i'm feeling tired T.T
i today wake up at around 6.30am cause of that evil MONKEY! Fredrick Lim~!!!!!!!!!
haix.... some more later i got work at 9am so i rather wake up and use com hehe =D hahas.... so long never touch and use com =P early in the morning papa went to work, follow by korkor out of sudden also have work some more in the morning hahas ^^ but really pity korkor T.T but just know that i love him more and more =D cause i wanna give him more "family" love ^^
That Monkey making me so pissed off~ make me can't sleep and have panda eye coming out also haix.... night 7pm meeting him at hougang mall lol.... cause i end work at 5pm oh ya~ one good new erm.... also can said it as a bad news for myself ....
Today is my last day to work for Mac but feeling sad to leave too haix.....
I'M TOTALLY, 100% PISSED OFF~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why i can't get in the course T.T
why god wanna separate both of us again!? i was looking forward to have same course and same ITE so that we can just be like primary school time but.... i just can't get it .....
really feeling very sad now T.T
Eileen bestie get in and i was so envious of her JINJJA~!!! ^^
she good in her education but other hehe... erm.... not really that pro [she agrees too =P], but me just too bad and sad that i not good in my education but others i was pro with it haix..... i now just wanna my education to be pro but! just can't have that chance and not that lucky T.T
andwae~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T
why i can't get in the course T.T
why god wanna separate both of us again!? i was looking forward to have same course and same ITE so that we can just be like primary school time but.... i just can't get it .....
really feeling very sad now T.T
Eileen bestie get in and i was so envious of her JINJJA~!!! ^^
she good in her education but other hehe... erm.... not really that pro [she agrees too =P], but me just too bad and sad that i not good in my education but others i was pro with it haix..... i now just wanna my education to be pro but! just can't have that chance and not that lucky T.T
andwae~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T
聖誕節快樂唷~ O-O
喔~ 時間過的好快啊現在已經是聖誕了接下來就是跨年了.....
昨天半晚5點放工就馬上回家了, 我約了鈺 .... 本來約她6點半的最後還是來不及她叫我直接去她的家.....
當然聲威作好朋友的我哈哈, 帶了她的禮物 ^^ 她看了那封信件就 "OMG~!!!" 的叫, 然後扯開了禮物她可是驚訝的. 不過我送她那份禮物是重點是因為我想看到她得到她想要的東西, 燦爛的笑的樣子哈哈... 很可愛唷~ =P 她開心我就開心 ^^
唉唷~ 我現在快瘋了啦!!! T.T
我要錢! 我要買羅志祥, 楊丞琳和黃鴻升的專輯啦! 氣死我了~!
我看至少要等到新年才能買得到啦 T.T [ 哭泣.... ]
聖誕節快樂唷~ O-O
喔~ 時間過的好快啊現在已經是聖誕了接下來就是跨年了.....
昨天半晚5點放工就馬上回家了, 我約了鈺 .... 本來約她6點半的最後還是來不及她叫我直接去她的家.....
當然聲威作好朋友的我哈哈, 帶了她的禮物 ^^ 她看了那封信件就 "OMG~!!!" 的叫, 然後扯開了禮物她可是驚訝的. 不過我送她那份禮物是重點是因為我想看到她得到她想要的東西, 燦爛的笑的樣子哈哈... 很可愛唷~ =P 她開心我就開心 ^^
唉唷~ 我現在快瘋了啦!!! T.T
我要錢! 我要買羅志祥, 楊丞琳和黃鴻升的專輯啦! 氣死我了~!
我看至少要等到新年才能買得到啦 T.T [ 哭泣.... ]
hello~! ^^
OMG~ can't believe now is bout to 12 midnight and yet i still wondering wanna blog at the end still blog =P hahas..... thought bro will be out at 9pm plus but how i know he just now then went out -_- '''' i waited so long~ hahas....
yesterday went to Eileen bestie house to do the submitting of the choice of course on the internet, she was afraid that she might pressed wrong and i was not scare till i contagious by her and started to get nervous/scare dots..... hahas....
Really hope we can go in to the same course T.T PLEASE~!!!!
we chose Digital Audio & Video Production ......
i bout to quit mac job hahas ^^ hope boss can understand and let me quit T.T scare .....
cause i really don't feel like working anymore some more the salary only $3.50 can work till die! hahas......
