Feel soooo~! sad and wanna cry haix....
can't go Jolin autograph session T-T ai yo~ actually got the money to buy the album but at last minute mama on Thursday sick so brinq her go see doctor and paid for her cause she no money -_-''' haix..... so sad~! i wanna go but haix....... I DON CARE i wanna buy her renew album hahas.....
Fathers day is on the 22nd of June haix..... hope have the money to treat papa eat bahx ^^
Wednesday goinq to work again~! so sian T-T
Just now were chattinq with Dearest Eileen [Bestie] on MSN cause she at china her uncle house and the house have 4 level, damn big, pretty and comfortable worx some more got two dog damn cutee~!!!! OMG~! so wish i'm the one there worx hahas =P
post till here then hehe cause very sleepy le =D
hahas... so.... night night then ^^ MUACKS~!!!
爲什麽是我!? 爲什麽是我忍受這些壓力,這些痛苦! 我不明白!我真的很難過也很難受我快成不下去了, 在撐下去的話我快要風掉了!
哭 ... 我只能大聲的哭好讓自己發洩一下也舒服一些...... 而我只能多在廁所裏哭 !
我開不了口,也不知道要找誰來聊天我真得快瘋了....... 我真得受不了了也快瘋了!
爲什麽我活得那麽痛苦!我不想活了!真的好想死! 可是我不能這麽做!
老天爺~! 請你把現在的我帶走吧,把以前的我還給我好嘛!?
我真的不是你們想象中那麽勇敢的,現在的我.... 已經開始沒了信心, 沒了勇氣.....
我真的很想面對我的, 可是我實在沒有勇氣活下去面對這些痛苦和壓力!
爲什麽是我!? 爲什麽是我忍受這些壓力,這些痛苦! 我不明白!我真的很難過也很難受我快成不下去了, 在撐下去的話我快要風掉了!
哭 ... 我只能大聲的哭好讓自己發洩一下也舒服一些...... 而我只能多在廁所裏哭 !
我開不了口,也不知道要找誰來聊天我真得快瘋了....... 我真得受不了了也快瘋了!
爲什麽我活得那麽痛苦!我不想活了!真的好想死! 可是我不能這麽做!
老天爺~! 請你把現在的我帶走吧,把以前的我還給我好嘛!?
我真的不是你們想象中那麽勇敢的,現在的我.... 已經開始沒了信心, 沒了勇氣.....
我真的很想面對我的, 可是我實在沒有勇氣活下去面對這些痛苦和壓力!
Just came back from somewhere... and something happen that i feel damn sad and angry!
haix... ke lian the mama sick till so serious see her like that so heart pain T-T hope she can faster recover so as lynnie and ying jing ^-^ hope they are feelinq better hahas...
Now ! my family problem is gettinq worst and worst !
i have to quit my job cause can't really earn much and now i do really need to concentrate on my studies!
i really can't take all this thing anymore why can't everything just be back as normal and fine WHY~! why must get so serious!??? can't i just have a good life!?
if not, hope the manager can understand my feelinqs and let me continue my work after all exams is over and settle! T-T
媽媽希望你快點好起來也照顧好你自己因爲我們不是每分每秒都會在你生邊但我們也不希望你發生什麽事, 我們只要你健健康康的活者...
能夠讓你開心, 能看到你笑 ... 就是我的願望也是我的快樂 ^-^
做媽媽是很辛苦的生威做孩子的都知道 .... 所以....
媽媽~ ^-^
辛苦你了我們永遠愛你! =P
但做爸爸當然在孩子心目中也是很偉大的... 爸爸~ 我麽愛你喲 哈哈!
haix... ke lian the mama sick till so serious see her like that so heart pain T-T hope she can faster recover so as lynnie and ying jing ^-^ hope they are feelinq better hahas...
Now ! my family problem is gettinq worst and worst !
i have to quit my job cause can't really earn much and now i do really need to concentrate on my studies!
i really can't take all this thing anymore why can't everything just be back as normal and fine WHY~! why must get so serious!??? can't i just have a good life!?
if not, hope the manager can understand my feelinqs and let me continue my work after all exams is over and settle! T-T
媽媽希望你快點好起來也照顧好你自己因爲我們不是每分每秒都會在你生邊但我們也不希望你發生什麽事, 我們只要你健健康康的活者...
能夠讓你開心, 能看到你笑 ... 就是我的願望也是我的快樂 ^-^
做媽媽是很辛苦的生威做孩子的都知道 .... 所以....
媽媽~ ^-^
辛苦你了我們永遠愛你! =P
但做爸爸當然在孩子心目中也是很偉大的... 爸爸~ 我麽愛你喲 哈哈!
Harlo~! ^^
hahas... haix... feel so tired and sleepy T-T don't know why worx hahas...
anyway today in school havinq fun cause exams over but so what still have lots of homework for June holidays ai yo~! -_-zzz especially mathematics haix... one full stacks worksheet think like a exercise book omg~!!! can faint and do till crazy haix...
hahas but hope after June holidays i can improve my maths ^-^ hehe =P
today lynnie never come school haix... she havinq fever worx ai yo~! never take good care yourself worx lynnie~? hope she can recover soon then MUACKS~!!!! rest well worx ^-^ hahas.........
Yesterday mummy go for her eye check up appointment and when she came home and asked her what the doctor said or etc...
she told me that need OP and i was shocked and sad some more she still an joke with me that go OP and dig out her eyes and i was angry, some more her kidney is already don't have mush percent functioninq and if not careful of take good care of it need do dialysis....
really hope she can take good care of herself T-T

I think through already i don't wanna go for Jolin autograph session cause i wanna spend more time with my family although i will 100% sure regret and sad that not goinq for Jolin autograph session haix....
some more i have the money and yet haven buy her album but i so wish that some one can help me buy and also go for the autograph session haix.... sad worx T-T
hahas... haix... feel so tired and sleepy T-T don't know why worx hahas...
anyway today in school havinq fun cause exams over but so what still have lots of homework for June holidays ai yo~! -_-zzz especially mathematics haix... one full stacks worksheet think like a exercise book omg~!!! can faint and do till crazy haix...
hahas but hope after June holidays i can improve my maths ^-^ hehe =P
today lynnie never come school haix... she havinq fever worx ai yo~! never take good care yourself worx lynnie~? hope she can recover soon then MUACKS~!!!! rest well worx ^-^ hahas.........
