hahas... today wake up at 9.30am plus T.T very sian and borinq cause don't know wanna do what then yesterday around 2.30pm plus go Mac there got new thing to learn haix....
after the meetinq got SKLV [Rivervale Plaza Mac] cause there yesterday start the new thing but we today then start erm... actually quite easy but they said till very complicated worx they explain one big round to us ai yo~ cute worx hahas....
Every thing end so i straight away take bus 88 home from there ^^ so convenice =P
Reached home bout 5.30pm plus miss half of my 100% Entertainment [娛樂百分百] hahas but still manage to watch a bit and anyway i also can go download hahas =P
小甜甜攻擊心也太強了吧 哈哈...
唉唷~其實她是很美的一位女孩只是走諧星路線而已不過只是暫時諧星吧,她跟蝴蝶姊姊是很好的姐美啊不過她們兩都很喜歡小豬尤其是小甜甜哈哈也太可愛了吧 =P
看得出小甜甜滿愛小豬的唷 哈哈....
二選一的時候嗨... 哈哈羅主任最後選了小甜甜啊 我的媽呀~! 也太感動了吧哈哈也看得出小甜甜快哭出來了唷 ^-^
昨天看了報子, 看到小豬的新聞哈哈他也太可愛了吧 =P
超像小孩子的, 他參加"公益獻愛心"的節目後就去Kallang, 克拉碼頭玩綁緊跳 天啊! 也太愛刺激了吧小豬哈哈 ^-^
我超期待他的新專輯啦! 喔~ 對了張韶涵在八月底的時候就會出專輯了唷 哈哈~!
期待慘了 Oh~My~God~ !!! =P

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