my god~! T.T
finally reached home =P hahas....
just came back from woodlands, today school reopen and very long never go out with shiyu mama so thats why today we go out hahas...
meet up with her other two friend too, omg~ some thing happen, interestinq, funny and quite frustrated can faint man like see till ghost worx hide here hide there my god~ -_-zzz
we have new time table haix... sian worx Monday have four periods of maths dots... haix... no choice 'N' level this year hehe...
oh ya some more oral is on July and my birthday is on 13th July hahas school so "sweet" and "good" worx gave me a big and good present, my oral is on that day what the hell man arrr~!!!
so sad and angry worx! can't go out play and celebrate T.T
some more is on afternoon/after school ! ai yo~ what the hell man T.T
haix... but so wish my oral is on the 10th July and hope can change the date with my classmates ai yo~ I DON'T WANT LIKE THIS~!!!!! haix...
Shi Yu mama ~
i know that many irritatinq things troublinq round you this few days hope euu just ignore it bahx and just let all that stupid thing/trouble throw out of your mind but take in new fresh thing =P hahas.... good luck worx ^-^
ai yo~ don't pai seh seeinq that person hehe... that person not bad worx and i can said is that, the person do really truly like you =P hahas... cherish it then ^-^
Harlo! =P
omg~ finally can use com muahahaha~ =P hehe...
damn it! arrr~!!! tomorrow school open what the hell T.T sooo~ sianzzzz =P hahas...
today work haix... still the same worx ai yo~ very tired cause thought after work can go home rest a what then JieJie wanna come find me but is i'm the one who comment it yesterday night hehe...
haix... still fightinq with my school work -_-zzz ai yo~ don't know how worx hahas but i have try my best worx ^-^ hehe...
I called JieJie bring clothes for me to change so that we can go other place to walk, play or buy things hahas... we went to AMK hub [again... no other better choice =P hehe...]
so we eat mac T.T OMG~!
can vomit worx, work mac some more eat mac! ai yo~ but is JieJie eat but i just eat a little bit hahas... so we go popular buy pen, foolscap, notebook etc, .....
When JieJie finish her payment then is my turn and she wait for me at one corner so i done too and she suddenly said that the staff give short $1 change to her so she went and asked back for it omg~ many people worx... of cause hahas cause tomorrow school open and some more salon sure also many people worx wow~!!!
So when we wanted to walk back hub there to take bus home and guess what!? it rain T.T but luckily there got kind of shelter but still a bit wet hahas...
but when we wanted to get to the bus stop we are not really that lucky, is lucky that i do have umbrella but~! it's too~! small that only can fit one person hahas but never mind and also no choice to so it we chiong with that " ella " [umbrella =P]
hahas... when we reached the bus stop, our feet are wet and my left side is wet worx T.T ai yo yo~!!! hahas =P
So we board a double decker bus 88 back home and we went up and sit, know what!? haix... -_-''' there were a mother and her two children omg~! my ear can burst arr~! they were kind of shoutinq and talkinq damn loud my god, can faint man =P hahas...
this time some funny thing started to happen hahas.... is really the damn funny to see and hear all those scene O-M-G~ JieJie and i laugh till our teeth goinq to drop =P hahas...
the bus reaches Buang Kok Green, there is a Mental Hospital hahas... and one of the mother kind said, erm... if i'm not wrong should be a boy hahas... he said it very loudly some more
"Aey~ old folks home!"
what the~? .... i can't stop laughinq for a while so as JieJie =P hahas...
one more is that a bus 161 infront of our bus 88 and the mother children, a gril asked here mother to guess what's the bus number and i was in damn blur and many dots...
so finally reaches home bus stop but!?
before we alight/the door open we saw somethinq that is makinq us damn crazy till now =P
laughinq it till no voice and can't really breathe hahas....
my busstop there is slope at the side of the stairs and there is some sharp corner roof which that is quite dangerous and if euu are tall too bad and if short hahas... thats good =P
we were on the bus and ready to alight and saw a guy erm... a teenage bahx... he was runninq up the slope but just don't know why he don't wanna use stairs some more it was rainninq,
so this time while the bus door goinq to open he knock his head against the sharp corner and i was shocked and OMG~!!! but he looked back and see why he got knock and by what i was like huh -_-??? so while we are goinq to alight JieJie and i looked at each other and we laugh quite loud like crazy hahas =P
the guy thought no one saw it but! just too bad! WE SAW IT! =P
i'm so sorry and... euu are so unlucky erm... childish and silly to do that haix...
but we not meant to laugh at him but is just that his expression and the scene are really damn funny, ai yo~ but he's such a poor thing sure that it is damn pain to knock his head accidentally and some more he like wanna cry or some thing ai yo~ T.T
Hiax... T.T need get ready for tomorrow some more don't know wanna bring what bag ai yo~ so trou~ble some haix... some more need bring thermometer and study till cray for cominq prelim and 'N' level T.T
hahas... so happy that July is cominq =P my precious baby xiaozhu, Luo Zhi Xiang birthday is cominq ^-^ hehe MUACKS~!!!
oh ya so as Xinyi and xiiaoyanqq>> thats me =P hahas...
waited for this day very the long till my neck wanna break hahas...
Some more quite miss my cutie 4T9!!!! omg~!
finally can see my hippo mama hahas damn! miss her worx =P
but just can said that TIME! ... do really past very fast nowadays haix...
oh ya some more cominq Thursday 2nd July have appointment again T.T so scare but hope that it's gettinq better worx T.T
if see this, wish me luck worx ^^ hahas thanks MUACKS~!!!
haix.... am i worrinq too much!? hope no bahx ^-^
xiiaoyanqq~! Gampateh~!!!! hahas...
我不知道為什麼有時候會想起你, 我在想也在問自己是不是還放不下你 ...
我想試著把你忘記, 可是心... 還是痛的!
希望我們真的還能當好朋友, 希望你不要忘記我!
保持聯絡喔 ^-^
omg~ finally can use com muahahaha~ =P hehe...
damn it! arrr~!!! tomorrow school open what the hell T.T sooo~ sianzzzz =P hahas...
today work haix... still the same worx ai yo~ very tired cause thought after work can go home rest a what then JieJie wanna come find me but is i'm the one who comment it yesterday night hehe...
haix... still fightinq with my school work -_-zzz ai yo~ don't know how worx hahas but i have try my best worx ^-^ hehe...
I called JieJie bring clothes for me to change so that we can go other place to walk, play or buy things hahas... we went to AMK hub [again... no other better choice =P hehe...]
so we eat mac T.T OMG~!
can vomit worx, work mac some more eat mac! ai yo~ but is JieJie eat but i just eat a little bit hahas... so we go popular buy pen, foolscap, notebook etc, .....
When JieJie finish her payment then is my turn and she wait for me at one corner so i done too and she suddenly said that the staff give short $1 change to her so she went and asked back for it omg~ many people worx... of cause hahas cause tomorrow school open and some more salon sure also many people worx wow~!!!
So when we wanted to walk back hub there to take bus home and guess what!? it rain T.T but luckily there got kind of shelter but still a bit wet hahas...
but when we wanted to get to the bus stop we are not really that lucky, is lucky that i do have umbrella but~! it's too~! small that only can fit one person hahas but never mind and also no choice to so it we chiong with that " ella " [umbrella =P]
hahas... when we reached the bus stop, our feet are wet and my left side is wet worx T.T ai yo yo~!!! hahas =P
So we board a double decker bus 88 back home and we went up and sit, know what!? haix... -_-''' there were a mother and her two children omg~! my ear can burst arr~! they were kind of shoutinq and talkinq damn loud my god, can faint man =P hahas...