Yesterday mummy go for her eye check up appointment and when she came home and asked her what the doctor said or etc...
she told me that need OP and i was shocked and sad some more she still an joke with me that go OP and dig out her eyes and i was angry, some more her kidney is already don't have mush percent functioninq and if not careful of take good care of it need do dialysis....
really hope she can take good care of herself T-T

I think through already i don't wanna go for Jolin autograph session cause i wanna spend more time with my family although i will 100% sure regret and sad that not goinq for Jolin autograph session haix....
some more i have the money and yet haven buy her album but i so wish that some one can help me buy and also go for the autograph session haix.... sad worx T-T
Peepo~! ^-^
harlo =D hahas just came back from bestie[Eileen] house hahas...
go her house erm... not sure what we doinq worx hahas but just foolinq around in her room hahas meanwhile also watch 100% entertainment =P
so long never see xiaozhu le T-T sooo~ miss him haix.... hahas...
anyway today got back our mid-year exam paper to check our marks OMG~!
i can't believe it man~!!! T-T my science and EBS i passss~!!!!! =P hahas...
but EBS didn't pass much, hehe only pass by three marks worx ^-^ and my science i didn't aspect to pass although i have a bit of confident but didn't aspect to pass as much as i thought =P hahas... haix... my poor mathematics T-T still the same FAIL! ai yo~ i already try my very best le but still can't pass what the hell some more most of the question we have done before durinq lesson and also as for homework worx so sad ...
But i really wish i can pass my maths but... haix... so i hope to work more harder durinq June holidays ^-^ hahas....
Ai yo~ lynnie ar you very cute worx ! ^-^ hahas....
called me last long with my guy!??? i have no guys to last long and ... hahas some more think no guys want me anymore bahx =D i also hope to find one but i'm not that lucky and ....
hahas ^^ you know worx... erm... not only you know bahx all my friends around me also know so..... wish me luck then hahas....
some times i know it is quite impossible to find another guy cause.... my life have change and becominq more and more challenginq i need to take good care of myself, what i eat/do and etc just not to have more serious thing to happen on me hahas ^^
Friends... i just wanna tell you all ...
do take care yourself and cherish what you have now so that you won't regret alright!?
most important filial to your parents, they give us life, everything just want us to be strong and healthy hahas... They are the BEST~!!! =D MUACKS~!!!
harlo =D hahas just came back from bestie[Eileen] house hahas...
go her house erm... not sure what we doinq worx hahas but just foolinq around in her room hahas meanwhile also watch 100% entertainment =P
so long never see xiaozhu le T-T sooo~ miss him haix.... hahas...
anyway today got back our mid-year exam paper to check our marks OMG~!
i can't believe it man~!!! T-T my science and EBS i passss~!!!!! =P hahas...
but EBS didn't pass much, hehe only pass by three marks worx ^-^ and my science i didn't aspect to pass although i have a bit of confident but didn't aspect to pass as much as i thought =P hahas... haix... my poor mathematics T-T still the same FAIL! ai yo~ i already try my very best le but still can't pass what the hell some more most of the question we have done before durinq lesson and also as for homework worx so sad ...
But i really wish i can pass my maths but... haix... so i hope to work more harder durinq June holidays ^-^ hahas....
Ai yo~ lynnie ar you very cute worx ! ^-^ hahas....
called me last long with my guy!??? i have no guys to last long and ... hahas some more think no guys want me anymore bahx =D i also hope to find one but i'm not that lucky and ....
hahas ^^ you know worx... erm... not only you know bahx all my friends around me also know so..... wish me luck then hahas....
some times i know it is quite impossible to find another guy cause.... my life have change and becominq more and more challenginq i need to take good care of myself, what i eat/do and etc just not to have more serious thing to happen on me hahas ^^
Friends... i just wanna tell you all ...
do take care yourself and cherish what you have now so that you won't regret alright!?
most important filial to your parents, they give us life, everything just want us to be strong and healthy hahas... They are the BEST~!!! =D MUACKS~!!!
har~lo! ^^
hahas... back from work quite long, today work was quite okie hahas cause have Terence =P
every time have him workinq with us always can relax, chat, jokes around hahas...
some more quite long never see him hahas ^^
Finally tomorrow Monday haix... SIANZZZ~! of goinq to school! T-T
so tired of it le SUCKS school! bleah~!...
OMG~ so wish holidays faster come worx hahas...
waited for these days very long ! T-T
So before postinq i was viewinq some blogs haix...
some happy and some sad worx ai yo~
to monkey:
ai yo~ you ar~ ^-^ hahas...
if you do really love her and seriously can't forget her then you both still can be friend right!?, just to forget all the pass but to start fresh all over again alright!?
before being a couple also starts from friends to knew each other ^-^
i only got one sentence to tell you ...
"try your very best and you can make it but you must have the courage to contact with her or talk to her so that you will get more close with her and more chances to make it !? " ...
GAMPATEH! yo~ hahas...
hahas... back from work quite long, today work was quite okie hahas cause have Terence =P
every time have him workinq with us always can relax, chat, jokes around hahas...
some more quite long never see him hahas ^^
Finally tomorrow Monday haix... SIANZZZ~! of goinq to school! T-T
so tired of it le SUCKS school! bleah~!...
OMG~ so wish holidays faster come worx hahas...
waited for these days very long ! T-T
So before postinq i was viewinq some blogs haix...
some happy and some sad worx ai yo~
to monkey:
ai yo~ you ar~ ^-^ hahas...
if you do really love her and seriously can't forget her then you both still can be friend right!?, just to forget all the pass but to start fresh all over again alright!?
before being a couple also starts from friends to knew each other ^-^
i only got one sentence to tell you ...
"try your very best and you can make it but you must have the courage to contact with her or talk to her so that you will get more close with her and more chances to make it !? " ...
GAMPATEH! yo~ hahas...
har~lo! ^-^
hehe hahas just came back from work omg~ so tired of standinq worx haix... =P hahas erm... today work still quite enjoy worx hahas...
so long never see Liza finally today see her le hahas ^-^
haix... so wish school holidays faster~! come hehe so that can relax and also go work and earn money muahahaha~ =P hahas....