Tomorrow going for class outing BBQ at Changi Beach! OMG~! hope that before sky dark can get out of that place hahas =P

好酷喔~ 羅志祥的新專輯耶, 我的媽呀~!!! 哈哈... 好期待啦 .....
我也很欺待 楊丞琳 和 黃鴻升 的唷 ^^ 簡直是太帥了 !
OMG~ can't believe now is bout to 12 midnight and yet i still wondering wanna blog at the end still blog =P hahas..... thought bro will be out at 9pm plus but how i know he just now then went out -_- '''' i waited so long~ hahas....
yesterday went to Eileen bestie house to do the submitting of the choice of course on the internet, she was afraid that she might pressed wrong and i was not scare till i contagious by her and started to get nervous/scare dots..... hahas....
Really hope we can go in to the same course T.T PLEASE~!!!!
we chose Digital Audio & Video Production ......
i bout to quit mac job hahas ^^ hope boss can understand and let me quit T.T scare .....
cause i really don't feel like working anymore some more the salary only $3.50 can work till die! hahas......
Tomorrow going for class outing BBQ at Changi Beach! OMG~! hope that before sky dark can get out of that place hahas =P

好酷喔~ 羅志祥的新專輯耶, 我的媽呀~!!! 哈哈... 好期待啦 .....
我也很欺待 楊丞琳 和 黃鴻升 的唷 ^^ 簡直是太帥了 !
ann yeong~! ^^
hahas.... just came back from outside and just went for my bath too =D
OMG~! can't believe!? O - O
i got no U grade for my "N" level result arrrrr~!!!! hahas =P
i score 1A, 1B, 2C and 2D .... is like all A B C D i have hahas ^^ previously i was worried bout my result but now is the time to worried for my ITE stuff/course T.T
i have the same thought of course as Eileen bestie but i was scare that i will not be able to fit in cause i score D for my mathematics and which means that i just pass by a few marks for my mathematics ....
i will not be able to be chosen to take that course, they may be choosing those people who score higher then me so! i really very scare and nervous T.T
hahas.... just came back from outside and just went for my bath too =D
OMG~! can't believe!? O - O
i got no U grade for my "N" level result arrrrr~!!!! hahas =P
i score 1A, 1B, 2C and 2D .... is like all A B C D i have hahas ^^ previously i was worried bout my result but now is the time to worried for my ITE stuff/course T.T
i have the same thought of course as Eileen bestie but i was scare that i will not be able to fit in cause i score D for my mathematics and which means that i just pass by a few marks for my mathematics ....
i will not be able to be chosen to take that course, they may be choosing those people who score higher then me so! i really very scare and nervous T.T
o ___O
TOTALLY~!!!! didn't expect my blog to be dead the FIRST TIME~! O.O
it have been dead for 16 DAYS! can't believe it, WOW~!!!!
last time i will at least post it once or twice a week haha now i see .... really busy this few days T.T and i'm feeling tired too~ hahas .....
This days busy through out the whole day with quite number of things actually =P hahas.... i also didn't expect myself to do things that i don't usually do because i don't have that time and habit, although i have the time i will spent my it on computers, television and MP3?
BUT!? i'm actually READING books~!!? [ oh~ my~ =X hahas..... ]
Today quite early in the morning wake up went for the hygiene practical course!
those things that regarding with McDonald i will only said! WASTE TIME!!!!!
JINJJA~!!!!! waste my time and money to go all the way there forget it don't feel like and don't wanna talk bout it now! =P
這一整個星期都在忙!? 忙什麼呢!? 哈哈.... =D 沒想到我會讀書啊, 讀小說唷~ ^^
好刺激好好讀喔 =D 我曾再讀的是關于星座的小說, 其實讀書也是一件滿好玩的 "潔癖" =D
我也很久沒登入我的臉書 [FACEBOOK] 了 .......
我這幾個星期也在學新的東東哦~ ^^ 哈哈....
" 안녕하세요 " [ annyeonghaseyo ] ... BINGO~! 對了哈哈 就是韓語/文 =D
[ 海派甜心 ] 我也看了一半了, 哦~ 又好看! 又刺激!又感人!又可愛!而且也很好笑 哈哈 ^^
明天就是18號了, 也就是說明天是拿成績的一天 .... 這天還是到來了, 我多怕我會考的很不好啦! 心里很怕也養養的 T ___ T
嗨~! .... 我多希望可以拿到我想要的只不過..... 我看還是算了吧, 因為我沒那個信心我會拿到好成績啦... 真的恐怕要讓家裡人失望了 [無言] ....
