(annyeong jeonyeokttae)
내가 지금 너무 행복해! 정말~ =P (I am so happy right now! Really~)
I've bought "羅輯課" last Friday which was 언니 생일! (eonni saengil) ^0^ 최종적으로! (Finally!) I get what I want ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ!!!~ 좋아 (Good) ^0^ Next will will his album ()__() I have to be fast! His album sold out real FAST!!! T^T haha~ so power huh!~? begin a fan isn't that easy too but being an idol's more tough! 예~ 예~ (yes! yes!) ^0^ 오빠아~ 화이팅! 사랑해~ (oppaah~ hwaiting! saranghae~) ^.~
Saturday went to Jennifer (my manager) 바베큐 웨딩 (BBQ wedding), is kinda of like chalet at Down Town East! =) haha! kinda interesting and fun! ^0^
"제니퍼 (Jennifer)!!!! ㅊㄱ~ ㅊㄱ해 (ㅊㄱ - short form for 축하/chukha = congrats, ㅊㄱ해 = congratulations) ^0^ 祝你早生歸子 와하하하하!!! XD "
Today saw Sharon! O.O 오모~~~! 정말!!! 보고싶었어~~~~ ㅠ.ㅠ (omo~! jeongmal! bogosipeotteo) Miss her so much!!! haha~ It have really been a loooong~ time since the last time we met each other LOL! I'm surprised to know that she have a baby! O.O 뭐라고!!! ( WHAT!) 하지만~ 그녀의 아기 너무 귀엽다 (But~ her baby is so~~ cute) ㅋㅋㅋ~ 축하해 어쨌든 ^0^ (kekeke~ congratulations anyway) hope she can live with more happiness with her family and her baby will grow healthy ^-^
내일은 Kimberly언니와 함께 점심을 먹고 (Tomorrow having lunch with Kimberly eonni) and we both are going Kbox after that muahahahhahaha!!! XD 정말 사랑으로 그녀외출 (Really love going out with her) (^)__(^)
I'm so SAD!!!! 엄마 (eomma)~~~~ T^T she spoiled my PSP!!! *sigh~* But I'm really sorry to said those awful things to her, I'm really pissed at that time! It really makes me crazy! lol~ .... Now I've to announce that my PSP is dead!!! ...
제가 구매하려는 박정민오빠 1st 싱글/미니앨범 !!! 내가 원하는건!!! ㅠ.ㅠ 정말~ ...
(I want buy Park Jungmin oppa 1st single/mini album!!! I want! T^T seriously~ ...)
(I want buy Park Jungmin oppa 1st single/mini album!!! I want! T^T seriously~ ...)

SHINee’s Jonghyun has revealed his back and gone shirtless for promotions in the past, but the idol decided to reveal his skin once again with a new photo uploaded on his me2day, in which he wears nothing but a cap and what looks like a pair of shorts. Jonghyun, captured half-naked at a sauna – sounds like the perfect fangirl dream, right?
Check it out!

Picture & News credits: allkpop - SHINee’s Jonghyun uploads half-naked ...
Source: me2DAY (샤이니/김종현 미투대이)