剛看完了一連串的[ S.H.E 愛而唯一新加坡演唱會2010 ]照片和影片 =D 超經典的!!!! 真的喔 ^^ 我真的覺得她們的部落格真的很漂亮也很精采! =D
S.H.E 新加坡後援會的部落格網子 : S.H.E 夢幻天堂 新加坡後援會
還有當然少不了我心目中永遠的可愛女王 =D : 悅愛丞琳 新加坡後援會
我只有一個字能形容她們後援會的部落格, 就是 " 贊!!!!! " 哈哈 =D

今天上班... 我的嗎呀! 有一段時間我簡至是氣炸和嚇傻了!!!! ><
我看我還是有英文來解說比較好吧 ....

1st :
There are many station in McDonald so i was doing runner and i saw that there is an extra fillet burger [i think is fillet burger if i'm not wrong hahas =P] so i asked the aunty inside the kitchen if they've done extra burger cause at the counter i didn't see any of fillet burger that customer order that's why i asked to inform them that there's no need for them to do again if there's any other fillet burger order. But before i speak out all she said " i never do extra burger i just do what i saw [means she just do whats the customers wants], is you all who key it and cancel again but it's too late that we had done with the burger ". So i was okie with what she said because she was right but i was angry because while she was talking to me her tone was not normal like i mistaken her!? I was just asking if they, the kitchen crew had done extra burger out and she was like yelling at me ??? O.O Did i own her money!? LOL!~~!!!

The fries station crew! an aunty also ! MY GOD~ >< style="color: rgb(204, 102, 0);" size="4">3rd:
That young manager! really make my day turn up side down! And she was a lady nope it should be, a big girl ^^ That's better to suits her! There is the mcvalue lunch form 12pm to 3pm, and was totally quite a lot of customers. So in HGM there are three counter, counter 11, 12 and 13 .... there is one old aunty doing runner with me so there will be one counter shot of serving, so the manager in to help when there is service in. So this time that old aunty can't take it cause she said to that manager that why counter 13 no body helping to run for it. Before that i had already said that i'm confuse and one CL aunty [ i think she's a CL =P ] called me to focus on one counter and i said ok =D

My sense told me that she's, the manager started to get confuse and disorder, hmmm..... not that sure =P So she told us, the runner to our position. she told me to run counter 11 and I answer OK! =D, that aunty runs counter 13 and she runs counter 12 so everything were set, good! ^^ no confusion! hahas....
After that I was trying to help the manager by just putting the burger into the plastic bag cause mine is not out yet, I gave it to her and said this is yours and with a smile too! Guess WHAT!!!? she gave me a face and without saying anything out from her MOUTHHHHH~! O.O HELLO~! what stupid face are you showing me!? BIG GIRL!!!?~

She shows me a face that makes me feel like i'm the wrong one and also feel like slapping her!? REALLY! SERIOUSLY!~ >< I was stunt at first but at the end she shows it! she gave me the plastic bag with that burger which i pack for her and she " Go!~ go take the fries" and turn herself away. Her tone was like talking to a maid, a servant, or more worst i could said, like a dog!!!? O.O So i just do what she said .... But I've to said it that she's the one who said and set our position!? If I'm wrong I've nothing to said but I don't really think so i'm the wrong one!? O.o

This working place is like HELLLLL~ more worst I think! T.T
i miss RVM! T.T i wanna quit! i'm working here is because i gave Ping Ping face! [she's my ex-boss but now still she's my boss hahas... =D]


我在這裡作工之前, 也就是說去年我在另外一邊作工而且我也沒想過我會在我家這里附近作工. 我今天作工的時候... 看到了我曾經夢過的畫面! 就是... 我在那裡作工而且是忙著的, 有一位女士對我說了話可是我不記得說了些什麼. 那位婦女是馬來華族的, 而且她懷著孩子..... 這位婦女.... 就是我現在的同事! 我真的在殺那間愣了一下頭有點疼痛的像我是不是在哪裡見過這個場面或什麼的!? 果然! 和是我曾經夢過的場面... 我的天啊! 也太恐怖了吧!!!~ T.T 我都起雞皮疙瘩了呢哈哈 =P

放了工我就休息一下... 之後就趕回家沖涼換件衣服出門去找姐了 =D 不好意思又讓姐等我 =P 嘻嘻~ 我們約好了在Hougang Mall因為姐她要吃飯. 我趕過去的時候而且我也已經上了巴士竟然這個時候肚子痛啊, 超想上廁所上大號的啦 >< 我的媽呀~! =P 哈哈! 最後終於和姐見到面了, 我超高興的因為可以上廁所了哈哈哈哈!~~~ ^^ 可是姐很像不耐煩了 >< 那當然啦這還要問嗎!? 我讓她等了滿久的, 也難怪了! 姐不好意思啦 >< 下次不敢了! 嘻嘻~ =D
終於解決我的大問題了哈哈~ 我們之後就買東西吃, 可是我沒吃因為媽媽在家裡已經煮了晚餐了. 當姐在吃的時候我忽然覺得我的腰簡至是痛酸到像是我的腰和我的上半身要被切開或撕開等等! 不知道為什麼會這樣希望是因為洗衣服的時候吧 .....

小鬼和蝴蝶去了日本喔 ^^ 小鬼超帥氣的啦哈哈~ 而且在日本有被人認出來唷! 我只能說啊~! 小鬼妳真的紅了! 也希望能像妳師父, 羅志祥一樣紅偏全亞洲甚至全世界喔 =D 加油!~ 妳行的 ^^

楊丞琳~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 我真的太愛妳了 =D 嘻嘻~ 她真的很漂亮呀! 而且也太可愛了吧 >< 哈哈~ ^^ 她的演唱會一定很精采 T.T 真可惜沒得看不過如果演唱會有出DVD的話我一定要買 哈哈 =D

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