Hahas just came back from hougang mall ^^ hahas damn fun lor =P Laugh till mai teeth wanna drop liao hahas....
I actually bout 1pm plus go swimminq with jiejie den like wan rain den don wan rain worx so we reach there liao bout after one hour bahx rain lor -_-''' haix....
Cause we every time go swimminq we wanna go home black black hahas den we jiu don care lor at swimminq pool till 3plus cause many people worx they all havinq lesson hahas so cute lor =P
After that jiu meet mummy 4.30pm at hougang mall Fair Price....
We buy some cup noodles, rice, bread and etc lor .....
After that called daddy ask him after work come find us den he said 6pm worx den so sharp lor daddy really 6pm sharp reached worx hahas superman sia =P
After that we go eat KFC haha ^^
OMG~ lor they two haix.... every time behavinq like small little kids worx ai yo~ ^^ hahas...
Their age add up almost wanna 100 liao leh hahas erm... is 99 lah actually =P
But they really very cute lor hahas every time play play quarrel... just.... ai ya just love them very much lor ^^ [=P] hahas....
I love this kind of happiness feelinq in mai family ! and... it is what I really want too ^-^
Diao sian lor mummy and daddy 2moro going malaysia erm... think Ma Puo bahx they go pray and shop hahas every year they will go ....
And every year this time I wish they will have safe trip there and back ^^
We this three kids will wait for them to come back till we can go sleep with peace hahas and every time they bout 12 or 1 am den reach home -_-zzz hahas....
But this is our part ^^
Who called they are mai parent and... I love them so so much =P hahas....
Ai yo xiaozhu autograph session must have de 撑腰慶功版 专辑 den can have the permission to go in worx but I jiu shi don have lor cause singapore very slow de lor they taiwan last month the album is already out liao den singapore last week den come in lor OMG~ I have the $$$ den don have I don have the $$$ now jiu have it worx arrrr~!!!! wanna cry liao lah T-T
Hope till Friday that day can save till enough $$$ so that can have xiaozhu signature lor ^^ haha =P
Ai yo~ Adele sister I MISS EUU TOO! =P
I miss euu all guys too lah actually ^^
Lisa and Adele sister I will take care de ^^ don need worry mi lah alright hahas...
I will bee seeinq euu all 2moro le so see euu all soon den hahas...
Haix... so fast jiu goinq March le T-T
Everyone GAMBATEH~! for all your cominq exams and past with "rainbow" colour =P haha
Adele sister all the best for your N level worx ^-^
Xiaozhu next Friday having autograph session at East Point mall 7pm ^^ YEAH~! hahas
Wait for this days very long liao lor =P Den hope can save till $25 to $30 cause that day wanna buy the album which xiaozhu wear a jacket wan ^^ hahas....
Jie said she pei mi go haha....
Haix... One week just like this pass again ai yo~ 2moro saturday~!!!! Got work lor T-T
Sian lor don feel like going worx cause... not really feelinq well lor den Terence called mi go see doctor take MC -_-''' ai yo~ just a small matter mah no need go see doctor de lah hahas....
Haix.... ai yo~ don know wanna go work a not lor T-T haix... see first bahx ^^
Wao lao today in school do the coursework hor haix... very jalat and bekchey lor T-T haix...
Hahas.... so many information need to find lor den the most fed up is that I not enough dumbdrive worx wat the hell man haix....
Hope any of euu got extra dumbdrive can lent den after mai coursework I of cause will return euu de ^^
This few weeks mai back very tired and pain lor and mai hand also stil same haven recover yet haix... sad lah T-T cant really do anything sia.....
Think is durinq work strength dao lor den thats why now feelinq very unconvenice to do things ai yo~
Okie lah jiu post till here le ^^
I will be updatinq mai blog soon =P
Good Nite worx readers ^-^ MUACKS~!
Xiaozhu next Friday having autograph session at East Point mall 7pm ^^ YEAH~! hahas
Wait for this days very long liao lor =P Den hope can save till $25 to $30 cause that day wanna buy the album which xiaozhu wear a jacket wan ^^ hahas....
Jie said she pei mi go haha....
Haix... One week just like this pass again ai yo~ 2moro saturday~!!!! Got work lor T-T
Sian lor don feel like going worx cause... not really feelinq well lor den Terence called mi go see doctor take MC -_-''' ai yo~ just a small matter mah no need go see doctor de lah hahas....
Haix.... ai yo~ don know wanna go work a not lor T-T haix... see first bahx ^^
Wao lao today in school do the coursework hor haix... very jalat and bekchey lor T-T haix...
Hahas.... so many information need to find lor den the most fed up is that I not enough dumbdrive worx wat the hell man haix....
Hope any of euu got extra dumbdrive can lent den after mai coursework I of cause will return euu de ^^
This few weeks mai back very tired and pain lor and mai hand also stil same haven recover yet haix... sad lah T-T cant really do anything sia.....
Think is durinq work strength dao lor den thats why now feelinq very unconvenice to do things ai yo~
Okie lah jiu post till here le ^^
I will be updatinq mai blog soon =P
Good Nite worx readers ^-^ MUACKS~!
Haix.... so sian and tired lor -_-'''
Got so mani things to do worx ai yo~ den just now afternoon come back rest awhile jiu use com till bout 4pm Kor jiu come back liao so jiu return him the com lor den he bout at 5pm plus go sleep den Jie using till 6.30 plus....
I 7pm den use cause wanna watch television program hahas den use come find for 2moro CPA coursework information lor OMG~
Damn sick and tired of it lor den later after post need go do mai math home works again T-T
Oh ya today Mr James Tan mai Maths Teacher give us back our common test paper liao guess how much I score! =P
OMG~! I cant believe I pass lor haha YEAH~ ^^ 29/40
Hope MYE can work harder ^^
Shit man haven eat mai dinner dots lor don feel like eattinq lor they kept calling mi go inject den faster eat mai dinner T-T ai yo~!
I know le lah mummy/ daddy ! ^^ hahas
Okie lah jiu post till here larhs ^^
bye bye...... MUACKS~
Got so mani things to do worx ai yo~ den just now afternoon come back rest awhile jiu use com till bout 4pm Kor jiu come back liao so jiu return him the com lor den he bout at 5pm plus go sleep den Jie using till 6.30 plus....
I 7pm den use cause wanna watch television program hahas den use come find for 2moro CPA coursework information lor OMG~
Damn sick and tired of it lor den later after post need go do mai math home works again T-T
Oh ya today Mr James Tan mai Maths Teacher give us back our common test paper liao guess how much I score! =P
OMG~! I cant believe I pass lor haha YEAH~ ^^ 29/40
Hope MYE can work harder ^^
Shit man haven eat mai dinner dots lor don feel like eattinq lor they kept calling mi go inject den faster eat mai dinner T-T ai yo~!
I know le lah mummy/ daddy ! ^^ hahas
Okie lah jiu post till here larhs ^^
bye bye...... MUACKS~
Happy birthday to euu ! ^^ [night post...]
Happy birthday to Jian Yong ! ^^ hahas
Sian.... haix.... nothinq to do hahas so jiu come and post lor ^^
I really hope that I and him still can be friend worx ai yo~ haix......
Just now bout 7.30pm ++ Kor go Glenn house take back mai MP3 wat the hell he left it there lor ai yo~ hahas.... till now haven come back don know till wat time he will be back sia haix.....
