Hahas PEEPO! ^^ harlo all readers =P finally back le ^^ hahas
Quite a few days never post le T-T but get the chance cause bro went to sleep yeah~!
This few days busy with some thing serious and big day thats why never post for a few days ^^ hahas....
Today in school haix... only got one word to said "sianzzzzzzzzzz" -_-''' OMG~!
Really lor... first shiyu marmie never come then EBS coursework next week is the deadline of that question then will have some more question cominq up...
PE lesson Mr James Tan never come what the hell then that means we also don't have maths lesson ai yo~ whats going on man haix.....
Nothing much happening in school today haix... so sian...
This coming Thursday I going for appointment and some more is in the morning worx ai yo yo~ don't if can wake a not lor cause think will be much more earlier then going to school bahx T-T
Don't know go for what and hope everything if fine as usual bahx ^^
Wish me good luck friends !^^ hahas =P
OMG~ OMG~! OMG~!!!! arrrrrr.....
Today is 31st March 09 last day of march omg so fast worx hahas then tomorrow is 1st April 09 haix then only got lesson then one month to study for mid year exams le worx OMG!!!!
Sure in trouble want haix... T-T
Hope someone can help me with it hahas =P
Okie then today I post till here bahx... cause nothing much to add on le hahas =P
Sweetie... do stay cute and pretty alright !? ^^ Remember... I always love euu and... euu the best hahas =P Hope euu will enjoy your birthday and have a wonderful birthday every year worx ^^
Gampateh for your[cominq] studies/exams MUACKS~! WO AI NI~!!! =P
Hahas today is marmie birthday so happy for her ^^ today is her big day and haix... many things happen worx ai yo~
Early morninq her daddy car tio sha man -_-''' ke lian...
Then after CPA coursework we went back to class then don't know why Limin and Paulyn they quarrel ai yo yo~
After that more worst cominq... Maths lesson we all get ready accept wei kian then don't know what the malay boys told him then he got angry so he throw his book then hit till Asrafy < spell ="P">
Then after that he throw his back hit towards Paulyn then don't know what she said then wei kian not happy haix....
So they start quarrel, very fierce worx till Mr Tan explode then use up his one period of maths to scold us and meanwhile he like watchinq show like that worx =P
I know anger can;t control but if the other partner said too much or euu really can't take it then of cause I agree with euu to talk back the person but if not just diam and the person will have retrubution want so relax ^^ alright! hahas....
One more thing very funny and OMG~ cute lor hahas...
Cause today is hippo mama birthday then she message her primary school best friend Mei hui asked if she tomorrow can go out to celebrate her birthday a not but she reply that she today got sport day then very tired so tomorrow will be very tired then don't wanna go...
So marmie reply zzzzz to her and then she reply [I think lah, agar agar hor sorry =P] "Lets not conatct each other any more, look what euu have done and euu should know what euu had done!..." And marmie of cause she was silly and she believe it and got shocked and show the message to me and of cause I was shocked too then this time she start cryinq OMG~! Very long never see her cry liao haahs =P jokinq de lah ^^
So lynnie all come and concernthen she show them the message too! and they were shocked also hahas so cute worx....
After that is bout recess time then lynnie they all asked if she got scroll sown then message but marmie is not really confirm then she said cannot scrool down any more but at last still take out her phone and double check...
Finally ! finally!
Found the trick OMG~ then all of us were like -_-''' CHEY~!!! hahas...
So cute and funny lor omg~! But at first I already thought that Mei Hui won't do that to her cause they are really BEST FRIEND ^^
Although they some times do really have some quarrel or upset with each other ...
Cause friendships are like that very sensititve and must cherish and take it seriously too so friends are important ^^ hahas...
Lastly still wanna wish hippo marmir HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! MUACKS~!!!!!! hahas...
Today in school was of cause fun and interestinq hahas ^^
Got one thing I very angry is that KALEEM!!! arrrr~ so unresponsible what the hell man...
Science lesson he take my orange pen which I just bought it yesterday to draw birthday cards and he got tell me just take it straight away and he never return me till we at hall I asked it back from him and know what he said "I left it in the class" then I was like WHAT!? in the class?
What the hell... I just bought it yesterday and I love that pen very much and yet euu said euu... arrrrr~!!!! Euu better get it from me on Monday or esle I want euu paid me double bleah...
Really angry man... and yet he like can takt it as nothinq happrn worx T-T ai yo~ wanna cry...
Haix.... damn suai nowadays really really must concentrate on studies and really can't fool around any more haix...
Next week is APRIL OMG~! Damn fast man hahas...
This sunday is Amirah birthday ^^
And 1st April is shi lonf and 6th April is of cause cutie lynnie birthday ^^ hahas....
Don't know what to buy for Paulyn, Lynnie and shi long worx haix.....
Okie bahx I today post till here then ^^
Enjoy your birthday worx MArch Babys...
Then April baby wait for your present hahas =P
Gampateh for your[cominq] studies/exams MUACKS~! WO AI NI~!!! =P
Hahas today is marmie birthday so happy for her ^^ today is her big day and haix... many things happen worx ai yo~
Early morninq her daddy car tio sha man -_-''' ke lian...
Then after CPA coursework we went back to class then don't know why Limin and Paulyn they quarrel ai yo yo~
After that more worst cominq... Maths lesson we all get ready accept wei kian then don't know what the malay boys told him then he got angry so he throw his book then hit till Asrafy < spell ="P">
Then after that he throw his back hit towards Paulyn then don't know what she said then wei kian not happy haix....
So they start quarrel, very fierce worx till Mr Tan explode then use up his one period of maths to scold us and meanwhile he like watchinq show like that worx =P
I know anger can;t control but if the other partner said too much or euu really can't take it then of cause I agree with euu to talk back the person but if not just diam and the person will have retrubution want so relax ^^ alright! hahas....
One more thing very funny and OMG~ cute lor hahas...
Cause today is hippo mama birthday then she message her primary school best friend Mei hui asked if she tomorrow can go out to celebrate her birthday a not but she reply that she today got sport day then very tired so tomorrow will be very tired then don't wanna go...
So marmie reply zzzzz to her and then she reply [I think lah, agar agar hor sorry =P] "Lets not conatct each other any more, look what euu have done and euu should know what euu had done!..." And marmie of cause she was silly and she believe it and got shocked and show the message to me and of cause I was shocked too then this time she start cryinq OMG~! Very long never see her cry liao haahs =P jokinq de lah ^^
So lynnie all come and concernthen she show them the message too! and they were shocked also hahas so cute worx....
After that is bout recess time then lynnie they all asked if she got scroll sown then message but marmie is not really confirm then she said cannot scrool down any more but at last still take out her phone and double check...
Finally ! finally!
Found the trick OMG~ then all of us were like -_-''' CHEY~!!! hahas...
So cute and funny lor omg~! But at first I already thought that Mei Hui won't do that to her cause they are really BEST FRIEND ^^
Although they some times do really have some quarrel or upset with each other ...
Cause friendships are like that very sensititve and must cherish and take it seriously too so friends are important ^^ hahas...
Lastly still wanna wish hippo marmir HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! MUACKS~!!!!!! hahas...
Today in school was of cause fun and interestinq hahas ^^
Got one thing I very angry is that KALEEM!!! arrrr~ so unresponsible what the hell man...
Science lesson he take my orange pen which I just bought it yesterday to draw birthday cards and he got tell me just take it straight away and he never return me till we at hall I asked it back from him and know what he said "I left it in the class" then I was like WHAT!? in the class?
What the hell... I just bought it yesterday and I love that pen very much and yet euu said euu... arrrrr~!!!! Euu better get it from me on Monday or esle I want euu paid me double bleah...
Really angry man... and yet he like can takt it as nothinq happrn worx T-T ai yo~ wanna cry...
Haix.... damn suai nowadays really really must concentrate on studies and really can't fool around any more haix...
Next week is APRIL OMG~! Damn fast man hahas...
This sunday is Amirah birthday ^^
And 1st April is shi lonf and 6th April is of cause cutie lynnie birthday ^^ hahas....
Don't know what to buy for Paulyn, Lynnie and shi long worx haix.....
Okie bahx I today post till here then ^^
Enjoy your birthday worx MArch Babys...
Then April baby wait for your present hahas =P
I lOVE EUUU~!!!!! ^^
MUACKS! hahas...
I lOVE EUUU~!!!!! ^^
MUACKS! hahas...
Harlo! nite~ nite~ =P
Finally can use com hahas ^^
Today after school come home then go bugis with JieJie and her friend Yu Jia ...
I was late to meet them then JieJie was not happy but of cause I apologies cause is my fault, I miss bus T-T very time like this, wanna go out with Jiejie and wanna meet her I will miss bus -_-''' what the hell!, hahas...
When we reached there we go eat lunch at mac haix... sian zzzzz hahas =P
After that we went to bugis street shop cause wanna buy watch and hippo mama birthday present hahas but really hope she will like the present lor ^-^ ???
So this cominq Friday is marmie birthday which is a big day hahahahas =P
Really excited hahas...
But she very good every time got so many present so as my Jiejie she like can have dozen of it worx T-T But poor me I wanna have many many but haix.... Only have three... from hippo mama, Jiejie and Fiona T-T But never mind at least i have present hahas but... hehe I still wish I can get many present cause I never receive many many present before hahas...
Today in school haix... sian worx zzzzzzzzz~!
First period English talk about the previous oral that we had just taken before the March holidays... The readinq passage I got grade 2 hahas I was shocked cause I thought I will get more worst then that hahas =P
After English is Mother Touge lesson OMG~!
Very fun cause can listen to music cause teacher on Monday called us to bring an album that is our favorite and tell the whole class why we like the singer/album/songs so much
Then OMG~ marmie sabo me T-T
I actually don't wanna go up de cause I have nothinq to said when I was nervous and not prepare haix... after 3 minutes I finally go to the front of the class and share what I have so I just any how talk talk hahas =P
I brought 羅志祥 撑腰慶功版 专辑 hahas...
After that follow by EBS lesson what the hell man !
Hate this subject bleah... we three hippo family chat together durinq EBS lesson cause is really bored and confuse and some more one of the teacher which is a female want she very kuai lan and unreasonable really don't like her ...
Then is RECESS TIME~ ^^
Follow by English [again -_-zzzz]
This time teacher told us the grade of overall so of cause sure very excited and scare
so... when is my turn I was very surprise that I got grade 1 OMGGG~!
I can;t believe it ! arrrrr~ =P
But very happy bout it ^^ hahas =P
After English was science haix a lesson that is not really a lesson ....
Cause we are havinq class test then the teachers already said no talkinq and silent please but...
no body cares~! they just take the teacher as invisible ai yo~
After that HOME SWEET HOME~!!!! yeah~ ^^ hahas =P
Hmm.... this few days keep havinq a kind of feelinq that... some thing will happen T-T
OMG~! hope nothinq will happen seriously bahx ^^
Okie bahx xIIaOYanqq today jiu post till here then ^-^
nite nite~! MUACKS =P
Finally can use com hahas ^^
Today after school come home then go bugis with JieJie and her friend Yu Jia ...