this time some funny thing started to happen hahas.... is really the damn funny to see and hear all those scene O-M-G~ JieJie and i laugh till our teeth goinq to drop =P hahas...
the bus reaches Buang Kok Green, there is a Mental Hospital hahas... and one of the mother kind said, erm... if i'm not wrong should be a boy hahas... he said it very loudly some more
"Aey~ old folks home!"
what the~? .... i can't stop laughinq for a while so as JieJie =P hahas...
one more is that a bus 161 infront of our bus 88 and the mother children, a gril asked here mother to guess what's the bus number and i was in damn blur and many dots...
so finally reaches home bus stop but!?
before we alight/the door open we saw somethinq that is makinq us damn crazy till now =P
laughinq it till no voice and can't really breathe hahas....
my busstop there is slope at the side of the stairs and there is some sharp corner roof which that is quite dangerous and if euu are tall too bad and if short hahas... thats good =P
we were on the bus and ready to alight and saw a guy erm... a teenage bahx... he was runninq up the slope but just don't know why he don't wanna use stairs some more it was rainninq,
so this time while the bus door goinq to open he knock his head against the sharp corner and i was shocked and OMG~!!! but he looked back and see why he got knock and by what i was like huh -_-??? so while we are goinq to alight JieJie and i looked at each other and we laugh quite loud like crazy hahas =P
the guy thought no one saw it but! just too bad! WE SAW IT! =P
i'm so sorry and... euu are so unlucky erm... childish and silly to do that haix...
but we not meant to laugh at him but is just that his expression and the scene are really damn funny, ai yo~ but he's such a poor thing sure that it is damn pain to knock his head accidentally and some more he like wanna cry or some thing ai yo~ T.T
Hiax... T.T need get ready for tomorrow some more don't know wanna bring what bag ai yo~ so trou~ble some haix... some more need bring thermometer and study till cray for cominq prelim and 'N' level T.T
hahas... so happy that July is cominq =P my precious baby xiaozhu, Luo Zhi Xiang birthday is cominq ^-^ hehe MUACKS~!!!
oh ya so as Xinyi and xiiaoyanqq>> thats me =P hahas...
waited for this day very the long till my neck wanna break hahas...
Some more quite miss my cutie 4T9!!!! omg~!
finally can see my hippo mama hahas damn! miss her worx =P
but just can said that TIME! ... do really past very fast nowadays haix...
oh ya some more cominq Thursday 2nd July have appointment again T.T so scare but hope that it's gettinq better worx T.T
if see this, wish me luck worx ^^ hahas thanks MUACKS~!!!
haix.... am i worrinq too much!? hope no bahx ^-^
xiiaoyanqq~! Gampateh~!!!! hahas...
我不知道為什麼有時候會想起你, 我在想也在問自己是不是還放不下你 ...
我想試著把你忘記, 可是心... 還是痛的!
希望我們真的還能當好朋友, 希望你不要忘記我!
保持聯絡喔 ^-^
BAD NEWS~!!!!!!
Michael Jackson pass away! T.T so sad worx! i morninq take bus to work then saw the new i was damn! shocked man OMG~!!!
so sad... haven held concert his final concert and then pass away T.T haix... some more still so young 5o only haix....
his performance and dance were so amazing and excellent too but just too bad that he pass away so young some more cause of heart attack haix....
BAD NEWS~!!!!!!
Michael Jackson pass away! T.T so sad worx! i morninq take bus to work then saw the new i was damn! shocked man OMG~!!!
so sad... haven held concert his final concert and then pass away T.T haix... some more still so young 5o only haix....
his performance and dance were so amazing and excellent too but just too bad that he pass away so young some more cause of heart attack haix....
Michael Jackson! .....
we will always remember euu ^-^
enjoy your new life out there....
we will always remember euu ^-^
enjoy your new life out there....
Today early morninq went to work till 4pm, what the hell actually i 3pm can end shift but they called me to wait for don't know who ai yo~ very tired worx some more tomorrow and sunday got work haix.... sian zzzz T.T
ARR~!!!!!!! school goinq reopen again O-M-G~!!! soooo~!!!! sick and tired of seeinq some people nowadays! hahas =P
ARR~!!!!!!! school goinq reopen again O-M-G~!!! soooo~!!!! sick and tired of seeinq some people nowadays! hahas =P
"Happy Birthday!"
to Wei Kian haha =P
euu are doinq well on your studies and keep it up euu can do it ^-^
all the best and take care yourself !
Do enjoy your birthday worx hahas... ^o^
to Wei Kian haha =P
euu are doinq well on your studies and keep it up euu can do it ^-^
all the best and take care yourself !
Do enjoy your birthday worx hahas... ^o^
morninq! ^-^
haix... the career thing is today and actually goinq but at the end never cause.... haix.... never mind don't feel like sayinq T.T
don't know what will happen worx teacher sure nag want bleah!...
feel like goinq out T.T i need buy some note book and pens worx haix...
yesterday go out with JieJie, we went to WhiteSand library borrow books then go eat hahas...
follow by Tampanies mall omg~! the new shoppinq mall very big and beautiful worx but some kind a bit like vivo city worx hahas...
know what i saw my classmate Tiong Hui and Nick =P after that JieJie also saw her friend hahas what a small world worx ^-^ hehe...
harlo ^^
oh finally can use com hahas =P just now wanna use then JieJie wanna use T.T hahas never mind still got a bit time cause later goinq out with JieJie hahas...
Yesterday went to AMK there eat KFC with Ku ma, Ku Jiong, uncle Dominic and the Lee family =P hahas .... after eattinq we go hub walk walk but only for a while T.T so sad worx haix...
hahas... but have a lot if fun especially durinq eattinq hahas....
They's two girl sittinq beside us while we were eattinq they kept lookinq at us, which is JieJie told me there so i look back at them too, they just kept lookinq towards us and we just don't know why worx! ??? hahas....
so we also gossip =P hahas... so this time there was two boys sittinq infront of us kept lookinq at the two two and know what, the two boy also gossip bout them sme more lauhg very loud ai yo! -_-'''
but JieJie and i also gossip ta the two girl and boy hahas... JieJie said that maybe the two girl see unle Dominc too handsome till that they lept lokkinq at us hahas....
we just very naughty worx gossip while eattinq =P hahas... and laugh all the way =P
haix.... Wednesday need go back to school for Career Quest LAME! BORING! bleah...
waste my time wrox T.T morninq 8am till afternoon 4.30pm or maybe 5pm worx what the hell T.T stupid school bleah!
this few days i was tryinq to learn how to make blog skins haix... still lookinq for information and hope that i could sucess haha ^^
oh finally can use com hahas =P just now wanna use then JieJie wanna use T.T hahas never mind still got a bit time cause later goinq out with JieJie hahas...
Yesterday went to AMK there eat KFC with Ku ma, Ku Jiong, uncle Dominic and the Lee family =P hahas .... after eattinq we go hub walk walk but only for a while T.T so sad worx haix...
hahas... but have a lot if fun especially durinq eattinq hahas....
They's two girl sittinq beside us while we were eattinq they kept lookinq at us, which is JieJie told me there so i look back at them too, they just kept lookinq towards us and we just don't know why worx! ??? hahas....
so we also gossip =P hahas... so this time there was two boys sittinq infront of us kept lookinq at the two two and know what, the two boy also gossip bout them sme more lauhg very loud ai yo! -_-'''
but JieJie and i also gossip ta the two girl and boy hahas... JieJie said that maybe the two girl see unle Dominc too handsome till that they lept lokkinq at us hahas....
we just very naughty worx gossip while eattinq =P hahas... and laugh all the way =P
haix.... Wednesday need go back to school for Career Quest LAME! BORING! bleah...
waste my time wrox T.T morninq 8am till afternoon 4.30pm or maybe 5pm worx what the hell T.T stupid school bleah!
this few days i was tryinq to learn how to make blog skins haix... still lookinq for information and hope that i could sucess haha ^^