Den I use com on9 MSN caht with Paulyn and hippo mama ^^ Veri the long never chat on MSN liao lor OMG~! hahas.... after that they all go do their own things den off9 so ben on9 jiu chat with mi but we chat bout erm.... less den 5mins bahx jiu end le hahas everytime like this wan worx =P
Haix... nowadays.... Days and Nights come fast and go fast lor sad sia....
I am waitinq for the day xiiaozhu come to singapore for autograph session hahas =P
Jie said she wanna go with mi leh!!! arrr.... OMG~ yeah! hahas so touch MUACKS~!!! ^^
I bought xiiaozhuu new album long long ago liao le just only wait for him to come singarpoe loe haha =P
Xiiaozhuu between 6 to 8 march 09 will be cominq to singaproe so... hope will get more information bout xiiaozhuu schedule in singapore bahx ^^
And I never see him close up in personal before too =P
wish this day faster come hahas...
Okie lah veri tired le wann go sleep liao ^^
Night ~ ......
Sian.... haix.... nothinq to do hahas so jiu come and post lor ^^
I really hope that I and him still can be friend worx ai yo~ haix......
Just now bout 7.30pm ++ Kor go Glenn house take back mai MP3 wat the hell he left it there lor ai yo~ hahas.... till now haven come back don know till wat time he will be back sia haix.....
Den I use com on9 MSN caht with Paulyn and hippo mama ^^ Veri the long never chat on MSN liao lor OMG~! hahas.... after that they all go do their own things den off9 so ben on9 jiu chat with mi but we chat bout erm.... less den 5mins bahx jiu end le hahas everytime like this wan worx =P
Haix... nowadays.... Days and Nights come fast and go fast lor sad sia....
I am waitinq for the day xiiaozhu come to singapore for autograph session hahas =P
Jie said she wanna go with mi leh!!! arrr.... OMG~ yeah! hahas so touch MUACKS~!!! ^^
I bought xiiaozhuu new album long long ago liao le just only wait for him to come singarpoe loe haha =P
Xiiaozhuu between 6 to 8 march 09 will be cominq to singaproe so... hope will get more information bout xiiaozhuu schedule in singapore bahx ^^
And I never see him close up in personal before too =P
wish this day faster come hahas...
Okie lah veri tired le wann go sleep liao ^^
Night ~ ......
OH~! the weather so so hot lor T-T
Haix... just came back from school now... alone at home Kor and Jie haven end school den mummy go appointment so sad lor nothinq to eat OMG~ I am damn hungry worx haix.... Think only can eat bread le bahx T-T
Wat the hell lor today in school arrrrr~
The sittinq arrangement OMG~! I don wan lah T.T
Actually at first I was veri excited bout mai sittinq place den I was ask to sit with Joshua den at de end shilong said he cant see cause he was far behind from the white board -_-'''
Den.... Joshua and shilong change... MUMMY~!!!!
Ai yo~ den Paulyn said I was happy to sit with mi DOTS..... OMG~! lor alamak la I was scare to sit with him lor okie TT ai yo~!
Den lynn said she jealous bout mi cause she cant sit with shilong worx but erm.... if euu wanna sit with him hor I... don mind =P Just inform Mdm Hartini ^^
DOTS man.....
Don know why feel so scare to sit with him lor some times =P
Tomoro Thursday...
ASSEMBLY DAY~! arrrrrr.... wat the hell TT
Today EBS lesson I was not really excited for mai EBS comment test cause I don have confident to pass hahas.... den at the end got 4/20 =P damn it!~ hahas
I was veri concern bout mai English and maths lor ^^ hahas Hope will have good result den ^^
Haix... just came back from school now... alone at home Kor and Jie haven end school den mummy go appointment so sad lor nothinq to eat OMG~ I am damn hungry worx haix.... Think only can eat bread le bahx T-T
Wat the hell lor today in school arrrrr~
The sittinq arrangement OMG~! I don wan lah T.T
Actually at first I was veri excited bout mai sittinq place den I was ask to sit with Joshua den at de end shilong said he cant see cause he was far behind from the white board -_-'''
Den.... Joshua and shilong change... MUMMY~!!!!
Ai yo~ den Paulyn said I was happy to sit with mi DOTS..... OMG~! lor alamak la I was scare to sit with him lor okie TT ai yo~!
Den lynn said she jealous bout mi cause she cant sit with shilong worx but erm.... if euu wanna sit with him hor I... don mind =P Just inform Mdm Hartini ^^
DOTS man.....
Don know why feel so scare to sit with him lor some times =P
Tomoro Thursday...
ASSEMBLY DAY~! arrrrrr.... wat the hell TT
Today EBS lesson I was not really excited for mai EBS comment test cause I don have confident to pass hahas.... den at the end got 4/20 =P damn it!~ hahas
I was veri concern bout mai English and maths lor ^^ hahas Hope will have good result den ^^
So tired lor T-T
Just refresh myself ^^
erm... I mean just bathe lah hahas..... Just now after school straight away have extra maths lesson cause tomoro have maths common test den teacher wanna revise with us hahas so good lor ^^ MUACKS~ euu rox man Mr Tan! ^-^
OMG~! I feel like screaminq lor ! =P
Cause saturday I attend S.H.E autograph session hahas OMG lor is damn mani people the the east point mall de car park behind worx....
They so cute and pretty lor OMG~! I with mai friend Fiona queue from morninq bout 10 or 11 till eveninq 6 plus hahas.... actually is we 5.30 ++ jiu got up on stage liao but we stay till they leave hahas.... They were late for the next event lor which is at Causeway Point de cause is really de mani people attend the autograph session worx....
Den mai next target is mai KING!!! Luo zhi xiang =P
Next month he will be cominq but don know when and wat time lor T-T
So excited lor hahas....
Okie le today jiu post till here larhs~! ^^
Just refresh myself ^^
erm... I mean just bathe lah hahas..... Just now after school straight away have extra maths lesson cause tomoro have maths common test den teacher wanna revise with us hahas so good lor ^^ MUACKS~ euu rox man Mr Tan! ^-^
OMG~! I feel like screaminq lor ! =P
Cause saturday I attend S.H.E autograph session hahas OMG lor is damn mani people the the east point mall de car park behind worx....
They so cute and pretty lor OMG~! I with mai friend Fiona queue from morninq bout 10 or 11 till eveninq 6 plus hahas.... actually is we 5.30 ++ jiu got up on stage liao but we stay till they leave hahas.... They were late for the next event lor which is at Causeway Point de cause is really de mani people attend the autograph session worx....
Den mai next target is mai KING!!! Luo zhi xiang =P
Next month he will be cominq but don know when and wat time lor T-T
So excited lor hahas....
Okie le today jiu post till here larhs~! ^^
OMG~! now is 11pm le T-T
Hahas just came back from Causeway Point ^^
OMG~~~! Is damn fun lor 汪東城 and 胡宇崴 damn handsome lor =P
And oso of cause mai cutie Rainie 杨丞琳 ^-^
OMG~! let mi think erm... I stand and waited for bout..... 2 to 4 hours worx hahas ^^
But only can at third level view them cause no enough time to queue for the posters and they only have 250 posters sad lor haix..... Den we some more have school worx ai yo~
But still feel veri happy to be there lah erm... actually cant really see their faces clearly lah hahas
Den tomoro I will be goinq to S.H.E autograph session YEAH~! hahas.....