I was late to meet them then JieJie was not happy but of cause I apologies cause is my fault, I miss bus T-T very time like this, wanna go out with Jiejie and wanna meet her I will miss bus -_-''' what the hell!, hahas...
When we reached there we go eat lunch at mac haix... sian zzzzz hahas =P
After that we went to bugis street shop cause wanna buy watch and hippo mama birthday present hahas but really hope she will like the present lor ^-^ ???
So this cominq Friday is marmie birthday which is a big day hahahahas =P
Really excited hahas...
But she very good every time got so many present so as my Jiejie she like can have dozen of it worx T-T But poor me I wanna have many many but haix.... Only have three... from hippo mama, Jiejie and Fiona T-T But never mind at least i have present hahas but... hehe I still wish I can get many present cause I never receive many many present before hahas...
Today in school haix... sian worx zzzzzzzzz~!
First period English talk about the previous oral that we had just taken before the March holidays... The readinq passage I got grade 2 hahas I was shocked cause I thought I will get more worst then that hahas =P
After English is Mother Touge lesson OMG~!
Very fun cause can listen to music cause teacher on Monday called us to bring an album that is our favorite and tell the whole class why we like the singer/album/songs so much
Then OMG~ marmie sabo me T-T
I actually don't wanna go up de cause I have nothinq to said when I was nervous and not prepare haix... after 3 minutes I finally go to the front of the class and share what I have so I just any how talk talk hahas =P
I brought 羅志祥 撑腰慶功版 专辑 hahas...
After that follow by EBS lesson what the hell man !
Hate this subject bleah... we three hippo family chat together durinq EBS lesson cause is really bored and confuse and some more one of the teacher which is a female want she very kuai lan and unreasonable really don't like her ...
Then is RECESS TIME~ ^^
Follow by English [again -_-zzzz]
This time teacher told us the grade of overall so of cause sure very excited and scare
so... when is my turn I was very surprise that I got grade 1 OMGGG~!
I can;t believe it ! arrrrr~ =P
But very happy bout it ^^ hahas =P
After English was science haix a lesson that is not really a lesson ....
Cause we are havinq class test then the teachers already said no talkinq and silent please but...
no body cares~! they just take the teacher as invisible ai yo~
After that HOME SWEET HOME~!!!! yeah~ ^^ hahas =P
Hmm.... this few days keep havinq a kind of feelinq that... some thing will happen T-T
OMG~! hope nothinq will happen seriously bahx ^^
Okie bahx xIIaOYanqq today jiu post till here then ^-^
nite nite~! MUACKS =P
Countinq Down 2 more days to
Hippo Mama Birthday! ^^
Yeah~! MUACKS~!!!
Hippo Mama Birthday! ^^
Yeah~! MUACKS~!!!
^^ peepo ~!
hahas just came back from school T-T
So cold ! outside raininq some more my classroom inside on air con -_-zzz what the.... never mind hahas...
Yesterday never post cause don't know why my bro so early came back from school worx so I a bit upset cause can't get the chance to use com T-T
But till night bout 9pm plus plus he wanna give us use but I very tired and sleepy so I never get the chance to use com haix... dots... hahas =P
Today the weather so naughty cause I waited for PE lesson very long and yet... rain ~ -_-'''
Hahas... so we had PE in the hall ^^ very fun man hahas...
Before PE was EBS what the hell hate doinq the coursework so sian and confuse man T-T
So after PE is RECESS TIME!!! yeah~ ^^ hahas still the same the queue was damn long and we waited for 1o to 15 mins haix...
Follow by science and maths...
Science the odd numbers go to science lab to do experiment so we went, durinq maths lesson WOW! OMG~! this is the first time the class so attentive and concentrate wow~
I can't believe it man hahas =P
Hehe three more days to hippo mama birthday ^^ MUACKS~!
Ai yo~ mama! don't angry lah I never said euu not good or what just that... erm... not really sure how to said worx... ermm~.....
Mama... euu are not good... cause euu are... wonderful ^^
Euu are the best in hippo gal gal heart =P and I had already said mah all those message that I truly and wanna tell euu will wait on that special day ^^
Although this year is our last year in secondary but I do really wish and hope that our relationship can last long long ^^
I really glad that I had a friend like euu MUACKSS~!!!
and... I will try to spent more time to go out with euu whenever I can or got time ^^
okie!? I promise euu hahas =P
hahas just came back from school T-T
So cold ! outside raininq some more my classroom inside on air con -_-zzz what the.... never mind hahas...
Yesterday never post cause don't know why my bro so early came back from school worx so I a bit upset cause can't get the chance to use com T-T
But till night bout 9pm plus plus he wanna give us use but I very tired and sleepy so I never get the chance to use com haix... dots... hahas =P
Today the weather so naughty cause I waited for PE lesson very long and yet... rain ~ -_-'''
Hahas... so we had PE in the hall ^^ very fun man hahas...
Before PE was EBS what the hell hate doinq the coursework so sian and confuse man T-T
So after PE is RECESS TIME!!! yeah~ ^^ hahas still the same the queue was damn long and we waited for 1o to 15 mins haix...
Follow by science and maths...
Science the odd numbers go to science lab to do experiment so we went, durinq maths lesson WOW! OMG~! this is the first time the class so attentive and concentrate wow~
I can't believe it man hahas =P
Hehe three more days to hippo mama birthday ^^ MUACKS~!
Ai yo~ mama! don't angry lah I never said euu not good or what just that... erm... not really sure how to said worx... ermm~.....
Mama... euu are not good... cause euu are... wonderful ^^
Euu are the best in hippo gal gal heart =P and I had already said mah all those message that I truly and wanna tell euu will wait on that special day ^^
Although this year is our last year in secondary but I do really wish and hope that our relationship can last long long ^^
I really glad that I had a friend like euu MUACKSS~!!!
and... I will try to spent more time to go out with euu whenever I can or got time ^^
okie!? I promise euu hahas =P
Countinq Down 6 more days to
Hippo Mama Birthday! ^^
Yeah~! MUACKS~!!!
Hippo Mama Birthday! ^^
Yeah~! MUACKS~!!!
Harlo! Peepo~! ^^
Hahas finally get the chance to use come =P
OMG~ today feel so much more tired then yesterday T-T hahas...
Today go work, second day of attachment at SKSC haix...
MDS! OMG~! today damn damn busy, confuse and none stop till 1.30pm plus -_-'''
Today is the worst MDS that I had never did OMG~ I do a very bad job today haix... T-T
sad man ai yo~ I feel like don't wanna do MDS again hahas...
I got shocked cause RVM & SKSC is very big different OMG~! [faint =P]
Some more the hit rate is... OMG~! haix... but I'd tried my very best to do my job T-T
Hope can do better next time then ^^ hahas...
Today... At work,
time passed very fast and I today do really enjoy workinq just only that I didn't do really well in my job -_-''' [=P] hahas...
The whole morninq never eat anything till end work cause just really don't feel like eatinq when I do really concentratinq & serious on doinq some thing... hahas...
That why durinq work I don't wanna go break or when workinq in the morninq shift ^^
I know many of my sweetie mac friends are concern of my health so as some manager that I had just knew/met...
I'm just wanna said '' Thank You for everything!^^ " hahas...
Euu all are also a part of my world and many of euu do really wanna help me/encourage me to be brave, don't give up, think straight...
I do really appreciate what euu all had given me ^^
Some times I do really enjoy workinq cause....
I have all of euu with me ^^
be with euu all I feel happy, very relax and can smile whenever I see euu all when we are chattinq, playinq, foolinq around or jokinq hahas...
Don't know if I will be stayinq at SKSC !? cause I actually do quite like the place ^^ hahas
It's quite relaxing when workinq there but a bit too far for me T-T so sad
Like my home at the other side and if wanna go work then like wanna cross a big round 'London' bridge =P hahas... it's really far man sian -_-zzz haix...
Oh ya!...
very very long never see Alvin Cheng! T-T
quite miss him hahas he just now eveninq message me said that he very long long long long long [erm... not sure how many 'long' words hehe =P] never saw me, chat with me OMG~
I wonder!?... Got so long meh hahas never mind anyway hope we can find some day to meet up with all of euu [RVM crew] bahx ^^
Today after work go compass point with two sweetie XinYi and Lisa hahas...
OMG~! damn fun and tired hahas...
We go there and eat after that company XinYi go popular buy stuff but while we were on the way to Compass Point we were on LRT then got three boy bout erm... our age bahx one of them don't know why scolded CCB very loud just like the LRT is his home like that then we all three laugh silentily then the funny want comes...
Erm... Lisa ar sorry not gu yi wanna laugh at euu or make euu pei seh ...
I just wanna said the funny story gope euu don't mid okie!? ^^
We reached compass point, so while we were on the ascalator goinq down and the three boys are in front of us so he was at the other side of the ascalator and we are goinq the other side so they looked at us and said bye bye then OMG!
Lisa reply...
cause she was sayinq bye bye to me but I was not goinq off then we all LOL hahas
and kept gossip about it and think if they think worng that she is sayinq BB to them OMG~!!!
Tomorrow... school reopen and March holidays is over~!
arrr~!!!! T-T so sad ai yo~ haha =P
Bout one week never see all my dearest friends... erm... actually quite miss them =P
Sian man tomorrow got the Miss Goh lesson OMG~! wanna faint hahas =P
Her lesson is damn damn DAMN borinq okie!? what the hell haha =P
But never mind go school can save money ^^ YEAH~! =P hahas...
Haix... very sleep and tired man T-T
Okie then today I post till here bahx ^^
Night Night worx, sweet dreams and sleep tight everyone =P
Hahas finally get the chance to use come =P
OMG~ today feel so much more tired then yesterday T-T hahas...
Today go work, second day of attachment at SKSC haix...
MDS! OMG~! today damn damn busy, confuse and none stop till 1.30pm plus -_-'''
Today is the worst MDS that I had never did OMG~ I do a very bad job today haix... T-T
sad man ai yo~ I feel like don't wanna do MDS again hahas...
I got shocked cause RVM & SKSC is very big different OMG~! [faint =P]
Some more the hit rate is... OMG~! haix... but I'd tried my very best to do my job T-T
Hope can do better next time then ^^ hahas...
Today... At work,
time passed very fast and I today do really enjoy workinq just only that I didn't do really well in my job -_-''' [=P] hahas...
The whole morninq never eat anything till end work cause just really don't feel like eatinq when I do really concentratinq & serious on doinq some thing... hahas...
That why durinq work I don't wanna go break or when workinq in the morninq shift ^^
I know many of my sweetie mac friends are concern of my health so as some manager that I had just knew/met...
I'm just wanna said '' Thank You for everything!^^ " hahas...
Euu all are also a part of my world and many of euu do really wanna help me/encourage me to be brave, don't give up, think straight...
I do really appreciate what euu all had given me ^^
Some times I do really enjoy workinq cause....
I have all of euu with me ^^
be with euu all I feel happy, very relax and can smile whenever I see euu all when we are chattinq, playinq, foolinq around or jokinq hahas...
Don't know if I will be stayinq at SKSC !? cause I actually do quite like the place ^^ hahas
It's quite relaxing when workinq there but a bit too far for me T-T so sad
Like my home at the other side and if wanna go work then like wanna cross a big round 'London' bridge =P hahas... it's really far man sian -_-zzz haix...