TOTALLY~!!!! didn't expect my blog to be dead the FIRST TIME~! O.O
it have been dead for 16 DAYS! can't believe it, WOW~!!!!
last time i will at least post it once or twice a week haha now i see .... really busy this few days T.T and i'm feeling tired too~ hahas .....
This days busy through out the whole day with quite number of things actually =P hahas.... i also didn't expect myself to do things that i don't usually do because i don't have that time and habit, although i have the time i will spent my it on computers, television and MP3?
BUT!? i'm actually READING books~!!? [ oh~ my~ =X hahas..... ]
Today quite early in the morning wake up went for the hygiene practical course!
those things that regarding with McDonald i will only said! WASTE TIME!!!!!
JINJJA~!!!!! waste my time and money to go all the way there forget it don't feel like and don't wanna talk bout it now! =P
這一整個星期都在忙!? 忙什麼呢!? 哈哈.... =D 沒想到我會讀書啊, 讀小說唷~ ^^
好刺激好好讀喔 =D 我曾再讀的是關于星座的小說, 其實讀書也是一件滿好玩的 "潔癖" =D
我也很久沒登入我的臉書 [FACEBOOK] 了 .......
我這幾個星期也在學新的東東哦~ ^^ 哈哈....
" 안녕하세요 " [ annyeonghaseyo ] ... BINGO~! 對了哈哈 就是韓語/文 =D
[ 海派甜心 ] 我也看了一半了, 哦~ 又好看! 又刺激!又感人!又可愛!而且也很好笑 哈哈 ^^
明天就是18號了, 也就是說明天是拿成績的一天 .... 這天還是到來了, 我多怕我會考的很不好啦! 心里很怕也養養的 T ___ T
嗨~! .... 我多希望可以拿到我想要的只不過..... 我看還是算了吧, 因為我沒那個信心我會拿到好成績啦... 真的恐怕要讓家裡人失望了 [無言] ....
OMG~!!! T.T
i'm really feeling uncomfortable now~!!! girls...... really trouble sometimes =x
this past few weeks don't really appetite to eat and drink, i'm really feeling tired and sleepy now!
tomorrow some more i have to go for work so sad!.....
coming Tuesday have to go to Jalan Bersa Community Center for the STUPID mac hygiene course with Aunty kala, don't feel like going cause MORNING! 8.30am must reached Lavender MRT station T.T OMG~!!!! can faint some more still have to walk to CC by some one who will be waiting for us at the MRT station tel to tell us how should we go to the CC, so~ trouble some!!! the course start at 9.30am and END~! at 6.30pm!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!
I'm pissed off now~! T.T
I wanted to buy a memory stick for my phone ^^
i now really don't know what to do!
those people found me~! i mean my secondary friends found my facebook !
she added me but i ignore it cause i really and seriously don't wanna kep in touch with them, they SUCKS my life up T.T
being with them i will die and destroy my future ......
Friday, 4th December.....
Me, JunJie and Eileen went to Plaza Singapura for Twilight "New Moon" movie, we meet up at hougang mall by 11am plus. We watch 4.20pm show, but seriously the movie not really that nice cause i some kind don't really like continuous movie. I just interesting on the starting and ending of the movie ^^
But i'm sure that the ending will sure be exciting, cool and sad hahas.....
Saturday .....
i went to work early in the morning [tired of working but no choice =P] !
i end work at 5pm and they come and find me so happy, but we decided on Friday that they come find me after i end work hahas....
we buy curry puff to eat and Eileen buy milk tea follow by we went to Daiso for "shopping", i bought a photo album and Eileen bought a book stand and erm.... a box !? O.O
hahas... anyway they came to my house after that cause Eileen wanna play monopoly [out of sudden!? =D hahas] so JunJie follows, they eat dinner at my house to ^^ hahas... cute~
after that we play till 9.30pm plus if i'm not wrong =P
i company them to the bus stop till they board the bus then i go off ....
but now i really quite kind of missing them T.T sad!
oh ya~ quite long haven been Gam too? not sure what he busy with hahas.....
still got 12 days to receive "N" level result! i don't really have much confident on it haix.... so sad and irritating ! T.T JINCHA~!!!! arr~ really~ ........
i'm really feeling uncomfortable now~!!! girls...... really trouble sometimes =x
this past few weeks don't really appetite to eat and drink, i'm really feeling tired and sleepy now!
tomorrow some more i have to go for work so sad!.....
coming Tuesday have to go to Jalan Bersa Community Center for the STUPID mac hygiene course with Aunty kala, don't feel like going cause MORNING! 8.30am must reached Lavender MRT station T.T OMG~!!!! can faint some more still have to walk to CC by some one who will be waiting for us at the MRT station tel to tell us how should we go to the CC, so~ trouble some!!! the course start at 9.30am and END~! at 6.30pm!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!