我要買啦~!!! 我也好想好想!
不是, 是我一定要參加 S.F.C !!! T.T
好難過喔! 怎麼辦啦~!!! 唉唷~
hello ^-^
oh my god~ my eyes wanna close hahas feel so sleepy and tired, some more my best friend come T.T so trouble some and pain haix... wake up at 6.45 in the morninq when ready to go off i just grab a bread that papa yesterday bought from hougang mall bread shop that near NTUC =P
oh today work still can cope cause don't really have service/order so sad~ haix... so of cause every time do the same place MDS!
T.T ai yo sick and tired of workinq that haix... wish to work in the kitchen =P hahas...
yeah~! tomorrow is Father Day!!! woo~ hu~!!! hahas... my family is goinq to AMK hub eat KFC [again -_-''' hahas =P], actually is today go eat but mama wanna ask Dominic uncle to join us so he said tomorrow better so change to tomorrow hahas...
haix... T.T so tired of workinq morninq and some more tomorrow work till 2pm ai yo~!
soooO~! sianzzz =P hahas.... oh ya, school goinq to open soon again haix T.T
what the hell ..... =P
oh my天~!!! 這一陣子好多歌手出唱片了喔, 有 ...

他們的歌都很不錯也很動人很好聽唷 ^-^ 還沒聽的朋友們可以聽聽看喔 =P 哈哈 ... 我還是比較期待羅志祥, 張韶涵, 小鬼 黃鴻升和范瑋琪的新專輯/EP 唷~! 哈哈~ 超喜歡他們的也朝愛聽他們的歌 =P

- 微笑男孩到捍衛愛情的王子 "張棟樑", 他的第四張專輯 <<沉默的瞬間>> !

- 變成熟又帥氣的一軍"哥哥"
"棒棒堂", 出了第二張專輯 <<我是傳奇>> !
"棒棒堂", 出了第二張專輯 <<我是傳奇>> !

- 棒棒堂的師弟也是二軍的弟弟 "超克7 (Choc Seven)" 首張迷你專輯 <<太青春>>

- 剛結婚又當了爸爸的 "寂寞先生"
Gary 曹格 <<超級4th場>> (SUPERMARKET超級市場) !
Gary 曹格 <<超級4th場>> (SUPERMARKET超級市場) !
- 隔了五年, F4的成員 "言承旭" 出了第二張個人專輯 <<多出來的自由>> !

- 最受歡迎的偶像劇小天后 "林依晨"
籌備發行的首張個人專輯 <<幸福遇見>> !
籌備發行的首張個人專輯 <<幸福遇見>> !

- 純愛教主郭靜2009第三張最新專輯 <<在樹上唱歌>> !

- TANK 第三張專輯 <<第三回合>> !

- Wilber Pan "潘緯柏" 第七張專輯 <<零零七/007>> !