This will be mai first time seeinq them in personal hahas and will be meetinq Fiona at hougang MRT station at 11pm ^^ hehe.....
Hope can be quite infront lor ^-^
Now feelinq quite tired worx hahas.....
Home nothinq to eat lor haix.... haven eat mai dinner lah ! T-T
Haix... don care le lah hahas wanna go sleep liao le ^^
Hahas just came back from Causeway Point ^^
OMG~~~! Is damn fun lor 汪東城 and 胡宇崴 damn handsome lor =P
And oso of cause mai cutie Rainie 杨丞琳 ^-^
OMG~! let mi think erm... I stand and waited for bout..... 2 to 4 hours worx hahas ^^
But only can at third level view them cause no enough time to queue for the posters and they only have 250 posters sad lor haix..... Den we some more have school worx ai yo~
But still feel veri happy to be there lah erm... actually cant really see their faces clearly lah hahas
Den tomoro I will be goinq to S.H.E autograph session YEAH~! hahas.....
This will be mai first time seeinq them in personal hahas and will be meetinq Fiona at hougang MRT station at 11pm ^^ hehe.....
Hope can be quite infront lor ^-^
Now feelinq quite tired worx hahas.....
Home nothinq to eat lor haix.... haven eat mai dinner lah ! T-T
Haix... don care le lah hahas wanna go sleep liao le ^^
Wat the hell man today lesson is damn boring hahas....
Especially the last lesson "science" OMG~!
T-T don know if this year can pass a not Everytime science is like.... no science like that de lor cause the class is really de damn noisy lorlor ai yo~ .......
Everytime is not havinq lesson lor is gettinq nag and scold by that teacher sia haix.....
Veri noisy till euu feel like slappinq their face worx =P hahas really lor .... Especially the boisworx dots man haix....
Den tomoro Thursday got assembly hahas YEAH~ tomoro assembly is in class man
hu hu!!! ^^
Cause wanna us do don know wat post card for erm.... total defence day bahx hahas
Hope JieJie tomoro can pei mi go swimminq lor ^^
And she promise mi de lehx......
OMG~! OMG~! so excited for this cominq Friday and Saturday lor ^^
I wanna go! haha Friday goinq Causeway Point for a autograph session [Rainie Yang Cheng Ling] 7pm!
Den Saturday wan is S.H.E OMG~! ^^ hahas
K lah jiu post till here lah got to go liao le =P
Especially the last lesson "science" OMG~!
T-T don know if this year can pass a not Everytime science is like.... no science like that de lor cause the class is really de damn noisy lorlor ai yo~ .......
Everytime is not havinq lesson lor is gettinq nag and scold by that teacher sia haix.....
Veri noisy till euu feel like slappinq their face worx =P hahas really lor .... Especially the boisworx dots man haix....
Den tomoro Thursday got assembly hahas YEAH~ tomoro assembly is in class man
hu hu!!! ^^
Cause wanna us do don know wat post card for erm.... total defence day bahx hahas
Hope JieJie tomoro can pei mi go swimminq lor ^^
And she promise mi de lehx......
OMG~! OMG~! so excited for this cominq Friday and Saturday lor ^^
I wanna go! haha Friday goinq Causeway Point for a autograph session [Rainie Yang Cheng Ling] 7pm!
Den Saturday wan is S.H.E OMG~! ^^ hahas
K lah jiu post till here lah got to go liao le =P
Wat the hell lor today have a veri bad day in school sia the school really veri SUCKS man! bleahhhh !!!...........
Hate that school lor damn sucks sia!
Help people only help half way wat the hell of logic is this huh!?
Give mi $50 voucher so wat!? only give mi voucher lehx harlo!!!
The past two year why can take all free de huh?
Den this year only $50 voucher den the rest of the things must paid myself!?
wat the hell are euu all thinking man!?
Den euu all said mai financial is approved den okie nvm at least no need spent bout $100 to buy mai books but!....
The damn angry wan is that the GCE N-level I must paid exactly $300 why!?
others they only paid 25% den why I paid 100% wat the fuck is this euu all call help us?
Come on lah wanna help jiu help all the way mah where got only half way jiu wanna see mi die!?
Now mai family havinq meals is already one problem liao and yet euu all this fucker people still wanna eat mai $$$ is it huh!?
I no $$$ to give euu I only got one stupid life EUU WAN!!!?
Hate that school lor damn sucks sia!
Help people only help half way wat the hell of logic is this huh!?
Give mi $50 voucher so wat!? only give mi voucher lehx harlo!!!
The past two year why can take all free de huh?
Den this year only $50 voucher den the rest of the things must paid myself!?
wat the hell are euu all thinking man!?
Den euu all said mai financial is approved den okie nvm at least no need spent bout $100 to buy mai books but!....
The damn angry wan is that the GCE N-level I must paid exactly $300 why!?
others they only paid 25% den why I paid 100% wat the fuck is this euu all call help us?
Come on lah wanna help jiu help all the way mah where got only half way jiu wanna see mi die!?
Now mai family havinq meals is already one problem liao and yet euu all this fucker people still wanna eat mai $$$ is it huh!?
I no $$$ to give euu I only got one stupid life EUU WAN!!!?
to Kaleem ! ^-^
OMG~!to Kaleem ! ^-^
I'm so full haha =P
Just eaten mai lunch lor haix....
Don feel like eatinq den daddy and mummy kept called mi to eat T-T
Den I eat half den give JieJie hahas....
Damn fun lor today work hahas and still de same every time do MDS! ai yo~
Dots lor today finally see dao Alvin liao is de damn long never see dao him le lor...
Ai yo~ later will be busy doinq home work lor haix....
K lah really nothinq to add le haha =P
-_-''' sianz lah !!! ...............
I already came back veri long le bout 2pm jiu reach liao den eat lunch jiu use computer le....
Dots lor cant login mai class blog account haix... don know why worx dots man hahas....
I till now den post cos.... nothinq to do lah =P hehe
Today in school ..... erm.... nothinq much happen and interestinq oso lor hahas....
Just enjoy durinq Mother Touge lesson cause we have class test ,ah den got two period den we bout at the first period jiu finish liao so all jiu play, joke and chat together and includinq our chinese teacher hahas.... damn fun and laugh till our teeth wanna drop liao =P
I veri regret lor ai yo~ T-T
Sad lah haix....
Today after recess got two period is English den haix....
Got class test [again] mah den oso got paper 1 and paper 2 worx after i done paper one jiu feel veri sleepy sia cause I taken medicine den teacher give paper 2 den I was like.... dots.....
OMG lor at first cant really open mai eyes to read hahas....
But I manage to finish it =P
Erm... think cant really pass much lor hahas ai yo~ sad lah wat the hell man T-T
Ai yo~ don care le lah.... and nvm lah class test mah haha by the way common test is cominq le so.... work more harder on mai common test jiu can le ^^
Friday got cross country [sian!]
But I no need go hahas teacher called mi write letter and give her cause I really cant go mah I everyday bout 5 to 6pm need injection lehx..... ai yo~
Den teacher no choice lor jiu said nvm just write letter and give her jiu can le lor.......
Hahas... tomoro goinq SWIMMINq~!
swimminq~! swimminq~! swimminq~! yeah!!! ^^
Veri long nv go swimminq le hahas.... Jiejie said she will pei mi go ^^ MUACKS~!!!