I'm pissed off now~! T.T
I wanted to buy a memory stick for my phone ^^
i now really don't know what to do!
those people found me~! i mean my secondary friends found my facebook !
she added me but i ignore it cause i really and seriously don't wanna kep in touch with them, they SUCKS my life up T.T
being with them i will die and destroy my future ......
Friday, 4th December.....
Me, JunJie and Eileen went to Plaza Singapura for Twilight "New Moon" movie, we meet up at hougang mall by 11am plus. We watch 4.20pm show, but seriously the movie not really that nice cause i some kind don't really like continuous movie. I just interesting on the starting and ending of the movie ^^
But i'm sure that the ending will sure be exciting, cool and sad hahas.....
Saturday .....
i went to work early in the morning [tired of working but no choice =P] !
i end work at 5pm and they come and find me so happy, but we decided on Friday that they come find me after i end work hahas....
we buy curry puff to eat and Eileen buy milk tea follow by we went to Daiso for "shopping", i bought a photo album and Eileen bought a book stand and erm.... a box !? O.O
hahas... anyway they came to my house after that cause Eileen wanna play monopoly [out of sudden!? =D hahas] so JunJie follows, they eat dinner at my house to ^^ hahas... cute~
after that we play till 9.30pm plus if i'm not wrong =P
i company them to the bus stop till they board the bus then i go off ....
but now i really quite kind of missing them T.T sad!
oh ya~ quite long haven been Gam too? not sure what he busy with hahas.....
still got 12 days to receive "N" level result! i don't really have much confident on it haix.... so sad and irritating ! T.T JINCHA~!!!! arr~ really~ ........
morning~! ^^
OMG~! i'm so full~ =P just eaten my breakfast with JieJie ^^ hehe ....
we eat Korean instant noodles hahas miss it sooo~ much =D
tired! T.T cause later going off for work ..... start work at 12pm and end at 5pm or maybe later? tired of working there i feel like changing the job just like what JunJie told me to.....
yesterday i was having lots of fun cause i online MSN so we three, me, Eileen and JunJie were chatting together. AND~ not for few minutes they both started their "war" =P hahas....
none stop some more hahas =D
OMG~!!! why i have two friends that SO CUTE~! =P hahas ..... too bad that never copy the chat room or else i will laugh till my teeth drops when every time i read it =D hehe .....
i seldom online so i had fun yesterday when we three are online =D
miss those days so~ much ^^ hahas....
FINALLY tomorrow, it's FRIDAY~!!!! yeah~
i off hahas =P we three plus my JieJie and maybe Eileen friend Tricia, we are going to Plaza Singapura for " NEW MOON " movie =DDD hahas.....
Eileen really love Twilight this movie ^^ hahas....
and she's excited bout the movie cause she had read all the books and now just wait for the movie =D
Oh~ by the way Eileen bestie congrats for receiving the edusave award ^^ so good~
know why i said if i got receive singapore will snow? hahas, cause i was in class position 19 and will not be getting it cause have to be in between position 1 to 10, right? hahas
i so~ and do really envious you alot/every time ^^ hahas
keep up your good work alright~! =D [ don't be like me =P hehe ..... ]
Oh ya~
yesterday was a busy day for me too oh my~
my new phone and only company me almost three days and it dropped into the toilet bowl!
@#$%^&* ~!!!!!! i was shocked and angry .....
but luckily it's fine now haha =P
i have decided .....
i wanna earn money to buy for myself and which i wanted quite long ago =P
* Piano - $500 -$700 [cheapest]
* Guitar - price not sure yet .....
