Peepo~! ^^
Hahas came back from school, the weather quite okie worx the warm still can accept hahas cause just now got rain....
Today early in the morninq OMG~ i was shocked ...
i was tyinq my hair cause prepare to go school so while i was tyinq i started to feel shaky, dizzy and can't really stand properly....
so i told JieJie then she go make me one slice of bread spread of butter and i ate...
and i was hypoglycaemia, i was scared and bout to late for school so no choice try my best to stable and go school...
i also think bout not goinq to school but today got CL exams so.... still go hahas....
i went to my house the mini mart there buy mentos cause my nurse jiejie told me that if i feel hypo eat three mentors so i bought it and eat it...
i was feelinq damn dizzy while on the way to school so when i reached i go toilet feel my friends and they are there but hippo marmie not there T-T
after that times up we went back to class room for temperature takinq ....
i sit with marmie then she called me to rest and also kept askinq me if i'm okie wanna go home hahas so as Paulyn called me to go home ^^ thanks ! MUACKS~!!!
hahas =P
so after i eat bread i'm back to normal again^^ hoho~! hahas.....
today in school very enjoy cause form mdm hartini never come and today got her three period and we so relax hahas =P
today also no maths lesson hahas....
Haix... got some thing happen in class 4T9 again!!! ai yo yo~!!!!! what happen~! and... why?
haix.... just hope the c.girls can settle it as soon as possible and most important with no harm alright !? ^^
Ai yo~ come on ~
this is our very last year together can't we just enjoy this precious year!? ^^
4T9 ROX~!!! =P
OMG~! just can't don't love you all hahas =P
sooo~ cute and sweet =P MUACKS~!!!!
so as mdm hartini so pity every time need spent so much time/energy scoldinq us =P
Really hope that we can improve more and not let her down so let do our best for all our exams, especially 'N' level ^^ hoho~ GAMPATEHHH~!!!!! =P
Arrr~! miss my phone soooo~ much T-T hahas.....
lynnie said maybe tomorrow or next week can get back my phone YEAH~!!! ^^
hahas.... actually i didn't really blame lynnie for causinq usinq it in class then kanan confiscate but just that haix.... my top up card $28 just like this need to throw into the river arrrr!!!!
sad~! T-T still got $70 ++++ worx ai yo yo~ haix.....
never then hahas.....
Tomorrow Thursday....
three periods of maths and have assembly too haix ... -_-zzzz
hahas =P
then Friday NO SCHOOL~ YEAH~!!!
but.... haix... got work T-T hahas never mind cause got double paid =P hehe....
alright post till here ^^
KIKO~! ^^
Just came back from hougang mall hahas... got JieJie and JiaJia [Yu Jia]...
We go there makan then walk walk hahas....
i bought pencil case, wallet, oil control film and lip gloss =P hahas....
very long never go hougang mall worx ....
today in school haix......
have mother touge exams dots.... the passage is damn long and difficult to read worx T-T
hahas.... hope can pass then and i also try my best hehe....
then we have left two periods of EBS, we watch don't know what video worx hahas....
erm... think is bout services or what bahx....
After that is PE -_-'''
to us class 4T9 today don't have PE lesson cause.....
we wanna go for PE but... it was raininq and then hall was being use by those express and academic students for their exams too so.... we exchange with maths lesson...
that means PE lesson we have maths lesson then maths lesson have PE lesson...
Follow by recess time YIPPEE~! =P
ai yo~! recess time got big big "war" haix.....
luckily only we class 4T9 and some students gone for recess cause others havinq exams so......
not really sure what happen....
while everyone was buyinq food and eatinq too suddenly zheng hui got angry and don't know slam what thing then walk out of the canteen and then back again....
he go shout at wei xiang very loud with vulgarities continuously then this time shi long can't continue seeinq what zheng hui is doinq towards wei xiang and he talk back him and called him stop...
So zheng hui got upset and not really happy then went up to shi long and wanna bit him up so everyone got shocked and quickily went up and stop them....
the very cute thing is that, all the malay boys were sittinq far away and kaleem, joshua and some others ran to stop/whole them from fightinq hahas ai yo~
sad worx... last year le! come on~!!!
can't we just be united??? ^^
hahas.... hope 4T9 relationship can improve and most most important!
PLS ! PLS! PLS! don't quarrel or fight anymore!/ alright ^^ hahas.....
After recess is science hahas don't know why today so enjoy science and kept writinq down notes... hahas.... erm.... maybe exams cominq or.... is Mr Koh teachinq and not that pervert Mr Tham =P hahas.....
So after science follow by "PE" what the hell at the end! haix..... -_-'''
how we know that it was still raininq and the hall held till 2pm so so so....
we go back to class again! T-T
for maths lesson ai yo yo~! haix... hahas funny worx =P
Mr James Tan called us to do our other thing provided no talkinq....
so we do our maths homework but atill quite noisy but still can accept =p hahas...
Hiax... don' really like my blogskin worx....
i wanna change again le haix....
hahas.... hope can find a better want =P
Just came back from hougang mall hahas... got JieJie and JiaJia [Yu Jia]...
We go there makan then walk walk hahas....
i bought pencil case, wallet, oil control film and lip gloss =P hahas....
very long never go hougang mall worx ....
today in school haix......
have mother touge exams dots.... the passage is damn long and difficult to read worx T-T
hahas.... hope can pass then and i also try my best hehe....
then we have left two periods of EBS, we watch don't know what video worx hahas....
erm... think is bout services or what bahx....
After that is PE -_-'''
to us class 4T9 today don't have PE lesson cause.....
we wanna go for PE but... it was raininq and then hall was being use by those express and academic students for their exams too so.... we exchange with maths lesson...
that means PE lesson we have maths lesson then maths lesson have PE lesson...
Follow by recess time YIPPEE~! =P
ai yo~! recess time got big big "war" haix.....
luckily only we class 4T9 and some students gone for recess cause others havinq exams so......
not really sure what happen....
while everyone was buyinq food and eatinq too suddenly zheng hui got angry and don't know slam what thing then walk out of the canteen and then back again....
he go shout at wei xiang very loud with vulgarities continuously then this time shi long can't continue seeinq what zheng hui is doinq towards wei xiang and he talk back him and called him stop...
So zheng hui got upset and not really happy then went up to shi long and wanna bit him up so everyone got shocked and quickily went up and stop them....
the very cute thing is that, all the malay boys were sittinq far away and kaleem, joshua and some others ran to stop/whole them from fightinq hahas ai yo~
sad worx... last year le! come on~!!!
can't we just be united??? ^^
hahas.... hope 4T9 relationship can improve and most most important!
PLS ! PLS! PLS! don't quarrel or fight anymore!/ alright ^^ hahas.....
After recess is science hahas don't know why today so enjoy science and kept writinq down notes... hahas.... erm.... maybe exams cominq or.... is Mr Koh teachinq and not that pervert Mr Tham =P hahas.....
So after science follow by "PE" what the hell at the end! haix..... -_-'''
how we know that it was still raininq and the hall held till 2pm so so so....
we go back to class again! T-T
for maths lesson ai yo yo~! haix... hahas funny worx =P
Mr James Tan called us to do our other thing provided no talkinq....
so we do our maths homework but atill quite noisy but still can accept =p hahas...
Hiax... don' really like my blogskin worx....
i wanna change again le haix....
hahas.... hope can find a better want =P
PEEPO~! ^^
Just came back from school ....
Hahas i never go elective program =P very sian worx some more the time so long haix....
Today hippo mama never come school don't know why worx!? maybe late or can't wake up OMG~ or maybe she sick!??? T-T
Today in school quite okie but... many people never come worx haix....
Benjamin our vice-chairman -_-'''
Ailin, Jeslyn, Ying Jing, Wei Xiang and erm.... think thats all bahx hahas not really sure =P
First period ... English -_-zzz
I sit with Paulyn today.... so the lesson we do some kind of correct the words bahx ??? =P
After that is MT lesson...
OMG~ oral worx T-T haix... don't know if can pass a not worx hahas....
then follow by -_-zzz enrichment ai yo~ so what the hell worx miss goh today called us do so many stupid things man bleah....
Some more said what next lesson will group up four people in a group and bring food that four people can share OMG~! can faint man cause will be havinq the meals at parade square -_-'''
dots worx ai yo yo~!!! T-T hahas....
After recess is maths OMG~! Mr James Tan never come again! haix.... sad man thought can learn something new worx T-T
Then follow by science what the hell that Mr Tham is really the ......
cause the class very noisy, Kaleem and Joshua keep makinq noise so teacher very fed up kept shoutinq then how we know that Mr Tham called Kaleem get out of the class so meanwhile Mr Koh called Joshua go out too....
Then this time they both walk to the front of the class cause they wanna go out then Mr Tham called Joshua come back and ask him where he's goinq !?....
He answer him that Mr Koh called him go out ....
In the middle i not really sure whats goinq on then they bnoth wanna go out le that Mr Tham go pull Joshua spectacles then they almost got into fight ai yo~
That Mr Tham some time really nothinq to do wanna find trouble want haix.... some more so pervert want bleah!!!
Some more said what discipline master also take our ex-link card cause wanna make sure that we do what we have/should do dots man please lah euu not take worx euu snatch worx ai yo yo~!!! don't know how he can be teacher worx -_-???
hahas =P
Yesterday night... I cried !..... =P
i doinq maths homework and i don't know how to then wanna called JieJie to teach/help me but she was bathinq so i wait for her and she came out le so i asked her and she teach me....
she just write out the answer but i still can't get it and kept askinq her...
she explain le i still can't get it so when i wanna ask her another question she rush out to watch the hong xing da jiang then i go close the door and wanna try it myself but till can't get everything right so i started to panic and etc... cause i really can't get the answer and don't know how to do...
Then... i started to cry..... while i was doinq i suddenly recalled those memories/comments that many people is sayinq bout me.....
Like the maths test.....
Hippo mama she pass she got 17/20 and i got 4/20 and i was sad and disappointed cause Mr James Tan said she was improvinq and wanna her to teach me....
After i discharged last year [end of year]....
i puttinq on weight every single day... so school reopen everyone was surprise to see me cause i'm not like last time anymore i'm gettinq fatter.....
Almost all of mai friend, relative or even people around me are sayinq all this....
"Aeh.... why you gettinq so fat !?"
"You puttinq on weight you know!?"
"you look so fat...."
yes! i was different from what i was to be....
but do you all think i want? NO~!
i have no choice i also wanna to be just like what i was....
a cheerful, smart, courage, active person....
I was just too unlucky to have diabetes from my mother!
And my family/relative members also said all those things that i HATE to hear it!!!!
I have to inject every day and night it was tough but need use to it.... eat medicine everyday after meals....
Need to care for my studies .....
Since after i have it my life everything have change, my studies and health have been affected
Now i need to do my best for my job cause boss wanna me to be a good example and wanna me to prepare for what she wanna to test me....
I need to go back KK hospital evey three month to see diabetes doctor/center for check up and etc.... so as every end of year which is Decemeber need go back for a check up for my kidney...
i gettinq more useless and stupid/blur everything also don't know and wanna give up my studies but i don't want to let my parent down so i think of quitinq my job but they won't let me quit especially boss so i have no choice just have to carry on and bear with it.....
