25th July, Wednesday, McD close down one day for renovation and I went out with Choon Yen mummy! ^^ hehe! we went nex haha! Actually wanna have lunch for subway but it's lunch time so we have Starbucks first haha!

26th July, Thursday, house keeping for store! O~M~G~! really damn lots of thing to clean! wash! and tidy up! ... god sake! I can't sleep for the previous night, then the night before I was called to go for work at 9am instead of 1pm! FAINT! @__@ So I reached store around 8.30am and went home at closing time! which is nearly 1pm! awesome! Good Job man! We break record, opened store after house keeping at around 6.15pm!??? haha! Me, Seah, Kelvin and boss run kitchen sia haha! But me, Seah and Kelvin go home last and together after the whole day! ... whew~
27th July, Friday, Got work 12pm to 6pm ... TIRED~~~ we're all very tireddddd! sigh ... I stay to help Kelvin till 10pm plus! then go home ... The next day which is weekends really busy every time, boss asked me what time I went home yesterday! she said why so late, they bully me is it!? hahaha! And boss called me to go home early on Saturday don't stay late already but in the end I went home at 7.30pm haha!
Finally I survive through these tough days! haha! but one day really not enough, so I call store see whether they can excuse me today a not ... Seah answer my call haha! he said very tired!? I replied yup and fall sick already! He laugh haha! ... Tomorrow gonna head back to work till Friday ... sigh ...
Today's last day of July! Bye~ My month of July! meet up next year! ^^ hehe! Welcome August hahaha! yesterday is my best artist! singer in my heart! my king Birthday! ^~^ hehe!
[image credit: 羅志祥 SHOW facebook]