ARRR~ Monday cominq again! haix.... so tired of seeinq some teachers HATE them so much and some more every time nagged at us or kao bei us want ai yo~! i wonder what school is that worx, what the hell man! bleah~!....
Tomorrow got work again haix... need early wake up again lah T.T some more not enough sleep worx haix...
Can't wait till next weekends ! cause Jolin Tsai is cominq to singapore to promo her new album hahas ^^ finally hehe...
soo~ happy hahas =D but hope have enough money to buy her album worx T.T
haix... then no money to buy top up card for my phone so sad.... haix...
hahas... never mind then save slowly bahx ^-^ hahas...
post till here lah....
(O(oo)O) ???
hehe hahas just came back from work omg~ so tired of standinq worx haix... =P hahas erm... today work still quite enjoy worx hahas...
so long never see Liza finally today see her le hahas ^-^
haix... so wish school holidays faster~! come hehe so that can relax and also go work and earn money muahahaha~ =P hahas....
ARRR~ Monday cominq again! haix.... so tired of seeinq some teachers HATE them so much and some more every time nagged at us or kao bei us want ai yo~! i wonder what school is that worx, what the hell man! bleah~!....
Tomorrow got work again haix... need early wake up again lah T.T some more not enough sleep worx haix...
Can't wait till next weekends ! cause Jolin Tsai is cominq to singapore to promo her new album hahas ^^ finally hehe...
soo~ happy hahas =D but hope have enough money to buy her album worx T.T
haix... then no money to buy top up card for my phone so sad.... haix...
hahas... never mind then save slowly bahx ^-^ hahas...
post till here lah....
(O(oo)O) ???
hi~ii ~ =P
hahas ^^
so borinq and tired stayinq at home, feel like goinq out worx haix... T-T
today the whole day usinq com, watch 籃球火 hahas OMG~! damn nice really encourage those who haven watch can go try and watch worx hahas...
haix... tomorrow so fast Friday le then one week goinq pass again haix... sad worx... then fast "N"level here ai yo~ soo~ trouble some and sick of studyinq T-T
but still no choice worx haix... cause still a student, a small kid haix... hahas...
nothinq else to post so end here then ! ^^
bye bye~ MUACKS~ =P
(O(oo)O) <333
hahas ^^
so borinq and tired stayinq at home, feel like goinq out worx haix... T-T
today the whole day usinq com, watch 籃球火 hahas OMG~! damn nice really encourage those who haven watch can go try and watch worx hahas...
haix... tomorrow so fast Friday le then one week goinq pass again haix... sad worx... then fast "N"level here ai yo~ soo~ trouble some and sick of studyinq T-T
but still no choice worx haix... cause still a student, a small kid haix... hahas...
nothinq else to post so end here then ! ^^
bye bye~ MUACKS~ =P
(O(oo)O) <333
OMG~! finally today last paper le CPA hahas =P haix... sad worx... scare will fail T-T
cause maths 101% sure fail, science erm.... maybe fail by few marks and then CAP theory... maybe fail also bahx T-T haix...
anyway everything have pass so ^^ just wait then hahas....
yeah~ tomorrow and Friday no school !!! =P haix... then saturday and sunday need work again hahas... think okie with it bahx hehe cause exams over hahas but still need revise for "N" level worx haix... but i also don't know wanna go which ITE and study what course worx haix... -_-'''
Today and yesterday the whole day watchinq "HotShot" 籃球火 ! hahas... actually i last year already watch finish but nothinq to do and feel like watchinq so i go download haha =P
This drama series from Taiwan by my cutie xiaozhu luo zhi xiang, Jerry Yan Cheng Xun, Wu Zun and many many more damn funny, sad, interestinq and exciting so those who haven watch can go try and see this drama series very nice ^^ hahas....
Next week Jolin Tsai is cominq singapore to promo her new album "Butterfly Jolin, 花蝴蝶! " hahas... but she got two days of autograph session but i don't know wanna go on the 29th of 30th worx haix....
29th is at chua chu kang, 7pm then on the 30th is at jurong west, 1pm ai yo~ how ar!? T-T
but hippo marmie said we could try go on the 29th cause can slack but... i can't worx cause july need go check up le then my illness must be normal can't delay anything or etc....
so... hehe sorry worx marmie, we go on the 30th hor ^^ hehe...
Oh ya i finally take back my phone muahahahaha... but but but... T-T i have to buy top up card cause mine no money and expiry haix... sad....
Durinq June holidays i wanna earn many many money =P hahahas...
cause papa and mummy really need the money worx haix.... so gampateh ! ^^
post till here then! ^^
night worx....
cause maths 101% sure fail, science erm.... maybe fail by few marks and then CAP theory... maybe fail also bahx T-T haix...
anyway everything have pass so ^^ just wait then hahas....
yeah~ tomorrow and Friday no school !!! =P haix... then saturday and sunday need work again hahas... think okie with it bahx hehe cause exams over hahas but still need revise for "N" level worx haix... but i also don't know wanna go which ITE and study what course worx haix... -_-'''
Today and yesterday the whole day watchinq "HotShot" 籃球火 ! hahas... actually i last year already watch finish but nothinq to do and feel like watchinq so i go download haha =P
This drama series from Taiwan by my cutie xiaozhu luo zhi xiang, Jerry Yan Cheng Xun, Wu Zun and many many more damn funny, sad, interestinq and exciting so those who haven watch can go try and see this drama series very nice ^^ hahas....
Next week Jolin Tsai is cominq singapore to promo her new album "Butterfly Jolin, 花蝴蝶! " hahas... but she got two days of autograph session but i don't know wanna go on the 29th of 30th worx haix....
29th is at chua chu kang, 7pm then on the 30th is at jurong west, 1pm ai yo~ how ar!? T-T
but hippo marmie said we could try go on the 29th cause can slack but... i can't worx cause july need go check up le then my illness must be normal can't delay anything or etc....
so... hehe sorry worx marmie, we go on the 30th hor ^^ hehe...
Oh ya i finally take back my phone muahahahaha... but but but... T-T i have to buy top up card cause mine no money and expiry haix... sad....
Durinq June holidays i wanna earn many many money =P hahahas...
cause papa and mummy really need the money worx haix.... so gampateh ! ^^
post till here then! ^^
night worx....
arr~ today have a very bad mood in school actually is okie but how we know need to take temperature then never bring thermometer then is like hell ! call us buy and cost $4.20 what the hell only never bring, take temperature for us will die ar HEARTLESS SCHOOL! bleah...
so selfish then need to waste my money to spent on that shit things T-T sad...