To Wendy....
Erm... how you find my blog?
hahas anyway... why you hate show so much?
you sure you hate him ? or me? so really i do know you? or you do know me ???
never mind i understand ^^
everyones have their own top idols/singer/artist hahas....
erm... by the way worx i never offence you????
why euu come my blog and said all that to me worx ???
if i did anything wrong to you or any misunderstandinq you are kinly to leave any comments!=P
Just came back from school ....
Hahas i never go elective program =P very sian worx some more the time so long haix....
Today hippo mama never come school don't know why worx!? maybe late or can't wake up OMG~ or maybe she sick!??? T-T
Today in school quite okie but... many people never come worx haix....
Benjamin our vice-chairman -_-'''
Ailin, Jeslyn, Ying Jing, Wei Xiang and erm.... think thats all bahx hahas not really sure =P
First period ... English -_-zzz
I sit with Paulyn today.... so the lesson we do some kind of correct the words bahx ??? =P
After that is MT lesson...
OMG~ oral worx T-T haix... don't know if can pass a not worx hahas....
then follow by -_-zzz enrichment ai yo~ so what the hell worx miss goh today called us do so many stupid things man bleah....
Some more said what next lesson will group up four people in a group and bring food that four people can share OMG~! can faint man cause will be havinq the meals at parade square -_-'''
dots worx ai yo yo~!!! T-T hahas....
After recess is maths OMG~! Mr James Tan never come again! haix.... sad man thought can learn something new worx T-T
Then follow by science what the hell that Mr Tham is really the ......
cause the class very noisy, Kaleem and Joshua keep makinq noise so teacher very fed up kept shoutinq then how we know that Mr Tham called Kaleem get out of the class so meanwhile Mr Koh called Joshua go out too....
Then this time they both walk to the front of the class cause they wanna go out then Mr Tham called Joshua come back and ask him where he's goinq !?....
He answer him that Mr Koh called him go out ....
In the middle i not really sure whats goinq on then they bnoth wanna go out le that Mr Tham go pull Joshua spectacles then they almost got into fight ai yo~
That Mr Tham some time really nothinq to do wanna find trouble want haix.... some more so pervert want bleah!!!
Some more said what discipline master also take our ex-link card cause wanna make sure that we do what we have/should do dots man please lah euu not take worx euu snatch worx ai yo yo~!!! don't know how he can be teacher worx -_-???
hahas =P
Yesterday night... I cried !..... =P
i doinq maths homework and i don't know how to then wanna called JieJie to teach/help me but she was bathinq so i wait for her and she came out le so i asked her and she teach me....
she just write out the answer but i still can't get it and kept askinq her...
she explain le i still can't get it so when i wanna ask her another question she rush out to watch the hong xing da jiang then i go close the door and wanna try it myself but till can't get everything right so i started to panic and etc... cause i really can't get the answer and don't know how to do...
Then... i started to cry..... while i was doinq i suddenly recalled those memories/comments that many people is sayinq bout me.....
Like the maths test.....
Hippo mama she pass she got 17/20 and i got 4/20 and i was sad and disappointed cause Mr James Tan said she was improvinq and wanna her to teach me....
After i discharged last year [end of year]....
i puttinq on weight every single day... so school reopen everyone was surprise to see me cause i'm not like last time anymore i'm gettinq fatter.....
Almost all of mai friend, relative or even people around me are sayinq all this....
"Aeh.... why you gettinq so fat !?"
"You puttinq on weight you know!?"
"you look so fat...."
yes! i was different from what i was to be....
but do you all think i want? NO~!
i have no choice i also wanna to be just like what i was....
a cheerful, smart, courage, active person....
I was just too unlucky to have diabetes from my mother!
And my family/relative members also said all those things that i HATE to hear it!!!!
I have to inject every day and night it was tough but need use to it.... eat medicine everyday after meals....
Need to care for my studies .....
Since after i have it my life everything have change, my studies and health have been affected
Now i need to do my best for my job cause boss wanna me to be a good example and wanna me to prepare for what she wanna to test me....
I need to go back KK hospital evey three month to see diabetes doctor/center for check up and etc.... so as every end of year which is Decemeber need go back for a check up for my kidney...
i gettinq more useless and stupid/blur everything also don't know and wanna give up my studies but i don't want to let my parent down so i think of quitinq my job but they won't let me quit especially boss so i have no choice just have to carry on and bear with it.....
To Wendy....
Erm... how you find my blog?
hahas anyway... why you hate show so much?
you sure you hate him ? or me? so really i do know you? or you do know me ???
never mind i understand ^^
everyones have their own top idols/singer/artist hahas....
erm... by the way worx i never offence you????
why euu come my blog and said all that to me worx ???
if i did anything wrong to you or any misunderstandinq you are kinly to leave any comments!=P
Harlo~! ^^
Came back from work bout half an hour le hehe....
OMG~ my leg damn pain and tired T-T stand too long haix...
Tomorrow Monday again and .... it's school day worx -_-zzzz haix.... =P
Yesterday Saturday...
After work bout 2pm plus i rush home cause mummy said wanna company Ah yi and JiuJiu to changi airport to send them off T-T so sad miss them worx haix...
i was very excited bout goinq to airport! haha cause i never been to airport before and yesterday is my very first time ^^ hahas... so happy =P
i know sound quite funny and... erm... stupid/idiot bahx.... hahas like a small girl like that=P
We took bus 27.... the place quite nice and beautiful hahas....
Send them off mummy and me go hougang mall cause i wanna buy workinq shoes =P
Jiejie said wanna go with me want but at the end gone home with papa -_-''' ai yo~ hahas
i sleep at around 12am bahx with jiejie cause we watch television hahas.....
Then today early morninq wake up haix.... go work again T-T so sleep and tired worx T-T hahas.... i actually work in the kitchen but at the end bout 9am many crew come in so full then i ask liza i do what cause kitchen is full so she called me go do MDS then suddenly change called me go pack condiments then i was like T-T and -_-''' haix....
sian... the whole morninq i was doinq that worx ai yo~ hahas =P
then work till 3.30pm but rain so i work FOC till 4pm plus plus hahas =P
Today saw Adele sister, Alvin, Jason, Zhu Lei, Alex, Aunty Poh Hua ....
Very long never see them ! miss them worx hahas.... so as Terence hahas although he yesterday got come store but never work but today he wear manager uniform hahas....
Ai ya~!!!
Tomorrow need go school again T-T soooo~! sian and tired of seeinq some fuckinq teacher bleah!.....
some more got the elective program worx what the hell man ! T-T so as miss goh lesson haix.... Monday is a sucks day but i only enjoy in MT lesson haha =P
Oh ya cominq Tuesday 28th April 09 got MT exams dots.... GAMPATEH! hahas....
i want chiong for my studies T-T so wish i can be smart just like jiejie and zhi wei =P hahas....
Friday 1st May 09...
OMG~! so fast then haix.... this day i got work T-T sad!....
okie then today post till here bah ^^
everyone/friends all the best and gampateh for your cominq exams worx ^^
Hahas MUACKS~!!!
Came back from work bout half an hour le hehe....
OMG~ my leg damn pain and tired T-T stand too long haix...
Tomorrow Monday again and .... it's school day worx -_-zzzz haix.... =P
Yesterday Saturday...
After work bout 2pm plus i rush home cause mummy said wanna company Ah yi and JiuJiu to changi airport to send them off T-T so sad miss them worx haix...
i was very excited bout goinq to airport! haha cause i never been to airport before and yesterday is my very first time ^^ hahas... so happy =P
i know sound quite funny and... erm... stupid/idiot bahx.... hahas like a small girl like that=P
We took bus 27.... the place quite nice and beautiful hahas....
Send them off mummy and me go hougang mall cause i wanna buy workinq shoes =P
Jiejie said wanna go with me want but at the end gone home with papa -_-''' ai yo~ hahas
i sleep at around 12am bahx with jiejie cause we watch television hahas.....
Then today early morninq wake up haix.... go work again T-T so sleep and tired worx T-T hahas.... i actually work in the kitchen but at the end bout 9am many crew come in so full then i ask liza i do what cause kitchen is full so she called me go do MDS then suddenly change called me go pack condiments then i was like T-T and -_-''' haix....
sian... the whole morninq i was doinq that worx ai yo~ hahas =P
then work till 3.30pm but rain so i work FOC till 4pm plus plus hahas =P
Today saw Adele sister, Alvin, Jason, Zhu Lei, Alex, Aunty Poh Hua ....
Very long never see them ! miss them worx hahas.... so as Terence hahas although he yesterday got come store but never work but today he wear manager uniform hahas....
Ai ya~!!!
Tomorrow need go school again T-T soooo~! sian and tired of seeinq some fuckinq teacher bleah!.....
some more got the elective program worx what the hell man ! T-T so as miss goh lesson haix.... Monday is a sucks day but i only enjoy in MT lesson haha =P
Oh ya cominq Tuesday 28th April 09 got MT exams dots.... GAMPATEH! hahas....
i want chiong for my studies T-T so wish i can be smart just like jiejie and zhi wei =P hahas....
Friday 1st May 09...
OMG~! so fast then haix.... this day i got work T-T sad!....
okie then today post till here bah ^^
everyone/friends all the best and gampateh for your cominq exams worx ^^
Hahas MUACKS~!!!
Harlo~! ^^
Just came back from AMK Hub hahas =P
I go cut hair then call JieJie company me hehe...
Then how I know came home mummy, ah yi, jiu jiu and korkor said i got cut hair meh !?
Then i was like -_-''' and T-T so as angry worx! haix... sad ... every time like that i already cut quite short le worx T-T and yet they haix.... don't really like it and daddy sure will also nagged at me too T-T Dots... tomorrow need go work again haix.... today is Friday can study till very late but tomorrow still must go work worx but luckily work till 2pm only =P hahas...
Or else my mid year exams sure fail cause i now already failinq T-T haix... sad worx!
Just wanna work hard towards my studies worx ^^ anyway... hahas.....
Ah yi and jiujiu tomorrow night then go back to KL by flight worx OMG~! so wish i was the one hahas and so so wish that i could go Taiwan~~ arrr.... ^^ haha =P
Today in school erm... okie still can enjoy haha =P
But~!!! my CPA coursework~!.... what the hell man T-T arrrr~ i haven done everything but classmates all printinq le think left me bahx still haven finish doinq all those slids or video etc... haix.... then mr lio said next week then continue but only for printinq T-T haix... my god~!!!
I quite like new hairstyle worx =P hahas.... my fringe cut hair so as my hair....
After cuttinq hair JieJie and me go AMK Hub walk walk but actually wanna buy workinq shoe but can't find any so... forget it then hahas....
Follow by popular.... we bought some notebooks to wite and foolscape too I also bought one eraser and market [don't know why haha =P]
So on the way to MRT station the bus stop there, suddenly got people call me then i turn towards the voice and is Lisa ! hahas... happy to see her ^^ hahas....
Today post till here then ^^
Tomorrow after work then post bahx =P
Just came back from AMK Hub hahas =P
I go cut hair then call JieJie company me hehe...
Then how I know came home mummy, ah yi, jiu jiu and korkor said i got cut hair meh !?
