헬~~~로~~~!!! ^^ ㅎㅎ
Omg!!! I'm now feeling sooooo~ great! haha! everything is just fine now~ They're seriously sensitive and in bad mood, I'm safe and didn't did anything wrong to upset them! :) muahahaha~ 하지만!!! My health is really in bad condition~ ARRRRGH! I'm still S-I-C-K! oh no~ ... *sob sob~* HEHE!!! I seriouslly gonna get Show Luo's new album~~~ OOOMG!! ^0^ sigh~~~ but not now!!! SAD~~~ No money! T~T and I'm afraid that SHINee SG concert tour I can't get the chance to go aaaahhhhh!!!!~~~ S-A-D ;(
어떡하죠!? 한숨...
ㅎㅎ~ ^^ 헬로!!! [hehe~ Hello!!!]
sigh~!!! this few days having some thoughts in mind! ... seriously irritating thoughts that kept bothering me T.T Hmm~~~ I really wonder are they being sensitive!? or I've said something wrong to make they treating me this way!!!? I really wish I could speak out bout this but~ I have to find the courage! ;( I really wish~ ... really wish I could! ... *Heart Breaking*
Yesterday have a farewell steamboat dinner with PuTu!!! ^^ SAD~~~ really! seriosuly! gonna miss him!!!~ MUACKS!!! =3 Hope he stays well when he got back home ^.^ There's Kelvin, Zixin, Jeanni, Cecilia and Putu! haha!!! we seriously have soooo~ much fun! LOVE YA!~ ^.~
Sad to said that I'm sick now!!! omg~~~ T~T Flu~ Cough~ and having Headache almost every morning nowadays! aaahhhhh~~~~ =.=
sigh~!!! this few days having some thoughts in mind! ... seriously irritating thoughts that kept bothering me T.T Hmm~~~ I really wonder are they being sensitive!? or I've said something wrong to make they treating me this way!!!? I really wish I could speak out bout this but~ I have to find the courage! ;( I really wish~ ... really wish I could! ... *Heart Breaking*
Yesterday have a farewell steamboat dinner with PuTu!!! ^^ SAD~~~ really! seriosuly! gonna miss him!!!~ MUACKS!!! =3 Hope he stays well when he got back home ^.^ There's Kelvin, Zixin, Jeanni, Cecilia and Putu! haha!!! we seriously have soooo~ much fun! LOVE YA!~ ^.~
Sad to said that I'm sick now!!! omg~~~ T~T Flu~ Cough~ and having Headache almost every morning nowadays! aaahhhhh~~~~ =.=
오모! 오모! 오모!~~~ Five days!!! have been five days I've never update up blog~ woah! =P OOMG!!!~~ 18th February ~!!! hehe ^^ 샤이니 1,000번째 일! [SHINee 1,000th Day] and! and! annnnnd!!! Show Luo/羅志祥 album realease Date/Day!!!! haha~~~
Didn't get the chance to use the com cause korkor came back from camp and I'm working too! haha~ SAD!!! yesterday ended work reached home, rest awhile and then go for a quick shower HEHE! I can't wait for my hair to dry cause I wanna Sleeeeeeeep!!! haha~ Soooo~ tired and sleeeepy LOL! can't take it~~~
I'm lack of energy! haha! But I'm now sooo~ kinda! This few days I didn't eat much~ No appetite... SAD!!! Breakfast is Important ^^ Hehe~~~
" 早餐吃的饱, 午餐吃的好, 晚餐吃的少! " --- by Show Luo/羅志祥
Didn't get the chance to use the com cause korkor came back from camp and I'm working too! haha~ SAD!!! yesterday ended work reached home, rest awhile and then go for a quick shower HEHE! I can't wait for my hair to dry cause I wanna Sleeeeeeeep!!! haha~ Soooo~ tired and sleeeepy LOL! can't take it~~~
I'm lack of energy! haha! But I'm now sooo~ kinda! This few days I didn't eat much~ No appetite... SAD!!! Breakfast is Important ^^ Hehe~~~
" 早餐吃的饱, 午餐吃的好, 晚餐吃的少! " --- by Show Luo/羅志祥
Heelllllllloo~~!!! =] HEHE~
yesterday was fun!!!!!! ^^ went for Valentine's Dinner with~~~ OMG!!! lots of people haha! =] hmm~~~ let me recall!... There's Karine & her husband, Geok Leng, Andy, Bee Bee, Kimberly, Jennifer & her sister, Dino and Joan woah~~~ HAHA! =P
Sad!!! can't get to see my appeal result !!! Don't know what's going on! T~T I can't even login! LOL! sigh~~~ have to wait till korkor came back from camp I'll then can solve it!? OMG 0.0
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I reaaaaaaalllllllyy!!!! really seriously wanna get iphone 4~~~~~~~~~~~~ HEHEHEHE! But~!!! I hope papa could lend me some money OOPS! =|
yesterday was fun!!!!!! ^^ went for Valentine's Dinner with~~~ OMG!!! lots of people haha! =] hmm~~~ let me recall!... There's Karine & her husband, Geok Leng, Andy, Bee Bee, Kimberly, Jennifer & her sister, Dino and Joan woah~~~ HAHA! =P
Sad!!! can't get to see my appeal result !!! Don't know what's going on! T~T I can't even login! LOL! sigh~~~ have to wait till korkor came back from camp I'll then can solve it!? OMG 0.0
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I reaaaaaaalllllllyy!!!! really seriously wanna get iphone 4~~~~~~~~~~~~ HEHEHEHE! But~!!! I hope papa could lend me some money OOPS! =|
" Happy Valentine's Day ^.~ " !!!
weeee~~~~ Going for Valentine's Day dinner with Kimberly, Karine and hmmm~ sorry not sure haha! =P Gonna have dinner at Plaze Singapura Fish & Co!