- 郭采潔 (Amber) 第二張專輯 <<愛異想>>

他們的歌都很不錯也很動人很好聽唷 ^-^ 還沒聽的朋友們可以聽聽看喔 =P 哈哈 ... 我還是比較期待羅志祥, 張韶涵, 小鬼 黃鴻升和范瑋琪的新專輯/EP 唷~! 哈哈~ 超喜歡他們的也朝愛聽他們的歌 =P

hiie~ ^-^
afternoon worx hahas... today wake up at around 11am plus omg~ quite late worx =P hahas just now view some blog and also taq them hahas....
oh ya i today knew a new friend her name is Elva, she is Fiona Wong my classmate friend gan Jie worx, hahas Elva so sorry that i today then saw your message cause my that phone no money so never on phone and see so today very lucky that i on =P hahas... nice to meet euu and hope we can be good friend ^-^ hahas...
Fredrick ar euu ar! ai yo... don't like that said yourself ! everyone have their own personality and emotional so i till wanna said that i'm till lucky to have euu as my friend ^-^ hahas...
i understand why euu wanna leave mac BUT not givinq me tudi worx! i really can't do as good as euu hahas... being master can but not crew leader =P hahas...
so really wish euu all the best and .... find your true love and do really cherish it ^-^
take care worx hahas...
afternoon worx hahas... today wake up at around 11am plus omg~ quite late worx =P hahas just now view some blog and also taq them hahas....
oh ya i today knew a new friend her name is Elva, she is Fiona Wong my classmate friend gan Jie worx, hahas Elva so sorry that i today then saw your message cause my that phone no money so never on phone and see so today very lucky that i on =P hahas... nice to meet euu and hope we can be good friend ^-^ hahas...
Fredrick ar euu ar! ai yo... don't like that said yourself ! everyone have their own personality and emotional so i till wanna said that i'm till lucky to have euu as my friend ^-^ hahas...
i understand why euu wanna leave mac BUT not givinq me tudi worx! i really can't do as good as euu hahas... being master can but not crew leader =P hahas...
so really wish euu all the best and .... find your true love and do really cherish it ^-^
take care worx hahas...
永遠都是那麼可愛又性感的ella, 祝您生日快樂, 生體健康, 越變越美唷~ ^-^
哈哈... <<就是想賴著你>> 收視暴紅 !!!
gosh! wanna use com wait very long cause bro friend come ai yo, finally just now go home and bro go his house too, hew~ =P hahas.... today very bore at home nothinq much to do, do finish house work go bathe then fall a sleep =P hahas ... father day is here so hope papa will be happy that we treat him eat hahas cause he really love to eat =P and always wanna eat KFC and we always do to treat him KFC hahas... haix... scare will fail T.T cause i don't have the mood and interest to study or do home work ai yo~ how ar!??? T.T i kept doinq it half way then stop then do again haix..... what the hell T.T永遠都是那麼可愛又性感的ella, 祝您生日快樂, 生體健康, 越變越美唷~ ^-^
哈哈... <<就是想賴著你>> 收視暴紅 !!!
哈哈~ S.F.C [SHOW FAN CLUB] 要兩歲了唷 ^-^ 好高興哦! 我很希望也很想參加 S.F.C 不過我不大明白 S.F.C 的章程呀 T.T 好難過喔! 不知道怎麼辦啦!!! 不過還是希望有一天能加入 S.F.C 哈哈~因為我真的太喜愛小豬了! 他簡直是帥慘了! 可是也未必太可愛了吧 哈哈~! 小豬永遠愛你也支持你唷!!! MUACKS~ 也期待你的新專輯唷 ^-^
今天看了娛樂百分百哈哈李騰上百分百唷! OMG~!!! 哈哈...