Then i was like -_-''' and T-T so as angry worx! haix... sad ... every time like that i already cut quite short le worx T-T and yet they haix.... don't really like it and daddy sure will also nagged at me too T-T Dots... tomorrow need go work again haix.... today is Friday can study till very late but tomorrow still must go work worx but luckily work till 2pm only =P hahas...
Or else my mid year exams sure fail cause i now already failinq T-T haix... sad worx!
Just wanna work hard towards my studies worx ^^ anyway... hahas.....
Ah yi and jiujiu tomorrow night then go back to KL by flight worx OMG~! so wish i was the one hahas and so so wish that i could go Taiwan~~ arrr.... ^^ haha =P
Today in school erm... okie still can enjoy haha =P
But~!!! my CPA coursework~!.... what the hell man T-T arrrr~ i haven done everything but classmates all printinq le think left me bahx still haven finish doinq all those slids or video etc... haix.... then mr lio said next week then continue but only for printinq T-T haix... my god~!!!
I quite like new hairstyle worx =P hahas.... my fringe cut hair so as my hair....
After cuttinq hair JieJie and me go AMK Hub walk walk but actually wanna buy workinq shoe but can't find any so... forget it then hahas....
Follow by popular.... we bought some notebooks to wite and foolscape too I also bought one eraser and market [don't know why haha =P]
So on the way to MRT station the bus stop there, suddenly got people call me then i turn towards the voice and is Lisa ! hahas... happy to see her ^^ hahas....
Today post till here then ^^
Tomorrow after work then post bahx =P
-_-''' siannzzzzzz~
Just came back from school T-T
Hahas by the way...
Harlo~ PEEPO~!!! =P
Today quite enjoy in school worx hahas.... I miss hippo marmie worx just like i said one day never see her feel very weird and emo[sometimes] =P hahas....
so today is Thursday hmm.....
Got Assembly and three periods of maths and also usual got scold by James Tan every maths lesson hahas T-T
Today got some thing happen!....
My the only phone got confiscated and by form teacher Mdm Hartini T-T omg~! so sad =P
Hahas... cause cutie lynnie handphone already got confiscated so as her spare phone been confiscated this morninq after morninq assembly haix... poor lynnie T-T
Then in class after CPA lesson she came and borrow from me so I lent her cause I'm not usinq it anyway so i just gave her hahas...
But how we know that after science lesson is English our form teacher she called us to do the test section A then cutie lynnie go sit at the back of class erm.... not really sure why...
Bout recess time suddenly mdm hartini came to me and show me my phone and asked if it was mine and i of cause admitted hahas....
Think bout end of this month will get back my phone bahx if lynnie in class behavior is good worx ^^ Lynnie said she very guilty then i told her that never mind don't worry ^^ hahas... but the only thing i worry is that i don't know how am i goinq to spend my that $70 plus of that sim card OMG~!!! T-T i bought the top up card for $28 worx T-T
It will top up $100 for me so i now still left $70 plus plus haix.....
Think must find way haha =P
Okie le got to go ^^
BB~ then hahas...
Just came back from school T-T
Hahas by the way...
Harlo~ PEEPO~!!! =P
Today quite enjoy in school worx hahas.... I miss hippo marmie worx just like i said one day never see her feel very weird and emo[sometimes] =P hahas....
so today is Thursday hmm.....
Got Assembly and three periods of maths and also usual got scold by James Tan every maths lesson hahas T-T
Today got some thing happen!....
My the only phone got confiscated and by form teacher Mdm Hartini T-T omg~! so sad =P
Hahas... cause cutie lynnie handphone already got confiscated so as her spare phone been confiscated this morninq after morninq assembly haix... poor lynnie T-T
Then in class after CPA lesson she came and borrow from me so I lent her cause I'm not usinq it anyway so i just gave her hahas...
But how we know that after science lesson is English our form teacher she called us to do the test section A then cutie lynnie go sit at the back of class erm.... not really sure why...
Bout recess time suddenly mdm hartini came to me and show me my phone and asked if it was mine and i of cause admitted hahas....
Think bout end of this month will get back my phone bahx if lynnie in class behavior is good worx ^^ Lynnie said she very guilty then i told her that never mind don't worry ^^ hahas... but the only thing i worry is that i don't know how am i goinq to spend my that $70 plus of that sim card OMG~!!! T-T i bought the top up card for $28 worx T-T
It will top up $100 for me so i now still left $70 plus plus haix.....
Think must find way haha =P
Okie le got to go ^^
BB~ then hahas...
Today never go school cause some thing sad happen few days ago then today they end it so....
Mummy, JieJie, me, ah yi and jiujiu from malaysia which they came in SG yesterday we went together quite early in the morninq T-T
Haix... so tired... just came back from funeral ceremony at yi ma house...
Sad worx... haix... they cremation chong korkor....
Miss him so much T.T
miss his laughter.... miss his joke and etc.... haix... just very sad
Really hope he can RIP bahx ...
Tomorrow thursday...
sian got CPA coursework dots.... I haven done all the slide worx then all my classmate done with the slide and printinq le and I still busy with my slide haix....
So trouble some!
Haix.... this year really many things happen don't know what to do man T-T
I do hope that everything can go on well but....
Tomorrow/Thursday is a worst day cause... got assembly, three period of mathematics and... elective program till 6.30pm what the hell ~!!! T-T
So sleepy and tired worx ...
Still got alot of things to done with and feel like sleepinq now worx =P hahas....
Okie then post till here bahx ^^
Mummy, JieJie, me, ah yi and jiujiu from malaysia which they came in SG yesterday we went together quite early in the morninq T-T
Haix... so tired... just came back from funeral ceremony at yi ma house...
Sad worx... haix... they cremation chong korkor....
Miss him so much T.T
miss his laughter.... miss his joke and etc.... haix... just very sad
Really hope he can RIP bahx ...
Tomorrow thursday...
sian got CPA coursework dots.... I haven done all the slide worx then all my classmate done with the slide and printinq le and I still busy with my slide haix....
So trouble some!
Haix.... this year really many things happen don't know what to do man T-T
I do hope that everything can go on well but....
Tomorrow/Thursday is a worst day cause... got assembly, three period of mathematics and... elective program till 6.30pm what the hell ~!!! T-T
So sleepy and tired worx ...
Still got alot of things to done with and feel like sleepinq now worx =P hahas....
Okie then post till here bahx ^^
Chong Hui Korkor ^^
R.I.P bahx and... take care.....
do come back and visit us ^^
so as be our angels too.....
[we will miss euu!..........]
R.I.P bahx and... take care.....
do come back and visit us ^^
so as be our angels too.....
[we will miss euu!..........]
Happy Birthday~~!!! ^-^
Wish euu more healthier everyday/year, smile always and take good care of yourself worx ^^
Alright!? hahas...
Happy Birthday~~!!! ^-^
Wish euu more healthier everyday/year, smile always and take good care of yourself worx ^^
Alright!? hahas...
Harlo~! ^^
Hahas came back from school quite long le later goinq to meet JieJie at hougang mall cause wanna buy cake for precious mummy~ =P hahas....
Haix... sad worx don't know what time she will be back from yi ma house cause .... haix T.T
Sad man!....
My cousin passed away le... That time which I and mummy go hospital visit him the guy so sad man !!! He very pity worx, got two small kids [girl] studyinq kindergarten some more his wife ! haix... don't know what to said her so evil want but also very pity....
Yesterday e-learninq day what the hell so trouble some and ... haix... don't know what to said also haha =P
I really wanna study harder and harder for my studies cause.... erm.... I think is failinq bahx =P haix... sad worx T-T GAMPATEH then ^^ haix....
Today in school sian got EBS coursework, PE then Maths lesson got nagged and scolded by James Tan again T-T
But really hope that my maths can improve worx hahas =P
Got to go then or else then my sister will scold me =P haha..
BB then!....
Peepo~! ^^ harlo miss blog so much =P
hahas anyway...
Two days never post OMG~! so no use to it hahas... cause go do EBS coursework with Eileen, my primary 5 best friend ^.^ [till now also =P]
Friday, 17th April 2009...
After school I step out of the school Eileen called me and asked if I'm free so of cause I said yes hahas =P
Damn miss her worx T-T and some more she every time asked me out I always not free or like I agree go out with her but at last minute said can't make it ...
Then I feel so bad and sorry hahas but anyway this two days we went out and have lots of fun ^^ Really hope to meet up with her and have fun again!? =P hahas...
Okie okie ... Back to school things le T.T
This time EBS second topic/question is bout Starbucks Coffee Company or Coffee House Company OMG~! Just bout coffee things and also more more different from the previous topic/question cause we need to go by ourselves and test/see how they serve us/customers.
Walk till my leg turns jelly and damn damn tired can T.T
We walk and find the coffee House/Starbucks to see bout their services and also draw the layout/interior and exterior haix....
We went City Hall there find and erm... can call it as study bahx...
We been to Marina Square, Raffles Places
Dots... can walk till crazy worx hahas.... So we drink OMG~! coffee some more is ice can die man dots.... We went home at bout 9 plus but... reached home bout 11pm plus too T.T
Saturday, 18th April 2009 ...
Xiaozhu Luo Zhi Xiang is in SG to be in Si Song/Wei Song concert guest OMG~!
Haix... can't have that chance to go any concert T.T erm... maybe not that serous bahx hahas maybe need wait till when I'm older haha =P
Haix... saturday is a wonderful day that can relax at home and have a good sleep but... haix... that stupid SKSS <>
What the hell! organize what funfair man -_-'''
Haix... school force us to buy all the ticket which cost $20 and must go cause got mark attendance what the .... ai yo~ so trouble some hahas =P
Some more the weather is really the damn hot worx T.T Everyone in SKSS is sufferinq hahas...
The haunted House at the heaven there the queue is really the long worx -_-'''
haix... just a lot of stupid games and store etc....
I only got one word "Borinq~!!!" =P hahas...
After that I went home then go meet Eileen to do coursework again cause we Friday already confirm so we went to the same place cause there very big and we walk from citylink to suntec then have a coffee erm... not really sure worx think is either at suntec or marina square bahx... hahas... A shop call Coffee club OMG~! damn comfortable and thier services quite good worx so we went to Esplande then see nothinq there then we take bus go Orchard hahas cool man go so many places =P
Then at orchard we walk from one shoppinq mall to another then finally find one Coffee Bean store that store FUCK! man attitude, services,so haix.... worst then I thought and they are kind of buyers, rascits and ... just suck haix....
I don't ever wanna go there and... drink any coffee ANYMORE~!!! T.T hahas =P
In two days drink bout 4 to 5 cups of coffee OMG~! can vomit sia haix... haha...
So finally, finally hahas our last station... OMG~! I was like so wish to finish up everything and go home cause is really really the tired and the next day I got work ... haix...
We went to the shoppinq mall where is near Orchard MRT...
The place that we walk out of orchard mrt and walk then take the escalator down then will reached the shoppinq mall erm... sorry worx I also not really sure what I'm talkinq haha =P
Never mind... hehe...
Then we have a ice moca at the satrbucks there OMG~!
I love there very much they are as friendly and kind as I thought worx hahas...