Oh ya!...
very very long never see Alvin Cheng! T-T
quite miss him hahas he just now eveninq message me said that he very long long long long long [erm... not sure how many 'long' words hehe =P] never saw me, chat with me OMG~
I wonder!?... Got so long meh hahas never mind anyway hope we can find some day to meet up with all of euu [RVM crew] bahx ^^
Today after work go compass point with two sweetie XinYi and Lisa hahas...
OMG~! damn fun and tired hahas...
We go there and eat after that company XinYi go popular buy stuff but while we were on the way to Compass Point we were on LRT then got three boy bout erm... our age bahx one of them don't know why scolded CCB very loud just like the LRT is his home like that then we all three laugh silentily then the funny want comes...
Erm... Lisa ar sorry not gu yi wanna laugh at euu or make euu pei seh ...
I just wanna said the funny story gope euu don't mid okie!? ^^
We reached compass point, so while we were on the ascalator goinq down and the three boys are in front of us so he was at the other side of the ascalator and we are goinq the other side so they looked at us and said bye bye then OMG!
Lisa reply...
cause she was sayinq bye bye to me but I was not goinq off then we all LOL hahas
and kept gossip about it and think if they think worng that she is sayinq BB to them OMG~!!!
Tomorrow... school reopen and March holidays is over~!
arrr~!!!! T-T so sad ai yo~ haha =P
Bout one week never see all my dearest friends... erm... actually quite miss them =P
Sian man tomorrow got the Miss Goh lesson OMG~! wanna faint hahas =P
Her lesson is damn damn DAMN borinq okie!? what the hell haha =P
But never mind go school can save money ^^ YEAH~! =P hahas...
Haix... very sleep and tired man T-T
Okie then today I post till here bahx ^^
Night Night worx, sweet dreams and sleep tight everyone =P
countinq down 5 more days to
Hippo Mama Birthday
YEAH~!!! ^^
Hippo Mama Birthday
YEAH~!!! ^^
PEEPO~ hahas ^^
Today finally get the chance to post yeah~! ^^ hahas anyway today went to SKSC for attachment
erm... well... quite okie, there is huge man OMG~! O.o hahas really! the delivery at one big corner follow by the counter at the side then OMG~ is like ... erm... workinq at there like walkinq one big round when every time we wanna go some where hahas =P
So touched man!!! T-T
XinYi & Lisa~ Thank You so much !!! ^^
to sacrifice your sleep and time for just wanna bring me go SKSC early in the morninq worx OMG~ I can't believe no wonder I feel so strange cause I saw both of your schedule is 9am then euu told me 8am -_-''' ai yo~ hahas
Thanks anyway MUACKS~ MUACKS~ MUACKS~!!!!! =P
At there at first of cause shy =P hahas
But workinq there i have a lots of fun and enjoy much too ^^
One more thing finally see that cutie/yandao turtle YiHao/Hao Ge hahas =P
OMG~! can't imagine how long never see him hahas, workinq with him can forget that euu actually are workinq =P And Liza, Ping Ping was there too ^^ MUACKS~!!!
The most angry/upset want is that haix... still the same problem I told the manager that I don't feel like and want to eat and can't eat in the "sunshine morninq" till after 12.30pm or 1pm then I can eat ai yo~ why euu just can't listen worx T-T
Can let other people go break first mah haix...
I really don't wanna repeat and I already feelinq not well and dizzy some more euu still angry and give me that face what the hell
I know euu manager HARLO~! I also a crew okie haix...... -_-'''
Then the manager called me go rest for half an hour if I don't wanna eat dots man!
WHAT THE HELL!? For half an hour!? ai yo~
I rather help them pack food or what better then doinq nothinq worx right!??? haix......
Then the most funny and things cominq up...
I was restinq for the half an hour cause I was force to do so and don't wanna give bad impression in a new place and some more is my first day there...
So I was at the crew room sittinq but saw some crew wanna eat so I go squat at the side of the erm... I think is changinq room bahx hahas with my kor handphone [don't know why I take out for haha =P] then this time cutie turtle [yihao] come and squat down with me with his mcspicy burger hahas... cute lor he can stand and eat he don't want but squat beside me hahas...
But got a bit feelinq like he is a strangers to me cause I never talk much to him, he's the one who start the talk and he asked I answer thats all OMG~!
I also was thinkinq that maybe I too long never chat or see him bahx or maybe I was not feelinq and just wanna take a rest hahahs maybe bahx ^^
Tomorrow goinq there again haix...
Hope will be better then ^^ hahas GAMPATEH =P
But said seriously workinq there is very fun but... haix... the BUS FARE LAH~! T-T
Ai yo~ very expensive leh I need take bus to compass point then take LRT again to reached there lah T-T haix...
Now my bus card no money le worx so sad T-T
OMG~! one more day March holidays is over arrrrr~! so fast man -_- zzz haix...
Sure get nag or scold by Mr James Tan want cause... his maths homework I anyhow do and some more most of the questions I never do hehe =P
But really very difficult mah T-T haix....
Okie bahx today post till here then =P
hahas MUACKS~!
Back to post tomorrow ^^
Today finally get the chance to post yeah~! ^^ hahas anyway today went to SKSC for attachment
erm... well... quite okie, there is huge man OMG~! O.o hahas really! the delivery at one big corner follow by the counter at the side then OMG~ is like ... erm... workinq at there like walkinq one big round when every time we wanna go some where hahas =P
So touched man!!! T-T
XinYi & Lisa~ Thank You so much !!! ^^
to sacrifice your sleep and time for just wanna bring me go SKSC early in the morninq worx OMG~ I can't believe no wonder I feel so strange cause I saw both of your schedule is 9am then euu told me 8am -_-''' ai yo~ hahas
Thanks anyway MUACKS~ MUACKS~ MUACKS~!!!!! =P
At there at first of cause shy =P hahas
But workinq there i have a lots of fun and enjoy much too ^^
One more thing finally see that cutie/yandao turtle YiHao/Hao Ge hahas =P
OMG~! can't imagine how long never see him hahas, workinq with him can forget that euu actually are workinq =P And Liza, Ping Ping was there too ^^ MUACKS~!!!
The most angry/upset want is that haix... still the same problem I told the manager that I don't feel like and want to eat and can't eat in the "sunshine morninq" till after 12.30pm or 1pm then I can eat ai yo~ why euu just can't listen worx T-T
Can let other people go break first mah haix...
I really don't wanna repeat and I already feelinq not well and dizzy some more euu still angry and give me that face what the hell
I know euu manager HARLO~! I also a crew okie haix...... -_-'''
Then the manager called me go rest for half an hour if I don't wanna eat dots man!
WHAT THE HELL!? For half an hour!? ai yo~
I rather help them pack food or what better then doinq nothinq worx right!??? haix......
Then the most funny and things cominq up...
I was restinq for the half an hour cause I was force to do so and don't wanna give bad impression in a new place and some more is my first day there...
So I was at the crew room sittinq but saw some crew wanna eat so I go squat at the side of the erm... I think is changinq room bahx hahas with my kor handphone [don't know why I take out for haha =P] then this time cutie turtle [yihao] come and squat down with me with his mcspicy burger hahas... cute lor he can stand and eat he don't want but squat beside me hahas...
But got a bit feelinq like he is a strangers to me cause I never talk much to him, he's the one who start the talk and he asked I answer thats all OMG~!
I also was thinkinq that maybe I too long never chat or see him bahx or maybe I was not feelinq and just wanna take a rest hahahs maybe bahx ^^
Tomorrow goinq there again haix...
Hope will be better then ^^ hahas GAMPATEH =P
But said seriously workinq there is very fun but... haix... the BUS FARE LAH~! T-T
Ai yo~ very expensive leh I need take bus to compass point then take LRT again to reached there lah T-T haix...
Now my bus card no money le worx so sad T-T
OMG~! one more day March holidays is over arrrrr~! so fast man -_- zzz haix...
Sure get nag or scold by Mr James Tan want cause... his maths homework I anyhow do and some more most of the questions I never do hehe =P
But really very difficult mah T-T haix....
Okie bahx today post till here then =P
hahas MUACKS~!
Back to post tomorrow ^^
Countinq Down 6 more days to
Hippa Mama Birthday! ^^
Yeah~! MUACKS~!!!
Hippa Mama Birthday! ^^
Yeah~! MUACKS~!!!
Hahas finally can use com -_-'''
Yesterday never post because I reached home I was too tired to walk haha =P
Too long never go out with mummy and also never walk so long hahas...
OMG~ chong Hui korkor very poor thing T-T see him like this very sad
Yesterday go SGH with mummy to make appointment then meanwhile meet Yi Ma then we go see him haix... so sad and poor thing OMG~! His stomach was very big like havinq a twins baby inside and his legs were sallow so as his face T-T
So sad then after like one hour plus we all go kopitiam eat then Yi Ma meanwhile she was eatinq she was cryinq too! OMG~! this is the first time I see her cry man O.O
She also very poor thing her house goinq to be take away from the government cause they don't have money to paid haix....
She just have a lot a lot of problem and sadness, hope she won't get upset bahx ....
Today the whole day stayinq at home dots man...
Doinq the MATHS! homework what the hell do till can go crazy hahas =P
I done all but still got some questions in doubt haix... and the workbook all the pages/questions that Mr Tan give sure wrong haix... T-T hahas
I tried my best to do already but till can't understand the formula haix...
I will study harder ^^ GAMPATEH bahx ^^ hahas...
Dots... my phone no money~!!!!! arrrr...... what the hell man !!! T-T
I got a lot of things need to buy worx...
Hippo mama birthday present, JieJie birthday present, phone prepaid card, wallet and also prepare for papa cominq birthday haix... money ! money! money! everything need MONEY!!!
Ai yo~ I so wish that now is holidays and N-level is over so that I can go work and earn money=P hahas....
So fast two more days march holidays is over~! haix...
Then prepare for Mid-Year-Exams T-T OMG~!!!!! =P
Ai yo yo~ so scare worx hahas ^^
Hahas finally can use com -_-'''
Yesterday never post because I reached home I was too tired to walk haha =P
Too long never go out with mummy and also never walk so long hahas...
OMG~ chong Hui korkor very poor thing T-T see him like this very sad
Yesterday go SGH with mummy to make appointment then meanwhile meet Yi Ma then we go see him haix... so sad and poor thing OMG~! His stomach was very big like havinq a twins baby inside and his legs were sallow so as his face T-T
So sad then after like one hour plus we all go kopitiam eat then Yi Ma meanwhile she was eatinq she was cryinq too! OMG~! this is the first time I see her cry man O.O
She also very poor thing her house goinq to be take away from the government cause they don't have money to paid haix....
She just have a lot a lot of problem and sadness, hope she won't get upset bahx ....
Today the whole day stayinq at home dots man...
Doinq the MATHS! homework what the hell do till can go crazy hahas =P
I done all but still got some questions in doubt haix... and the workbook all the pages/questions that Mr Tan give sure wrong haix... T-T hahas
I tried my best to do already but till can't understand the formula haix...
I will study harder ^^ GAMPATEH bahx ^^ hahas...
