Hello! this year 2017, Valentine's Day I went for a date with my beloved sister. We went Bugis area for lunch and walk around. The purpose of going Bugis is because I've some Capital Vouchers from Hubby's company and it's expiring today. So I've decided to meet sister for a short date before she goes for work. I planned to get some Valentine's Day gift for hubby by using the vouchers haha!

We went Food Junction and walk around to see what to have for our lunch, so in the end we make a fast choice to have Japanese food for our lunch.
We actually went NEX Mall after we got some stuff from Bugis Junction... Hehe! actually we meet up frequently but just for lunch and a short date, we don't really take photo together. So today randomly I wanted to haha

Sister bought me this long sleeves grey top for me, Valentine's day gift haha! got it from Uniqlo ;)

I bought dining spoons for my boys as well, by using the vouchers haha.

I've also bought a chocolate for myself on this year Valentine's day, as I know it's actually not really possible that hubby will get me anything. I'm kind of used to it for these two to three years already. I expect something but I knew that in the end there's only disappointment.haha

Of cause, I will never missed to write a Love letter to hubby on this special day every year since the day we are dating. Really just wanted to tell him how much I love him and how thankful I am.
last but not least, I will always get hubby some gifts on this special day. This year I actually got what he wanted and he didn't really expect that, it's a Bluetooth mouse which he's been looking around for it. I also bought a Big Bear towel for him by using the vouchers, got hubby some snacks and tibits that he likes to eat haha! After married I really feels that a gift is really a token of heart for someone special :D
Last before bed time, Happy 2017 Valentine's Day!