hello~ =D hahas.... finally finish watchinq finish 娛樂百分百/100% Entertainment ^^
like very long never watch T.T
miss it so much hahas...
especially my baobei laogong "羅志祥" =P
haix... he so busy shootinq new drama, but very excited bout that drama OMG~!!!
he with Rainie actinq a couple OMG!!! hahas....
also very excited bout xiaozhu next new album T.T
ai yo wait till my neck long already =P hahas.....

Today have mathematics paper one1... O~M~G! can sure 100% that will fail so as my science T.T so sad! hope can do more well and 100% better then prelim ^^ hehe....
tomorrow havinq paper two2 and CPA theory, haix.... don't how to study two subject in less then one day ai yo~!!!
hahas.... anyway all the best then =D

Reached home at bout 12.20pm plus then rest a while, go take a bathe follow by hehe.... computer =P Watched the last Friday 娛樂百分百/100% Entertainment episode OMG~!!!

very funny! laugh till my stomach pain plus my teeth can drop =D hahas....

got a new boy band, hahas actually
can't call them boy they can be father already still can release album =P hahas.... three old man =D

"景行廳男孩" hahas... so cute & cool~!!!

我說小豬啊你也太調皮了吧!? 一直跟趙哥丁嘴哈哈, 和他熟歸熟不過也玩的太過火了吧... 真是的, 沒有給他揍或砍你已經算是幸運了啦 哈哈.... 導播也太可憐了吧, 害他要 beep~! 好幾次呀還有放一個 '禁' 字好讓觀眾看到趙哥在罵什麼 哈哈...


嗨唷~ 小鬼也太可憐了吧! 一直忙著追趙哥....

嗨.... 還要攔住他 .....

趙哥啊~ 你就不要太計較了啦 =P 小豬他雖然頑皮也是為了節目效果再加上你和他很熟嗎,是不是!? =D

我也看了新的一集, "紛絲同樂會" 這集滿好看的, 不錯喔 哈哈...
這位將來的巨星/天后, 真的很讓人難已相信她會出唱片,
因為她從一個模特兒然後變了廣犒代言人,現在.... 已經是歌手了喔!

能說 OMG~!!! =P 哈哈....
我覺得她滿討人喜歡/愛的因為她有一個天真,可愛又漂亮的臉蛋 =D

我也很相信她會很紅很紅, 我對她有信心 哈哈....

, 到現在已經過了2年了,
今年的她已經是19歲了 哈哈....
她就是 '郭書瑤/瑤瑤',

瑤瑤加油喔! ^^ 大家多支持她唷 =P 哈哈...

我的天啊! 我前幾天看到了一個大新聞, 大暴料!... <<<[對我來說是啦 =P]
喜歡S.H.E的朋友們! 注意~!
亞洲天團S.H.E「S.H.E is the One 愛而為一」全新世界巡回演唱會
將於10月16日、17日在香港紅磡體育館隆重開唱 OMG~! O.O

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