진짜고!!!~ 정말 너무 피곤 해요!!! @_@ I'm seriously T-I-R-E-D!!!~
My body is getting weak... lol~ *sigh*
I've been working almost the whole week~
16th - 21st November, only 15th to rest at home T~T I feel like my body gonna break down any soon haha! Yesterday I went out after work, rush home and wash up. Went to Orchard for Sean birthday surprise/celebration =) We've thought of the surprise two weeks ago, I'm so looking forward to it haha! There are total 5 of us, Me, MeiHui, ShiYu, Sean & Jason ^^
The planning was seriously awesome and successful! =D I seriously did have lotssss~ of fun haha! I enjoyed soooo~~~~~ MUCH! XD The most interesting thing is the Ice Cream Cake LOL!!!!!! Birthday boy can't cut the cake down don't even said cut through haha! We celebrated at Lucky plaza Pizza Hut but the cake we bought from swensen -_-!!! At first two weeks before we thought of celebrating at swensen cause we buying the cake from there BUT! at the end when the day's here, change the venue to Pizza Hut lol!!!! so busy huh!?~ haha!
The 3 of us were kinda like rushing, MeiHui ended her lesson and went straight down! plus me ended work rush down too! OMG!~ TIRED~ haha! BUT! fun!!! hehehe~~~ =P
Oh ya~ the pizza hut staff they put the cake inside the freezer HAHA! BRAVO~~~ XD No wonder can't cut the cake HAHA!
hmmm~ Just came back for SGH not long ago! Company mama for eye check appointment, *sigh~* gonna have another eye lazer on 3rd December gosh!~ cost $296 WOAH!!!!~ nice shot! .... I can't stop yawning while waiting to see doctor with my mum LOL! Really tired and sleepy T~T
later gonna go out with Eileen 자기야~ ^^ so~... that's all for today =D
안녕~ ^-^