Hahas... but the angry thing is that OMG~ we were like thinkinq how to draw the layout/interior and exterior haix... but we try our best and make it haha yeah~! ^^
We were sittinq at the back of the cashier so we need to go and walk to see what the views look like so that we can draw then I went after Eileen came back...
I was standinq somewhere at the dessert there drawinq then a girl of starbucks crew smile me then of cause I smile back hahas...
Her smile is a sweet and friendly kind hahas... Then finally we done everything then off we go haha I was like phew~! hahas cause finally can go home ^^
Reached home bout 11pm then 12am plus then sleep cause bathe, watch a bit tv and drink too much coffee thats why can't get to sleep T.T
And we take a lot of pictures too ^^ hahas...
Sunday, 19th April 2009...
This day I waited for so long T.T but... haix... sad man at the end still can't join the event of Luo Zhi Xiang T.T Ai ya don't care anymore is already over T.T haxi...
Today early morniq wake up to just go for work T-T
Damn sleepy haix... at work I was quite blur, sian, sleepy, tired, confuse and movement was quite slow too haha =P some more work till 5pm worx what the... -_-'''
Then Li Yang said I have lost a bit of weight then I was like ...
O.o ~!? Really? are euu sure!???
She reply... Yes, i really feel that euu look a bit more tinner worx...
so I said... Erm... I don't feel that way worx, I feel that I still the same hahas then she... -_-'''
hahas... maybe she quite long never see me bahx !? ^^
I today saw Alvin and Adele hahas ^^
Adele sister she was workinq the night shift as usual... so I bout 5pm plus said BB to her very long never see long worx so miss her and Alvin T.T hahas...
Sian... e-learninq again haix....
Tomorrow no need go school cause need do that thing haix... but I today wanna do so that tomorrow can do other work or relax hahas....
BB! got to go le
Nite nite then ^^
hahas anyway...
Two days never post OMG~! so no use to it hahas... cause go do EBS coursework with Eileen, my primary 5 best friend ^.^ [till now also =P]
Friday, 17th April 2009...
After school I step out of the school Eileen called me and asked if I'm free so of cause I said yes hahas =P
Damn miss her worx T-T and some more she every time asked me out I always not free or like I agree go out with her but at last minute said can't make it ...
Then I feel so bad and sorry hahas but anyway this two days we went out and have lots of fun ^^ Really hope to meet up with her and have fun again!? =P hahas...
Okie okie ... Back to school things le T.T
This time EBS second topic/question is bout Starbucks Coffee Company or Coffee House Company OMG~! Just bout coffee things and also more more different from the previous topic/question cause we need to go by ourselves and test/see how they serve us/customers.
Walk till my leg turns jelly and damn damn tired can T.T
We walk and find the coffee House/Starbucks to see bout their services and also draw the layout/interior and exterior haix....
We went City Hall there find and erm... can call it as study bahx...
We been to Marina Square, Raffles Places
Dots... can walk till crazy worx hahas.... So we drink OMG~! coffee some more is ice can die man dots.... We went home at bout 9 plus but... reached home bout 11pm plus too T.T
Saturday, 18th April 2009 ...
Xiaozhu Luo Zhi Xiang is in SG to be in Si Song/Wei Song concert guest OMG~!
Haix... can't have that chance to go any concert T.T erm... maybe not that serous bahx hahas maybe need wait till when I'm older haha =P
Haix... saturday is a wonderful day that can relax at home and have a good sleep but... haix... that stupid SKSS <>
What the hell! organize what funfair man -_-'''
Haix... school force us to buy all the ticket which cost $20 and must go cause got mark attendance what the .... ai yo~ so trouble some hahas =P
Some more the weather is really the damn hot worx T.T Everyone in SKSS is sufferinq hahas...
The haunted House at the heaven there the queue is really the long worx -_-'''
haix... just a lot of stupid games and store etc....
I only got one word "Borinq~!!!" =P hahas...
After that I went home then go meet Eileen to do coursework again cause we Friday already confirm so we went to the same place cause there very big and we walk from citylink to suntec then have a coffee erm... not really sure worx think is either at suntec or marina square bahx... hahas... A shop call Coffee club OMG~! damn comfortable and thier services quite good worx so we went to Esplande then see nothinq there then we take bus go Orchard hahas cool man go so many places =P
Then at orchard we walk from one shoppinq mall to another then finally find one Coffee Bean store that store FUCK! man attitude, services,so haix.... worst then I thought and they are kind of buyers, rascits and ... just suck haix....
I don't ever wanna go there and... drink any coffee ANYMORE~!!! T.T hahas =P
In two days drink bout 4 to 5 cups of coffee OMG~! can vomit sia haix... haha...
So finally, finally hahas our last station... OMG~! I was like so wish to finish up everything and go home cause is really really the tired and the next day I got work ... haix...
We went to the shoppinq mall where is near Orchard MRT...
The place that we walk out of orchard mrt and walk then take the escalator down then will reached the shoppinq mall erm... sorry worx I also not really sure what I'm talkinq haha =P
Never mind... hehe...
Then we have a ice moca at the satrbucks there OMG~!
I love there very much they are as friendly and kind as I thought worx hahas...
Hahas... but the angry thing is that OMG~ we were like thinkinq how to draw the layout/interior and exterior haix... but we try our best and make it haha yeah~! ^^
We were sittinq at the back of the cashier so we need to go and walk to see what the views look like so that we can draw then I went after Eileen came back...
I was standinq somewhere at the dessert there drawinq then a girl of starbucks crew smile me then of cause I smile back hahas...
Her smile is a sweet and friendly kind hahas... Then finally we done everything then off we go haha I was like phew~! hahas cause finally can go home ^^
Reached home bout 11pm then 12am plus then sleep cause bathe, watch a bit tv and drink too much coffee thats why can't get to sleep T.T
And we take a lot of pictures too ^^ hahas...
Sunday, 19th April 2009...
This day I waited for so long T.T but... haix... sad man at the end still can't join the event of Luo Zhi Xiang T.T Ai ya don't care anymore is already over T.T haxi...
Today early morniq wake up to just go for work T-T
Damn sleepy haix... at work I was quite blur, sian, sleepy, tired, confuse and movement was quite slow too haha =P some more work till 5pm worx what the... -_-'''
Then Li Yang said I have lost a bit of weight then I was like ...
O.o ~!? Really? are euu sure!???
She reply... Yes, i really feel that euu look a bit more tinner worx...
so I said... Erm... I don't feel that way worx, I feel that I still the same hahas then she... -_-'''
hahas... maybe she quite long never see me bahx !? ^^
I today saw Alvin and Adele hahas ^^
Adele sister she was workinq the night shift as usual... so I bout 5pm plus said BB to her very long never see long worx so miss her and Alvin T.T hahas...
Sian... e-learninq again haix....
Tomorrow no need go school cause need do that thing haix... but I today wanna do so that tomorrow can do other work or relax hahas....
BB! got to go le
Nite nite then ^^
Countinq Down two2 more days to...
Mama/Mummy Birthday~!!! yeah~ ^^
Mama/Mummy Birthday~!!! yeah~ ^^
Harlo ~! ^^
Came back from school quite long hahas... Cause to got the elective program then at first I don't go but at the end still go =P
I go home at 4pm plus cause wanna inject at around 5pm but the program end at 6.30pm hahas so I got the chance to go home hehe =P
Shiyu Marmie today never come school cause she was late in the morninq so decided not to come hahas so cute...
Today first three period is CPA T-T can't manage to finish the coursework~!!!! HELP! T-T
I wanna try my best to do as fast as I could and try my best to finish it up too but... haix??? .....
Tomorrow have another three period of CPA again so.... all the best then hahas =P
Lesson follow by one period of science and english [BORING~!] -_-zzz
Especially science damn it Mr Tham was such a pervert man OMG~ don't know why have this kind of teacher in my school oh~ gosh man~!!!! haix.... anyway his teachinq sucks too =P hahas.....
So english lesson we have a writinq letter test my god~! I don't know what I'm writinq worx hahas =P
But at least I try my best hehe.... I was just in time to finish it up in recess time hahas ^^
After recess we go back to class but never go hall assemble cause hall is full of tables and chairs like havinq examination .....
It was three period of MATHS~!!! T-T luckily is revision or else I don't know how to survive this three period haha=P
Then is assembly time but not in the hall too not sure why maybe is the same problem bahx so we in the class Mdm Hartini settle the funfair thing from/with us....
After school Ailin, Jeslyn, Ying Jing and me went for the program...
I'm not really sure what happened to Ying Jing and Lynnie cause they quarrel worx T-T
Ai yo~ don't quarrel mah ^^ hope they now okie le bahx ^.^
Two more weeks to Mid Year exams haix... GAMPATEH~! worx ^^
Haix.... hope/wish can catch up bahx haha =P
Got to go then ^.^
Came back from school quite long hahas... Cause to got the elective program then at first I don't go but at the end still go =P
I go home at 4pm plus cause wanna inject at around 5pm but the program end at 6.30pm hahas so I got the chance to go home hehe =P
Shiyu Marmie today never come school cause she was late in the morninq so decided not to come hahas so cute...
Today first three period is CPA T-T can't manage to finish the coursework~!!!! HELP! T-T
I wanna try my best to do as fast as I could and try my best to finish it up too but... haix??? .....
Tomorrow have another three period of CPA again so.... all the best then hahas =P
Lesson follow by one period of science and english [BORING~!] -_-zzz
Especially science damn it Mr Tham was such a pervert man OMG~ don't know why have this kind of teacher in my school oh~ gosh man~!!!! haix.... anyway his teachinq sucks too =P hahas.....
So english lesson we have a writinq letter test my god~! I don't know what I'm writinq worx hahas =P
But at least I try my best hehe.... I was just in time to finish it up in recess time hahas ^^
After recess we go back to class but never go hall assemble cause hall is full of tables and chairs like havinq examination .....
It was three period of MATHS~!!! T-T luckily is revision or else I don't know how to survive this three period haha=P
Then is assembly time but not in the hall too not sure why maybe is the same problem bahx so we in the class Mdm Hartini settle the funfair thing from/with us....
After school Ailin, Jeslyn, Ying Jing and me went for the program...
I'm not really sure what happened to Ying Jing and Lynnie cause they quarrel worx T-T
Ai yo~ don't quarrel mah ^^ hope they now okie le bahx ^.^
Two more weeks to Mid Year exams haix... GAMPATEH~! worx ^^
Haix.... hope/wish can catch up bahx haha =P
Got to go then ^.^
Countinq Down five5 more days to...
Mama/Mummy Birthday~!!! yeah~ ^^
Mama/Mummy Birthday~!!! yeah~ ^^
to EKO & Alvin [MiaoMiao] =P hahas.....
to EKO & Alvin [MiaoMiao] =P hahas.....
Harlo! ^.^
Peepo~ today mood erm.... quite okie hahas =P
Yesterday never post cause hehe =P never go school and really damn tired of everything and stress of many things!... T-T
So Yesterday rest/relax at home hahas then the whole day usinq com =P
Haix... EBS new topic come le... bout Starbucks coffee store and don't know what things worx hahas but hope can think of what I wanna design or do bahx ^^
On saturday actually go hougang mall cut hair but at the end don't have cause hehe... too many people and some more I "she bu de " to cut my hair T-T hahas....