* MP3 - $ 70 -$80
* Laptop or Computer set $1000 - $2000 [i think]
I think just all this stuff ^^ hahas i will try my best =D 加油~!!!
i also wanna learn how to play piano and guitar too ^^ i still on my way learning hahas =P
OMG~! i'm so full~ =P just eaten my breakfast with JieJie ^^ hehe ....
we eat Korean instant noodles hahas miss it sooo~ much =D
tired! T.T cause later going off for work ..... start work at 12pm and end at 5pm or maybe later? tired of working there i feel like changing the job just like what JunJie told me to.....
yesterday i was having lots of fun cause i online MSN so we three, me, Eileen and JunJie were chatting together. AND~ not for few minutes they both started their "war" =P hahas....
none stop some more hahas =D
OMG~!!! why i have two friends that SO CUTE~! =P hahas ..... too bad that never copy the chat room or else i will laugh till my teeth drops when every time i read it =D hehe .....
i seldom online so i had fun yesterday when we three are online =D
miss those days so~ much ^^ hahas....
FINALLY tomorrow, it's FRIDAY~!!!! yeah~
i off hahas =P we three plus my JieJie and maybe Eileen friend Tricia, we are going to Plaza Singapura for " NEW MOON " movie =DDD hahas.....
Eileen really love Twilight this movie ^^ hahas....
and she's excited bout the movie cause she had read all the books and now just wait for the movie =D
Oh~ by the way Eileen bestie congrats for receiving the edusave award ^^ so good~
know why i said if i got receive singapore will snow? hahas, cause i was in class position 19 and will not be getting it cause have to be in between position 1 to 10, right? hahas
i so~ and do really envious you alot/every time ^^ hahas
keep up your good work alright~! =D [ don't be like me =P hehe ..... ]
Oh ya~
yesterday was a busy day for me too oh my~
my new phone and only company me almost three days and it dropped into the toilet bowl!
@#$%^&* ~!!!!!! i was shocked and angry .....
but luckily it's fine now haha =P
i have decided .....
i wanna earn money to buy for myself and which i wanted quite long ago =P
* Piano - $500 -$700 [cheapest]
* Guitar - price not sure yet .....
* MP3 - $ 70 -$80
* Laptop or Computer set $1000 - $2000 [i think]
I think just all this stuff ^^ hahas i will try my best =D 加油~!!!
i also wanna learn how to play piano and guitar too ^^ i still on my way learning hahas =P
ann yeong~ ^^
OMG~! i'm so sleepy ! T.T
today early in the morning wake up, company mama go SGH for diabetes appointment ..... waited for the doctor for more than half and hour what the..... tired and boring too!
yesterday and today went to hospital for appointment oh my~ hahas .....
yesterday is my kidney appointment, the doctor said everything is fine ^^ so surprised but doctor said still need to be careful of what i eat cause of my diabetes T.T sad~!.....
and also because that i only left one kidney to function so really must take care and be careful! =X feeling quite scare .....
I yesterday have lots of fun! really ^^
cause Eileen bestie company me go, this is the first time she go with me i'm so touched and delighted =D and she also bought me a small little cute present form china hahas and i love it very much =P hehe....
Thanks you so much ^^!
OMG~! i'm so sleepy ! T.T
today early in the morning wake up, company mama go SGH for diabetes appointment ..... waited for the doctor for more than half and hour what the..... tired and boring too!
yesterday and today went to hospital for appointment oh my~ hahas .....
yesterday is my kidney appointment, the doctor said everything is fine ^^ so surprised but doctor said still need to be careful of what i eat cause of my diabetes T.T sad~!.....
and also because that i only left one kidney to function so really must take care and be careful! =X feeling quite scare .....
I yesterday have lots of fun! really ^^
cause Eileen bestie company me go, this is the first time she go with me i'm so touched and delighted =D and she also bought me a small little cute present form china hahas and i love it very much =P hehe....
Thanks you so much ^^!
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hello! it's Saturday night now and I'm posting at this timing because I've settle down all the thing in the house. Finally I...
I'M TOTALLY, 100% PISSED OFF~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why~! why i can't get in the course T.T why god wanna separate ...
好煩喔~! T.T 昨天又去四美ITE appeal多一次, 如果一月份的還是失敗的話就得appeal四月份的了. 我也已經打算進四月份的可是問題不在我身上啊! 嗨~ .... 也得讓他們給我進那科課程嘛 [傷心~! .....] 可憐的楊丞琳 ! 我提出覺得她不應該公佈她暗戀的...