Today havinq english paper, quite easy but still hope can get good marks then ^^ hahas...
later need go study for science chapter 12 to 18 T-T
feel so tired and sleepy worx haix... hahas...
凡事都要小心,我們永遠都一直會為你撐腰直到你推出演藝圈 ︿︿
so selfish then need to waste my money to spent on that shit things T-T sad...
Today havinq english paper, quite easy but still hope can get good marks then ^^ hahas...
later need go study for science chapter 12 to 18 T-T
feel so tired and sleepy worx haix... hahas...
凡事都要小心,我們永遠都一直會為你撐腰直到你推出演藝圈 ︿︿
harlo ! ^^
just came back from work T-T so tired haix...
so miss Adele sister arrr~ finally today can see her but... haix... she start work i end work
what the ...... ai yo~
Tomorrow havinq english paper 2 then Tuesday think havinq science bahx hahas.... haix... need chiong to study for my science
I WANT PASS SCIENCE ~!!! =P hahas... hope really can pass and one more thing I WANT MY PHONE BACK LAH! what the hell so long till haven take back my phone i want it back before June holiday! better faster take it back my parent is already unhappy bout lendinq the phone some more confiscate haix.... what fuck school is that give a chance also cannot some more need parent come down collect the phone you think your name LKK i scare ar bleah =P
Eileen so poor thing T-T pity her worx haix... hope she don't sad bahx and better make clear what happened between her and her friends worx, why you don't wanna read the post from that bitch blog!? haix.... don't what to said you and console you but the only thing to said is that ...
no matter you on other "countries" and there is all strangers around and you are afraid and don't feel like seeinq them... i will always be there for you and... called me and chat to forget all those bad/sads memories ^^ alright!? hahas....
don't forget you are my friend, always my friend! =P
HEY YOU~! this bitch thought you very pretty meh!? huh! your face look so SUCKS think you ah lian ar!? like shit man bleah!
needs everyone to follow you like your dog you just only a tom boy some more a girl, like hell ! you think she's good to bully!? you are wrong, if you did things make her upset again you are in trouble! BITCH! you think you the head of the class!? called whole class don't care her and don't talk to her treat her like invisible, what the FUCK you think you are huh!?
Just only a act cute girl who is a attract sicker, everytimes cry like baby!
said what she is your true friend and trust her very much and some more for almost 4 years!
HARLO BITCH~! you got me know her well!
i knew her for almost 6 years OKIE! you are then a MOTHERFUCKING BITCH!!! CB!
she is a silly and kind girl not like you only know how to talk bad things at people backs, got the guts to said people then have the guts to talk to her aand solve the problem!
"我不想讓你被別人説閑話 因爲我現在的生活已經變了,完完全全的變了...
去年年進醫院的前幾天我縂覺得有事情會發生 而且會讓你很難再接受我的未來...
我知道傷心和恨是一定會有的所以... 請你不要忘了我這個朋友哦 哈哈~
有時我還是會依然得像你... 我知道作出分手這個確定是很殘酷
因爲你是一個溫柔,體貼也懂得照顧女生的一位好男士! ...."
just came back from work T-T so tired haix...
so miss Adele sister arrr~ finally today can see her but... haix... she start work i end work
what the ...... ai yo~
Tomorrow havinq english paper 2 then Tuesday think havinq science bahx hahas.... haix... need chiong to study for my science
I WANT PASS SCIENCE ~!!! =P hahas... hope really can pass and one more thing I WANT MY PHONE BACK LAH! what the hell so long till haven take back my phone i want it back before June holiday! better faster take it back my parent is already unhappy bout lendinq the phone some more confiscate haix.... what fuck school is that give a chance also cannot some more need parent come down collect the phone you think your name LKK i scare ar bleah =P
Eileen so poor thing T-T pity her worx haix... hope she don't sad bahx and better make clear what happened between her and her friends worx, why you don't wanna read the post from that bitch blog!? haix.... don't what to said you and console you but the only thing to said is that ...
no matter you on other "countries" and there is all strangers around and you are afraid and don't feel like seeinq them... i will always be there for you and... called me and chat to forget all those bad/sads memories ^^ alright!? hahas....
don't forget you are my friend, always my friend! =P
HEY YOU~! this bitch thought you very pretty meh!? huh! your face look so SUCKS think you ah lian ar!? like shit man bleah!
needs everyone to follow you like your dog you just only a tom boy some more a girl, like hell ! you think she's good to bully!? you are wrong, if you did things make her upset again you are in trouble! BITCH! you think you the head of the class!? called whole class don't care her and don't talk to her treat her like invisible, what the FUCK you think you are huh!?
Just only a act cute girl who is a attract sicker, everytimes cry like baby!
said what she is your true friend and trust her very much and some more for almost 4 years!
HARLO BITCH~! you got me know her well!
i knew her for almost 6 years OKIE! you are then a MOTHERFUCKING BITCH!!! CB!
she is a silly and kind girl not like you only know how to talk bad things at people backs, got the guts to said people then have the guts to talk to her aand solve the problem!
"我不想讓你被別人説閑話 因爲我現在的生活已經變了,完完全全的變了...
去年年進醫院的前幾天我縂覺得有事情會發生 而且會讓你很難再接受我的未來...
我知道傷心和恨是一定會有的所以... 請你不要忘了我這個朋友哦 哈哈~
有時我還是會依然得像你... 我知道作出分手這個確定是很殘酷
因爲你是一個溫柔,體貼也懂得照顧女生的一位好男士! ...."
PEEPO~! ^^
hahas finally got things to post hahas...
very sian T-T
today work is like WHAT THE FUCK!!!! =P really hate workinq in the morninq nowadays feel so irritatinq and tired haix.....
so wish can stop workinq but 100% concentrate on studies T-T
my maths exams paper sure fail OMG~ do till can faint and -_-zzzz hahas =P,
paper one still know some but! careless mistake what the hell man! and then how i know paper the question is like hell too worx ! haix.... oh ya! EBS also total marks is 120 crazy want hahas=P
and don't think can pass hahas but now still hope that i can do my science ^^ haix... scare will effect 'N' level worx haix....
