OMG~! so long never post hahas...
any way this few days, erm... i mean this few weeks quite busy haix... busy with lots of things T.T haix... can't even take a breath...
busy studyinq, busy bout etc... haix... many things to care and do T.T
About three weeks never go work... finally got the feelinq back, these days never work i feel that i'm back again, cause if plus school and work i think i will gone crazy! its full of stress doinq so much things haix....
now only hope to concentrate on what i should do which is, study T.T hahas... so as my illness too but just don't have that mood to do it cause, some thing happen to me again! T.T
my right wrist injuries had come back again, thats why i never go work this weekends... yesterday i got tuition outside so can't make it to work then today thought goinq to see doc or sin seh bout at the end still don't have cause... lol.... still cause of money but luckily home got some mec oil to put on haix.... but the pains the didn't go off T.T
hope can recover ^^
I miss all my mac crew VERY MUCH! T.T
Lisa, Xin Yi, Feng Ming, Adele, Yoke Teng, Fredrick, Alvin cheng [outsider =P] hahas and many many more, don't know when can go back to work T.T
but also don't have the mood to work cause still havinq some stress .....
Tomorrow Monday again, a new week ... hahas...
just wanna said that i will be blogginq quite often cause busy bout my studies so ^^
hahas... thats all hehe... =P

countinq down four4 more days to 小豬, 羅志祥 [luo zhi xiang] birthday ^^
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