she can live with more happiness with her family and her baby will grow healthy ^-^
내일은 Kimberly언니와 함께 점심을 먹고 (Tomorrow having lunch with Kimberly eonni) and we both are going Kbox after that muahahahhahaha!!! XD 정말 사랑으로 그녀외출 (Really love going out with her) (^)__(^)
I'm so SAD!!!! 엄마 (eomma)~~~~ T^T she spoiled my PSP!!! *sigh~* But I'm really sorry to said those awful things to her, I'm really pissed at that time! It really makes me crazy! lol~ .... Now I've to announce that my PSP is dead!!! ...
제가 구매하려는 박정민오빠 1st 싱글/미니앨범 !!! 내가 원하는건!!! ㅠ.ㅠ 정말~ ...
(I want buy Park Jungmin oppa 1st single/mini album!!! I want! T^T seriously~ ...)
(I want buy Park Jungmin oppa 1st single/mini album!!! I want! T^T seriously~ ...)

SHINee’s Jonghyun has revealed his back and gone shirtless for promotions in the past, but the idol decided to reveal his skin once again with a new photo uploaded on his me2day, in which he wears nothing but a cap and what looks like a pair of shorts. Jonghyun, captured half-naked at a sauna – sounds like the perfect fangirl dream, right?
Check it out!

Picture & News credits: allkpop - SHINee’s Jonghyun uploads half-naked ...
Source: me2DAY (샤이니/김종현 미투대이)
! SHINee’s Minho inhales noodles at an amazing speed !

For the gastronomic competition, celebrities teamed up so that one blindfolded member fed the noodles while the other ate. Teams consisted of Kim Dong Wan and Kim Kyung Jin, Gan Miyeon and Minho, Eun Ji Won and Min, and Tony and Kim Juri. The team that completed their portion the fastest won.
Amidst fierce competition, Minho shined with the speed at which he was ‘inhaling’ in the noodles, giving birth to a new nickname, “Jajangmyun Inhaler.”

Source: BNT News via Nate
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