Ai yo~ so sick and tired of workinq T-T tomorrow need go work again what the .....
today actually 2.30pm can end shift but they not enough crew so work till 4pm T-T
then tomorrow work till 3pm haix.... my leg can break worx haix....
Monday havinq english paper 2 hahas on;y one paper yeah~! =P
so now must gampateh for my science and CPA hehe.... really hope can pass ^^
but haix... my maths... James Tan sure very disappointed T-T he so poor thing but he don't really teach well how he really aspect all of us to pass worx !??? haix...
i was still thinkinq and worry about xiaozhu! haix... so poor thing feel like sayang/hug/console him T-T just now watch the 100% entertainment again of xiaozhu talkinq about the gossip bout his news haix....
hope he don't keep think and worry of that too ^^ alright!? and go have fun and relax to forget all sad memories hahas ....
we all trust you and will support you till you quit your job MUACKS~! LOVE YOU~ =P
post till here then ^^
hahas finally got things to post hahas...
very sian T-T
today work is like WHAT THE FUCK!!!! =P really hate workinq in the morninq nowadays feel so irritatinq and tired haix.....
so wish can stop workinq but 100% concentrate on studies T-T
my maths exams paper sure fail OMG~ do till can faint and -_-zzzz hahas =P,
paper one still know some but! careless mistake what the hell man! and then how i know paper the question is like hell too worx ! haix.... oh ya! EBS also total marks is 120 crazy want hahas=P
and don't think can pass hahas but now still hope that i can do my science ^^ haix... scare will effect 'N' level worx haix....
Ai yo~ so sick and tired of workinq T-T tomorrow need go work again what the .....
today actually 2.30pm can end shift but they not enough crew so work till 4pm T-T
then tomorrow work till 3pm haix.... my leg can break worx haix....
Monday havinq english paper 2 hahas on;y one paper yeah~! =P
so now must gampateh for my science and CPA hehe.... really hope can pass ^^
but haix... my maths... James Tan sure very disappointed T-T he so poor thing but he don't really teach well how he really aspect all of us to pass worx !??? haix...
i was still thinkinq and worry about xiaozhu! haix... so poor thing feel like sayang/hug/console him T-T just now watch the 100% entertainment again of xiaozhu talkinq about the gossip bout his news haix....
hope he don't keep think and worry of that too ^^ alright!? and go have fun and relax to forget all sad memories hahas ....
we all trust you and will support you till you quit your job MUACKS~! LOVE YOU~ =P
post till here then ^^
^^ harlo~ came back from school le hahas...
finally! =P early morninq in school take temperature and i was shocked that my temperature is 37.9 ! anyway i started to feel unwell/sick since last week so i'm so luckily to have fever now cause cominq Thursday is my exam le OMG~!!! can faint worx U-U haix....
Feel quite tired/sleep and headache arrr~! so irrtated U-U
hope tomorrow can get my phone back bahx ^^ cause lynnie said today her mother come down to school haix.... hope will be success then ^^
Thursday will be havinq Math Paper 1 and EBS, what the hell! -_-zzz
haix... hope can pass and got enough time to do revision hahas...
so.... ^^ hehe post till here then hahas ! .....
finally! =P early morninq in school take temperature and i was shocked that my temperature is 37.9 ! anyway i started to feel unwell/sick since last week so i'm so luckily to have fever now cause cominq Thursday is my exam le OMG~!!! can faint worx U-U haix....
Feel quite tired/sleep and headache arrr~! so irrtated U-U
hope tomorrow can get my phone back bahx ^^ cause lynnie said today her mother come down to school haix.... hope will be success then ^^
Thursday will be havinq Math Paper 1 and EBS, what the hell! -_-zzz
haix... hope can pass and got enough time to do revision hahas...
so.... ^^ hehe post till here then hahas ! .....
to all mothers in the world...
mummy...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY~!!!! ^-^
you are the greatest, brave and lovely mother in my heart =P hahas.... do take care yourself, smile more often and happy always ^^ I LOVE YOU~ 我爱你! =P MUACKSS~!!!
Kor go out don't do what so just now go hougang mall eat dinner with mummy and JieJie T-T papa and korkor don't want go cause one wanna watch TV and then another wanna play computer games haix... sad! U-U
Dots... today i eaten a worst dinner that i ever have, i ate mix rice and... OMG~! the vegetable is DAMN~salty wao lao -_-''' disgustinq man omg~ can faint! =P hahas....
So just now was tryinq to do my homework but haix... still don't have the mood to do and also don't know how to do all those worksheet question like don't have seen before and learn before worx ai yo~ so irritated by studies what the hell!
OMG~! MYE is gettinq nearer and nearer! arrrrr~ damn it! =P haix.... still the same, only can said GAMPATEH ^^ all the best and good luck to myself hahas...
Oh ya~ today and yesterday work shift is like shit man! what the hell, don't know what they want everything wrong come asked from me or give me that face!
some more you all make till so messy and and confuse then anything goes wrong or what... called and asked me again what the!?.... is like -_-''' haix....
funny worx... how would i know whats goinq on worx!??? ai yo~ really ar...
STRESS~!!!!!!? ..................
Tomorrow no school cause erm... think is bout Vesak day bahx hahas....
think goinq swimming with JieJie in the morninq arr~ so excited hahas very long never swim hahas so hope tomorrow weather is fine and the sun is bright cause i wanna turn to blackly =P hahas....
Ai yo~ still savinq money wanna buy Jolin newest album "Butterfly" U-U
meanwhile also waitinq for her change of album hahas more worth worx hehe.....
damn sleepy and tired worx work till 4pm plus then can stop some more need company aunty siam kiam go home cause she almost faint and it was like -_-!!!
i wanna go home but haix... hahas went all the way to punggol T-T
then wanna go home that time took wrong side bus what the hell so stupid worx! =P hahas...
but at the end finally reached home hahas...
Yesterday after school go hougang mall meet JieJie... actually we are meeting at 1.30pm but how i know miss goh just wanna collect our files then release us and i was -_-'''
can faint hahas =P
so i waited at mac there for 4o mins bahx and meanwhile i saw lisa [mac buddy] but she can't see me cause we were far, so finally JieJie come and with mummy...
cause we are buyinq her Mothers' Days present =P we bought her wallet which is she wanted/request haha.....
so tomorrow is hehehe...