Harlo~ morninq ^-^
hahas... nothinq to eat at home haix.... mama cook fried noodle but don't feel like eattinq =P hahas cause don't really look delicious haha but at least will eat a bit hehe...
cause she just came back from hougang mall then straight away cook for us maybe scare we hungry ai yo~ poor thing T.T
MUACKS~!!! thanks mama =P
later goinq out with Eileen bestie cause she sunday came back from china and bought me some thing but she said that i see the present sure very happy ai yo makinq me very excited worx some more miss her very much hahas, she very cute worx leave the plane and straight away call me and is at night bout 9pm or 10pm plus like that i of cause was shocked that she called me and the first sentence she asked me is "mag! got miss me!?". hahas =P cute worx of cause and she said that she very miss me till that she can't wait to call me when she reaches SG worx hahas... so later will be goinq her house first then company her go jurong OMG~!!!
haix... so sian and tired of workinq T.T tomorrow morninq got work worx some more 8am in the morninq what the hell man =P work till 2pm but maybe they will extend me worx T.T
anyway bleah...
haix... sad worx so long never see her and chat with her some never even message with her worx haix... sooo~ sad and wired i wonder how she and liwei daddy worx???
hope everything is fine and perfect then ^^ hahas....
[countinq down 2 more days to ELLA 陳嘉桦 birthday ! MUACKS~!!!]
hahas... nothinq to eat at home haix.... mama cook fried noodle but don't feel like eattinq =P hahas cause don't really look delicious haha but at least will eat a bit hehe...
cause she just came back from hougang mall then straight away cook for us maybe scare we hungry ai yo~ poor thing T.T
MUACKS~!!! thanks mama =P
later goinq out with Eileen bestie cause she sunday came back from china and bought me some thing but she said that i see the present sure very happy ai yo makinq me very excited worx some more miss her very much hahas, she very cute worx leave the plane and straight away call me and is at night bout 9pm or 10pm plus like that i of cause was shocked that she called me and the first sentence she asked me is "mag! got miss me!?". hahas =P cute worx of cause and she said that she very miss me till that she can't wait to call me when she reaches SG worx hahas... so later will be goinq her house first then company her go jurong OMG~!!!
haix... so sian and tired of workinq T.T tomorrow morninq got work worx some more 8am in the morninq what the hell man =P work till 2pm but maybe they will extend me worx T.T
anyway bleah...
haix... sad worx so long never see her and chat with her some never even message with her worx haix... sooo~ sad and wired i wonder how she and liwei daddy worx???
hope everything is fine and perfect then ^^ hahas....
[countinq down 2 more days to ELLA 陳嘉桦 birthday ! MUACKS~!!!]
T.T harlo !
just bathe and 'Inj' so later then eat dinner cause now don't really feel like eattinq but still must eat cause i Inj and haix... very tired so as my leg very pain, just now bout 7.30pm reached home from mac ...
today work hmm.... okie still can cope and got mood to play =P hahas cause ping ping here today and she incharge MDS hahas ^-^ but still missinq workinq with Terence T.T but today get to see him ai yo~ too bad that he work night shift hahas...
so sad that today some one said me put on weight again but said it in a hurtinq way is FAT!
T.T ai yo~ haix... no choice i also don't want like this although i use to it but.... still hurts me!
whatever then =P haha...
just bathe and 'Inj' so later then eat dinner cause now don't really feel like eattinq but still must eat cause i Inj and haix... very tired so as my leg very pain, just now bout 7.30pm reached home from mac ...
today work hmm.... okie still can cope and got mood to play =P hahas cause ping ping here today and she incharge MDS hahas ^-^ but still missinq workinq with Terence T.T but today get to see him ai yo~ too bad that he work night shift hahas...
so sad that today some one said me put on weight again but said it in a hurtinq way is FAT!
T.T ai yo~ haix... no choice i also don't want like this although i use to it but.... still hurts me!
whatever then =P haha...
What the hell MAC SPOIL MY DAY!!!!! hate it man! is too much!
i already said i can't extend and yet you all still pull my time and extend me what is this!?
i have some thing on at home and need to rush home, Terence put me till 12pm today cause i request and i know that i usually work till 2pm or 3pm but just today can't! why can't you all just understand me !?
i'm okie to help you all till 1pm but! you all just don't let me off some more my time have been delay and my family outinq HAD BEEN CANCEL just because of me to help you all!
my family is waitinq for me!
CL so what !? Manager so~! treat us just like mate or whatever you like what is this man!?
i almost cry durinq work actually i can go home but..... haix.....
i seldom have time goinq out or be with my family since i start to work some more...
i think work have affect my studies so i really wish to quit but i can't do that because it is a selfish way of me!
i need to care for my family financial situation, my studies and mac cause if i quit they will not have enough crew [maybe] but there are more new crew cominq in worx....
hate this kind of problem and it's so irritainq and trouble some really don't feel like workinq any more and tomorrow don't feel like workinq too! i wanna NS tomorrow !
I WANT!!!! T.T
4 more days my bestie will be back from china hahas =P she bought me a soft toy too ^^ yeah~ so happy hahas =P
oh ya very long never chat with hippo marmie/shiyu worx T.T miss her !
ai yo~ now feel so tired and sleepy =P hahas cause yesterday go out with JieJie cause i wanna buy thing then she company me ^-^ thanks worx JieJie MUACKS~!!!
we take bus to AMK hub walk a while, eat, take MRT to Far East buy thing and walk walk follow by our last station... hehe bugis, buy thing and walk walk ^^ hahas...
we reached home bout 8pm plus hoho =p
very long never go out buy thing and shop worx hahas ^-^
i already said i can't extend and yet you all still pull my time and extend me what is this!?
i have some thing on at home and need to rush home, Terence put me till 12pm today cause i request and i know that i usually work till 2pm or 3pm but just today can't! why can't you all just understand me !?
i'm okie to help you all till 1pm but! you all just don't let me off some more my time have been delay and my family outinq HAD BEEN CANCEL just because of me to help you all!
my family is waitinq for me!
CL so what !? Manager so~! treat us just like mate or whatever you like what is this man!?
i almost cry durinq work actually i can go home but..... haix.....
i seldom have time goinq out or be with my family since i start to work some more...
i think work have affect my studies so i really wish to quit but i can't do that because it is a selfish way of me!
i need to care for my family financial situation, my studies and mac cause if i quit they will not have enough crew [maybe] but there are more new crew cominq in worx....
hate this kind of problem and it's so irritainq and trouble some really don't feel like workinq any more and tomorrow don't feel like workinq too! i wanna NS tomorrow !
I WANT!!!! T.T
4 more days my bestie will be back from china hahas =P she bought me a soft toy too ^^ yeah~ so happy hahas =P
oh ya very long never chat with hippo marmie/shiyu worx T.T miss her !
ai yo~ now feel so tired and sleepy =P hahas cause yesterday go out with JieJie cause i wanna buy thing then she company me ^-^ thanks worx JieJie MUACKS~!!!
we take bus to AMK hub walk a while, eat, take MRT to Far East buy thing and walk walk follow by our last station... hehe bugis, buy thing and walk walk ^^ hahas...
we reached home bout 8pm plus hoho =p
very long never go out buy thing and shop worx hahas ^-^
[我很高興你能像以前一樣的和我說話, 也把我當朋友看待
我真的很高興能再次和你做朋友 ^-^
而且我們一直都是朋友 哈哈!]
而且我們一直都是朋友 哈哈!]
peepo~! ^^
hahas just eaten my dinner yummy~ =P
bout 7.40pm plus reached home cause work till 5pm so bout to go home manager call me to train a new crew for new station "Fries station" O.o i was like, sure wanna me train her worx.
ai yo~ hahas but hope Yeok Teng can manage to cope with her new station ^-^ GAMPATEH~!!!
OMG~! i miss the night crew soooo~!!!! much T.T especially Joanna and Fredrick hahas...
they still the same, so cute =P hahas... thought today can work till 5pm straight away can go home but hahas but happy to have a "Tudi" [disciple] =P hahas... hahas but i don't really have the privilege to be other people "shifu" [master] hahas.....
i stay till 7.15pm plus jiu went off so Terence soo~! good MUACKS~ put my schedule till 6.30pm OMG~!!! hahas...
so meanwhile i was traininq Yeok Teng, XinYi and Lisa came to work and they was like, O.O thought i end shift and why i still in the store hahas so cute worx ^-^
but i was happy to see them and no need to wait till weedends then can see them hahas =P
oh ya so as Hui Yi, she work in the morninq today and end shift at 2pm T.T sad worx quite long never see her haix.... hahas but she still the same very cute and pretty ^-^
start work quite long and around 12pm or 1pm plus ALVIN CHENG came to buy ice cream and i was happy to see him and talk to him nicely, Liza call him to help her buy bubble tea so he went and came back ai ya just that Liza kept puttinq him and me together worx hahas i don't mind and jokinq with her so as aunty xiu lan and Alvin uncle.
so this time they were talkinq bout he have a new girlfriend then Liza said
''magdalene is here!'' and i was busy doinq something then i turn to them and said ''he don't want me already!'' i was cooperatinq with them and playinq too how i know he insult me and said i don't have vision and i not match to be his girlfriend!
i was angry when i heard this but first don't really get it so ask Alvin uncle and aunty Xiu Lan and they did explain to me and i was of cause angry! and sad....
is like... can't cooperate with me worx? play play only mah T.T
ALVIN CHENG you very bad you know ! quite long never see you then joke with you also don't cooperate some more insult me worx T.T
hahas... anyway happy to see you ^-^ take care then ~!
Tomorrow maybe goinq out with JieJie to buy thing worx hahas ^^
omg~!!! very! long never go shoppinq hahas =P
haix... but is buy things that i need worx [ai yo~ of cause -_-''']
but don't know wanna go where buy haix... hahas....
Alright then post till here ^-^
Bye~ =P MUACKS~!
Morninq ~! ^^
hahas... today wake up at 9.30am plus T.T very sian and borinq cause don't know wanna do what then yesterday around 2.30pm plus go Mac there got new thing to learn haix....
after the meetinq got SKLV [Rivervale Plaza Mac] cause there yesterday start the new thing but we today then start erm... actually quite easy but they said till very complicated worx they explain one big round to us ai yo~ cute worx hahas....
Every thing end so i straight away take bus 88 home from there ^^ so convenice =P
Reached home bout 5.30pm plus miss half of my 100% Entertainment [娛樂百分百] hahas but still manage to watch a bit and anyway i also can go download hahas =P
小甜甜攻擊心也太強了吧 哈哈...
唉唷~其實她是很美的一位女孩只是走諧星路線而已不過只是暫時諧星吧,她跟蝴蝶姊姊是很好的姐美啊不過她們兩都很喜歡小豬尤其是小甜甜哈哈也太可愛了吧 =P
看得出小甜甜滿愛小豬的唷 哈哈....
二選一的時候嗨... 哈哈羅主任最後選了小甜甜啊 我的媽呀~! 也太感動了吧哈哈也看得出小甜甜快哭出來了唷 ^-^
昨天看了報子, 看到小豬的新聞哈哈他也太可愛了吧 =P
超像小孩子的, 他參加"公益獻愛心"的節目後就去Kallang, 克拉碼頭玩綁緊跳 天啊! 也太愛刺激了吧小豬哈哈 ^-^
我超期待他的新專輯啦! 喔~ 對了張韶涵在八月底的時候就會出專輯了唷 哈哈~!
期待慘了 Oh~My~God~ !!! =P
hahas... today wake up at 9.30am plus T.T very sian and borinq cause don't know wanna do what then yesterday around 2.30pm plus go Mac there got new thing to learn haix....
after the meetinq got SKLV [Rivervale Plaza Mac] cause there yesterday start the new thing but we today then start erm... actually quite easy but they said till very complicated worx they explain one big round to us ai yo~ cute worx hahas....
Every thing end so i straight away take bus 88 home from there ^^ so convenice =P
Reached home bout 5.30pm plus miss half of my 100% Entertainment [娛樂百分百] hahas but still manage to watch a bit and anyway i also can go download hahas =P
小甜甜攻擊心也太強了吧 哈哈...
唉唷~其實她是很美的一位女孩只是走諧星路線而已不過只是暫時諧星吧,她跟蝴蝶姊姊是很好的姐美啊不過她們兩都很喜歡小豬尤其是小甜甜哈哈也太可愛了吧 =P
看得出小甜甜滿愛小豬的唷 哈哈....
二選一的時候嗨... 哈哈羅主任最後選了小甜甜啊 我的媽呀~! 也太感動了吧哈哈也看得出小甜甜快哭出來了唷 ^-^
昨天看了報子, 看到小豬的新聞哈哈他也太可愛了吧 =P
超像小孩子的, 他參加"公益獻愛心"的節目後就去Kallang, 克拉碼頭玩綁緊跳 天啊! 也太愛刺激了吧小豬哈哈 ^-^
我超期待他的新專輯啦! 喔~ 對了張韶涵在八月底的時候就會出專輯了唷 哈哈~!
期待慘了 Oh~My~God~ !!! =P