Dots... my phone no money~!!!!! arrrr...... what the hell man !!! T-T
I got a lot of things need to buy worx...
Hippo mama birthday present, JieJie birthday present, phone prepaid card, wallet and also prepare for papa cominq birthday haix... money ! money! money! everything need MONEY!!!
Ai yo~ I so wish that now is holidays and N-level is over so that I can go work and earn money=P hahas....
So fast two more days march holidays is over~! haix...
Then prepare for Mid-Year-Exams T-T OMG~!!!!! =P
Ai yo yo~ so scare worx hahas ^^
PEEPO~! ^^
Today woke up at 8am OMG~! very sleepy but... can't sleep -_-''' haha never mind then ^^
I early in the morninq on computer hahas cause .... nothinq to do =P
Ai yo~ still got a lots a lots of MATHS~!!!! homework haven do yet what the hell~~~!!! T-T
Haix... think need call my JieJie save me hahas or else I will drown in the water [maths homework]...
I some times really don't like holidays T-T
Nothinq to do at home and... keep stayinq at home can bored till death euu know hahas =P
Haix... erm... maybe later goinq swimminq with JieJie durinq afternoon bahx ^^
Then tomorrow she go back to school not sure do what hahas then I company my mummy go Singapore General Hospital ^^
Hope I faster can finish up all my work then YIPPEE! its PARTY TIME ~!!! ^^
Erm... by the way very very very long never go out with friends haix... sian T-T
Cause of my illness can't go out till very late so never get the chance to go out with all my dearest friends haix... sad man ! T-T
Hope can get better then can go out as I want hahas =P [impossible bahx ]....
Weekends goinq to work again... but i still can't get the idea how to get to SKSC!??? T-T
Haix... OMG~! then like this i no need go work ai yo~
Ai ya don't care hope will get someone to help me then hahas
Okie then today I post till here bahx ^^
Hope everyone are enjoyinq their HOLIDAYS!!! ^-^
Today woke up at 8am OMG~! very sleepy but... can't sleep -_-''' haha never mind then ^^
I early in the morninq on computer hahas cause .... nothinq to do =P
Ai yo~ still got a lots a lots of MATHS~!!!! homework haven do yet what the hell~~~!!! T-T
Haix... think need call my JieJie save me hahas or else I will drown in the water [maths homework]...
I some times really don't like holidays T-T
Nothinq to do at home and... keep stayinq at home can bored till death euu know hahas =P
Haix... erm... maybe later goinq swimminq with JieJie durinq afternoon bahx ^^
Then tomorrow she go back to school not sure do what hahas then I company my mummy go Singapore General Hospital ^^
Hope I faster can finish up all my work then YIPPEE! its PARTY TIME ~!!! ^^
Erm... by the way very very very long never go out with friends haix... sian T-T
Cause of my illness can't go out till very late so never get the chance to go out with all my dearest friends haix... sad man ! T-T
Hope can get better then can go out as I want hahas =P [impossible bahx ]....
Weekends goinq to work again... but i still can't get the idea how to get to SKSC!??? T-T
Haix... OMG~! then like this i no need go work ai yo~
Ai ya don't care hope will get someone to help me then hahas
Okie then today I post till here bahx ^^
Hope everyone are enjoyinq their HOLIDAYS!!! ^-^
Just came back from work! dots... rain again what the hell T-T
I actually 2pm already can go home but cause of the rain ai yo~ hahas...
Den I stay till the rain stop den bout 3pm plus saw Adele sister she at there buy her class BBQ things with her friends den come borrow pen and paper from me after that I go join her then saw YIHAO~ ! ai yo~ yihao ar T-T very long never see euu man hahas... we all miss euu leh ! =P
Today at work OMG~ DOWN CREW! wah lao haix... but today actually quite enjoy workinq erm... don't know why hahas...
Think is.... cause maybe today is Monday bahx cause I very long never work weekdays le since school starts I MISS HEMA!!! Finally today can see her hahas so happy worx ^^
but heard that she is leavinq next month on the 14th or 15th haix... sad everyone is leavinq I also want T-T
But no choice... boss sure won't let me quit but I really can't go on workinq haix...
Ai yo~
actually is not work fault/problem is my problem I got a lot of things to do and concentrate with just that I can't work when I'm stress T-T
Adele sister I think I will give the level place to both of euu bahx...
Just as euu said...
euu scared I cannot take it to do so many things/problem and will end up in hospital one day...
And... this will come true I'm not sayinq rubbish its really true so don't worry ^^ alright!?
I will take care ^^
The level place I will try to talk and discuss with boss cause...
She said she needs young just like our age and I think that have euu two can already, less one think.... never mind bahx [hahas]....
so.... GAMPATEH~! ^^
sian... cominq weekends goinq attach to SKSC!?????
What the hell!
WHERE IS THIS PLACE ~!!!!!! ai yo~ hahas....
Can someone tell me or company me go on saturday!??? T-T haix....
If go there sure very shy and pai seh T-T MUMMY~!!! =P
Go all the way there just cause of MDS!!! -_-''' dots.... haix.... hahas
I puttinq on more weight each week or maybe even each day hahas....
haix.... everything also cannot eat what the hell sian -_-zzz
Everyday injection .
Every week exercise ..
Every weekends work ...
Everyday study....
Every weekday go school .....
Every weekday after school go for remedia ......
can't even relax, cool down for a minute
what the hell my lifes gettinq sucks man =P
But my parent are supportinq me to go on but sometimes do really get myself upside down and wanna have a big cry
and... of cause I will have a silent big cry ....
Just don't want them to worry bout me of havinq all those stress that they don't want me to have it
but... at the end I still got the stress... haix...
sometimes do really feel useless when I can't help the family but just have to bear everthing and be natural to go on.....
I sometimes thinkinq ....
why I can't just be like normal people so energtic, cheerful and can do all those interestinq sports or things....
I never had a nafa certificate before because I never can get the chance to participate and now!...
Must have injection/medication everyday just like my mummy and bear with all those people eyes sight with those feelinq that I hate!
Also must bear with their words that I really hate to hear it T-T
Can someone tell me why!?
Can I really find myself back!????? can I .....
Just came back from work! dots... rain again what the hell T-T
I actually 2pm already can go home but cause of the rain ai yo~ hahas...
Den I stay till the rain stop den bout 3pm plus saw Adele sister she at there buy her class BBQ things with her friends den come borrow pen and paper from me after that I go join her then saw YIHAO~ ! ai yo~ yihao ar T-T very long never see euu man hahas... we all miss euu leh ! =P
Today at work OMG~ DOWN CREW! wah lao haix... but today actually quite enjoy workinq erm... don't know why hahas...
Think is.... cause maybe today is Monday bahx cause I very long never work weekdays le since school starts I MISS HEMA!!! Finally today can see her hahas so happy worx ^^
but heard that she is leavinq next month on the 14th or 15th haix... sad everyone is leavinq I also want T-T
But no choice... boss sure won't let me quit but I really can't go on workinq haix...
Ai yo~
actually is not work fault/problem is my problem I got a lot of things to do and concentrate with just that I can't work when I'm stress T-T
Adele sister I think I will give the level place to both of euu bahx...
Just as euu said...
euu scared I cannot take it to do so many things/problem and will end up in hospital one day...
And... this will come true I'm not sayinq rubbish its really true so don't worry ^^ alright!?
I will take care ^^
The level place I will try to talk and discuss with boss cause...
She said she needs young just like our age and I think that have euu two can already, less one think.... never mind bahx [hahas]....
so.... GAMPATEH~! ^^
sian... cominq weekends goinq attach to SKSC!?????
What the hell!
WHERE IS THIS PLACE ~!!!!!! ai yo~ hahas....
Can someone tell me or company me go on saturday!??? T-T haix....
If go there sure very shy and pai seh T-T MUMMY~!!! =P
Go all the way there just cause of MDS!!! -_-''' dots.... haix.... hahas
I puttinq on more weight each week or maybe even each day hahas....
haix.... everything also cannot eat what the hell sian -_-zzz
Everyday injection .
Every week exercise ..
Every weekends work ...
Everyday study....
Every weekday go school .....
Every weekday after school go for remedia ......
can't even relax, cool down for a minute
what the hell my lifes gettinq sucks man =P
But my parent are supportinq me to go on but sometimes do really get myself upside down and wanna have a big cry
and... of cause I will have a silent big cry ....
Just don't want them to worry bout me of havinq all those stress that they don't want me to have it
but... at the end I still got the stress... haix...
sometimes do really feel useless when I can't help the family but just have to bear everthing and be natural to go on.....
I sometimes thinkinq ....
why I can't just be like normal people so energtic, cheerful and can do all those interestinq sports or things....
I never had a nafa certificate before because I never can get the chance to participate and now!...
Must have injection/medication everyday just like my mummy and bear with all those people eyes sight with those feelinq that I hate!
Also must bear with their words that I really hate to hear it T-T
Can someone tell me why!?
Can I really find myself back!????? can I .....
Hope euu have a very happy birthday this year and all the best to euu ^-^
And.... wish euu find a good gal too worx haha =P
Hope euu have a very happy birthday this year and all the best to euu ^-^
And.... wish euu find a good gal too worx haha =P
Finally can use computer hahas... waited for so long =P
Arrr~ so angry for today oral! T-T
What the hell the passage and the conversation haix....
The word 'though' I go pronouns 'thought' and actually I was correct but i not really sure then I any how so I pronouns 'thought' haix.... sad ! T-T
Then follow by the conversation! -_-''' what the hell...
I don't know what am I sayinq hahas so as the passage I oso don't know what I readinq =P hahas dots man think will pass but marks not really that high bahx hahas =P
After oral go to Hougang avenue 8 there with hippo mama cause she very anxious to buy "contact lens" ai yo~ hahas so cute! ^^
Then we asked lynnie where is the shop and she told us I know avenue 8 but not really sure where is the shop and lynnie said that the shop is some where quite near fair price so we went but we see nothinq dots... so we walked one big big round till we very tired and hungry so we go eat our breakfast at MacDonald OMG~ so regret eatinq MacDonald so expensive~!!! what the hell man arrrr~!!! After finish eatinq we go find the shop again hahas and this time we found it and is really at the fair price there cause when the first time we passed by the shop haven open yet...
So hippo mama was very happy with it hahas... she buy the brand "Fresh Look", Rainie Yang promotion and guess how much!? OMG~ $18 man hahas and it's really the damn pretty and nature I WANT!!! T-T But... I sacred to wear it and... hahas of cause no money =P
and I think I won't buy all this stuff at this age bahx =P hahas...
Sian... -_-zzz ...
2moro need go for that sucks work again what the hell~!
I WANT QUIT!!!!!!!!!
I DON'T CARE!!!!!!
The job sucks man it's makinq me crazy and stress alot alot can!!! haix....
Really don't feel like goinq work just wanna stay at home and concentrate on my illness, studies and of cause home problems!!!!!
ARRRRR~ WHY!? WHY!? why all this stupid problem every time come and give me trouble and it's endless! T-T
Why my life some times do feel so!.... haix... forget it then really not interest in doinq anything just wanna stay at home!.......
I will sure quit one fine day!