Oh Ya!
I will be goinq to Rainie and S.H.E autograph session haha ^^
Rainie wan is on the 20/02/2009, Friday, 7pm to 8.30pm at CauseWay Point
Den S.H.E wan is on th 21/02/2009, Saturday, 2pm at EastPoint [simei MRT]
Lables :
我还再等 ....
[可能] 会渐渐把你给忘记...
I already came back veri long le bout 2pm jiu reach liao den eat lunch jiu use computer le....
Dots lor cant login mai class blog account haix... don know why worx dots man hahas....
I till now den post cos.... nothinq to do lah =P hehe
Today in school ..... erm.... nothinq much happen and interestinq oso lor hahas....
Just enjoy durinq Mother Touge lesson cause we have class test ,ah den got two period den we bout at the first period jiu finish liao so all jiu play, joke and chat together and includinq our chinese teacher hahas.... damn fun and laugh till our teeth wanna drop liao =P
I veri regret lor ai yo~ T-T
Sad lah haix....
Today after recess got two period is English den haix....
Got class test [again] mah den oso got paper 1 and paper 2 worx after i done paper one jiu feel veri sleepy sia cause I taken medicine den teacher give paper 2 den I was like.... dots.....
OMG lor at first cant really open mai eyes to read hahas....
But I manage to finish it =P
Erm... think cant really pass much lor hahas ai yo~ sad lah wat the hell man T-T
Ai yo~ don care le lah.... and nvm lah class test mah haha by the way common test is cominq le so.... work more harder on mai common test jiu can le ^^
Friday got cross country [sian!]
But I no need go hahas teacher called mi write letter and give her cause I really cant go mah I everyday bout 5 to 6pm need injection lehx..... ai yo~
Den teacher no choice lor jiu said nvm just write letter and give her jiu can le lor.......
Hahas... tomoro goinq SWIMMINq~!
swimminq~! swimminq~! swimminq~! yeah!!! ^^
Veri long nv go swimminq le hahas.... Jiejie said she will pei mi go ^^ MUACKS~!!!
Oh Ya!
I will be goinq to Rainie and S.H.E autograph session haha ^^
Rainie wan is on the 20/02/2009, Friday, 7pm to 8.30pm at CauseWay Point
Den S.H.E wan is on th 21/02/2009, Saturday, 2pm at EastPoint [simei MRT]
Lables :
我还再等 ....
[可能] 会渐渐把你给忘记...
So tired T-T Just came back from appointment haix....
at there is damn sian de lor 有没有!?
Hahas... after school jiu rush home den rush there with mummy lor.......
Erm.... veri funny lor mai marmie, lynn, Ying Jing all ask mi all the "friends" I said wan is who!? hahas.....
Ai yo~! ^^ don worry lah is not euu all and of cause oso not Eileen cause I veri long time never see her le! T-T
Damn miss her de lor!!! Some more today she called mi sia OMG~! I in school havinq lesson den after lesson end I msg her....
she ask mi to go out with her but... so sad lor T-T got appointment!!!! arrrrrr~!
All the "friends" are mai other/outside friends so.....
^^ don care bahx hahas....
Although they treat mi that I hate the way they treat it and.....
Haix... life are like that anything can happen and at anytime!....
And we really cant do much...
life's still have to go on why don we smile and live happy everyday rite!? ^-^
Those people only know how to show off [to mi] everything that I cant do and don have de but I jiu shi DON CARE euu all this people..... bleah.....
Okie lah jiu post till here larhs ^^
So tired T-T Just came back from appointment haix....
at there is damn sian de lor 有没有!?
Hahas... after school jiu rush home den rush there with mummy lor.......
Erm.... veri funny lor mai marmie, lynn, Ying Jing all ask mi all the "friends" I said wan is who!? hahas.....
Ai yo~! ^^ don worry lah is not euu all and of cause oso not Eileen cause I veri long time never see her le! T-T
Damn miss her de lor!!! Some more today she called mi sia OMG~! I in school havinq lesson den after lesson end I msg her....
she ask mi to go out with her but... so sad lor T-T got appointment!!!! arrrrrr~!
All the "friends" are mai other/outside friends so.....
^^ don care bahx hahas....
Although they treat mi that I hate the way they treat it and.....
Haix... life are like that anything can happen and at anytime!....
And we really cant do much...
life's still have to go on why don we smile and live happy everyday rite!? ^-^
Those people only know how to show off [to mi] everything that I cant do and don have de but I jiu shi DON CARE euu all this people..... bleah.....
Okie lah jiu post till here larhs ^^
SMILE ALWAYS! ........
YO~ Hahas... just came back from work ^^
Haix so tired and sian lor after I reach home T-T
Dots lor today work hahas have lots of fun worx ^^
Thx to Li Yang and Xin Yi hahas make up cheer up and forget bout mai sad things again hahas...
I today work in the kitchen ^^
hahas love kitchen soooooo much~ =P
And.... qi ji worx never called mi do MDS hahas...
Den I do hotcakes after that is Li Yang den 10 am le she go do Transition so Xin Yi take over her lor...
Den OMG~! hahas we were laughinq, jokinq and chattinq all the way till change over sia hahas....
Oh ya! so as mai dear Nurul and best shi fu we all havinq fun ^^
Most dots wan is that outside is full of costumers liao and yet we are still playinq and laughinq loudly inside de kitchen =P
But luckily Joyce not workinq in the morninq haha or else she will said : ai yo~ euu all veri de nosiy leh! Can [pls] lower down ur volume mah!?..... hahas
But said true wan lor quite long never see her liao... den finally Afternoon I saw her and she work night wan lor -_-'''
Today she work 3pm lor den luckily I 3pm den go home hahas ^-^
Damn damn miss her sia =P Finally today can meet dao her lor .....
And veri de long never chat with her liao sia haix.....
Veri long never see Terence and Yi hao too T-T sad lah haix....... =P
Don know how Yi hao lor cause he tag Adele said that he work 16hours per day OMG~!
Can be damn danm tired worx....
hope he don keep busy workinq till forgot to take care of himself bahx ^-^
And oso hope that 11th feb can go and visit him.......
KAMPATEH worx and All The Best too euu~! =P
Haix... tomoro school day again only got one word to say... SIAN~! lah =P hahas
Really lor cause a lots of school work to do man T-T
Luckily I only work weekends sia or else I will faint haha =P
Hope I will try mai veri best and have a good result for mai all exams and of cause!... 'N' level haha ^-^
Adele sister~!
We both KAMPATEH for our future! haha =P
no lah jokinq de lah is our exams and 'N' level !!! ^O^
I still have that question in mai mind!
Why in this world have people that don really know how to understand each others feelinqs!? WHY!?
Why euu all wanna treat mi like that?
Am I really make all of euu hate mi and look irritated!?
Do I really have so mani things to gossips about! HUH!?
If euu wanna gossip why don euu just said out loud and let the whole world knew wat euu are tryinq to say and meanwhile said it INFRONT of mi if euu dare and I will give all of euu A BIG SLAP on ur damn face!!!......
Really really wish that one fine day euu all will have retribution and have the same feelinq just like I have now that euu hate the way that euu don wan others people to treat euu!!!
I only just a bit difference from last time mah....
I know I am gettinq fat now okie!
