Good night

Time now is 23:30 ... Just wish that hubby is at home with me on every weekend. Miss those times seeing hubby smiling, laughing and relaxing at home. He have his promotion for quite some time already, sees him kind of stress and some time he could just throw his temper towards anyone.

Everything have changed a lot but I always tell myself that I have to stay strong no matter what happened. For my kids and for my future, just have to tolerate no matter what. Either good or bad I have to tolerate and accept it although most of the time it hurts me and disappoints me ...

I wish and hope for a better environment, better future and every day will be a beautiful day for us ... 

Hubby have now end his shift work, missing him somehow. He must be really tired and hope tomorrow he will be able to rest well at home. Hubby's off days and I have to go for work, Jerald have to go for his childcare so nobody will disturb him I guess. 

Just hope that his phone will not have phone calls or spam with lots of message . Alright I shall go for bed now, good night! 

A brand new week! Everything will be good! Awesome and beautiful ❤️ ^.^ hehe!

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