Mothers' Day~!!! hahas.... think we goinq out to eat worx ^^ so long never celebrate this kind of event =P
Haix.... so tired T-T tomorrow need work again haix.... some more MYE is cominq Thursday OMG~!!!! stress worx T-T now don't have the mood to study omg! how can~!!!? i need to pass and must! haix.... hahas...
anyway all my friends erm.... i know de and know me want...
hope you all can pass all your exams with flyinq colours~! =P GAMPATEH~ =P
damn sleepy and tired worx work till 4pm plus then can stop some more need company aunty siam kiam go home cause she almost faint and it was like -_-!!!
i wanna go home but haix... hahas went all the way to punggol T-T
then wanna go home that time took wrong side bus what the hell so stupid worx! =P hahas...
but at the end finally reached home hahas...
Yesterday after school go hougang mall meet JieJie... actually we are meeting at 1.30pm but how i know miss goh just wanna collect our files then release us and i was -_-'''
can faint hahas =P
so i waited at mac there for 4o mins bahx and meanwhile i saw lisa [mac buddy] but she can't see me cause we were far, so finally JieJie come and with mummy...
cause we are buyinq her Mothers' Days present =P we bought her wallet which is she wanted/request haha.....
so tomorrow is hehehe...
Mothers' Day~!!! hahas.... think we goinq out to eat worx ^^ so long never celebrate this kind of event =P
Haix.... so tired T-T tomorrow need work again haix.... some more MYE is cominq Thursday OMG~!!!! stress worx T-T now don't have the mood to study omg! how can~!!!? i need to pass and must! haix.... hahas...
anyway all my friends erm.... i know de and know me want...
hope you all can pass all your exams with flyinq colours~! =P GAMPATEH~ =P
OMG~ can't believe so late still come and post haix... cause my bro now then go out hahas so got the chance to use com hehe =P hahas....
Ai yo today in school is like what the hell, i was enjoyinq in the but but but~! just that haix....
the world is changinq, disaster is increasinq, now money is a problem and! so as everyone have change U-U everyone is treatinq each others as enemies! why~!?
This year is really a damn worst year some more is our last year in sec. COME ON GUYS~!
why we should fight with one another although you don't like the person just ignore it and talk to him why he should said that to you BUT not by usinq violence! omg~ really sick and tired of all this nonsense....
Today in school early in the morninq... first period... two boys got into fight then three!
and then! one WHOLE GANG ! omg! can faint and is like what the!??? -_-'''' gettinq more serious haix.... so sad everyone is killinq each other ai yo~!!!
Durinq maths lesson Mr James Tan and Limin got into quarrel haix.... and is like... again!???
what the hell... why can't everything br better and just don't get into trouble,alright!!!???
Don't make things too serious, i just don't one any of you [4T9 friends] to get in trouble this is really our last chance and no one can help!...
Only we! ourselves can control our lives and no one can teach you lesson unless is your parent or teacher...
U-U hope everyone can concentrate on the cominq exams is just only left less then one week to prepare so... friends all the best and good luck then ! ^-^ GAMPATEH~!!! =P
Tomorrow is Friday~!!! YEAH! =p hahas...
finally can have time to concentrate on studies hahas some more monday no school OMG~!! T-T hahas.... haix... weekends~ still the same need WORK! again T-T wanna cry so tired worx haix.....
okie then very sleepy wanna go my lala land haha =P
night~ ^^
Ai yo today in school is like what the hell, i was enjoyinq in the but but but~! just that haix....
the world is changinq, disaster is increasinq, now money is a problem and! so as everyone have change U-U everyone is treatinq each others as enemies! why~!?
This year is really a damn worst year some more is our last year in sec. COME ON GUYS~!
why we should fight with one another although you don't like the person just ignore it and talk to him why he should said that to you BUT not by usinq violence! omg~ really sick and tired of all this nonsense....
Today in school early in the morninq... first period... two boys got into fight then three!
and then! one WHOLE GANG ! omg! can faint and is like what the!??? -_-'''' gettinq more serious haix.... so sad everyone is killinq each other ai yo~!!!
Durinq maths lesson Mr James Tan and Limin got into quarrel haix.... and is like... again!???
what the hell... why can't everything br better and just don't get into trouble,alright!!!???
Don't make things too serious, i just don't one any of you [4T9 friends] to get in trouble this is really our last chance and no one can help!...
Only we! ourselves can control our lives and no one can teach you lesson unless is your parent or teacher...
U-U hope everyone can concentrate on the cominq exams is just only left less then one week to prepare so... friends all the best and good luck then ! ^-^ GAMPATEH~!!! =P
Tomorrow is Friday~!!! YEAH! =p hahas...
finally can have time to concentrate on studies hahas some more monday no school OMG~!! T-T hahas.... haix... weekends~ still the same need WORK! again T-T wanna cry so tired worx haix.....
okie then very sleepy wanna go my lala land haha =P
night~ ^^
to Lisa & Limin ^^
Hahas... both of you do stay cute and pretty =P smile~ =D always too ^^ MUACKS!
to Lisa & Limin ^^
Hahas... both of you do stay cute and pretty =P smile~ =D always too ^^ MUACKS!
Today hippo marmie never come school T-T don't know why hahas...
anyway happy birthday to both sweetie =P hehe.... good luck for your exams and all the best too^^
Days are gettinq more worst and.... feelinq more tired.... feel like takinq a long long long~ nap...
haix.... why all this problem comes to me and why i still can't find my answer...
i almost find myself back but just... some thing hold me back again... and again!.....
Just hope and wish... my life will be more comfortable and...... nothinq to worry about!.....
Few more days to Mothers' Day and!..... few more days to Mid Year exams too so.... still can't really catch up all my studies U-U but... will try my best ^^
anyway happy birthday to both sweetie =P hehe.... good luck for your exams and all the best too^^
Days are gettinq more worst and.... feelinq more tired.... feel like takinq a long long long~ nap...
haix.... why all this problem comes to me and why i still can't find my answer...
i almost find myself back but just... some thing hold me back again... and again!.....
Just hope and wish... my life will be more comfortable and...... nothinq to worry about!.....
Few more days to Mothers' Day and!..... few more days to Mid Year exams too so.... still can't really catch up all my studies U-U but... will try my best ^^
Countinq down 4 more days to Mothers' Day [10th May 09]....