So wat big banana!? HUH!?
YA! I have Diabetic SO~!?
Need to treat mi like I have AIDS meh!?
If I really have it, I already in hospital lor and no need to see all of ur damn faces!
Euu all smart so wat!? only know how to gossip like AUNTIES~ lor haha! bleah...
Lables: Am I really make euu all hate mi!? Pls giv mi an answer !?
Haix so tired and sian lor after I reach home T-T
Dots lor today work hahas have lots of fun worx ^^
Thx to Li Yang and Xin Yi hahas make up cheer up and forget bout mai sad things again hahas...
I today work in the kitchen ^^
hahas love kitchen soooooo much~ =P
And.... qi ji worx never called mi do MDS hahas...
Den I do hotcakes after that is Li Yang den 10 am le she go do Transition so Xin Yi take over her lor...
Den OMG~! hahas we were laughinq, jokinq and chattinq all the way till change over sia hahas....
Oh ya! so as mai dear Nurul and best shi fu we all havinq fun ^^
Most dots wan is that outside is full of costumers liao and yet we are still playinq and laughinq loudly inside de kitchen =P
But luckily Joyce not workinq in the morninq haha or else she will said : ai yo~ euu all veri de nosiy leh! Can [pls] lower down ur volume mah!?..... hahas
But said true wan lor quite long never see her liao... den finally Afternoon I saw her and she work night wan lor -_-'''
Today she work 3pm lor den luckily I 3pm den go home hahas ^-^
Damn damn miss her sia =P Finally today can meet dao her lor .....
And veri de long never chat with her liao sia haix.....
Veri long never see Terence and Yi hao too T-T sad lah haix....... =P
Don know how Yi hao lor cause he tag Adele said that he work 16hours per day OMG~!
Can be damn danm tired worx....
hope he don keep busy workinq till forgot to take care of himself bahx ^-^
And oso hope that 11th feb can go and visit him.......
KAMPATEH worx and All The Best too euu~! =P
Haix... tomoro school day again only got one word to say... SIAN~! lah =P hahas
Really lor cause a lots of school work to do man T-T
Luckily I only work weekends sia or else I will faint haha =P
Hope I will try mai veri best and have a good result for mai all exams and of cause!... 'N' level haha ^-^
Adele sister~!
We both KAMPATEH for our future! haha =P
no lah jokinq de lah is our exams and 'N' level !!! ^O^
I still have that question in mai mind!
Why in this world have people that don really know how to understand each others feelinqs!? WHY!?
Why euu all wanna treat mi like that?
Am I really make all of euu hate mi and look irritated!?
Do I really have so mani things to gossips about! HUH!?
If euu wanna gossip why don euu just said out loud and let the whole world knew wat euu are tryinq to say and meanwhile said it INFRONT of mi if euu dare and I will give all of euu A BIG SLAP on ur damn face!!!......
Really really wish that one fine day euu all will have retribution and have the same feelinq just like I have now that euu hate the way that euu don wan others people to treat euu!!!
I only just a bit difference from last time mah....
I know I am gettinq fat now okie!
So wat big banana!? HUH!?
YA! I have Diabetic SO~!?
Need to treat mi like I have AIDS meh!?
If I really have it, I already in hospital lor and no need to see all of ur damn faces!
Euu all smart so wat!? only know how to gossip like AUNTIES~ lor haha! bleah...
Lables: Am I really make euu all hate mi!? Pls giv mi an answer !?
[ 如果你...真的...
已经不再喜欢我了 !?
因为...我只想要你真正的真爱/答案 ...
不要再骗你自己了, 也不要再让我等 ...
偷偷的... 爱着你 ! ....
我会等你的... [答案] ! ]
已经不再喜欢我了 !?
因为...我只想要你真正的真爱/答案 ...
不要再骗你自己了, 也不要再让我等 ...
偷偷的... 爱着你 ! ....
我会等你的... [答案] ! ]
Dots damn tired haix....
Today work OMG! Boss said mai face damn black lor den ask if I ams sick den I never said anything jiu just smile lor.....
Yesterday... bout 12am plus den sleep cause watch television program don know why watch till so late lor and some more today work 8am de hahas...
I watch ghost whisperer den others oso den got one damn scariest show is the scariest place in the earth wan OMG~! I scare till death lor hahas....
They got some parts de but I manage to watch the part that some JC student go to a castle which is a history castle that look quite creepy, old and messy....
Den OMG~! lor 12am le.... they go walk and search to see wat will they found or wat...
Den suddenly like doors slam by itself and glass break and oso some kind like erm... not really know how to said worx... just veri violence [sound]....
I love the ghost whisperer cause id damn nice show lor hahas....
Actually is not really a ghost show lah is just that at first startinq it will be quite scary den after the found the murder or the truth le den at the end... OMG~! is damn touch de lor till euu will cry sia hahas ^^
Haix... sian liao lor boss wan mi faster done mai level up lor T.T
Ai yo~ !!! can don choose mi mah !? I don wanna be CL lah haix .....
Den she said by end of this month she wanna verify with mi haix T.T stress lor...
Common test and mac level up wat the hell how to study sia and some more she said cant extend the time any longer le OMG~!
Haix... just try mai veri best lor......
Wat the hell damn sick and tired of everything lor ! T-T
Just hope all the trouble and things will stop disturbinq mi... PLS!
The most angry want is that I in school messaging Alvin secretly and some more I havinq lesson and cannot brinq phone to school de lor [impossible cant brinq]....
I called him to tell mac the manager that I cant take off mai time go work cause got a lot of school work to do dots.... den manager ask mi to called them lor
Euu all this people!
Euu think I dont wanna called meh is I CANT lah...
Den they wan mi to called and tell them myself...
suddenly got vibration and is wat the **** lor some more we havinq test den the class veri quiet and small lor veri de long vibration lor den suai sia the whole class heard it lor and look at mi so as mai teacher....
Manager! why must that time called!?
Wat the hell arrrrrr~!!!!!! CONFICATED LOR !!! T.T
Euu all this people if don believe mi euu all can sack mi off de I DON MIND AND DON CARE !!!
I oso got thing to do de lor!
I have a lot of thing to slove and ...... just a lots of thing and problem for mi to do so PLS! Leave mi alone I don care if tomoro I go work euu all nag at mi, scold mi or give mi any forms I don wanna care!...
I have a lot of things to settle now! .....
AND I CANT DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And don think of lettinq mi be CL PLS~! cause I really don wan, not suitable and not INTERESTED so..... PLS THINK!
Mai everything change le!
Euu all this people [other people/frens but not mac ppl] can think of mi this illness person can !!!?
I know that euu all will think that got this kind of illness so wat!? NO BIG DEAL!
Still can be like normal human just that will be a little trouble some!
But I really don think that it is just A LITTLE trouble some!......
Euu all will not understand!
And the feelinq that ur veri close friend or other people that they know euu and euu de.....
Kept betrayinq euu!
Gossip bout euu and laugh at euu whenever they wan!
Talk behind ur back bout euu and all the words that euu hate to hear it!
WHY so mani people treat mi so bad!!!!!!!
If euu really hate mi just tell mi straight away!
No need hide urself de and spam mai blog and said mi till so badly and insult mi!,
Mai family!,
And mai frens!!!
Why euu all this healty, smart and proud people just cant shut ur mouth to talk bout others people/ur frens problems!