But meanwhile I saw the board outside the salon that written "Soft rebondinq + hair cut =$60"
OMG~!!! its like... I want!!! I want!!! hahas... =P but I don't know if I look good in rebondinq worx T-T hahas but hope so ^^
But I need save money first hahas =P
Today actually mood still very bad cause erm.... not really sure how to said =P
But till after recess two periods of English we all sit back to our original sittinq arrangement then shi long asked me why I so quite this few days,not like euu worx!?...
[cause I not as high as those days I was to be and not many words...]
So I just smile back to him without words =P
But at the end he.... ai yo~ kept makinq me wanna laugh but but wanna thank him for makinq my days bright again ^^ Thanks~! hahas =P
Then today not really have time chattinq with Hippo Marmie and Fiona cause... not sure =P
So today I got a lot of school things to settle and revise like the funfair ticket haix.... I thought got sell jiu can le but! no~! must sell all!!! What the... -_-'''
Never mind... but hope can find some one to help me buy just for only one last ticket !? HELP~!!!!! T-T
Then second thing OMGG~~~~!!!!!!
Two more weeks to Mid-Year-Exams!!! ARRRRRR~!!!!!
Haix... don't know how to help myself worx T-T Haix... try my very best then hahas ^^
Tomorrow Thursday... hmm....
Yeah~ assembly in the class hahas cause wanna settle the funfair thing -_-zzzzZ
haha =P
Then next Monday is e-learninq day hahas no need go school! ^^ yeah =P
Okie then post till here ^^ got to go then ...
Wanna update my blog [later hehe...]
Peepo~! =P
Haha harlo ^^ Finally got the mood to post le =P Today mood haix... is really the damn ..... erm... don't know how to said worx hahas.... I think my mood and expression very obvious cause shiyu marmie also said that I today look like very frustrated then shi long and paulyn also asked me why so sad and etc....
Haix... since after work on saturday I started to become emo, irritated, frustrated, mood was damn damn not that good and STRESS too ! T-T
I yesterday night before sleep and while family members were sleepinq I cried, don't know why just feel like cryinq and don't wanna go school and study so as workinq......
So today in school I also have cried but not big cry is like silent and a bit tears and I use my jacket and cover my face =P hahas...
Then after Enrichment lesson I was feelinq better cause finally got someone who can entertain me and make me feel relax and laugh out loud! I was glad to be normal again but I skip the Elective program cause I don't feel like spendinq my time on that stupid program I rather stay at home rest, cool myself down, do my own things!...
It have total 6 lesson and some more till eveninq worx i of cause cannot stay till so late mah ai yo!
I think I need time to settle my things and problems up and now i really havinq stress! T-T
Haha harlo ^^ Finally got the mood to post le =P Today mood haix... is really the damn ..... erm... don't know how to said worx hahas.... I think my mood and expression very obvious cause shiyu marmie also said that I today look like very frustrated then shi long and paulyn also asked me why so sad and etc....
Haix... since after work on saturday I started to become emo, irritated, frustrated, mood was damn damn not that good and STRESS too ! T-T
I yesterday night before sleep and while family members were sleepinq I cried, don't know why just feel like cryinq and don't wanna go school and study so as workinq......
So today in school I also have cried but not big cry is like silent and a bit tears and I use my jacket and cover my face =P hahas...
Then after Enrichment lesson I was feelinq better cause finally got someone who can entertain me and make me feel relax and laugh out loud! I was glad to be normal again but I skip the Elective program cause I don't feel like spendinq my time on that stupid program I rather stay at home rest, cool myself down, do my own things!...
It have total 6 lesson and some more till eveninq worx i of cause cannot stay till so late mah ai yo!
I think I need time to settle my things and problems up and now i really havinq stress! T-T
Harlo! ^^ PEEPOOO~ =P
Hahas just came back from prayinq bout 15 minutes bahx hahas...
Sad lor this year prayinq so less people de T-T My family, Uncle Ben, Gu Ma and her husband so as 5th Uncle .... Haix.... so now eatinq OMG~ yummy =P hahas...
I was not able to wake up cause yesterday watch 霹靂MIT on youtube till 12 am plus hahas so enjoy watchinq OMG~! Arron and GuiGui so cute worx and xiaogui so funny and handsome =P hahas... by the way my home work haven even done yet T-T sad haix.... later need chionq le hahas =P
Morninq Jiejie bout 9am wake me up and she shout at me worx hahas....
Then a while I of cause wake up then eat breakfast jiu prepare then go out take bus le....
There is damn hot worx erm.... actually is not really that hot lor is like warm cause raininq mah then some more there got joss stick and burn paper all that then all the smoke so choke worx T-T till can't really breathe hahas....
So we bout 12 pm plus then go home then they come our house and makan hahas ^^
Got to go eat le cause got nagged by mummy le =P hahas.....
Hahas just came back from prayinq bout 15 minutes bahx hahas...
Sad lor this year prayinq so less people de T-T My family, Uncle Ben, Gu Ma and her husband so as 5th Uncle .... Haix.... so now eatinq OMG~ yummy =P hahas...
I was not able to wake up cause yesterday watch 霹靂MIT on youtube till 12 am plus hahas so enjoy watchinq OMG~! Arron and GuiGui so cute worx and xiaogui so funny and handsome =P hahas... by the way my home work haven even done yet T-T sad haix.... later need chionq le hahas =P
Morninq Jiejie bout 9am wake me up and she shout at me worx hahas....
Then a while I of cause wake up then eat breakfast jiu prepare then go out take bus le....
There is damn hot worx erm.... actually is not really that hot lor is like warm cause raininq mah then some more there got joss stick and burn paper all that then all the smoke so choke worx T-T till can't really breathe hahas....
So we bout 12 pm plus then go home then they come our house and makan hahas ^^
Got to go eat le cause got nagged by mummy le =P hahas.....
worx Kugan! ^^
PEEPO~! harlo ^^worx Kugan! ^^
Hahas.... today have a lot of fun workinq =P Just came back from work -_-zzz tired worx but luckily I tomorrow never work hahas yeah~ ^^ cause need go pray haix... still the same worx need early wake up and prepare many things T-T what the .... never mind hahas.... One year one time only have big prayinq and all relative gather together ^^
OMG~ today workinq so fun and interesting worx hahas cause today is Kugan 21 birthday ... Happy Birthday worx!!! ^^ MUACKS~ hahas =P
We workinq then till 1 pm plus I go for break Xinyi, Lisa, Feng Ming and Uncle Alvin they end shift so uncle asked us if wanna share money and buy cake for her and celebrate a not then we all agree and give $2 each so uncle Alvin go around the store and asked them too includinq boss hahas =P
After eatinq we all five go buy cake and it cost $27 but actually is $28 but uncle Alvin spot that the cake got a bit spoil so they cut till $27 but Uncle Alvin said we only have $26 then know what!?...
That chi-na lady give us sucks attitudes what the hell and some more not happy and increase her voice while talkinq to us... wao lao if really can't cut then tell us porperly can!? We can understand man what he hell... then at the end xinyi took out $1 so we paid and go back to the store...
Hahas the most fun and interesting part here, we all buck up and sabo kugan so me and feng ming hide some where out of the store till xinyi and lisa brought her to some where far from the crew room cause we are settinq all the thing at crew room hahas...
I not really sure what they are doinq inside the MDS room meanwhile waiting for us to set up... so we done, light up the candles then go find them and inform that we are prepare so we all go wash hands cause the wah hand basic is at the crew room there so we watched her walk towards there and when the minute she saw it she like ... oh~ come on! T-T hahas =P
Then we all sang birthday songs together and loudly and called her to make wisher with eyes closinq cause we wanna put cream on her face hahas ^^
And we succeeded YEAH~ haha =P She was happy and give us hug ^^ OMG~! hahas....
But still wanna wish her a very Happy Birthday and do stay cute and pretty... Important is last long with your boyfriend worx =P hahas....
After work was 2pm plus and ping ping called me to wait for her cause she wanna give me a form with question is bout CL thing but I not sure if I answer all correctly =P
I have TOTALLY NO! confident in it and don't really feel like being a CL but they want me to try and hope that I can be a CL T-T
But I really don't have that courage and confident to do a good job of CL ...
I don't really know bout Mac well/clearly how euu all can accept a not 100% crew to be a CL!??? Haix... but I really know that I don't have that chance hahas cause ping ping asked me some questions and I mostly all didn't really answer and just agar agar ai yo~ T-T
Actually some questions she asked I do know just that I don't like answerinq it cause...
I don't have that interest being a CL cause I am stress with studies NOW~!!!
Haix... T-T I wanna cry MUMMY~
But I will try my best cause she said next week she wanna tst me again T-T haix.....
Wish me good luck then hahas...........
Tomorrow goinq pray so think will be back to post bout at the eveninq bahx hahas ^^
I now got to go and cut my hair T-T I don't want! haix... but no choice hahas...
Hope will have a nice cut then =P
Peepo~! ^^
Hahas came back from work quite long just bathe finish=P
I feel so bad and sorry cause my best friend Eileen actually called me to company her to go train her 2.4m and meet under my block then today she said meet at hougang mall then I can't cause tomorrow got work and mummy scare I very tired so never let me go...
Really hope that she won't angry and told me never mind and never angry but I know that she does and some more disappointed on me cause she every time called me go out or meet her I always can't then thought today finally can get the chance to see her but... haix how I know T-T
Best friend~ I really very sorry hope euu understand and don't mind !? ^^
But I do really miss euu alot too T-T very long never see euu since euu visit me when I in hospital last end year.... so do really hope to see euu then ^^
Standinq the whole day OMG~! my leg gone jelly and tired finally can rest worx damn tired today hahas and today work have lots of lots of fun man muahahaha ^^
Especially durinq after work the meetinq so as after the meetinq hahas ......
Durinq work Huiyi, Feng Ming and me were runninq MDS hahas fun lor and we were busyinq doinq things too then till 12pm Feng Ming go green bin and 1pm she go home then left me and Huiyi we are packing condiments then meanwhile a lot of orders come in so we were like separatinq ourselves hahas...
Then reached 2pm Huiyi turns to go home so haix... of caus eleft me alone T-T hahas =P
But still can manage to cope =P [luckily ^^] then 2.3opm then is my turn to end shift...
So while I was eating I suddenly remember that 3pm got meetinq so i eat faater then how i know after i eat finish the burger times up T-T haix... then no choice I give the fries to Liyang hahas =P But don't know wheather she got eat anot worx ??? anyway hahas....
So we some crew went out and have meetinq so as Xinyi, Lisa, Feng Ming they all and ping ping who held the meetinq..... So we were havinq meetinq while~.... it was raining and storm OMG~ hahas then got one time the storm veri loud then Lisa spilt her drink erm.... think is latte or capo bahx and is ping ping treat all of us but I never drink hahas...
After meetinq over Feng Ming and me got got things to dicuss with ping ping cause of our exams especially "N/O" level then we wanna have some leave/off/break to prepare /study so we dicuss till we went to the hawer center cause ping ping haven eat so we went there after that follow by Lisa, Xinyi and her father... we finally dicuss and settle every thing hahas ^^
Then ping ping told me that OMG~! CL things again T-T MUMMY~~!!!!!
