yesterday shi yu/hippo mama never go school cause her hand pain, she go inject on Thursday T.T poor thing her hand now still pain ai yo~ hope the pain faster gone bahx so that i can see her soon haha ^^
Yesterday in school the whole day i'm with Fiona Jie worx hahas, we have lots of fun especially durinq mother touge hahas... we got back our chinese prelim listeninq paper i was surprise that i got 24/30 and guess what!? i'm the highest OMG~!!! but only for listeninq don't know how's the basic paper haix.... but not some thing big deal T.T cause is mother touge, i was expect myself to get higher for my others subject especially mathematics haix..... so as science and EBS but my CPA my theory i must gampateh! cause quite worst of doinq that =P hahas.... and my CPA practical had regress T.T
Yesterday after school go home change then go meet Fiona at hougang mall after that i go eat follow by go buy thing, but at the end i lent hp from her to called Eileen bestie out hahas cause bout one week never see her OMG~!!! miss her so much ^^ hahas.... so she bought things that she need then she company me wait for Eileen after that she go home then i go walk with Eileen but at the end still go her house hahas.... use to it of goinq her house ^^ because almost every time go out with her at the end still end up goinq her house hahas....
We played piano after that we watched Korean entertainment show hahas.... very funny and sweet worx but forgot what's the title of the show T.T i bout 7pm plus then go home hahas.... went home bath, inject then haha eat dinner ^^ yummy~! watch channel U till 11pm and meanwhile study science hahas thought can study till midnight but at the end still end up sleepinq then JieJie watched T.T ai yo yo ~!!! hehe....
Today never go work cause need time to study but i'm suppose to work [i think =P] but tomorrow goinq hahas.... very miss those people there ^^ but sure will feel very weird when step into the store haix.... scare all will treat me as strangers hahas.... Wake up at 10pm plus cook maqqie for breakfast hehe after Tv program a while then started to study meanwhile watchinq haha... after that korkor playinq PSP then i come to post ^^
Yesterday night watched the news and see the disaster again OMG~!!! really will feel like cryinq haix.... so sad but can't do anything only can pray that every bad thing and disaster faster go away ! cause a new year is cominq a head haix....
我已經累了, 厭倦了! 我不想再繼續生活在好人卡里了!
做好人, 善良又誠實的人 好累, 很辛苦也很難受! 為什麼~!?
為什麼我要活在這種痛苦中, 我很害怕, 也很難過.
我知道我的命根已經算是很幸運了, 外界有比我更痛苦又悲傷的人和事情發生, 我也算是幸福的...
這個世界 , 這科地球都或著各種格樣, 各種個性, 各種人類和人貌.
人活著只能接受所發生的事 ....
痛苦, 悲傷, 難過 ..... 為什麼我沒有那個勇氣把它們擺在臉上呢!?
真的就是因為我太笨嗎, 笨到...
痛苦, 悲傷, 難過 都不要讓身邊的人知道或分享...

哈哈~ =D
也愛你唷 ^^
哈哈~ =D
也愛你唷 ^^
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