Really hope that I go sleep and... don wanna wake up anymore till....
I find back the real mi! ......................
Few days ago...
Mai home just happen something serious and nearly I don have a home and maybe will not see mi ever again.... [euu all will be happy....]
Now... need to said bout money!
Everytime money! WHY!? [T-T]
Den now really sick le! wat the hell lor..... haix.......
Don feel like movinq myself just wanna lie on mai bed and rest till I recover!
Really hope can find some place to stress myself down!
Just hope all the trouble and things will stop disturbinq mi... PLS!
The most angry want is that I in school messaging Alvin secretly and some more I havinq lesson and cannot brinq phone to school de lor [impossible cant brinq]....
I called him to tell mac the manager that I cant take off mai time go work cause got a lot of school work to do dots.... den manager ask mi to called them lor
Euu all this people!
Euu think I dont wanna called meh is I CANT lah...
Den they wan mi to called and tell them myself...
suddenly got vibration and is wat the **** lor some more we havinq test den the class veri quiet and small lor veri de long vibration lor den suai sia the whole class heard it lor and look at mi so as mai teacher....
Manager! why must that time called!?
Wat the hell arrrrrr~!!!!!! CONFICATED LOR !!! T.T
Euu all this people if don believe mi euu all can sack mi off de I DON MIND AND DON CARE !!!
I oso got thing to do de lor!
I have a lot of thing to slove and ...... just a lots of thing and problem for mi to do so PLS! Leave mi alone I don care if tomoro I go work euu all nag at mi, scold mi or give mi any forms I don wanna care!...
I have a lot of things to settle now! .....
AND I CANT DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And don think of lettinq mi be CL PLS~! cause I really don wan, not suitable and not INTERESTED so..... PLS THINK!
Mai everything change le!
Euu all this people [other people/frens but not mac ppl] can think of mi this illness person can !!!?
I know that euu all will think that got this kind of illness so wat!? NO BIG DEAL!
Still can be like normal human just that will be a little trouble some!
But I really don think that it is just A LITTLE trouble some!......
Euu all will not understand!
And the feelinq that ur veri close friend or other people that they know euu and euu de.....
Kept betrayinq euu!
Gossip bout euu and laugh at euu whenever they wan!
Talk behind ur back bout euu and all the words that euu hate to hear it!
WHY so mani people treat mi so bad!!!!!!!
If euu really hate mi just tell mi straight away!
No need hide urself de and spam mai blog and said mi till so badly and insult mi!,
Mai family!,
And mai frens!!!
Why euu all this healty, smart and proud people just cant shut ur mouth to talk bout others people/ur frens problems!
Really hope that I go sleep and... don wanna wake up anymore till....
I find back the real mi! ......................
Few days ago...
Mai home just happen something serious and nearly I don have a home and maybe will not see mi ever again.... [euu all will be happy....]
Now... need to said bout money!
Everytime money! WHY!? [T-T]
Den now really sick le! wat the hell lor..... haix.......
Don feel like movinq myself just wanna lie on mai bed and rest till I recover!
Really hope can find some place to stress myself down!
DAMN SICK LAH! T.T ai yo~ wan cry le lah wat the hell man haix....
Cause yesterday go kk hospital with mummy while on our way to go take mrt the sky is already a bit black like wan to rain like that den we settle our things at KK liao den jiu wanna go back le den we walk out the KK bout 2 mins jiu rain le T.T
Diao den we jiu no choice lor walk all the way to take mrt back home haix...
So suai lor T.T den we ar totally drench lor den we go in the mrt toilet to clean ourselves but never dry up cause we wanna faster go home =P
Den we go take mrt den is... OMG~! DAMN COLD LOR T.T dots... hahas...
Den the most *** wan is that I sick finally recover few days ago liao den... wat the hell~!!! now sick again lor T.T
Havinq slightly fever, runninq nose and some more don really feel like eatinq haix....
So trouble some lor....
Diao... tomorrow cant go work again lah... need go sentosa hahas ^^
OMG! I never been there before lor =P
erm... think have lah when I veri young bahx and I have no memories hahas...
Think will be damn tired lor haix... need find alots of information for mai EBS 'N' level course work lor T.T ai yo~ !!! hahas...
Den next week mai CPA and EBS 'N' level course jiu goinq start le worx OMG~!!! stress le lah hahas...
Den follow by mai common test... haix....
KAMPATEH den! ^-^
DAMN SICK LAH! T.T ai yo~ wan cry le lah wat the hell man haix....
Cause yesterday go kk hospital with mummy while on our way to go take mrt the sky is already a bit black like wan to rain like that den we settle our things at KK liao den jiu wanna go back le den we walk out the KK bout 2 mins jiu rain le T.T
Diao den we jiu no choice lor walk all the way to take mrt back home haix...
So suai lor T.T den we ar totally drench lor den we go in the mrt toilet to clean ourselves but never dry up cause we wanna faster go home =P
Den we go take mrt den is... OMG~! DAMN COLD LOR T.T dots... hahas...
Den the most *** wan is that I sick finally recover few days ago liao den... wat the hell~!!! now sick again lor T.T
Havinq slightly fever, runninq nose and some more don really feel like eatinq haix....
So trouble some lor....
Diao... tomorrow cant go work again lah... need go sentosa hahas ^^
OMG! I never been there before lor =P
erm... think have lah when I veri young bahx and I have no memories hahas...
Think will be damn tired lor haix... need find alots of information for mai EBS 'N' level course work lor T.T ai yo~ !!! hahas...
Den next week mai CPA and EBS 'N' level course jiu goinq start le worx OMG~!!! stress le lah hahas...
Den follow by mai common test... haix....
KAMPATEH den! ^-^
Finally can use com le haix....
Today go hospital.... so mani thing to confirm....
I wanna cry liao lah!!! Just now damn scared and shocked lor T.T
Cause mai mummy cookinq some thing den suddenly explode sia! OMG! mi and JieJie got up and rush to the kitchen lor den we both quickly called mummy to come out of the kitchen den she called us to take shoe for her first den meanwhile she still care our 'dinner' worx haix....
Still care the food for wat lah get urself out first den follow by the food mah ai yo~
Scare mi to death lor !
If house got fire and get burn down or no home/place to stay [TOUCH WOOD!!!!!!!] I only wan all of euu to be safe!
No home never mind still can think or else sleep under the bridge just like euu all every time said de I don mind just that family is together is the most important!....
Cause... I don wan to lose all of euu and... I love euu all!!!
Luckily mummy is alright or else I will cry to death and luckily she in not injury ....
Just that the glass everything break and explode out towards mai mummy !
Luckily not veri serious explode and the glass is all over the floor so as mai dinner table and one more thing... mai daddy still don know yet... and if he get back and see wat he don wanna to see sure 100% damn mad and scold us lor T.T
Ke lian de mummy sure get scold and nag by daddy de lor haix...
Hahas... can diet liao =P
Cause cant cook anything to eat only can eat outside food... erm... think no outside food any more le cause daddy no money liao den I oso don dare to ask money from them den mai Piercinq ear wan haix.... need to wait le T.T
OMG! den oso no water to drink lor! ARRRRRR!!!! ~
Wat the hell lah T.T Wanna cry liao lah!!!!!!!!!!!
Really lah~! haix.... mai family life is like this de only can said... must use to it lor !...
