Thought of not using the com but at the end still on it LOL! hmmm~ cause I wanna download new songs or maybe watch new drama ㅋㅋㅋ~ XD 오모!!! JingKai 오빠 is back O.O Kinda miss him 하하! =P Haven been working with him for quite some time... hmmm~ nowadays customer are really too much and unreasonable *shaking head* Poor thing is our manager! ㅠ ㅠ
I find myself gonna addicted to 이승기 [Lee Seung Gi] ㅋㅋㅋ~ after I've watched " 내 여자친구는 구미호 " [我的女友是九尾狐 / My Girlfriend Is GuMiHo] Drama 오모!!!!!~~~~ *-*
Tomorrow gonna go out~ again! -_- hehe~ gonna go Ikea =\ hmmm~ not sure go there for what reason, eat!? play!? haha! =D Me, Claudia 엄마, Sean 아빠, Jason 오빠 and maybe Meihui too! ^^
I'm missing 샤이니 오빠!!! ㅠ ㅠ LOL! =D
Just went to SFI [SHINee Forums International] website saw something that makes me feel EXCITED! OVERJOY! and wanna Jump up and down!!!
* T-H-I-S *

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