Ai yo~! She said she tomorrow wanna me answer a form with question and not very difficult want... some more she said I had alresy pass but only left that form haven answer OMG~!
I very scare worx ai yo~ by the way I want know why me first worx now Adele !??? T-T
I only work bout one year leh but Adele work more more longer than me worx ai yo yo~ I very confuse and scare lah T-T haix....
We were havinq a lots of fun in the hawer center, have jokes, gossips and etc hahas =P
One more thing that I knew today that is ping ping was born on 7th of July hahas....
Xinyi was on th 15th then I was on the 13th hahas =P quite interstinq wrox ^^
Tomorrow early morninq must wake up again T-T ai yo~!!!
hahas never mind =P but very tired worx T-T
Sunday need go pray erm... near the bishan there sure damn lots/fuul of people haix... hahas. then all come my house eat ^^
Post till here then ^^
My JieJi wanna use come haix... T-T
I wanna watch my 霹靂MIT worx =P hahas....
Got to go... see yah =P
Hahas came back from work quite long just bathe finish=P
I feel so bad and sorry cause my best friend Eileen actually called me to company her to go train her 2.4m and meet under my block then today she said meet at hougang mall then I can't cause tomorrow got work and mummy scare I very tired so never let me go...
Really hope that she won't angry and told me never mind and never angry but I know that she does and some more disappointed on me cause she every time called me go out or meet her I always can't then thought today finally can get the chance to see her but... haix how I know T-T
Best friend~ I really very sorry hope euu understand and don't mind !? ^^
But I do really miss euu alot too T-T very long never see euu since euu visit me when I in hospital last end year.... so do really hope to see euu then ^^
Standinq the whole day OMG~! my leg gone jelly and tired finally can rest worx damn tired today hahas and today work have lots of lots of fun man muahahaha ^^
Especially durinq after work the meetinq so as after the meetinq hahas ......
Durinq work Huiyi, Feng Ming and me were runninq MDS hahas fun lor and we were busyinq doinq things too then till 12pm Feng Ming go green bin and 1pm she go home then left me and Huiyi we are packing condiments then meanwhile a lot of orders come in so we were like separatinq ourselves hahas...
Then reached 2pm Huiyi turns to go home so haix... of caus eleft me alone T-T hahas =P
But still can manage to cope =P [luckily ^^] then 2.3opm then is my turn to end shift...
So while I was eating I suddenly remember that 3pm got meetinq so i eat faater then how i know after i eat finish the burger times up T-T haix... then no choice I give the fries to Liyang hahas =P But don't know wheather she got eat anot worx ??? anyway hahas....
So we some crew went out and have meetinq so as Xinyi, Lisa, Feng Ming they all and ping ping who held the meetinq..... So we were havinq meetinq while~.... it was raining and storm OMG~ hahas then got one time the storm veri loud then Lisa spilt her drink erm.... think is latte or capo bahx and is ping ping treat all of us but I never drink hahas...
After meetinq over Feng Ming and me got got things to dicuss with ping ping cause of our exams especially "N/O" level then we wanna have some leave/off/break to prepare /study so we dicuss till we went to the hawer center cause ping ping haven eat so we went there after that follow by Lisa, Xinyi and her father... we finally dicuss and settle every thing hahas ^^
Then ping ping told me that OMG~! CL things again T-T MUMMY~~!!!!!
Ai yo~! She said she tomorrow wanna me answer a form with question and not very difficult want... some more she said I had alresy pass but only left that form haven answer OMG~!
I very scare worx ai yo~ by the way I want know why me first worx now Adele !??? T-T
I only work bout one year leh but Adele work more more longer than me worx ai yo yo~ I very confuse and scare lah T-T haix....
We were havinq a lots of fun in the hawer center, have jokes, gossips and etc hahas =P
One more thing that I knew today that is ping ping was born on 7th of July hahas....
Xinyi was on th 15th then I was on the 13th hahas =P quite interstinq wrox ^^
Tomorrow early morninq must wake up again T-T ai yo~!!!
hahas never mind =P but very tired worx T-T
Sunday need go pray erm... near the bishan there sure damn lots/fuul of people haix... hahas. then all come my house eat ^^
Post till here then ^^
My JieJi wanna use come haix... T-T
I wanna watch my 霹靂MIT worx =P hahas....
Got to go... see yah =P
PEEPO~! ^-^
Harlo today back to post again hahas =P
Today have a lot of lots of fun in school worx ^^ hehe.... Especially during maths lesson OMG~! can laugh till teeth drop euu know =P hahas.... I laugh till tears almost come out hahas....
They do a lot of nonsense and funny funny face, action and others that really can laugh till no voice hahas.... But one sad thing is that LIM ZHENG HUI broke the present that I gave lynnie darlinq T-T ai yo~ but he was kind that he said he Monday give me money and buy again omg~! are euu sure !? hahas but euu should do that =P
But seriously zheng hui do really change a lot but... erm.... hehe his voice still the same damn loud hahas =P cute worx..... and his temper also change damn lot worx ^^
Today first three period CPA haix... course work again and again worx T-T tired of it ai yo~ =P
The course work I can't manage to finish but I will try my best hahas.... Hope can get through bahx ^^ .........
After that is one lesson of Science and English but when the minute we reached the classromm after dismiss from the com lab we were damn shocked and erm.... quite angry worx cause.....
All the chairs and tables are every where worx.... I mean like all the chairs are in one circle in the center then follow by the table all nicely put at the sides and back of the classroom. Haix... then we must find our table and arrange again -_-'''
Never mind... forget it then hahas ^^
After that is break time le hahas RECESS TIME~!!!! =P yeah~ ! ^^
Follow by three periods of maths OMG~!!! Damn stress and confuse with the topic T-T haix...
And I thought will be damn borinq or what but omg~ today is very different from those days that we have been having maths hahas ^^
Very funny and had a lots of fun in maths lesson hahas....
Maths lesson ends so follow by.... haix... assembly -_-zzzz
So sian sit on the hall till butt pain and leg so tired worx hahas =P
But quite enjoy the assembly today its bout erm.... dreams bahx and they set up a show for us, its qutie meaningful too ^^
Then finally assembly ends YEAH!!! ^^ Home Sweet Home~ =P
Got a lots of homework and revision to do T-T ai yo~ hahas....
Got to watch 霹靂MIT le ^^ hahas bye~ =P
Harlo today back to post again hahas =P
Today have a lot of lots of fun in school worx ^^ hehe.... Especially during maths lesson OMG~! can laugh till teeth drop euu know =P hahas.... I laugh till tears almost come out hahas....
They do a lot of nonsense and funny funny face, action and others that really can laugh till no voice hahas.... But one sad thing is that LIM ZHENG HUI broke the present that I gave lynnie darlinq T-T ai yo~ but he was kind that he said he Monday give me money and buy again omg~! are euu sure !? hahas but euu should do that =P
But seriously zheng hui do really change a lot but... erm.... hehe his voice still the same damn loud hahas =P cute worx..... and his temper also change damn lot worx ^^
Today first three period CPA haix... course work again and again worx T-T tired of it ai yo~ =P
The course work I can't manage to finish but I will try my best hahas.... Hope can get through bahx ^^ .........
After that is one lesson of Science and English but when the minute we reached the classromm after dismiss from the com lab we were damn shocked and erm.... quite angry worx cause.....
All the chairs and tables are every where worx.... I mean like all the chairs are in one circle in the center then follow by the table all nicely put at the sides and back of the classroom. Haix... then we must find our table and arrange again -_-'''
Never mind... forget it then hahas ^^
After that is break time le hahas RECESS TIME~!!!! =P yeah~ ! ^^
Follow by three periods of maths OMG~!!! Damn stress and confuse with the topic T-T haix...
And I thought will be damn borinq or what but omg~ today is very different from those days that we have been having maths hahas ^^
Very funny and had a lots of fun in maths lesson hahas....
Maths lesson ends so follow by.... haix... assembly -_-zzzz
So sian sit on the hall till butt pain and leg so tired worx hahas =P
But quite enjoy the assembly today its bout erm.... dreams bahx and they set up a show for us, its qutie meaningful too ^^
Then finally assembly ends YEAH!!! ^^ Home Sweet Home~ =P
Got a lots of homework and revision to do T-T ai yo~ hahas....
Got to watch 霹靂MIT le ^^ hahas bye~ =P
Harlo! ^^
Came home quite long hahas...
Cause after school go hougang mall with shiyu marmie buy present then go avenue 8 buy her contact lens ai yo~ hahas.... she very excited when the minute she step into the shop worx =P cute sia hahas....
Today in school quite okie just that forget to bring english workbook then nagged by mdm Hartini -_-zzz hahas =P Some more I haven paid the funfair ticket money and at least must sell one which is for $5 worx omg~! school crazy want every time eat our money bleah~!.....
First period which is english...
Follow by mother touge, we do workbook then go through answer...
After that is EBS, we all went to com lab 3 to do coursework because this today is the last day of coursework but luckily I manage to finish or else need to stay after school =P hahas ^^
Then is recess time YEEPE~ ^^
Marmie and me are eatinq bread, then we chat chat a while... time pass then must go hall assemble haix.... so trouble some straight away go class room cannot meh !? ai yo~~~ =P
Then after recess is english [again! -_-zzz] sian... haha =P
We do workbook again then see don't know what video from youtube which teacher show us.
After that is science lesson the very last and only period haha =P After a while time pass and its FREE TIME!!! ^^ YEAH~ hahas.....
Very tired today walk too much leg feelinq quite jelly hahas =P
Haix nothinq to do at home worx hahas... oh ya today go CD Drama OMG~!!!
I wanna buy Jolin newest album "花蝴蝶 Butterfly" !
I want T-T !!!!!! haix... need save money again hahas but I don't mind worx ^^ hehe...
Got to go le soo....
Sayonarah ^^
Came home quite long hahas...
Cause after school go hougang mall with shiyu marmie buy present then go avenue 8 buy her contact lens ai yo~ hahas.... she very excited when the minute she step into the shop worx =P cute sia hahas....
Today in school quite okie just that forget to bring english workbook then nagged by mdm Hartini -_-zzz hahas =P Some more I haven paid the funfair ticket money and at least must sell one which is for $5 worx omg~! school crazy want every time eat our money bleah~!.....
First period which is english...
Follow by mother touge, we do workbook then go through answer...
After that is EBS, we all went to com lab 3 to do coursework because this today is the last day of coursework but luckily I manage to finish or else need to stay after school =P hahas ^^
Then is recess time YEEPE~ ^^
Marmie and me are eatinq bread, then we chat chat a while... time pass then must go hall assemble haix.... so trouble some straight away go class room cannot meh !? ai yo~~~ =P
Then after recess is english [again! -_-zzz] sian... haha =P
We do workbook again then see don't know what video from youtube which teacher show us.
After that is science lesson the very last and only period haha =P After a while time pass and its FREE TIME!!! ^^ YEAH~ hahas.....
Very tired today walk too much leg feelinq quite jelly hahas =P
Haix nothinq to do at home worx hahas... oh ya today go CD Drama OMG~!!!