Haix... now don't wanna care anything just want to relax too.....
March holidays here so fast!.... soon mid-year exams hahas...
I really do hope... I won't give up [my life] so easily and suddenly..........
seriously I really can't breathe through all this tough... tough....
haix... don't know how to say... T-T
Its like all those trouble bugs crawlinq all over me~!......
I really hope and wish I can be brave and have the courage to go on and... give my family happiness... so as my friends.... make them smile whenever they see me ..... [^^]
Wish the old cheeful and energtic xIIaOYanQQ will come back soon to give all my close, dearest people happiness....
Peepo [harlo] ^^
Just came back from school bout half an hour ago sian lor stay at school till 3pm plus cause tht Parent Teacher Meetinq session what the hell haix.... so the trouble some hahas
My mummy not so early come then hippo mama de papa & mama already reached so we go in school again to wait for mdm Hartini to come out bout how we know that she not yet back from the lower secondary learninq journey event so we waited for bout erm.... got more then half an hour outside the staff room so we decided to go eat at the canteen nut nothinq hahas so we go the coffee shop that is beside school de OMG~ wanna cry! cause I'm so touched that hippo mama de papa & mama treat me lunch~!!!! ^-^
They super duper good man =P hahas...
They very cute also every time joke joke want ^^
no wonder they have a hippo mama[shi yu] which is so cute want hahas! =P
Uncle, Aunt~ thanks so much ^^ hahas...
Haix... the most what the hell want is... Report Book! -_-''' haix....
Science all with lines, EBS of cause fail and English first test fail haix.... sian T-T
Then mummy called me try my best and work more harder ^^ hahas MUACKS~!
OMG~! March holidays what the hell lots of lots of homework man! T-T arrrr~!
ai yo~ hahas... especially math lor Mr Tan like called us do almost the whole math workbook ! haix.... sian!... tomorrow must go back school for ORAL~!!!! OMG~ damn scare don't know what time then end haix.... hope I can do well then hahas...
Today in school erm... quite enjoyinq hahas =P
First three period CPA, do coursework sian -_-''' hahas then follow by maths and science...
Maths lesson...
Still learninq the confuse chapter =P hahas then while Mr Tan was teachinq Eko handphone ring! OMG~ we were shocked man so as him of cause, he forgot to on silent ai yo~ poor thing and of cause teacher confiscate erm... for one week hahas haix ke lian hahas....
While teacher walkinq towards him he was dancinq with the music OMG~ we all laugh till our teeth wanna drop lor so as when class end and he wanna live the class Asyraf and Ammar begged him to return Eko his phone then teacher wanna live they refuse to let him go then teacher very smart and tricky go and trick Ammar which is blockinq at the door there and said you throw out all the things from your bag to let me see if got phone then of cause Ammar walk away then teache said Thank You and walk out OMG~!
Is damn funny lor the whole class laugh till... hahas dots man =P
Science Lesson...
Nothinq much happen just goinq through worksheet answer and asked who every Tuesday wanna go for science extra lesson from 2pm to 3pm and of cause I confirm and 100% will go hahas =P and hippo mama also goinq with me YEAH~! ^^
After science lesson is recess den follow by CME...
Dots... Mdm Hartini go out with lower secondary then relieve teacher take over so of cause the last two period we ENJOY! hahas =P
They on music, listen to MP3/phones, playinq around and... just havinq alots of fun hahas all already started their holidays mood hahas -_-''' so cute~ when all countinq down for the end of the school hahas.....
Haix... today while goinq home with mummy after gettinq the report book we were chattinq bout... our illness!......
I some times do really felt scared! don't know why cause mummy said that have that illness must be alert and 100% careful with what you eat and must take care of myself ...
I ... haix.... don't know what to said... T-T
Those who are close enough with me know what I have [illness] and some time I really appreciate all of yours concern...but some times... I... just don't have the confident and courage to face it....
Because of all of you... my friends, family and for my future I must bear with all the pains and continue walkinq .... At the start of school some of you asked me... You injection not pain meh!? PAIN!? some times... to me I don't know what is pain to me cause.... I must use to it and be brave to do it and of cause I have no choice....
So as many of you said I've put on weight!?..... yup that is of cause....
Havinq this illness some times do really felt stress and also think of... givinq up but not commit suicide myself that serious !
The illness is from my mother [history down to me] haix.... I never ever blame on her cause what happened... is already happened and nothinq can be change just as you wish/like....
So... we both must help one another and support one another ...
Thats all for my post for today ^^
Hope you enjoy readinq then =p hahas...
Healthy is important ~!!! remember ....
Just came back from school bout half an hour ago sian lor stay at school till 3pm plus cause tht Parent Teacher Meetinq session what the hell haix.... so the trouble some hahas
My mummy not so early come then hippo mama de papa & mama already reached so we go in school again to wait for mdm Hartini to come out bout how we know that she not yet back from the lower secondary learninq journey event so we waited for bout erm.... got more then half an hour outside the staff room so we decided to go eat at the canteen nut nothinq hahas so we go the coffee shop that is beside school de OMG~ wanna cry! cause I'm so touched that hippo mama de papa & mama treat me lunch~!!!! ^-^
They super duper good man =P hahas...
They very cute also every time joke joke want ^^
no wonder they have a hippo mama[shi yu] which is so cute want hahas! =P
Uncle, Aunt~ thanks so much ^^ hahas...
Haix... the most what the hell want is... Report Book! -_-''' haix....
Science all with lines, EBS of cause fail and English first test fail haix.... sian T-T
Then mummy called me try my best and work more harder ^^ hahas MUACKS~!
OMG~! March holidays what the hell lots of lots of homework man! T-T arrrr~!
ai yo~ hahas... especially math lor Mr Tan like called us do almost the whole math workbook ! haix.... sian!... tomorrow must go back school for ORAL~!!!! OMG~ damn scare don't know what time then end haix.... hope I can do well then hahas...
Today in school erm... quite enjoyinq hahas =P
First three period CPA, do coursework sian -_-''' hahas then follow by maths and science...
Maths lesson...
Still learninq the confuse chapter =P hahas then while Mr Tan was teachinq Eko handphone ring! OMG~ we were shocked man so as him of cause, he forgot to on silent ai yo~ poor thing and of cause teacher confiscate erm... for one week hahas haix ke lian hahas....
While teacher walkinq towards him he was dancinq with the music OMG~ we all laugh till our teeth wanna drop lor so as when class end and he wanna live the class Asyraf and Ammar begged him to return Eko his phone then teacher wanna live they refuse to let him go then teacher very smart and tricky go and trick Ammar which is blockinq at the door there and said you throw out all the things from your bag to let me see if got phone then of cause Ammar walk away then teache said Thank You and walk out OMG~!
Is damn funny lor the whole class laugh till... hahas dots man =P
Science Lesson...
Nothinq much happen just goinq through worksheet answer and asked who every Tuesday wanna go for science extra lesson from 2pm to 3pm and of cause I confirm and 100% will go hahas =P and hippo mama also goinq with me YEAH~! ^^
After science lesson is recess den follow by CME...
Dots... Mdm Hartini go out with lower secondary then relieve teacher take over so of cause the last two period we ENJOY! hahas =P
They on music, listen to MP3/phones, playinq around and... just havinq alots of fun hahas all already started their holidays mood hahas -_-''' so cute~ when all countinq down for the end of the school hahas.....
Haix... today while goinq home with mummy after gettinq the report book we were chattinq bout... our illness!......
I some times do really felt scared! don't know why cause mummy said that have that illness must be alert and 100% careful with what you eat and must take care of myself ...
I ... haix.... don't know what to said... T-T
Those who are close enough with me know what I have [illness] and some time I really appreciate all of yours concern...but some times... I... just don't have the confident and courage to face it....
Because of all of you... my friends, family and for my future I must bear with all the pains and continue walkinq .... At the start of school some of you asked me... You injection not pain meh!? PAIN!? some times... to me I don't know what is pain to me cause.... I must use to it and be brave to do it and of cause I have no choice....
So as many of you said I've put on weight!?..... yup that is of cause....
Havinq this illness some times do really felt stress and also think of... givinq up but not commit suicide myself that serious !
The illness is from my mother [history down to me] haix.... I never ever blame on her cause what happened... is already happened and nothinq can be change just as you wish/like....
So... we both must help one another and support one another ...
Thats all for my post for today ^^
Hope you enjoy readinq then =p hahas...
Healthy is important ~!!! remember ....
Hahas today finally get the chance to use com le yeah~ =P
Cause bro go sleep but think he can't really sleep bahx cause my house downstairs havinq construction quite noisy hahas....
Today in school quite fun lor ^^
First three period... CPA OMG~ do the coursework till wanna cry T-T cause I need extra thumb drive to put my information inside so that I can add/update more haix... but still can't find any of it sad hahas....
After that one period of science haix... still the same very noisy the whole lesson and Mr Koh never come -_-''' hahas...
After science then is English haix.... Mdm Hartini angry and shouted at the whole class again OMG~ but she very poor thing lor give out us so many and yet many of them treat her so badly ai yo~ she actually not really that bad mah !? right!??? =P
After that is RECESS TIME! ^^ yeah~ hahas.... after recess is OMG~ can die man! three period of MATHS~!!!
Very confuse to arrange the file haix dots... almost the whole class the practice 2G worksheet lost but luckily my want is with me hahas den I don know if Mr Tan have my algebra worksheet one a not cause maybe I hand in together with them the practice 2G worksheet hahas =P
We yesterday after school got maths test and today teacher return us back, at first I have no confident to pass cause the question 3 I all don't know how to do den when teacher returninq the test papers he called my name then walked towards me I looked at him with a face that some kind like.... scare,sad or had I fail!? hahas =P
He walked pass me and I wanna to take my paper and see if I pass a not then teacher so naughty wanna act never see me then walk pass me and like don't wanna give me my paper hahas I already very scare that if I'm failinq and excited to see it den teacher go make fun of me hahas... So when the minute I see the test paper [with hippo mama] I screamed softly =P hahas I pass man!!! YES~! OMG~ but not really high marks I got 14/20 hahas... Hope to get higher next test ^^ If I had known how to do the question 3 topic/chapter den I sure get full marks cause I all question got correct only question 3 haix... T-T hahas...
so after maths is damn sian... assembly! =P hahas....
Today topic is bout SAY NO TO DRUGS! ^^
Then finally end school hippo mama and me go buy things from the school nearby bubble tea shop den go find some place to sit and eat till bout 3pm....
Before we go we saw two couple birds OMG! so sweet they "kiss" hahas...
Den we hide at a corner cause my mama had drop one fries den we thinking that they wanna eat cause they kept walkinq around us so we hide then they quickily go eat lor OMG~!
IS DAMN CUTE! ^^ hahas =p
Hahas today finally get the chance to use com le yeah~ =P
Cause bro go sleep but think he can't really sleep bahx cause my house downstairs havinq construction quite noisy hahas....
Today in school quite fun lor ^^
First three period... CPA OMG~ do the coursework till wanna cry T-T cause I need extra thumb drive to put my information inside so that I can add/update more haix... but still can't find any of it sad hahas....
After that one period of science haix... still the same very noisy the whole lesson and Mr Koh never come -_-''' hahas...