I Friday cant go work again liao haix... cause need do [EBS] 'N' level course work lor some more need go sentosa find information worx T.T
Sure will be damn tired lor and some more the next morninq which is Saturday work 8 am lor T.T ARRRR~!!!!
If like this all not good thing continue happen!....
CANT TAKE IT LAH!!!! Really hope there will be angels or g0d come help us lor !
I not really important just wan mai family/friends to be healthy, be happy everyday and.... happiness too! [^^]
not I not important lah I still wanna everyday see mai family/friends de hehe =P
Really all mai friends and who ever know mi de! I just wanna tell euu all...
one word will do...
Today go hospital.... so mani thing to confirm....
I wanna cry liao lah!!! Just now damn scared and shocked lor T.T
Cause mai mummy cookinq some thing den suddenly explode sia! OMG! mi and JieJie got up and rush to the kitchen lor den we both quickly called mummy to come out of the kitchen den she called us to take shoe for her first den meanwhile she still care our 'dinner' worx haix....
Still care the food for wat lah get urself out first den follow by the food mah ai yo~
Scare mi to death lor !
If house got fire and get burn down or no home/place to stay [TOUCH WOOD!!!!!!!] I only wan all of euu to be safe!
No home never mind still can think or else sleep under the bridge just like euu all every time said de I don mind just that family is together is the most important!....
Cause... I don wan to lose all of euu and... I love euu all!!!
Luckily mummy is alright or else I will cry to death and luckily she in not injury ....
Just that the glass everything break and explode out towards mai mummy !
Luckily not veri serious explode and the glass is all over the floor so as mai dinner table and one more thing... mai daddy still don know yet... and if he get back and see wat he don wanna to see sure 100% damn mad and scold us lor T.T
Ke lian de mummy sure get scold and nag by daddy de lor haix...
Hahas... can diet liao =P
Cause cant cook anything to eat only can eat outside food... erm... think no outside food any more le cause daddy no money liao den I oso don dare to ask money from them den mai Piercinq ear wan haix.... need to wait le T.T
OMG! den oso no water to drink lor! ARRRRRR!!!! ~
Wat the hell lah T.T Wanna cry liao lah!!!!!!!!!!!
Really lah~! haix.... mai family life is like this de only can said... must use to it lor !...
I Friday cant go work again liao haix... cause need do [EBS] 'N' level course work lor some more need go sentosa find information worx T.T
Sure will be damn tired lor and some more the next morninq which is Saturday work 8 am lor T.T ARRRR~!!!!
If like this all not good thing continue happen!....
CANT TAKE IT LAH!!!! Really hope there will be angels or g0d come help us lor !
I not really important just wan mai family/friends to be healthy, be happy everyday and.... happiness too! [^^]
not I not important lah I still wanna everyday see mai family/friends de hehe =P
Really all mai friends and who ever know mi de! I just wanna tell euu all...
one word will do...
Believe mi!
Its true.... don be just like mi....
Being hurt by the people near euu and veri close to euu de although...
they are the people euu really trust and love de....
And to mi... they are always ^^
They cant always be there with/for euu....
Do every thing by urself or try ur veri best.... ur future is in ur OWN HANDS!...
Don destroy it......
Livinq in this world euu have to think straight and positive that is a right choice....
Must believe that euu can do it and show all the people that have been look down on euu before or said some bad things/words to euu that makes euu feel that euu wanna prove it to them ^^
Don cares wat other peopl said euu or comments euu....
Its true.... don be just like mi....
Being hurt by the people near euu and veri close to euu de although...
they are the people euu really trust and love de....
And to mi... they are always ^^
They cant always be there with/for euu....
Do every thing by urself or try ur veri best.... ur future is in ur OWN HANDS!...
Don destroy it......
Livinq in this world euu have to think straight and positive that is a right choice....
Must believe that euu can do it and show all the people that have been look down on euu before or said some bad things/words to euu that makes euu feel that euu wanna prove it to them ^^
Don cares wat other peopl said euu or comments euu....
OMG! feel damn sick and uncomfortable ! T.T
Ai yo~ wat the hell lah thought recover liao lor haix still the same sia dots.....
Today actually got work de but den I have a lot of school work to do and some more not feelinq really well den jiu never go work lor haix....
Think Friday goinq work lor sian T.T
Now really don have interest in workinq just wanna concentrate on mai studies !>.<'''
Today after school reached home liao jiu go bath den eat one slice of bread jiu go sleep liao haix.... veri tired and damn not feelinq well! ai yo~ I don wan sick lah I wan do mai 'N' level de leh! T.T dots....
Den later need go revise and do some work again....
Tomorrow goinq KK hospital again sian!....
Really hope can get that chance for us...
Mai family really need some hands to lend us lor haix....
Hope they won give us trouble but help ^^ Thx!....
Ai yo~ wat the hell lah thought recover liao lor haix still the same sia dots.....
Today actually got work de but den I have a lot of school work to do and some more not feelinq really well den jiu never go work lor haix....
Think Friday goinq work lor sian T.T
Now really don have interest in workinq just wanna concentrate on mai studies !>.<'''
Today after school reached home liao jiu go bath den eat one slice of bread jiu go sleep liao haix.... veri tired and damn not feelinq well! ai yo~ I don wan sick lah I wan do mai 'N' level de leh! T.T dots....
Den later need go revise and do some work again....
Tomorrow goinq KK hospital again sian!....
Really hope can get that chance for us...
Mai family really need some hands to lend us lor haix....
Hope they won give us trouble but help ^^ Thx!....
Haix.... tired sia T.T Just came back from school ^^
Feel so bad lor cos jie yesterday call mi help her buy fries for her cos she wanna eat den I said okie den I den remember that I forgot to bring money so reach home liao den tell her lor but I got msg and tell her but she didn't read it so I jiu said today pei her go eat de but at the end tell her that don feel like goinq anywhere and also no mood...
Jie sorry leh..... nxt time I treat euu eat and buy ur birthday present alright!? ^-^
Sian lor today in school....
Everyday do the same thing repeat the day worx ai yo~ ! -_-'''
Diao......Still have a lot of thing to revise, learn and solve worx... T.T
I nowadays really hate/don like recess time >~<'
Some students/people is really de damn wat lor euu hungry we also hungry de mah no need like that jiu cut in mai queue den mah wat the hell lor....
Euu girl guides wan so wat!? other class wan so wat!? wearinq spectacles so wat big deal HUH!??? bleah....
Ur face look discustinq okie! Euu think we NT student wan nice to bully ar!?
Think we don dare to scold/shout or beat euu meh =P
Euu do that infront of mi again and some more is cut mai euu better watch out!
I know euu sec four wan so wat big banana I oso sec four de okie! euu dumb!?
NA wan de so wat think euu smart meh huh!? only smart in eattinq and cut people queue bahx haha.... bleahhhhh!!! ..............
Really hate all that kind of people lor no brains de sia...
If have ar think not grow on the head lor =P
Ai yo~ wat the hell lor today science lesson arrrr.....
The bois hor is.... wao lao is the damn noisy lor cant shut their mouth one secs de lor haix.... As noisy just like euu goinq to bugis walk or even worst lor haix.... hahas....
But although they noisyhor.... but they look cute lor hahas ^^
Just like I said de 4T9 is the best ^^ hahas =P
Sian sia now I one person alone at home lor T.T wanna cry liao lah!