harlo ! ^^
hahas holidays so sian T.T
nothinq to do and almost repeatinq the same thing everyday ai yo ~
hahas just now read news paper OMG~!!!! saw Xiaozhu news again ^^ hahas he yesterday attend the charity show and some more he donate 15,000 SGD worx OMG~!!! hahas
he sooo~ cute, handsome and kind hearted =P MUACKS~!!!
Morninq mama wake me up called me company her go hougang mall T.T ai yo~ hahas then go eat breakfast after that we walk to hougang mall NTUC buy things worx hahas but very happy cause very long never go out with mama so as the whole family T.T
haix... hope Father Day can go out together ^-^ hahas....
Dots... tomorrow need got back Mac to train new things, the MDS don't know what things worx but i just know that, that thing very trouble some and confuse too ai yo yo~ =P
but hope can understand and learn it as fast as possible bahx hahas....
Follow by Wednesday got work haix T.T no choice worx.... cause it's holidays! =P
hahas holidays so sian T.T
nothinq to do and almost repeatinq the same thing everyday ai yo ~
hahas just now read news paper OMG~!!!! saw Xiaozhu news again ^^ hahas he yesterday attend the charity show and some more he donate 15,000 SGD worx OMG~!!! hahas
he sooo~ cute, handsome and kind hearted =P MUACKS~!!!
Morninq mama wake me up called me company her go hougang mall T.T ai yo~ hahas then go eat breakfast after that we walk to hougang mall NTUC buy things worx hahas but very happy cause very long never go out with mama so as the whole family T.T
haix... hope Father Day can go out together ^-^ hahas....
Dots... tomorrow need got back Mac to train new things, the MDS don't know what things worx but i just know that, that thing very trouble some and confuse too ai yo yo~ =P
but hope can understand and learn it as fast as possible bahx hahas....
Follow by Wednesday got work haix T.T no choice worx.... cause it's holidays! =P
Aisha ~
" HAPPY BIRTHDAY~ !!! " ^-^
hahas.... do stay pretty so as all the best for your 'N' level =P
and hope you have a very happy birthday every year too ^-^
smile always~ .....
" HAPPY BIRTHDAY~ !!! " ^-^
hahas.... do stay pretty so as all the best for your 'N' level =P
and hope you have a very happy birthday every year too ^-^
smile always~ .....
hi~ ^-^
hahas just watch the show on channel 8 the charity show OMG~!!!!!
arrrrr~!!!! xiaozhu, luo zhi xiang is sooo~ cute! =P
omg! and always so handsome ^O^ hahas MUACKS~!
小豬你好可愛唷 =P
也太帥了吧!? 帥慘了啦 哈哈...
愛死你了啦!!! ^-^
i too excited to see xiaozhu then got scolded by my elder brother and sister cause i'm quite noisy hahas but is true that i very long never see him on live in singapore ^-^ hahas ...
today work quite okie and enjoy ai yo~ still don't know how to settle my schedule T.T
cause school reopen is already prelim after that the followinq months is "N" level le haix....
so trouble some worx but heard that our store the S.H.E is quittinq so sad T.T
hoho~ ^^ Came back from work and bathe straight away i reached home 5 mins later =P hahas... my leg now is DAMN pain T.T stand too long haix... every time like that want some more actually work till 2pm then Eloisa extend me till 3pm then 4.30pm and i was -_-''' and T.T ai yo~ why every time extend me worx -_-??? but i use to it and luckily is holidays or else i can die man =P hahas... when i bout to go home i saw Amirah hahas erm.... she was talkinq to some one on phone and think she bout Oreo Mc Flurry hahas cute worx ^^
so fast tomorrow first week of June holiday end some more tomorrow OMG~!!!!! arrrr~!!!! feel like screaminq and cry worx =P hahas cause Xiaozhu, Luo Zhi Xiang is in singapore worx!!!!!! T.T miss him so much~!!!!
feel like seeinq him in personal again T.T haix.... but tomorrow got work till 2pm or maybe 3pm then can't possible go Toa Payoh worx haix... hahas but know that he once again come singapore i very happy worx hahas and can see him on live ^-^ OMG~!!! MUACKS~!!!!!!!!
so fast tomorrow first week of June holiday end some more tomorrow OMG~!!!!! arrrr~!!!! feel like screaminq and cry worx =P hahas cause Xiaozhu, Luo Zhi Xiang is in singapore worx!!!!!! T.T miss him so much~!!!!
feel like seeinq him in personal again T.T haix.... but tomorrow got work till 2pm or maybe 3pm then can't possible go Toa Payoh worx haix... hahas but know that he once again come singapore i very happy worx hahas and can see him on live ^-^ OMG~!!! MUACKS~!!!!!!!!