8 more days to Mid Year exams [14th May 09]....
9 more days to Fathers' Day[15th May 09]....
8 more days to Mid Year exams [14th May 09]....
9 more days to Fathers' Day[15th May 09]....
harlo^^ hahas... just came back from school =P
hm..... today in school!?.... quite okie still can concentrate durinq lesson BUT! not science lesson cause we like have science lesson like havinq party like that ai yo~ =P hahas.....
Today durinq science lesson is damn damn the noisy T-T can't bear all the boys, they all playinq like they are at home haix.... =P hahas.....
Havinq PE and Maths lesson with James Tan T-T don't know why feel so so sleepy but didn't manage to sleep hahas erm... maybe i took medicine bahx and we are revisinq the graph and some more SA1 is next Thursday T-T
OMG~!!!! so scare!.... hope everything can go well bahx haha ^^
Haix... tomorrow need stay back till 4pm plus T-T sianzzzzzz! =P hahas....
Nowadays in school so trouble some and scary ai yo~
cause the swine flu T-T
can't go into the school by the big gate and a small entrance beside the big gate BUT!...
the gate which is on the other side omg~ can faint haix....
some more need take temperature two times per day OMG~! can go hospital =P hahas....
Really serious haix.... hope everything can just be fine and usual ^^
Think cominq few days and week will be busy studyinq exams and havinq exams too erm....
so... will not be postinq hahas but! if have ... think is just small postinq bahx hahas.....
got to go eat lunch, bathe and then -_-zzz study T-T
oh ya by the week Mothers' Day is cominq yeah~!!! hahas 11th May 09 =P
maybe my phone will be back by this week erm.... if i'm not wrong ^^
harlo^^ hahas... just came back from school =P
hm..... today in school!?.... quite okie still can concentrate durinq lesson BUT! not science lesson cause we like have science lesson like havinq party like that ai yo~ =P hahas.....
Today durinq science lesson is damn damn the noisy T-T can't bear all the boys, they all playinq like they are at home haix.... =P hahas.....
Havinq PE and Maths lesson with James Tan T-T don't know why feel so so sleepy but didn't manage to sleep hahas erm... maybe i took medicine bahx and we are revisinq the graph and some more SA1 is next Thursday T-T
OMG~!!!! so scare!.... hope everything can go well bahx haha ^^
Haix... tomorrow need stay back till 4pm plus T-T sianzzzzzz! =P hahas....
Nowadays in school so trouble some and scary ai yo~
cause the swine flu T-T
can't go into the school by the big gate and a small entrance beside the big gate BUT!...
the gate which is on the other side omg~ can faint haix....
some more need take temperature two times per day OMG~! can go hospital =P hahas....
Really serious haix.... hope everything can just be fine and usual ^^
Think cominq few days and week will be busy studyinq exams and havinq exams too erm....
so... will not be postinq hahas but! if have ... think is just small postinq bahx hahas.....
got to go eat lunch, bathe and then -_-zzz study T-T
oh ya by the week Mothers' Day is cominq yeah~!!! hahas 11th May 09 =P
maybe my phone will be back by this week erm.... if i'm not wrong ^^
Harlo ^^
came back from work quite long a go T-T my leg so tired and pain ai yo yo~
Today work OMG~! is damn funny and also very angry with one aunty!!! what the hell!
I was doinq MDS today OMG~ with Lisa and Xin Yi MUAHAHAHAS! =P
we were damn fast but still got many late orders hehe.... we have lots if lots of fun too hahas ^^
They end shift at 12pm or 1 pm bahx... so left me T-T haha....
After break manager Liza called me to teach a new crew aunty go green bin, so i does...
we go for the first trip then came back, i told her to bring out the others trash inside mac then throw it into the bin then she go take one but i took two, never mind okie cause is her first time not really sure with everything...
So she went out then follow by me so this time she said"You do yourself i go home~!..."
she... just walk away like this back into the store and! i was like O.o what the hell you think you are sayinq/doinq....
I was very angry, is like.... i am teachinq you doinq green bin NOT helpinq you doinq IT~!!!
So i went to throw the trash myself, never mind....
i don't argue with her who called she is elders, whatever! bleah!.....
What the hell!
got so many worksheet to do man!
SKSS is a SUCKS!!!!! school =P Hate it so much man hahahas~!!!!
many of the teacher there also not good so as theirs attitudes sooo~ worst =P
so wish that the level of swine flu is gettinq more high and serious but with no harm and then close for some time hehe =P
So no need to see all those attitudes teacher!....
Time really past soooo~! fast T-T
miss all those days havinq fun, etc T-T
haix... sad.... and now is MAY OMG~!!! days is gettinq more worst so as the earth, the world...
everyone is fightinq for lives, food, money, illness and etc....
haix.... why can't it be better!? T-T just wish that everything will be better and fine soon ^^
came back from work quite long a go T-T my leg so tired and pain ai yo yo~
Today work OMG~! is damn funny and also very angry with one aunty!!! what the hell!
I was doinq MDS today OMG~ with Lisa and Xin Yi MUAHAHAHAS! =P
we were damn fast but still got many late orders hehe.... we have lots if lots of fun too hahas ^^
They end shift at 12pm or 1 pm bahx... so left me T-T haha....
After break manager Liza called me to teach a new crew aunty go green bin, so i does...
we go for the first trip then came back, i told her to bring out the others trash inside mac then throw it into the bin then she go take one but i took two, never mind okie cause is her first time not really sure with everything...
So she went out then follow by me so this time she said"You do yourself i go home~!..."
she... just walk away like this back into the store and! i was like O.o what the hell you think you are sayinq/doinq....
I was very angry, is like.... i am teachinq you doinq green bin NOT helpinq you doinq IT~!!!
So i went to throw the trash myself, never mind....
i don't argue with her who called she is elders, whatever! bleah!.....
What the hell!
got so many worksheet to do man!
SKSS is a SUCKS!!!!! school =P Hate it so much man hahahas~!!!!
many of the teacher there also not good so as theirs attitudes sooo~ worst =P
so wish that the level of swine flu is gettinq more high and serious but with no harm and then close for some time hehe =P
So no need to see all those attitudes teacher!....