I wanna buy Jolin newest album "花蝴蝶 Butterfly" !
I want T-T !!!!!! haix... need save money again hahas but I don't mind worx ^^ hehe...
Got to go le soo....
Sayonarah ^^
PEEPO~! ^^
Came back form school quite long cause just now busy some thing then meanwhile I don't know that can use com cause bro usinq his friend laptop then he ask whether I wanna use a not so of cause use hahas =P
But... Every funny and erm... how to say worx... like very small worx the room erm... I mean a table share with two com worx hahas =P
But better than don't have things to do hahas ^^
Today go school.... still the same got one word to say... SIANZZ~!!!! =P hahas.....
I yesterday never go school then message marmie and tell her sorry that I never go school and company her but... very funny is that she also never go school -_-''' hahas... She reply me "Hahas... I also never go school we so so so got fate !" haha cute worx ^^
Then today Tuesday PE day T-T I was wearinq PE attire but didn't manage to PE cause... not feelinq well and some more I was too weak cause haven eaten anything after injection so luckily Miss Neo know everything bout me or else I sure faint hahas =P
So after PE we went for RECESS~!!! yeah ^^ we faster eat then go change back our uniform hahas... By the way today Mr James Tan never come to school and of cause most of us were happy hahas but just sad that can't have maths lesson today worx ai yo~ hahas....
Don't know if Mr Tan is okie a not hope so bahx ^^ hahas....
After recess is science so while we were bout to start Priya asked me whether I have done Miss Goh homework and I was in doubt like huh? what homework?... cause I yesterday never come so she told me to write bout don't know what stress 350 words OMG~! what the hell so i told shiyu marmie and we manage to finish by the last lesson hahas =P lucky worx ^^
I any how write hehe cause really don't know what to write mah so agar agar =P hahas...
Now marmie, lynnie, Ying Jing they all are runninq for the cross country thing cause that time they didn't go so now they have to return back... For four hours OMG~! [faint....]
I also never go but I was excuse =P hahas....
Many of my friend said that I so good no need do this no need do that but... haix... some times I do really would like to join or participate with all those events that euu all can do but I just very unlucky that I can't do much things hahas... But really hope and wish that my health/illness can be better and better everyday/month ^^ hahas... GAMPATEH then =P
Today in school haven starts lesson don't know what happen to lynnie darlinq worx she like cryinq and see her like that very heart pain worx haix... lynnie don't think too much hor ^^ MUACKS~! hahas....
Yeah tomorrow Wednesday hahas can early go home worx =P
Maybe tomorrow after school goinq pei marmie buy contact lens cause she said her want spoil le omg~! -_-''' hahas... But not sure yet worx must confirm with her ^^
Okie then I post till here bahx ^ ^
Nothinq much to add on so...
BB! =P
Came back form school quite long cause just now busy some thing then meanwhile I don't know that can use com cause bro usinq his friend laptop then he ask whether I wanna use a not so of cause use hahas =P
But... Every funny and erm... how to say worx... like very small worx the room erm... I mean a table share with two com worx hahas =P
But better than don't have things to do hahas ^^
Today go school.... still the same got one word to say... SIANZZ~!!!! =P hahas.....
I yesterday never go school then message marmie and tell her sorry that I never go school and company her but... very funny is that she also never go school -_-''' hahas... She reply me "Hahas... I also never go school we so so so got fate !" haha cute worx ^^
Then today Tuesday PE day T-T I was wearinq PE attire but didn't manage to PE cause... not feelinq well and some more I was too weak cause haven eaten anything after injection so luckily Miss Neo know everything bout me or else I sure faint hahas =P
So after PE we went for RECESS~!!! yeah ^^ we faster eat then go change back our uniform hahas... By the way today Mr James Tan never come to school and of cause most of us were happy hahas but just sad that can't have maths lesson today worx ai yo~ hahas....
Don't know if Mr Tan is okie a not hope so bahx ^^ hahas....
After recess is science so while we were bout to start Priya asked me whether I have done Miss Goh homework and I was in doubt like huh? what homework?... cause I yesterday never come so she told me to write bout don't know what stress 350 words OMG~! what the hell so i told shiyu marmie and we manage to finish by the last lesson hahas =P lucky worx ^^
I any how write hehe cause really don't know what to write mah so agar agar =P hahas...
Now marmie, lynnie, Ying Jing they all are runninq for the cross country thing cause that time they didn't go so now they have to return back... For four hours OMG~! [faint....]
I also never go but I was excuse =P hahas....
Many of my friend said that I so good no need do this no need do that but... haix... some times I do really would like to join or participate with all those events that euu all can do but I just very unlucky that I can't do much things hahas... But really hope and wish that my health/illness can be better and better everyday/month ^^ hahas... GAMPATEH then =P
Today in school haven starts lesson don't know what happen to lynnie darlinq worx she like cryinq and see her like that very heart pain worx haix... lynnie don't think too much hor ^^ MUACKS~! hahas....
Yeah tomorrow Wednesday hahas can early go home worx =P
Maybe tomorrow after school goinq pei marmie buy contact lens cause she said her want spoil le omg~! -_-''' hahas... But not sure yet worx must confirm with her ^^
Okie then I post till here bahx ^ ^
Nothinq much to add on so...
BB! =P
to Lynnie Darlinq ^^
Hahas... do stay cute and pretty too ^^ All the best for your cominq exams and gampateh for for your studies too then ^^ hahas.... Love euu worx~ =P
to Lynnie Darlinq ^^
Hahas... do stay cute and pretty too ^^ All the best for your cominq exams and gampateh for for your studies too then ^^ hahas.... Love euu worx~ =P
^^ Harlo !
Dots man today never go school =P Damn it!.....
Hahas.... cause morninq actually wake up and wanna go school but, not feelinq well and my body feel warm/hot and havinq flu so never go haix.... Ke lian the hippo marmie, sorry worx I never manage to go school and pei euu T-T
Hope euu don't angry with hippo baby !? ^^ alright!? =P
Hahas... don't know how school today ??? what ever hahas...
Tomorrow sure got alot of school work to rush bahx... especially maths hahas....
Today the whole day at home restinq, morninq study a bit then use come then go sleep till afternoon OMG~! such a nice and comfortable afternoon to sleep hahas =P
Got to go ^^
Nothinq to add on so....
BB! =P
to papa and korkor !!! ^-^
hahas =P MUACKS~
Uncle Bennn~~!!! OMG! I love euu so so so much man MUACKS~! hahas... cause he treat us eat KFC some more called delivery want and buy a cake worx yeah~ finally papa birthday got cake eat ^^ Uncle Ben thank you so so so much we do really appreciate and euu just too kind that I wanna share the food money euu don't wanna accept worx ai yo hahas ^^to papa and korkor !!! ^-^
hahas =P MUACKS~
Wish papa more healthier and don't tired himself of workinq ^^
Wish korkor more healthier too =P
hahas... but don't every time drink/eat all those things that not good to health want and do really work hard for your studies PLEASE~!!! ???
Wish korkor more healthier too =P
hahas... but don't every time drink/eat all those things that not good to health want and do really work hard for your studies PLEASE~!!! ???
But really wanna thank euu for every thing that euu have had gave us since we were young =P
Today work till 2pm hahas damn damn fun workinq today erm.... maybe is that too long never work le bahx ^^ Quite miss all those days workinq hahas but but but still got one thing that kept makinq me so trouble durinq workinq is that ** haix.......
Really wanna give up on that level place cause I too stress bout every that I doinq now ai yo~!!!
But I really wish that Adele sister can be the one and some more she is the most perfect want^^ hahas =P ai ya don't care =P
Oh ya today work finally finally FINALLY se Adele sister and Alvin OMG~! miss them so so much hahas =P somre more yesterday then said wanna see them and miss them then today jiu saw them le omg~ so happy hahas ^^
Sian since Friday I got flu worx T-T So sick man haix.... I wanna see doctor and eat tablets so that can recover fast hahas =P
So this cominq Friday which is good Friday I'm workinq from 9am to 2.30 pm haix.... tired man hahas but got people company me work I jiu okie ^^ sure will have fun hahas but meanwhile I really wish and hope that my studies won't affect bahx GAMPATEH then ^^
Tomorrow.... haix... Monday and its school days again -_-zzzz hahas =P
Some more tomorrow first two period is English lesson and our discipline master will be joininq us for lesson OOMMGG~!!!!!!! what the hell man T-T
Sure damn quiet 100% more as usually and all neat hair, socks, uniform or what want hahas =P
Okie then I post till here bahx ^^
Happy birthday worx papa and korkor ^^
Thank you so much uncle ben ^-^
Peepo! ^-^
Hahas I back to post today ^^
Today early morninq go for work and I was late for around 10 mins and so suai today openinq boss is one of them T-T hahas never mind =P
I actually 2 pm can end shift and go home but... Nurul got a lot of order and she alone at MDS so I help her by the way she also don't wanna let me go home T-T so bad~!
When the min she came work with me she all the way bully me... naughty girl! hahas =P
Meanwhile we are havinq fun the whole day hahas =P
So I today bout 3.30 pm plus plus reached home... and I now sooooo~ sian -_-zzzz
Then tomorrow need go work T-T Then cominq Friday I also workinq cause Terence asked to me to work so I accept hahas... Cause that day meanwhile afternoon 3pm got erm.... don't know what house meetinq or what hahas....
Sian... so tired and sick of doinq anything hahas =P
Then some more still got homework... math, English and don't know what worx haix... T-T stress man arrrrr~!!! hahas =P
Tomorrow is Papa and Korkor birthday so maybe jie, mummy and me are treatinq them to eat bahx hahas... so long never celebrate .....
Then 10 more days to Alvin birthday 14th April which he message me and told me bout it I then know worx hahas =P Meanwhile I also wanna know when cause I every time ask him he don't want tell me worx T-T hahas... but he said he never celebrate ke lian the cutie...
Still need to wait for two more days then can see dao hippo mama T-T hahas =P
Miss her man... use to it almost everyday see her then one day never see her feel weird weird want hahas MUACKS~!!!
I very very veryx10000 long never see Eileen !!!
I then damn damn miss her !!!!! T-T so as Alvin and Adele sister haix... so sad worx! T-T
Don't know how are they now so miss them haix... wanna cry =P
I of cause also miss my laogong xiiaozhuu <<< !!! ^^ hehe =P he cominq to singapore again this month and organizinq a weddinq with all his fans in singapore hahas I wanna join but can't find any information bout that activity worx arrr~!!! sad man want cry lah T-T
Nothinq else to add on le so ^^
I post till here then hahas...
Hahas I back to post today ^^
Today early morninq go for work and I was late for around 10 mins and so suai today openinq boss is one of them T-T hahas never mind =P
I actually 2 pm can end shift and go home but... Nurul got a lot of order and she alone at MDS so I help her by the way she also don't wanna let me go home T-T so bad~!
When the min she came work with me she all the way bully me... naughty girl! hahas =P
Meanwhile we are havinq fun the whole day hahas =P
So I today bout 3.30 pm plus plus reached home... and I now sooooo~ sian -_-zzzz
Then tomorrow need go work T-T Then cominq Friday I also workinq cause Terence asked to me to work so I accept hahas... Cause that day meanwhile afternoon 3pm got erm.... don't know what house meetinq or what hahas....