楊丞琳~ 生日快樂 !!! ^-^
Rainie~ Happy Birthday =P MUACKS~!
祝你身體健康, 越來越紅, 在演藝界里能夠更上一层喔 !
" 可愛教主 " 永遠都是那麼的可愛又年輕 哈哈~
祝你身體健康, 越來越紅, 在演藝界里能夠更上一层喔 !
" 可愛教主 " 永遠都是那麼的可愛又年輕 哈哈~
so fast first week of June holiday goinq end haix.... don't know how worx cause don't have the mood to study or revise for 'N' level T.T some more plus work ai yo~ can die man =P hahas...
like never go out of the house accept for work hahas cause almost everyday readinq story book and usinq computer haix.... BORING~!!!!! T.T
like never go out of the house accept for work hahas cause almost everyday readinq story book and usinq computer haix.... BORING~!!!!! T.T
oh gosh~! feelinq so sleepy and tired some more leg very pain so as stomachache the whole day durinq work time T-T so suai worx haix.....
finally came back from work and bathe now really feel like sleepinq worx haix hahas...
quite long never work so feel a bit weird hahas..... today workinq like runninq Marathon hahas... damn tired worx ai yo~!
think today will sleep quite early bahx =P
poor Jiejie yesterday go school durinq eveninq with mama to take result bahx i think hahas then when they reached home i feel strange worx cause JieJie was not really happy and she was sad then mama didn't talk and quite angry or what worx...
then i go to our room and asked her what happen etc.... she started to cry and of cause i was shocked and heart pain cause didn't see her cry till sooo~ serious just like some time i did like this cry hehe cause can't take it of some thing, too stress or really feel irritate bout some thing...
so she starts to talk bout it and i starts to console her T-T
finally i know what happen, her teacher is too much lor only act one ah beng don't know what
teacher is this lor some more actually i wanna go with them but don't know what stop me or else i can scold the teacher ...
"Aey! you know some thing ^^ hahas... YOUR ATTITUDE SUCKS MAN~!!!!!!! you do really think you are a teacher!? oh~ come on man i can vomit okie! "
i don't care if my mama scold me for doinq that or the teacher go complain to my school hahas.... i just DON'T GIVE A DAMN!!!!!!
finally came back from work and bathe now really feel like sleepinq worx haix hahas...
quite long never work so feel a bit weird hahas..... today workinq like runninq Marathon hahas... damn tired worx ai yo~!
think today will sleep quite early bahx =P
poor Jiejie yesterday go school durinq eveninq with mama to take result bahx i think hahas then when they reached home i feel strange worx cause JieJie was not really happy and she was sad then mama didn't talk and quite angry or what worx...
then i go to our room and asked her what happen etc.... she started to cry and of cause i was shocked and heart pain cause didn't see her cry till sooo~ serious just like some time i did like this cry hehe cause can't take it of some thing, too stress or really feel irritate bout some thing...
so she starts to talk bout it and i starts to console her T-T
finally i know what happen, her teacher is too much lor only act one ah beng don't know what
teacher is this lor some more actually i wanna go with them but don't know what stop me or else i can scold the teacher ...
"Aey! you know some thing ^^ hahas... YOUR ATTITUDE SUCKS MAN~!!!!!!! you do really think you are a teacher!? oh~ come on man i can vomit okie! "
i don't care if my mama scold me for doinq that or the teacher go complain to my school hahas.... i just DON'T GIVE A DAMN!!!!!!
hi~ ^^
the weather is slightly hot but better then yesterday bahx hahas =D
today wake up at around 10.30am plus erm.... don't know why hahas den said goodbye to mama cause she goinq hougang mall and called me to cooked noodle eat for breakfast so i did but also cooked for korkor ai yo he early morninq wake up play PSP what the.... -_-''''
erm.... not really nice to eat cause don't really have taste and i forgot to put salt hahas but still can eat meanwhile i need to eat plain food ^^ use to it! hahas =P
so after eatinq read my books that i borrow from library a while i go do house work T-T my hand pain worx haix... sad worx T-T hahas i sweep and mop de floor follow by washinq dish ....
after that mama came back from hougang mall cause every time see her go buy thing plus need to do so many house work very tired worx some more will get sick, poor mama T-T
after i done with everything i go rest a while and cool down hahas and meanwhile i read my book again ^^
after cool down i go take a shower ^^
then i go download "娛樂百分百" [100% Entertainment] =D
today show is damn damn funny and cut~e man hahas...
cause the Korea series "流心花園 Boys Over Flower " the female & male role went to Taiwan to promo the show OMG~!!! the female role is damn cute and pretty man!!!! haha =P
for singapore is today broadcast but for Taiwan is yesterday...