After science then is English haix.... Mdm Hartini angry and shouted at the whole class again OMG~ but she very poor thing lor give out us so many and yet many of them treat her so badly ai yo~ she actually not really that bad mah !? right!??? =P
After that is RECESS TIME! ^^ yeah~ hahas.... after recess is OMG~ can die man! three period of MATHS~!!!
Very confuse to arrange the file haix dots... almost the whole class the practice 2G worksheet lost but luckily my want is with me hahas den I don know if Mr Tan have my algebra worksheet one a not cause maybe I hand in together with them the practice 2G worksheet hahas =P
We yesterday after school got maths test and today teacher return us back, at first I have no confident to pass cause the question 3 I all don't know how to do den when teacher returninq the test papers he called my name then walked towards me I looked at him with a face that some kind like.... scare,sad or had I fail!? hahas =P
He walked pass me and I wanna to take my paper and see if I pass a not then teacher so naughty wanna act never see me then walk pass me and like don't wanna give me my paper hahas I already very scare that if I'm failinq and excited to see it den teacher go make fun of me hahas... So when the minute I see the test paper [with hippo mama] I screamed softly =P hahas I pass man!!! YES~! OMG~ but not really high marks I got 14/20 hahas... Hope to get higher next test ^^ If I had known how to do the question 3 topic/chapter den I sure get full marks cause I all question got correct only question 3 haix... T-T hahas...
so after maths is damn sian... assembly! =P hahas....
Today topic is bout SAY NO TO DRUGS! ^^
Then finally end school hippo mama and me go buy things from the school nearby bubble tea shop den go find some place to sit and eat till bout 3pm....
Before we go we saw two couple birds OMG! so sweet they "kiss" hahas...
Den we hide at a corner cause my mama had drop one fries den we thinking that they wanna eat cause they kept walkinq around us so we hide then they quickily go eat lor OMG~!
IS DAMN CUTE! ^^ hahas =p
Peepo! [haho ^^]
Reached home very lonq ago cause don't know what to post till now then wanna post some thing haha =P haix... today worst thing happen to mi T-T feel like cryinq ~! haix....
Today was late for school, my school is a very "what the hell" want late for school if teacher never see mi then will put my attendance zero and YES! my form teacher put me zero and the school will called or message my parent that I never go school or not in school [I think]....
I thought attendance zero I never mind, nothinq, and how I know that my parent really thought that I lie to them go out and never go school!
Durinq maths test [after school] I den release that my father had called mi and he called till i had 7 missed called ai yo~ and I borrow hippo mama handphone to called and he asked me where am I?, Euu really in school!? Then okie nothinq bye bye! -_-'''
OMG~ I was shocked when I reached home...
My mother was angry cause she really really thought that I didn't attend school! haix....
sad lor they don't believe me T-T
Some more in school I can't use phone how am I suppose too called and I today in school the whole day never see and touch my phone worx what the hell man ai yo~
I know euu all cares bout me, worry bout me and angry is should want but must really understand mah if I don't wanna go school I will sure stay at home de mah....
and yet.... haix.... never mind I not angry! Just that I wanna know why euu all really thought that I never go school worx!? ai yo yo~ hahas
One more thing!....
I won't do such things okie! so don't worry ^^
If I really don't wanna go school I really will tell euu all and some times euu all do really reject me for not goinq to school right!? lastly I still have to go hahas.... although I sick or fever I also will go till unless I can't really even concentrate on things...
Cause I don't want euu all to worry me and I wanna have a good result to let euu all happy ^^
hahas.... I will try all my best this final last year !!! GAMPATEH hahas =P
Although euu all every time nag at me, scold me, said me I don't mind, really!
cause euu all... are my treasure and I will cherish what I have now ^^
I also won't give up but to fight with the evil illness ^^ hahas
Thank you for everything that euu all have given me, although I have the illness that I really wish that I don't have it and hope can be better I just want euu all to be happy everyday and no worries ^^
And lastly the most important because
[ Daddy & Mummy, JieJie, Hippo MaMa, Eileen]^-^
(and all my others frens too ^^)
Reached home very lonq ago cause don't know what to post till now then wanna post some thing haha =P haix... today worst thing happen to mi T-T feel like cryinq ~! haix....
Today was late for school, my school is a very "what the hell" want late for school if teacher never see mi then will put my attendance zero and YES! my form teacher put me zero and the school will called or message my parent that I never go school or not in school [I think]....
I thought attendance zero I never mind, nothinq, and how I know that my parent really thought that I lie to them go out and never go school!
Durinq maths test [after school] I den release that my father had called mi and he called till i had 7 missed called ai yo~ and I borrow hippo mama handphone to called and he asked me where am I?, Euu really in school!? Then okie nothinq bye bye! -_-'''
OMG~ I was shocked when I reached home...
My mother was angry cause she really really thought that I didn't attend school! haix....
sad lor they don't believe me T-T
Some more in school I can't use phone how am I suppose too called and I today in school the whole day never see and touch my phone worx what the hell man ai yo~
I know euu all cares bout me, worry bout me and angry is should want but must really understand mah if I don't wanna go school I will sure stay at home de mah....
and yet.... haix.... never mind I not angry! Just that I wanna know why euu all really thought that I never go school worx!? ai yo yo~ hahas
One more thing!....
I won't do such things okie! so don't worry ^^
If I really don't wanna go school I really will tell euu all and some times euu all do really reject me for not goinq to school right!? lastly I still have to go hahas.... although I sick or fever I also will go till unless I can't really even concentrate on things...
Cause I don't want euu all to worry me and I wanna have a good result to let euu all happy ^^
hahas.... I will try all my best this final last year !!! GAMPATEH hahas =P
Although euu all every time nag at me, scold me, said me I don't mind, really!
cause euu all... are my treasure and I will cherish what I have now ^^
I also won't give up but to fight with the evil illness ^^ hahas
Thank you for everything that euu all have given me, although I have the illness that I really wish that I don't have it and hope can be better I just want euu all to be happy everyday and no worries ^^
And lastly the most important because
[ Daddy & Mummy, JieJie, Hippo MaMa, Eileen]^-^
(and all my others frens too ^^)
peepo! eveninq ^^
Just finish watchinq 娛樂百分百 hahas so funny and Hu Die JieJie very cute and sweet =P
Today bout 2pm plus reached home cause after school no event and bro today very early end school so only wait till just now bout 5pm he go out and now I den use com hahas....
Nothinq much to do so come and post....
2moro after school got maths test haix.... so sian T-T
Sure fail cause I no prepare and no confident hahas =P
Today EBS coursework cant manage to finish the part that I want dots what the hell ai yo~
Still need to wait for next week haix...
Today also nothinq much interestinq/ happen so.... I post till here den ^^
Just finish watchinq 娛樂百分百 hahas so funny and Hu Die JieJie very cute and sweet =P
Today bout 2pm plus reached home cause after school no event and bro today very early end school so only wait till just now bout 5pm he go out and now I den use com hahas....
Nothinq much to do so come and post....
2moro after school got maths test haix.... so sian T-T
Sure fail cause I no prepare and no confident hahas =P
Today EBS coursework cant manage to finish the part that I want dots what the hell ai yo~
Still need to wait for next week haix...
Today also nothinq much interestinq/ happen so.... I post till here den ^^
PeePo! ^^
Afternoon.... so sian... raininq T-T hahas but better then hot =P
Just came back from school dots mai science teacher Mr Tham said those who fail the science common test must attend this afternoon remedial from 2pm to 3pm after end school we 2 plus go up to our classroom for remedial then know what!? there is no body inside the class room dots man -_-''' Hippo mama, Fiona and mi was like "what the hell!?" hahas...
Tomorrow he will sure said we didn't attend his extra lesson .....
Then durinq his lesson and bout to end we ask him can don't go for the extra lesson and he said just bear for one hour....
We jiu veri sian so we went to canteen eat and sit till 2pm den we go up haix....
Ai yo~ he will sure thought that we don't want attend and anyhow said haix....
Don care haha =P
Tomorrow Tuesday.... PE day again YEAH~! hahas.... but wonder tomorrow PE lesson play what worx !??? Hope will be fun and excitinq bahx hahas...
I... now had already thought clearly don't wanna care what other people said bout mi or look at mi I just wanna live in mai own world/life! The life/world that I now enjoyinq ^^
I really felt very happy to be born and in this family =P
In mai heart....
Papa and Mama is the best and they always support us in whatever we would like to do it or try and they will always be our side whenever we need them...
Said seriously...
beinq a parent is not an easy job O~O
They have to worry about us every time, they are the person that we can chat about our feelinqs and always will lent their ear...
Although some times will have some quarrel or fight we just have to cool down and think what had gone wrong and settle it ^^
You don't need to have worries just do your very best in whatever ways you have or good in and... just live happily, no matter you are very sad or the poorest person in the world days... still will pass and life also still must go on ^^
So don't give up lifes/dreams so easily ^o^
There will always be angels around the world or maybe just around euu that euu didn't notice!?
So... life's is important ^^
Afternoon.... so sian... raininq T-T hahas but better then hot =P
Just came back from school dots mai science teacher Mr Tham said those who fail the science common test must attend this afternoon remedial from 2pm to 3pm after end school we 2 plus go up to our classroom for remedial then know what!? there is no body inside the class room dots man -_-''' Hippo mama, Fiona and mi was like "what the hell!?" hahas...
Tomorrow he will sure said we didn't attend his extra lesson .....
Then durinq his lesson and bout to end we ask him can don't go for the extra lesson and he said just bear for one hour....
We jiu veri sian so we went to canteen eat and sit till 2pm den we go up haix....
Ai yo~ he will sure thought that we don't want attend and anyhow said haix....
Don care haha =P
Tomorrow Tuesday.... PE day again YEAH~! hahas.... but wonder tomorrow PE lesson play what worx !??? Hope will be fun and excitinq bahx hahas...
I... now had already thought clearly don't wanna care what other people said bout mi or look at mi I just wanna live in mai own world/life! The life/world that I now enjoyinq ^^
I really felt very happy to be born and in this family =P
In mai heart....
Papa and Mama is the best and they always support us in whatever we would like to do it or try and they will always be our side whenever we need them...
Said seriously...
beinq a parent is not an easy job O~O
They have to worry about us every time, they are the person that we can chat about our feelinqs and always will lent their ear...
Although some times will have some quarrel or fight we just have to cool down and think what had gone wrong and settle it ^^
You don't need to have worries just do your very best in whatever ways you have or good in and... just live happily, no matter you are very sad or the poorest person in the world days... still will pass and life also still must go on ^^
So don't give up lifes/dreams so easily ^o^
There will always be angels around the world or maybe just around euu that euu didn't notice!?
So... life's is important ^^
Peepo! ^-^
Hahas I now is damn happy lor hahas....
Today after work I take bus den saw one women which is sittinq infront mi de readinq the Xing Ming newspaper den OMG~ got one page which is one whole full page bout yesterday the
"e乐大赏" concert hahas den I saw xiaozhu, his photo veri big hahas...