Time really past soooo~! fast T-T
miss all those days havinq fun, etc T-T
haix... sad.... and now is MAY OMG~!!! days is gettinq more worst so as the earth, the world...
everyone is fightinq for lives, food, money, illness and etc....
haix.... why can't it be better!? T-T just wish that everything will be better and fine soon ^^
today is Friday...
so sick and tired of everything !!!
today work till 2pm but help Alvin uncle do things till 4pm plus then go home so tomorrow and Sunday workinq too...
Thursday, 30th April 2009 ......
it's the worst, angry and sad day i ever had/have!!!
Durinq maths lesson Mr James Tan called us to hand up practice 2K homework i question 3 and 5 don't know how to do and decide go school and asked him how to do....
on Tuesday is the day he gave us homework and go through questions 1 and 2 then called us continue till question 5 so we do.....
How i know i only can manage to do question 4.....
Then he said those who never do homework stand up so i stood up so as hippo marmie, fiona, lynnie, paulyn, ying jing, jacitha, aisha and ailin....
then okie forget it.... at the end he collect it again then asked who can't hand in today so we all hands up then he gets fed up of don't know what
So he called those who never do homework go down with him to called parents so we all follow him but before goinq down some of my classmates [boys] came up late cause they got meetinq bout the china trip bahx.....
so he also asked them who never do then rifhan, manooj and shi long are one of them......
Then we all were like innocent cause we are kind of slow of learninq and also need more time and patience to learn/teach then we all went down....
we were sittinq down behind of the staff room then this time paulyn saw one snail and she go pick up then give chasinq towards ying jing but she was scare and were screaminq loudly....
then many of us called paulyn to stop and they stopped so this time a teacher came out and shout/scold us, gave us that kind face....
After that follow by HOD Mdm lim, Miss Julia Goh our enrichment teacher and James Tan...
Then is like what the hell~!!!
Everything is gettinq more worst, so.... we just stand there get scolded by them .....
After that Mdm Lim and that teacher go back so left Julia Goh and James Tan....
We thought you very good, kind and helpful its okie that you everytime scolded us cause you concern and care bout us and we also can accept that you don't have that patience to teach its alright! i don't mind!
BUT!!!! do you have to make things so big and serious!?
the qaurter of 4T9 also know that you don't have the patience and don't know what you teachinq too!
The longer time you explaininq the question you are more confusinq and wrong~!!!
now we have to stay back after school to see that Julian Goh...
i just wanna asked how to do but you just don't give me that chance but punish without any question/prove......
Can't you just be more patience and!????
some more said wanna called parents, at the end why never called!?
we know that you very fed up of 4T9 and said you stop teachinq us on Thursday!
are you sure hahaha....
One more funny thing....
Lynnie took back her phone but not mine! what the hell is this !!!
she also said that she will help me to think of ways to take back my phone -_-''' what the~.....
Then JieJie said me stupid to lent her my phone then now i didn't get back mine but hers....
I feel angry and sad that why i can't take back my phone ITS NOT SO FAIR!!!!
What shit school is this BLEAH~!!!!!
go eat shit man! all this stinks school people so sucks and bloody heart!
Ke lian de XiiaOZhuu T-T
Hope he is alright now^^ don't do any silly things again ....
No matter you do what we will support you =P hahas.... cause we really love you and you are the most responsible people that i have ever seen so you are the best~! ^^
GAMPATEH~ waitinq and excitinq for your next album haha ^-^
so sick and tired of everything !!!
today work till 2pm but help Alvin uncle do things till 4pm plus then go home so tomorrow and Sunday workinq too...
Thursday, 30th April 2009 ......
it's the worst, angry and sad day i ever had/have!!!
Durinq maths lesson Mr James Tan called us to hand up practice 2K homework i question 3 and 5 don't know how to do and decide go school and asked him how to do....
on Tuesday is the day he gave us homework and go through questions 1 and 2 then called us continue till question 5 so we do.....
How i know i only can manage to do question 4.....
Then he said those who never do homework stand up so i stood up so as hippo marmie, fiona, lynnie, paulyn, ying jing, jacitha, aisha and ailin....
then okie forget it.... at the end he collect it again then asked who can't hand in today so we all hands up then he gets fed up of don't know what
So he called those who never do homework go down with him to called parents so we all follow him but before goinq down some of my classmates [boys] came up late cause they got meetinq bout the china trip bahx.....
so he also asked them who never do then rifhan, manooj and shi long are one of them......
Then we all were like innocent cause we are kind of slow of learninq and also need more time and patience to learn/teach then we all went down....
we were sittinq down behind of the staff room then this time paulyn saw one snail and she go pick up then give chasinq towards ying jing but she was scare and were screaminq loudly....
then many of us called paulyn to stop and they stopped so this time a teacher came out and shout/scold us, gave us that kind face....
After that follow by HOD Mdm lim, Miss Julia Goh our enrichment teacher and James Tan...
Then is like what the hell~!!!
Everything is gettinq more worst, so.... we just stand there get scolded by them .....
After that Mdm Lim and that teacher go back so left Julia Goh and James Tan....
We thought you very good, kind and helpful its okie that you everytime scolded us cause you concern and care bout us and we also can accept that you don't have that patience to teach its alright! i don't mind!
BUT!!!! do you have to make things so big and serious!?
the qaurter of 4T9 also know that you don't have the patience and don't know what you teachinq too!
The longer time you explaininq the question you are more confusinq and wrong~!!!
now we have to stay back after school to see that Julian Goh...
i just wanna asked how to do but you just don't give me that chance but punish without any question/prove......
Can't you just be more patience and!????
some more said wanna called parents, at the end why never called!?
we know that you very fed up of 4T9 and said you stop teachinq us on Thursday!
are you sure hahaha....
One more funny thing....
Lynnie took back her phone but not mine! what the hell is this !!!
she also said that she will help me to think of ways to take back my phone -_-''' what the~.....
Then JieJie said me stupid to lent her my phone then now i didn't get back mine but hers....
I feel angry and sad that why i can't take back my phone ITS NOT SO FAIR!!!!
What shit school is this BLEAH~!!!!!
go eat shit man! all this stinks school people so sucks and bloody heart!
Ke lian de XiiaOZhuu T-T
Hope he is alright now^^ don't do any silly things again ....
No matter you do what we will support you =P hahas.... cause we really love you and you are the most responsible people that i have ever seen so you are the best~! ^^
GAMPATEH~ waitinq and excitinq for your next album haha ^-^
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