xiaozhu and xiaogui very childish and cute till can laugh till my teeth wanna drop worx, they bet who can hug the male role and face get touch by the female role, the lose want need to called the other papa/father hoho~ damn funny hahas.... and one more is that two of them which will the female role choose to be her boyfriend hahas cute worx ^^
they very naughty hahas just watch very funny ^^
Channel U, 5pm, Monday to Friday a very interestinq show !!!
the weather is slightly hot but better then yesterday bahx hahas =D
today wake up at around 10.30am plus erm.... don't know why hahas den said goodbye to mama cause she goinq hougang mall and called me to cooked noodle eat for breakfast so i did but also cooked for korkor ai yo he early morninq wake up play PSP what the.... -_-''''
erm.... not really nice to eat cause don't really have taste and i forgot to put salt hahas but still can eat meanwhile i need to eat plain food ^^ use to it! hahas =P
so after eatinq read my books that i borrow from library a while i go do house work T-T my hand pain worx haix... sad worx T-T hahas i sweep and mop de floor follow by washinq dish ....
after that mama came back from hougang mall cause every time see her go buy thing plus need to do so many house work very tired worx some more will get sick, poor mama T-T
after i done with everything i go rest a while and cool down hahas and meanwhile i read my book again ^^
after cool down i go take a shower ^^
then i go download "娛樂百分百" [100% Entertainment] =D
today show is damn damn funny and cut~e man hahas...
cause the Korea series "流心花園 Boys Over Flower " the female & male role went to Taiwan to promo the show OMG~!!! the female role is damn cute and pretty man!!!! haha =P
for singapore is today broadcast but for Taiwan is yesterday...

xiaozhu and xiaogui very childish and cute till can laugh till my teeth wanna drop worx, they bet who can hug the male role and face get touch by the female role, the lose want need to called the other papa/father hoho~ damn funny hahas.... and one more is that two of them which will the female role choose to be her boyfriend hahas cute worx ^^
they very naughty hahas just watch very funny ^^
Channel U, 5pm, Monday to Friday a very interestinq show !!!
Haix... first day of holidays -_-zzz so~ sian nothinq much can do at home only revise for prelim and 'N' level worx ai yo~ headache man T-T hahas....
haven been workinq this few days so.... Wednesday goinq to work 9am to 3pm haix.....
think July and August will stop workinq cause of the 'N' level worx so sad man ai yo~
hahas anyway one of my bestie Eileen she still at china OMG~! she so relax there man hahas....
hope she enjoy bahx ^^
Sooo~ damn long never see shiyu marmie le T-T
I MISS YOU~!!!!! find one day go out okie mah!? ^^ hahas.....
Elaine Jie ar i mean i paid half of mama fee O.o ???
Saturday JieJie and me went to AMK library to borrow books cause Jiejie said she don't know what to write for her don't know what exam thing worx hahas i not really sure hehe =P
She borrow a book that she don't really like it and some more the book no link and can't understand worx hahas so maybe she will read my ^^
i borrow two books quite interestinq hahas.... one chinese and one english ^^
"Beautiful City of the Dead" by Leander Watts ....
summary: after joininq a heavy metal band, high school student Zee learns that she is a god of water and is called upon to fight sinister forces that want her powers for their own.
I only started to read the first page yesterday then i stop hahas cause don't really have the mood to read books =P hahas...
so i read the chinese book when i wake up is really a sad and touchinq novel book....
"伴在你身旁" [Be/By Your Side]
the writer have blog too hahas....
hahas.... it's a 2006 story and talks bout cherish everything and don't give up! ^^
just like what i always said hahas =P
story talks that a sweet, pretty, smart, skin very white want and she was 16 years old was dead at her school big gate hit by a red sport car and ..........
sorry i only read bout here hehe ^^
haven been workinq this few days so.... Wednesday goinq to work 9am to 3pm haix.....
think July and August will stop workinq cause of the 'N' level worx so sad man ai yo~
hahas anyway one of my bestie Eileen she still at china OMG~! she so relax there man hahas....
hope she enjoy bahx ^^
Sooo~ damn long never see shiyu marmie le T-T
I MISS YOU~!!!!! find one day go out okie mah!? ^^ hahas.....
Elaine Jie ar i mean i paid half of mama fee O.o ???
Saturday JieJie and me went to AMK library to borrow books cause Jiejie said she don't know what to write for her don't know what exam thing worx hahas i not really sure hehe =P
She borrow a book that she don't really like it and some more the book no link and can't understand worx hahas so maybe she will read my ^^
i borrow two books quite interestinq hahas.... one chinese and one english ^^
"Beautiful City of the Dead" by Leander Watts ....
summary: after joininq a heavy metal band, high school student Zee learns that she is a god of water and is called upon to fight sinister forces that want her powers for their own.
I only started to read the first page yesterday then i stop hahas cause don't really have the mood to read books =P hahas...
so i read the chinese book when i wake up is really a sad and touchinq novel book....
"伴在你身旁" [Be/By Your Side]
the writer have blog too hahas....
hahas.... it's a 2006 story and talks bout cherish everything and don't give up! ^^
just like what i always said hahas =P
story talks that a sweet, pretty, smart, skin very white want and she was 16 years old was dead at her school big gate hit by a red sport car and ..........
sorry i only read bout here hehe ^^
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hello! it's Saturday night now and I'm posting at this timing because I've settle down all the thing in the house. Finally I...
I'M TOTALLY, 100% PISSED OFF~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why~! why i can't get in the course T.T why god wanna separate ...
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