Den I reached home jiu bout 5 pm plus liao bout around 7.30 pm I kept remindinq mai mummy to buy newspaper den she said ai yo~ haven time yet lah still early =P
hahas cause I veri excited bout xiaozhu got the reward that he really wan "全方位艺人"
And guess wat!?
OMG~ OMG~ OMG~~~~~
YEAH!!!=P hahas OMG I felt veri happy for him man YES! he finally have it ^-^
SHOW KING congratulation! Gong Xi Ni worx =P hahas....
He also got another two more awards erm... I not too sure wat awards lah hahas
That means total he had 3 rewards !? OMG~ steady man! hahas =P
Said seriously, [to me and his fans or maybe some other people...] he is really a artist that really worth to support because he do really care his fans veri veri much and loves his fans just like a big family ^^
And he is really a good, respectful, carinq, supportinq, do loves to make people happy and a veri loyalty child/teenage too!
I now still can't remember on the 6th March 09. Friday ARRR~ goinq crazy hahas =P
He really damn damn handsome and look veri sweet too ^^
Next month he also cominq to singapore again for the si song and wei song concert guest on the 18th April 09 den on th 19th April 09 he will be holdinq a erm.... so called as weddinq bahx...
By wearinq weddinq suits to take photo with him with close action some more hahas I really wish that i can participate but till now still can't find any information of it haix... sad lor T-T
Hope on the 100% Enterainment he will give some information about it bahx... hahas...
Tomorrow is Monday again den cominq saturday haix.... ORAL!!! OMG~ damn it man =P
Some more cominq Friday is P.T.M sian don know wat will Mdn Hartini talk/said/comment bout mi to mai mummy worx but by the way mai mummy don know how to speak English and don understand English some more worx ai yo~ in trouble hahas....
Haix... veri fast Mid-Year-Exams cominq soon T-T GAMPATEH den ^^ !!! =P
I really hope I can get a veri good reasult to make mai parent happy hahas and must really work hard on all mai subject and I MUST DO IT! hahas
永远的...骄傲 ! ^^
永远爱你喔 =P
Hahas I now is damn happy lor hahas....
Today after work I take bus den saw one women which is sittinq infront mi de readinq the Xing Ming newspaper den OMG~ got one page which is one whole full page bout yesterday the
"e乐大赏" concert hahas den I saw xiaozhu, his photo veri big hahas...
Den I reached home jiu bout 5 pm plus liao bout around 7.30 pm I kept remindinq mai mummy to buy newspaper den she said ai yo~ haven time yet lah still early =P
hahas cause I veri excited bout xiaozhu got the reward that he really wan "全方位艺人"
And guess wat!?
OMG~ OMG~ OMG~~~~~
YEAH!!!=P hahas OMG I felt veri happy for him man YES! he finally have it ^-^
SHOW KING congratulation! Gong Xi Ni worx =P hahas....
He also got another two more awards erm... I not too sure wat awards lah hahas
That means total he had 3 rewards !? OMG~ steady man! hahas =P
Said seriously, [to me and his fans or maybe some other people...] he is really a artist that really worth to support because he do really care his fans veri veri much and loves his fans just like a big family ^^
And he is really a good, respectful, carinq, supportinq, do loves to make people happy and a veri loyalty child/teenage too!
I now still can't remember on the 6th March 09. Friday ARRR~ goinq crazy hahas =P
He really damn damn handsome and look veri sweet too ^^
Next month he also cominq to singapore again for the si song and wei song concert guest on the 18th April 09 den on th 19th April 09 he will be holdinq a erm.... so called as weddinq bahx...
By wearinq weddinq suits to take photo with him with close action some more hahas I really wish that i can participate but till now still can't find any information of it haix... sad lor T-T
Hope on the 100% Enterainment he will give some information about it bahx... hahas...
Tomorrow is Monday again den cominq saturday haix.... ORAL!!! OMG~ damn it man =P
Some more cominq Friday is P.T.M sian don know wat will Mdn Hartini talk/said/comment bout mi to mai mummy worx but by the way mai mummy don know how to speak English and don understand English some more worx ai yo~ in trouble hahas....
Haix... veri fast Mid-Year-Exams cominq soon T-T GAMPATEH den ^^ !!! =P
I really hope I can get a veri good reasult to make mai parent happy hahas and must really work hard on all mai subject and I MUST DO IT! hahas
永远的...骄傲 ! ^^
永远爱你喔 =P
I'm goinq crazy !!! =P
Just came back From Xiaozhu Luo Zhi Xianq autograph session at East Point ^^
Hahas OMG~ he really de damn HANDSOME MAN! and SOOOO CUTE~~ ^^ hahas....
I go with ShiYu Marmie and Daddy erm.... actually is I go den meet them later when they wanna come hahas veri fun man!.....
OMG~ I can't go to sleep although I now is really de tired and sleepy but just too delighted till I really really can't go sleep hahas I go them buy his album guess how much!? $30 man dots.... hahas but never mind den got one free poster calender yeah~! ^^ hahas.....
I bout to go up stage le den know what I saw Nicholas Thong worx dots that time den saw him hahas den I went up to him and chat a while jiu continue walk said seriously nick actually gettinq quite handsome hahas =P
But of cause don have mai xiaozhu handsome ^^ bleah.... hahas....
Really, when go up de stage wanna have our idol signature just like this a while they sign de things den shake hand jiu bye bye le T-T not enough to see them haix....
But xiaozhu face is damn thin worx hahas veri cut sia =P
Love him so so much man ! xiaozhu euu rox ^^ hahas.....
2moro not goinq to work hahas ^^
Now is 11pm le still got one more hour to 12am
I wanna wish...
Adele Sister! "HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ^^" worx hahas....
Cutie euu must gampateh for your cominq exams and so as 'N' level ^^
I will support euu de =P
So.... de stay pretty and cute worx hahas MUACKS~!
Lastly still wanna wish euu have a veri veri Happy Birthday in 2009 ! ^^
ALL THE BEST~!.......
Okie lah jiu post till here le hahas ^^
Night night den =P
I'm goinq crazy !!! =P
Just came back From Xiaozhu Luo Zhi Xianq autograph session at East Point ^^
Hahas OMG~ he really de damn HANDSOME MAN! and SOOOO CUTE~~ ^^ hahas....
I go with ShiYu Marmie and Daddy erm.... actually is I go den meet them later when they wanna come hahas veri fun man!.....
OMG~ I can't go to sleep although I now is really de tired and sleepy but just too delighted till I really really can't go sleep hahas I go them buy his album guess how much!? $30 man dots.... hahas but never mind den got one free poster calender yeah~! ^^ hahas.....
I bout to go up stage le den know what I saw Nicholas Thong worx dots that time den saw him hahas den I went up to him and chat a while jiu continue walk said seriously nick actually gettinq quite handsome hahas =P
But of cause don have mai xiaozhu handsome ^^ bleah.... hahas....
Really, when go up de stage wanna have our idol signature just like this a while they sign de things den shake hand jiu bye bye le T-T not enough to see them haix....
But xiaozhu face is damn thin worx hahas veri cut sia =P
Love him so so much man ! xiaozhu euu rox ^^ hahas.....
2moro not goinq to work hahas ^^
Now is 11pm le still got one more hour to 12am
I wanna wish...
Adele Sister! "HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ^^" worx hahas....
Cutie euu must gampateh for your cominq exams and so as 'N' level ^^
I will support euu de =P
So.... de stay pretty and cute worx hahas MUACKS~!
Lastly still wanna wish euu have a veri veri Happy Birthday in 2009 ! ^^
ALL THE BEST~!.......
Okie lah jiu post till here le hahas ^^
Night night den =P
KiKo! ^^
Just came back from school bout... got half and hour le bahx hahas =P
haix... so sian hahas nothinq to do worx T-T
Today in school ehmm.... nothinq much happen and interestinq just that haix....
Arrrr~ really really cant wait till Friday lor hahas XIAOZHU! ^^
I that day goinq to buy the album ^^ hahas so excited bout it lor =P
I after school sure go home den jiu chiong there hahas so that [hope] can go home early ^^
At night Jiejie and maybe Mummy come and find mi leh hahas cause they scare something happen to mi and meanwhile JieJie also wanna see xiaozhu...
Ai yo~ next Friday PTM [Parent Teacher Meetinq] leh T-T sian le lor -_-Zzz
Den the next day OMG~! ORAL!!! haix.... try mai best den hahas some more that day cant work YEAH^^ [=P]
Post more on Friday bahx ^^ erm.... maybe saturday lor hahas ^^
Just came back from school bout... got half and hour le bahx hahas =P
haix... so sian hahas nothinq to do worx T-T
Today in school ehmm.... nothinq much happen and interestinq just that haix....
Arrrr~ really really cant wait till Friday lor hahas XIAOZHU! ^^
I that day goinq to buy the album ^^ hahas so excited bout it lor =P
I after school sure go home den jiu chiong there hahas so that [hope] can go home early ^^
At night Jiejie and maybe Mummy come and find mi leh hahas cause they scare something happen to mi and meanwhile JieJie also wanna see xiaozhu...
Ai yo~ next Friday PTM [Parent Teacher Meetinq] leh T-T sian le lor -_-Zzz
Den the next day OMG~! ORAL!!! haix.... try mai best den hahas some more that day cant work YEAH^^ [=P]
Post more on Friday bahx ^^ erm.... maybe saturday lor hahas ^^
Happy Birthday to Paulyn Darlinq ! ^-^
KIKO [Harlo]! ^^
Hahas today is Paulyn birthday hope she will have a very happy birthday this year and all the best to her =P
Dots after school came back home jiu quickly go bathe warm water hahas cause very cold mah some more today got PE den jiu rain lor the weather is already so cold le den some more mai classroom still got air con -_-''' ai yo yo~ hahas...
Paulyn your birthday present erm.... sorry leh cant on the exact day give euu cause I savinq money ^^ hehe so.... next week I try to give euu hor =P
Sian lor today mai hippo mama never come school worx don know what happen to her???
Hope she's okie lor ^^ MUACKS~
Just watch 100% Entertainment OMG~ today is xiaozhu album celebration hahas very funny lor I laugh from the show starts till it ends lor hahas....
Cant wait for this Friday worx I wanna see xiaozhu lah~! T-T hahas....
Meanwhile I was watchinq show mai Ah Yi from malaysia called...
Den she and mai mummy talk bout mai Yi Ma haix.... sad lor mai Yi Ma very ke lian de lor although when mi and JieJie were small we don really like her much but when we big le we seldom see her and she really very poor thing lor cause she so unlucky to have that SUCKS, BITCH, ** DAUGHTER IN-LAW!
Really pity mai Yi Ma lor den mai mummy while chattinq she cry lor, her daughter in-law very too much lor only have $$$ and only want it lor wat the hell man!
Den she now chasinq her to get out of the house lor just don wan her live there and she also don even care where she goinq to live or rent house or even "die" le [touch wood!!!] she just wan the house by herself and now she also wanna chase the husband [Yi Ma son] out too!
Really very fled up with that bitch lor wat the hell man! arrrr~
I really feel like findinq place for her to live or rent one of mai room to her but.... haix....
We are growinq up and our house is really not that big some more haix....
Hope I can do anything for her lor and some more feel like goinq to her house and kao bei her lor don evern care wat she scold mi I just wanna teach her a lesson...
