Dislike Low Sugar :(

Hello time now is midnight 00:45am and yes I just have my supper, I went for bed at around 11pm? Woke up at midnight because of Low sugar, always feel so so dizzy and uncomfortable when I’m having Low sugar! For this pregnancy I’m feeling so so weak, didn’t have enough food for my meals but yet what I’ve eaten just cause my blood sugar high. I’m feeling so so stress and tiring, I wish I could just be a normal person, why am I fated to be like this!? It’s really sad to be a diabetic, I have it since I was 16 years old. But since after I’ve got married and have kids my result are getting from bad to worst. I feeling so so tired to stay focus on my diet and etc but now I’m in big trouble because I’m pregnant. Insulin three times per day, this making so fucking sick !!!

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