Peepo~! ^^
Hahas came back from work quite long just bathe finish=P
I feel so bad and sorry cause my best friend Eileen actually called me to company her to go train her 2.4m and meet under my block then today she said meet at hougang mall then I can't cause tomorrow got work and mummy scare I very tired so never let me go...
Really hope that she won't angry and told me never mind and never angry but I know that she does and some more disappointed on me cause she every time called me go out or meet her I always can't then thought today finally can get the chance to see her but... haix how I know T-T
Best friend~ I really very sorry hope euu understand and don't mind !? ^^
But I do really miss euu alot too T-T very long never see euu since euu visit me when I in hospital last end year.... so do really hope to see euu then ^^

Standinq the whole day OMG~! my leg gone jelly and tired finally can rest worx damn tired today hahas and today work have lots of lots of fun man muahahaha ^^
Especially durinq after work the meetinq so as after the meetinq hahas ......
Durinq work Huiyi, Feng Ming and me were runninq MDS hahas fun lor and we were busyinq doinq things too then till 12pm Feng Ming go green bin and 1pm she go home then left me and Huiyi we are packing condiments then meanwhile a lot of orders come in so we were like separatinq ourselves hahas...

Then reached 2pm Huiyi turns to go home so haix... of caus eleft me alone T-T hahas =P
But still can manage to cope =P [luckily ^^] then 2.3opm then is my turn to end shift...
So while I was eating I suddenly remember that 3pm got meetinq so i eat faater then how i know after i eat finish the burger times up T-T haix... then no choice I give the fries to Liyang hahas =P But don't know wheather she got eat anot worx ??? anyway hahas....
So we some crew went out and have meetinq so as Xinyi, Lisa, Feng Ming they all and ping ping who held the meetinq..... So we were havinq meetinq while~.... it was raining and storm OMG~ hahas then got one time the storm veri loud then Lisa spilt her drink erm.... think is latte or capo bahx and is ping ping treat all of us but I never drink hahas...

After meetinq over Feng Ming and me got got things to dicuss with ping ping cause of our exams especially "N/O" level then we wanna have some leave/off/break to prepare /study so we dicuss till we went to the hawer center cause ping ping haven eat so we went there after that follow by Lisa, Xinyi and her father... we finally dicuss and settle every thing hahas ^^
Then ping ping told me that OMG~! CL things again T-T MUMMY~~!!!!!
Ai yo~! She said she tomorrow wanna me answer a form with question and not very difficult want... some more she said I had alresy pass but only left that form haven answer OMG~!
I very scare worx ai yo~ by the way I want know why me first worx now Adele !??? T-T
I only work bout one year leh but Adele work more more longer than me worx ai yo yo~ I very confuse and scare lah T-T haix....

We were havinq a lots of fun in the hawer center, have jokes, gossips and etc hahas =P
One more thing that I knew today that is ping ping was born on 7th of July hahas....
Xinyi was on th 15th then I was on the 13th hahas =P quite interstinq wrox ^^
Tomorrow early morninq must wake up again T-T ai yo~!!!
hahas never mind =P but very tired worx T-T
Sunday need go pray erm... near the bishan there sure damn lots/fuul of people haix... hahas. then all come my house eat ^^

Post till here then ^^
My JieJi wanna use come haix... T-T
I wanna watch my 霹靂MIT worx =P hahas....
Got to go... see yah =P

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