Don know where mai mummy go worx haix......
Okie lah mai today wonderful day <> 020209 <> [date] jiu post till here le nothinq else to add on liao hahas ^^
BB~! MUACKSSSS~!!!!!! =P
Feel so bad lor cos jie yesterday call mi help her buy fries for her cos she wanna eat den I said okie den I den remember that I forgot to bring money so reach home liao den tell her lor but I got msg and tell her but she didn't read it so I jiu said today pei her go eat de but at the end tell her that don feel like goinq anywhere and also no mood...
Jie sorry leh..... nxt time I treat euu eat and buy ur birthday present alright!? ^-^
Sian lor today in school....
Everyday do the same thing repeat the day worx ai yo~ ! -_-'''
Diao......Still have a lot of thing to revise, learn and solve worx... T.T
I nowadays really hate/don like recess time >~<'
Some students/people is really de damn wat lor euu hungry we also hungry de mah no need like that jiu cut in mai queue den mah wat the hell lor....
Euu girl guides wan so wat!? other class wan so wat!? wearinq spectacles so wat big deal HUH!??? bleah....
Ur face look discustinq okie! Euu think we NT student wan nice to bully ar!?
Think we don dare to scold/shout or beat euu meh =P
Euu do that infront of mi again and some more is cut mai euu better watch out!
I know euu sec four wan so wat big banana I oso sec four de okie! euu dumb!?
NA wan de so wat think euu smart meh huh!? only smart in eattinq and cut people queue bahx haha.... bleahhhhh!!! ..............
Really hate all that kind of people lor no brains de sia...
If have ar think not grow on the head lor =P
Ai yo~ wat the hell lor today science lesson arrrr.....
The bois hor is.... wao lao is the damn noisy lor cant shut their mouth one secs de lor haix.... As noisy just like euu goinq to bugis walk or even worst lor haix.... hahas....
But although they noisyhor.... but they look cute lor hahas ^^
Just like I said de 4T9 is the best ^^ hahas =P
Sian sia now I one person alone at home lor T.T wanna cry liao lah!
Don know where mai mummy go worx haix......
Okie lah mai today wonderful day <> 020209 <> [date] jiu post till here le nothinq else to add on liao hahas ^^
BB~! MUACKSSSS~!!!!!! =P
Haix... damn sian and tired lor -_-''''Just came back from work hahas.....
Early morninq wake up jiu never eat anything till after work eat one burger and drink one small coke light dots damn discustinq sia =P
I den jiu don eat liao lor don feel like puttinq any stuff inside haix...
Den luckily de pizza save mi lor hahas ^^
Cos they all order pizza mah den I jiu eat lor OMG!~ is so delicious man hahas.... veri de long never eat pizza liao worx =P
So fast jiu February liao ai yo~ sian lor T.T
'N' level gettinq near liao some more common test cominq too! T.T
Haix hope everything can just be good, fine and normal nothinq happen ! T.T pls~!!!
Diao -_-''''
Today work is... damn busy sia and the most happier day I ever have ^^
Don know why today work so happy lor !? hmm...... hahas...
Although something veri sad just happen yesterday but still need to live with mai smile ^^
And.... I.... really need it [mai smile] back! Hope I will get everything back one day and I MUST!!! hahas KAMPATEH worx xiiaoyanqq =P
Oh ya haha! I changinq mai schedule to Friday, Saturday and Sunday le hahas ^^
So that I can concentrate on wat I wan le YEAH~!!!
Terence thanks for the settinq [bout schedule time and day ^^] !!! MUACKS~!
Den mean while workinq saw Alvin at xiaoDi shop slackinq den sad lor no chance to chat with him just only can give him a smile hahas....
Alvin I'm okie now le no need worry mi lah ^^ really....
Thx for ur concern too! euu oso must tak good care hor don everytime said mi lah bleah =P Hope too see euu soon den ^-^ hahas....
And today got Lisa and xinYi pei mi work quite enjoy lor ^^
Thanks for urs concern, smile and jokes guys T.T
I'm happy to have euu all around mi... friend! ^-^
Euu two remember euu all at counter wanna sing mi xiaozhu songs cos wanna see mi happy or smile but I turn myself and go to crew room!???
I'm not purposely wan cos... I see euu two wanna make mi happy and some more I don know euu two veri long/well den euu all concern mi so much till I almost wanna cry den don wanna euu all to see mi cry or mai sad face so... I jiu go behind and hide lor..... Sorry worx T.T
And something happen at home veri seriously and I cant take it so.... anyway all mai dearest friends... thanks so much!? really wanna thank euu all ^^ MUACKS~!!!
Now friends are also mai world le ^^ haha =P
Haix... Hope everything can come over bahx ^^
And.... Just wish mai family members can be more healthier and live veri happy everyday!
<> XiiaoYanQQ LOVES ALL OF EUU [ppl who I know and know mi de] <>
Early morninq wake up jiu never eat anything till after work eat one burger and drink one small coke light dots damn discustinq sia =P
I den jiu don eat liao lor don feel like puttinq any stuff inside haix...
Den luckily de pizza save mi lor hahas ^^
Cos they all order pizza mah den I jiu eat lor OMG!~ is so delicious man hahas.... veri de long never eat pizza liao worx =P
So fast jiu February liao ai yo~ sian lor T.T
'N' level gettinq near liao some more common test cominq too! T.T
Haix hope everything can just be good, fine and normal nothinq happen ! T.T pls~!!!
Diao -_-''''
Today work is... damn busy sia and the most happier day I ever have ^^
Don know why today work so happy lor !? hmm...... hahas...
Although something veri sad just happen yesterday but still need to live with mai smile ^^
And.... I.... really need it [mai smile] back! Hope I will get everything back one day and I MUST!!! hahas KAMPATEH worx xiiaoyanqq =P
Oh ya haha! I changinq mai schedule to Friday, Saturday and Sunday le hahas ^^
So that I can concentrate on wat I wan le YEAH~!!!
Terence thanks for the settinq [bout schedule time and day ^^] !!! MUACKS~!
Den mean while workinq saw Alvin at xiaoDi shop slackinq den sad lor no chance to chat with him just only can give him a smile hahas....
Alvin I'm okie now le no need worry mi lah ^^ really....
Thx for ur concern too! euu oso must tak good care hor don everytime said mi lah bleah =P Hope too see euu soon den ^-^ hahas....
And today got Lisa and xinYi pei mi work quite enjoy lor ^^
Thanks for urs concern, smile and jokes guys T.T
I'm happy to have euu all around mi... friend! ^-^
Euu two remember euu all at counter wanna sing mi xiaozhu songs cos wanna see mi happy or smile but I turn myself and go to crew room!???
I'm not purposely wan cos... I see euu two wanna make mi happy and some more I don know euu two veri long/well den euu all concern mi so much till I almost wanna cry den don wanna euu all to see mi cry or mai sad face so... I jiu go behind and hide lor..... Sorry worx T.T
And something happen at home veri seriously and I cant take it so.... anyway all mai dearest friends... thanks so much!? really wanna thank euu all ^^ MUACKS~!!!
Now friends are also mai world le ^^ haha =P
Haix... Hope everything can come over bahx ^^
And.... Just wish mai family members can be more healthier and live veri happy everyday!
<> XiiaoYanQQ LOVES ALL OF EUU [ppl who I know and know mi de] <>
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