Yesterday! ^^ hehe~ ended work I have meal with kimberly and xiaomao ^.~ We gossip again! LOL!~ haha! That's totally our style HEHE! oops~~~ XD
when I reached home not till 5 mins!? Karen mummy called me up! haha~ call me to go over her house!??? haha~~~ Everyone was there ^^ Mahjong LOL! haha~ I went her house eat the porridge that she cook lol!
weeee~~~~ Going for Valentine's Day dinner with Kimberly, Karine and hmmm~ sorry not sure haha! =P Gonna have dinner at Plaze Singapura Fish & Co!
Yesterday! ^^ hehe~ ended work I have meal with kimberly and xiaomao ^.~ We gossip again! LOL!~ haha! That's totally our style HEHE! oops~~~ XD
when I reached home not till 5 mins!? Karen mummy called me up! haha~ call me to go over her house!??? haha~~~ Everyone was there ^^ Mahjong LOL! haha~ I went her house eat the porridge that she cook lol!
Messy!!! is how I can describe today's work situation LOL! hmmm~ Just came back from Karen Mummy house ^^ HAHA! hmm~~ Fun!? Interesting!? ^~^ it's like kinda a long time since I last met Andy!? haha! Still so naughty and playful HAHA!
어빠 came back today BUT! went back!??? came back just for a while ermm~ a nap!? haha! and coming back tomorrow again!? O.o woah~~~ LOL! haha! Tomorrow I'm working!!!!! ^^Y
어빠 came back today BUT! went back!??? came back just for a while ermm~ a nap!? haha! and coming back tomorrow again!? O.o woah~~~ LOL! haha! Tomorrow I'm working!!!!! ^^Y
안녕! ^^ I'm Back~~~
Just finished washing all the pots and plates =) Satisfaction! hehe~ Just went to visit Aunty YingYing house with XiaoMao! so funny that we ate Chicken Rice after work but is just sudden to go visit her in the last min! so we rush home after our meal HAHA! guess what~~~~ eat again! LOL!!! OMG~~~ We are seriously full!!! till I wanna vomit hehe! ^.^
I'm meeting 언니 at hougang mall just nice that Aunty YingYing call me to bring along the soup that she have cooked to Kelvin!? That Tiger HAHA! =P oops~~~ I was feeling so difficult to pass that to Kelvin and I don't know why LOL! but in the end I push myself to do it =P bleah~~~
Tomorrow!!!!! Visit Karen Mummy house ^^ hehe~~~~~
Just finished washing all the pots and plates =) Satisfaction! hehe~ Just went to visit Aunty YingYing house with XiaoMao! so funny that we ate Chicken Rice after work but is just sudden to go visit her in the last min! so we rush home after our meal HAHA! guess what~~~~ eat again! LOL!!! OMG~~~ We are seriously full!!! till I wanna vomit hehe! ^.^
I'm meeting 언니 at hougang mall just nice that Aunty YingYing call me to bring along the soup that she have cooked to Kelvin!? That Tiger HAHA! =P oops~~~ I was feeling so difficult to pass that to Kelvin and I don't know why LOL! but in the end I push myself to do it =P bleah~~~
Tomorrow!!!!! Visit Karen Mummy house ^^ hehe~~~~~
Today's the day... once a year time ^^ Reunion dinner!!!~ hehe~~~ SIGH!!! and today's appointment result!? DISAPPOINTED!!! Sad~~~~ ㅠ.ㅠ Went Hougang Mall with mama after we came back from the appointment and walk pass McD! I was~ O~M~G!!! O.O Full and crowded with people!!! haha~ woah!!!~
I was thinking what will happened when I'm working!? Tomorrow and Weekends!!! oh my~~~ haha! oh ya~ Friday I can't able to work LOL! cause too rush I'm visting my relative that day hehe ^^ Hope I'm able to cancel!? No offense!!! to anyone~ =P
ㅎㅎ~ 헬로 베이비 시즌 3 !!! 티 아라 하하! ^^ 진짜~ 귀엽다!!! 맨슨!~~
I was thinking what will happened when I'm working!? Tomorrow and Weekends!!! oh my~~~ haha! oh ya~ Friday I can't able to work LOL! cause too rush I'm visting my relative that day hehe ^^ Hope I'm able to cancel!? No offense!!! to anyone~ =P
ㅎㅎ~ 헬로 베이비 시즌 3 !!! 티 아라 하하! ^^ 진짜~ 귀엽다!!! 맨슨!~~
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