Some more she very show off lor erm... is I heard from mai mummy while she chattinq phone with mai Ah Yi....
She said she don care and not scare of us wheather we go sue her, court her or what ever she just like a Ta Bu Si De Zhang Lang lor haix.... really angry sia wat the hell man!....
STUPID BITCH!!! wish she have retrubution lor and also wish that god will punish her!
Count down three more days to ADELE SISTER Birthday hahas... =P
So... today jiu post till here larhs ^^ MUACKS~!
Hahas today is Paulyn birthday hope she will have a very happy birthday this year and all the best to her =P
Dots after school came back home jiu quickly go bathe warm water hahas cause very cold mah some more today got PE den jiu rain lor the weather is already so cold le den some more mai classroom still got air con -_-''' ai yo yo~ hahas...
Paulyn your birthday present erm.... sorry leh cant on the exact day give euu cause I savinq money ^^ hehe so.... next week I try to give euu hor =P
Sian lor today mai hippo mama never come school worx don know what happen to her???
Hope she's okie lor ^^ MUACKS~
Just watch 100% Entertainment OMG~ today is xiaozhu album celebration hahas very funny lor I laugh from the show starts till it ends lor hahas....
Cant wait for this Friday worx I wanna see xiaozhu lah~! T-T hahas....
Meanwhile I was watchinq show mai Ah Yi from malaysia called...
Den she and mai mummy talk bout mai Yi Ma haix.... sad lor mai Yi Ma very ke lian de lor although when mi and JieJie were small we don really like her much but when we big le we seldom see her and she really very poor thing lor cause she so unlucky to have that SUCKS, BITCH, ** DAUGHTER IN-LAW!
Really pity mai Yi Ma lor den mai mummy while chattinq she cry lor, her daughter in-law very too much lor only have $$$ and only want it lor wat the hell man!
Den she now chasinq her to get out of the house lor just don wan her live there and she also don even care where she goinq to live or rent house or even "die" le [touch wood!!!] she just wan the house by herself and now she also wanna chase the husband [Yi Ma son] out too!
Really very fled up with that bitch lor wat the hell man! arrrr~
I really feel like findinq place for her to live or rent one of mai room to her but.... haix....
We are growinq up and our house is really not that big some more haix....
Hope I can do anything for her lor and some more feel like goinq to her house and kao bei her lor don evern care wat she scold mi I just wanna teach her a lesson...
Some more she very show off lor erm... is I heard from mai mummy while she chattinq phone with mai Ah Yi....
She said she don care and not scare of us wheather we go sue her, court her or what ever she just like a Ta Bu Si De Zhang Lang lor haix.... really angry sia wat the hell man!....
STUPID BITCH!!! wish she have retrubution lor and also wish that god will punish her!
Count down three more days to ADELE SISTER Birthday hahas... =P
So... today jiu post till here larhs ^^ MUACKS~!
Today MONDAY! again... hahas
Just came back from school [as usual ^^] -_-''' now alone at home T-T haix.... nothinq to eat and... don feel like eatinq too =P
Today first period English lesson Mdm Hartini[form Teacher] :
She was talkinq bout the 18th April 09 the F&B funfair dots.... not really interested in it cause we are sellinq Indonesia dessert "Malay Kuey" -_-'''
Den ai yo~ Paulyn and Shi Long kept playinq and some more makinq lots of noise worx hahas so cute lor =P They every time like this lor can't stop playinq and silent for a mins ai yo~ Den the most.... wat the hell is that Paulyn go disturb shi long den he go and disturb mi dots....
Arrrrr~ can't even concentrate lor cause they kept makinq mi laugh and kickinq mai table ai yo yo~!!! hahas =P
After that is mother touge lesson one period nothinq much happen den follow by is ENRICHMENT haix.... Ms Juliet Goh lesson some more two period she's a counselor every time her lesson talk all those dicustinq things lor like sexuality, prostitute or abortion if not called us write some assay or draw stupid things ai yo~
But today lesson can lor not really can sleep haha =P
After recess is Maths... OMG~! can't really understand and don really know how to do worx T-T
Haix... really must gambateh liao worx ^^
Mr James Tan every time teaches so fast de lor... like teaches for 5 mins den called us do maths textbook practice wao lao hahas....
After maths jiu shi Science -_-'''
Every time science lesson just like don have it lor cause.... IS REALLY DE DAMN NOISY!
Can't study sia wat the hell lor haix....
I get back mai science common test le got 21 half/50 T-T
Den Mr Tham come ask mi when I can passed worx!? Cause I can passed just that don understand, careless or never revise den I reply him that Mid Year I will pass =P hahas
I also hope so lah ^^
Tomorrow Tuesday 3rd March 09 .....
Hahas someone Birthday lor =P
PAULYN darlinq ^^
Hahas this year can't effort to give her present le cause home no $$$ meanwhile mai allowance goinq cut till $3 liao T-T haix... sad lor
Haix... ke lian de mummy and daddy lor erm... actually de most poor thing is daddy lor T-T
Cause he's the only one workinq in the family den all the bills, money is from him the lor some more mummy and mai hospital bill/ medication he also need to paid lor haix....
Really very expensive man some times really wish that I was not born lor so that Daddy don have to worry bout mai medication and cause mummy is already one of them le so thats why I wish that I was healthy when I was born .....
Can't wait for Friday le lah ! ^^ hahas....
I hope I can have enough money to buy the album that can go in and have his autograph de lor
Xiaozhu I'm waitinq for euu to come worx ^^ hahas MUACKS~!
Just came back from school [as usual ^^] -_-''' now alone at home T-T haix.... nothinq to eat and... don feel like eatinq too =P
Today first period English lesson Mdm Hartini[form Teacher] :
She was talkinq bout the 18th April 09 the F&B funfair dots.... not really interested in it cause we are sellinq Indonesia dessert "Malay Kuey" -_-'''
Den ai yo~ Paulyn and Shi Long kept playinq and some more makinq lots of noise worx hahas so cute lor =P They every time like this lor can't stop playinq and silent for a mins ai yo~ Den the most.... wat the hell is that Paulyn go disturb shi long den he go and disturb mi dots....
Arrrrr~ can't even concentrate lor cause they kept makinq mi laugh and kickinq mai table ai yo yo~!!! hahas =P
After that is mother touge lesson one period nothinq much happen den follow by is ENRICHMENT haix.... Ms Juliet Goh lesson some more two period she's a counselor every time her lesson talk all those dicustinq things lor like sexuality, prostitute or abortion if not called us write some assay or draw stupid things ai yo~
But today lesson can lor not really can sleep haha =P
After recess is Maths... OMG~! can't really understand and don really know how to do worx T-T
Haix... really must gambateh liao worx ^^
Mr James Tan every time teaches so fast de lor... like teaches for 5 mins den called us do maths textbook practice wao lao hahas....
After maths jiu shi Science -_-'''
Every time science lesson just like don have it lor cause.... IS REALLY DE DAMN NOISY!
Can't study sia wat the hell lor haix....
I get back mai science common test le got 21 half/50 T-T
Den Mr Tham come ask mi when I can passed worx!? Cause I can passed just that don understand, careless or never revise den I reply him that Mid Year I will pass =P hahas
I also hope so lah ^^
Tomorrow Tuesday 3rd March 09 .....
Hahas someone Birthday lor =P
PAULYN darlinq ^^
Hahas this year can't effort to give her present le cause home no $$$ meanwhile mai allowance goinq cut till $3 liao T-T haix... sad lor
Haix... ke lian de mummy and daddy lor erm... actually de most poor thing is daddy lor T-T
Cause he's the only one workinq in the family den all the bills, money is from him the lor some more mummy and mai hospital bill/ medication he also need to paid lor haix....
Really very expensive man some times really wish that I was not born lor so that Daddy don have to worry bout mai medication and cause mummy is already one of them le so thats why I wish that I was healthy when I was born .....
Can't wait for Friday le lah ! ^^ hahas....
I hope I can have enough money to buy the album that can go in and have his autograph de lor
Xiaozhu I'm waitinq for euu to come worx ^^ hahas MUACKS~!
Arrrr~! damn hot man T-T Hahas cause just came back from Hougang mall [again =P]....
I go eat dinner with JieJie dots lor.... den we go walk walk in the mall and I buy wallet cause I give mai mummy mai wallet and she really want a wallet and some more mai wallet is the tpye she like de worx so I jiu give her meanwhile I also didn't really use that wallet cause erm... too mani space and I don have much things to put in hahas den I jiu buy a small want lor ^^
Haix... today work... OMG~ I late lor haix.... haha =P
Den start of the work I was.... of cause not feelinq well lah hahas den veri dizzy lor den don care never mind den Kerry called mi go do MDS den i was -_-''' haix....
Den order in liao I on the half way almost faint lor cause really can't take it and some more I very dizzy.... They also keep on rushinq us den I very pek chey den jiu any how and just do mai best lor haha =P
Den Alvin come find mi lor but hor never talk to mi sia haix.... sad le lah like this lor euu haha=P
Why don wanna talk to mi!?
or is it euu saw mai face quite "black" den don wanna/dare talk to mi? hahas....
Ai ya is I not feelinq well and a lot things to do mah so jiu a bit no expression lor hahas hope euu don mind bahx ^^
Ai yo~ so fast today jiu 1st MARCH 2009 le haix....
Two more months to mid year exams den jiu OMG~ N level arrrr~!!! haha =P
Tomoro.... Monday again haix.... sian -_-zzz hahas
Den very fast jiu Friday liao worx MAI XIAOZHU!!! =P
MUACKS~ hahas Friday I goinq worx hehe OMG~ finally lor waited for this day till mai neck very long le worx hahas =P
I go eat dinner with JieJie dots lor.... den we go walk walk in the mall and I buy wallet cause I give mai mummy mai wallet and she really want a wallet and some more mai wallet is the tpye she like de worx so I jiu give her meanwhile I also didn't really use that wallet cause erm... too mani space and I don have much things to put in hahas den I jiu buy a small want lor ^^
Haix... today work... OMG~ I late lor haix.... haha =P
Den start of the work I was.... of cause not feelinq well lah hahas den veri dizzy lor den don care never mind den Kerry called mi go do MDS den i was -_-''' haix....
Den order in liao I on the half way almost faint lor cause really can't take it and some more I very dizzy.... They also keep on rushinq us den I very pek chey den jiu any how and just do mai best lor haha =P
Den Alvin come find mi lor but hor never talk to mi sia haix.... sad le lah like this lor euu haha=P
Why don wanna talk to mi!?
or is it euu saw mai face quite "black" den don wanna/dare talk to mi? hahas....
Ai ya is I not feelinq well and a lot things to do mah so jiu a bit no expression lor hahas hope euu don mind bahx ^^
Ai yo~ so fast today jiu 1st MARCH 2009 le haix....
Two more months to mid year exams den jiu OMG~ N level arrrr~!!! haha =P
Tomoro.... Monday again haix.... sian -_-zzz hahas
Den very fast jiu Friday liao worx MAI XIAOZHU!!! =P
MUACKS~ hahas Friday I goinq worx hehe OMG~ finally lor waited for this day till mai neck very long le worx hahas =P
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