Sian... so tired and sick of doinq anything hahas =P
Then some more still got homework... math, English and don't know what worx haix... T-T stress man arrrrr~!!! hahas =P
Tomorrow is Papa and Korkor birthday so maybe jie, mummy and me are treatinq them to eat bahx hahas... so long never celebrate .....
Then 10 more days to Alvin birthday 14th April which he message me and told me bout it I then know worx hahas =P Meanwhile I also wanna know when cause I every time ask him he don't want tell me worx T-T hahas... but he said he never celebrate ke lian the cutie...
Still need to wait for two more days then can see dao hippo mama T-T hahas =P
Miss her man... use to it almost everyday see her then one day never see her feel weird weird want hahas MUACKS~!!!
I very very veryx10000 long never see Eileen !!!
I then damn damn miss her !!!!! T-T so as Alvin and Adele sister haix... so sad worx! T-T
Don't know how are they now so miss them haix... wanna cry =P
I of cause also miss my laogong xiiaozhuu <<< !!! ^^ hehe =P he cominq to singapore again this month and organizinq a weddinq with all his fans in singapore hahas I wanna join but can't find any information bout that activity worx arrr~!!! sad man want cry lah T-T
Nothinq else to add on le so ^^
I post till here then hahas...
YEAH~!!! ^^Harlo~~! =P
Finally, finally can use com muahahaha =P hahas... cause morninq wake up at around 7am cause need prepare to go hospital then meanwhile still quite early wanna on com and use or play but how I know suddenly power off! -_-''' omg~! then never mind I wait a while then on again but... still don't have T-T so I wake my bro and mummy up told them that no power then bro got check and he can't do anything so... went back to sleep and I was -_-''' and T-T
Mummy was too tired to wake up hahas cute lor =P
So after 15 or 20 minutes later I cannot take it so meanwhile I remember that time also the same problem happen then bro go in to the store room and check and switch the power button so I do the same things just like he do ^^ hahas... and know what!? I sucess ! ^^ yeah and I was very happy that finally can use come but, but, but I wanna start usinq com my mummy ask if I'm prepare to go hospital then I was HUH~!? T-T
It was about 9am so I don't care anything go out, sad man...
We go eat breakfast then go hospital...
So reached KK hospital we went for register but the clinic change to 2nd level but before seeinq doctor I need go for blood test so we went after that fool by high and weight then....
See doctor time... meanwhile waitinq I was very scare and nervous of the result and everything but before go in Diabetes nurse, Joyce called me in to Diabetes counsel room and chat, talk and ask me questions...
So we chat after a while she told us my result OMG~! she, me was shocked of the result arrrr~!!! she said in three months time can improve so much is very good and uneasy she was very happen so as the doctor but they wish me to improve more in the next appointment hahas... After that we go eat with uncle Ben cause he's workinq there mah then finish he went back to work so we go pharmcy and collect insulin, medicine and etc... ^^
Quite happy with my result but really wish to improve more worx =P hahasw...
Shit man the maths homework I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO~~~!!!!! T-T helppp~!
This time my sis also can't help me cause she also not really sure bout the topic OMG~! haix...
But I will try and find the answer hahas ^^
Tomorrow is Friday haix... so fast one week going to pass sianzzzzz....
Then few more weeks is Mid Year exams le -_-zzzzz
Gampateh then hahas....
Finally, finally can use com muahahaha =P hahas... cause morninq wake up at around 7am cause need prepare to go hospital then meanwhile still quite early wanna on com and use or play but how I know suddenly power off! -_-''' omg~! then never mind I wait a while then on again but... still don't have T-T so I wake my bro and mummy up told them that no power then bro got check and he can't do anything so... went back to sleep and I was -_-''' and T-T
Mummy was too tired to wake up hahas cute lor =P
So after 15 or 20 minutes later I cannot take it so meanwhile I remember that time also the same problem happen then bro go in to the store room and check and switch the power button so I do the same things just like he do ^^ hahas... and know what!? I sucess ! ^^ yeah and I was very happy that finally can use come but, but, but I wanna start usinq com my mummy ask if I'm prepare to go hospital then I was HUH~!? T-T
It was about 9am so I don't care anything go out, sad man...
We go eat breakfast then go hospital...
So reached KK hospital we went for register but the clinic change to 2nd level but before seeinq doctor I need go for blood test so we went after that fool by high and weight then....
See doctor time... meanwhile waitinq I was very scare and nervous of the result and everything but before go in Diabetes nurse, Joyce called me in to Diabetes counsel room and chat, talk and ask me questions...
So we chat after a while she told us my result OMG~! she, me was shocked of the result arrrr~!!! she said in three months time can improve so much is very good and uneasy she was very happen so as the doctor but they wish me to improve more in the next appointment hahas... After that we go eat with uncle Ben cause he's workinq there mah then finish he went back to work so we go pharmcy and collect insulin, medicine and etc... ^^
Quite happy with my result but really wish to improve more worx =P hahasw...
Shit man the maths homework I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO~~~!!!!! T-T helppp~!
This time my sis also can't help me cause she also not really sure bout the topic OMG~! haix...
But I will try and find the answer hahas ^^
Tomorrow is Friday haix... so fast one week going to pass sianzzzzz....
Then few more weeks is Mid Year exams le -_-zzzzz
Gampateh then hahas....
Countinq Down three3 more days to...
Bro and Papa
BIRTHDAY~!!! yeah ^^
Bro and Papa
BIRTHDAY~!!! yeah ^^
to Shi Long worx ^^ hahas..
and happy April FOOL~ day to everyone too =P hahas
to Shi Long worx ^^ hahas..
and happy April FOOL~ day to everyone too =P hahas
Wish euu pass all your exams with good result and don't every time sleep in class worx hahas=P
Hahas PEEPO! Got tricked by someone or your friends!? hahas hope no bahx ^^
Today first day of April hahas.... all FOOLING around man hahas... really damn funny and cute
Today in school... very fun and interestinq
erm... not really sure why worx hahas maybe today is April Fool day bahx or maybe is that one day never see marmie so today see her come school then got quite a lot of things to chat with or play with bahx hahas ^^
First lesson English... -_-zzzz
sian... class get scolded and shouted by form teacher again.... and again haix... [borinq...]
The school so selfish, bastard and stupid want only know/care what they want to hold, what they want they just do it their way never think of we those students!
Hold what food & fun fare man EAT SHIT ! bleah....
Then call us to take the ticket and go sell and it is compulsory to sell what the hell! some more if don't have sell we must paid ourselves!
Then one ticket for $5 shit man then totally got 4 ticket so $20...
Harlo SKSS use your brain! euu this selfish principle and better that euu see what I wanna tell said!
Euu think euu rich so what just only a LKK [Leong Kok Kee].... Euu think we all really have all those money to give and held a store... some more all those foods almost every where of singapore can buy then what for held that event and waste money to all those rubbish !?
DO EUU THINK I WILL GIVE A DAMN<<< hartini ="P" style="color: rgb(0, 102, 0);">Next lesson is Mother Touge...
Still the same listen to music and fill up the blanks then teacher called Joshua to go to the front and dance with the song hahas damn cute and funny ^^
After that is the birthday boy Shi Long teacher called him to sing but of cause very pai seh mah so he sang softly hahas so sute =P
Lesson end follow by EBS haxi....
Sian teacher talk talk talk OMG~! talk till Iw anna slepp hahas =P but don't have cause I was drawinq and not listeninq to what Mr Quek teachinq hahas =P
After that is RECESS TIME~!!!! yeah ^^
So sad never bring money then lebt from marmie, she said she treat me worx OMG~! thanks soooo much MUACKS! but I still wanna return marmie cause money nowadays hard to earn worx ai yo~ so Friday I return euu then euu better don't reject me hor ^^ hahas...
After break is haix... -_-zzz English AGAIN~~~!!!
Quite fun cause teacher called us to do workbook so we do while we goinq through the answer we all were havinq fun erm... not really sure how to said hahas =P
Lesson follow by Science SIAN AR~!!!! OMG~! [faint~ =P]
Mr koh was not here cause he went for NCC camp then Mr Tham was here to teach but luckily is one period still can tahan hahas =P
then HOME SWEET HOME!!! hahas.....
Haix... tomorrow can't go school cause need go appointment OMG~! sian I DON'T WANT~!!!!!! T-T haix... miss one day of CPA coursework what the hell...
Today I post till here bahx ^^ thats all bout my today le hahas =P
Today first day of April hahas.... all FOOLING around man hahas... really damn funny and cute
Today in school... very fun and interestinq
erm... not really sure why worx hahas maybe today is April Fool day bahx or maybe is that one day never see marmie so today see her come school then got quite a lot of things to chat with or play with bahx hahas ^^
First lesson English... -_-zzzz
sian... class get scolded and shouted by form teacher again.... and again haix... [borinq...]
The school so selfish, bastard and stupid want only know/care what they want to hold, what they want they just do it their way never think of we those students!
Hold what food & fun fare man EAT SHIT ! bleah....
Then call us to take the ticket and go sell and it is compulsory to sell what the hell! some more if don't have sell we must paid ourselves!
Then one ticket for $5 shit man then totally got 4 ticket so $20...
Harlo SKSS use your brain! euu this selfish principle and better that euu see what I wanna tell said!
Euu think euu rich so what just only a LKK [Leong Kok Kee].... Euu think we all really have all those money to give and held a store... some more all those foods almost every where of singapore can buy then what for held that event and waste money to all those rubbish !?
DO EUU THINK I WILL GIVE A DAMN<<< hartini ="P" style="color: rgb(0, 102, 0);">Next lesson is Mother Touge...
Still the same listen to music and fill up the blanks then teacher called Joshua to go to the front and dance with the song hahas damn cute and funny ^^
After that is the birthday boy Shi Long teacher called him to sing but of cause very pai seh mah so he sang softly hahas so sute =P
Lesson end follow by EBS haxi....
Sian teacher talk talk talk OMG~! talk till Iw anna slepp hahas =P but don't have cause I was drawinq and not listeninq to what Mr Quek teachinq hahas =P
After that is RECESS TIME~!!!! yeah ^^
So sad never bring money then lebt from marmie, she said she treat me worx OMG~! thanks soooo much MUACKS! but I still wanna return marmie cause money nowadays hard to earn worx ai yo~ so Friday I return euu then euu better don't reject me hor ^^ hahas...
After break is haix... -_-zzz English AGAIN~~~!!!
Quite fun cause teacher called us to do workbook so we do while we goinq through the answer we all were havinq fun erm... not really sure how to said hahas =P
Lesson follow by Science SIAN AR~!!!! OMG~! [faint~ =P]
Mr koh was not here cause he went for NCC camp then Mr Tham was here to teach but luckily is one period still can tahan hahas =P
then HOME SWEET HOME!!! hahas.....
Haix... tomorrow can't go school cause need go appointment OMG~! sian I DON'T WANT~!!!!!! T-T haix... miss one day of CPA coursework what the hell...
Today I post till here bahx ^^ thats all bout my today le hahas =P
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