i'm feeling tired T.T
i today wake up at around 6.30am cause of that evil MONKEY! Fredrick Lim~!!!!!!!!!
haix.... some more later i got work at 9am so i rather wake up and use com hehe =D hahas.... so long never touch and use com =P early in the morning papa went to work, follow by korkor out of sudden also have work some more in the morning hahas ^^ but really pity korkor T.T but just know that i love him more and more =D cause i wanna give him more "family" love ^^
That Monkey making me so pissed off~ make me can't sleep and have panda eye coming out also haix.... night 7pm meeting him at hougang mall lol.... cause i end work at 5pm oh ya~ one good new erm.... also can said it as a bad news for myself ....
Today is my last day to work for Mac but feeling sad to leave too haix.....
I'M TOTALLY, 100% PISSED OFF~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why i can't get in the course T.T
why god wanna separate both of us again!? i was looking forward to have same course and same ITE so that we can just be like primary school time but.... i just can't get it .....
really feeling very sad now T.T
Eileen bestie get in and i was so envious of her JINJJA~!!! ^^
she good in her education but other hehe... erm.... not really that pro [she agrees too =P], but me just too bad and sad that i not good in my education but others i was pro with it haix..... i now just wanna my education to be pro but! just can't have that chance and not that lucky T.T
andwae~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T
why i can't get in the course T.T
why god wanna separate both of us again!? i was looking forward to have same course and same ITE so that we can just be like primary school time but.... i just can't get it .....
really feeling very sad now T.T
Eileen bestie get in and i was so envious of her JINJJA~!!! ^^
she good in her education but other hehe... erm.... not really that pro [she agrees too =P], but me just too bad and sad that i not good in my education but others i was pro with it haix..... i now just wanna my education to be pro but! just can't have that chance and not that lucky T.T
andwae~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T
聖誕節快樂唷~ O-O
喔~ 時間過的好快啊現在已經是聖誕了接下來就是跨年了.....
昨天半晚5點放工就馬上回家了, 我約了鈺 .... 本來約她6點半的最後還是來不及她叫我直接去她的家.....
當然聲威作好朋友的我哈哈, 帶了她的禮物 ^^ 她看了那封信件就 "OMG~!!!" 的叫, 然後扯開了禮物她可是驚訝的. 不過我送她那份禮物是重點是因為我想看到她得到她想要的東西, 燦爛的笑的樣子哈哈... 很可愛唷~ =P 她開心我就開心 ^^
唉唷~ 我現在快瘋了啦!!! T.T
我要錢! 我要買羅志祥, 楊丞琳和黃鴻升的專輯啦! 氣死我了~!
我看至少要等到新年才能買得到啦 T.T [ 哭泣.... ]
聖誕節快樂唷~ O-O
喔~ 時間過的好快啊現在已經是聖誕了接下來就是跨年了.....
昨天半晚5點放工就馬上回家了, 我約了鈺 .... 本來約她6點半的最後還是來不及她叫我直接去她的家.....
當然聲威作好朋友的我哈哈, 帶了她的禮物 ^^ 她看了那封信件就 "OMG~!!!" 的叫, 然後扯開了禮物她可是驚訝的. 不過我送她那份禮物是重點是因為我想看到她得到她想要的東西, 燦爛的笑的樣子哈哈... 很可愛唷~ =P 她開心我就開心 ^^
唉唷~ 我現在快瘋了啦!!! T.T
我要錢! 我要買羅志祥, 楊丞琳和黃鴻升的專輯啦! 氣死我了~!
我看至少要等到新年才能買得到啦 T.T [ 哭泣.... ]
hello~! ^^
OMG~ can't believe now is bout to 12 midnight and yet i still wondering wanna blog at the end still blog =P hahas..... thought bro will be out at 9pm plus but how i know he just now then went out -_- '''' i waited so long~ hahas....
yesterday went to Eileen bestie house to do the submitting of the choice of course on the internet, she was afraid that she might pressed wrong and i was not scare till i contagious by her and started to get nervous/scare dots..... hahas....
Really hope we can go in to the same course T.T PLEASE~!!!!
we chose Digital Audio & Video Production ......
i bout to quit mac job hahas ^^ hope boss can understand and let me quit T.T scare .....
cause i really don't feel like working anymore some more the salary only $3.50 can work till die! hahas......
Tomorrow going for class outing BBQ at Changi Beach! OMG~! hope that before sky dark can get out of that place hahas =P

好酷喔~ 羅志祥的新專輯耶, 我的媽呀~!!! 哈哈... 好期待啦 .....
我也很欺待 楊丞琳 和 黃鴻升 的唷 ^^ 簡直是太帥了 !
OMG~ can't believe now is bout to 12 midnight and yet i still wondering wanna blog at the end still blog =P hahas..... thought bro will be out at 9pm plus but how i know he just now then went out -_- '''' i waited so long~ hahas....
yesterday went to Eileen bestie house to do the submitting of the choice of course on the internet, she was afraid that she might pressed wrong and i was not scare till i contagious by her and started to get nervous/scare dots..... hahas....
Really hope we can go in to the same course T.T PLEASE~!!!!
we chose Digital Audio & Video Production ......
i bout to quit mac job hahas ^^ hope boss can understand and let me quit T.T scare .....
cause i really don't feel like working anymore some more the salary only $3.50 can work till die! hahas......
Tomorrow going for class outing BBQ at Changi Beach! OMG~! hope that before sky dark can get out of that place hahas =P

好酷喔~ 羅志祥的新專輯耶, 我的媽呀~!!! 哈哈... 好期待啦 .....
我也很欺待 楊丞琳 和 黃鴻升 的唷 ^^ 簡直是太帥了 !
ann yeong~! ^^
hahas.... just came back from outside and just went for my bath too =D
OMG~! can't believe!? O - O
i got no U grade for my "N" level result arrrrr~!!!! hahas =P
i score 1A, 1B, 2C and 2D .... is like all A B C D i have hahas ^^ previously i was worried bout my result but now is the time to worried for my ITE stuff/course T.T
i have the same thought of course as Eileen bestie but i was scare that i will not be able to fit in cause i score D for my mathematics and which means that i just pass by a few marks for my mathematics ....
i will not be able to be chosen to take that course, they may be choosing those people who score higher then me so! i really very scare and nervous T.T
hahas.... just came back from outside and just went for my bath too =D
OMG~! can't believe!? O - O
i got no U grade for my "N" level result arrrrr~!!!! hahas =P
i score 1A, 1B, 2C and 2D .... is like all A B C D i have hahas ^^ previously i was worried bout my result but now is the time to worried for my ITE stuff/course T.T
i have the same thought of course as Eileen bestie but i was scare that i will not be able to fit in cause i score D for my mathematics and which means that i just pass by a few marks for my mathematics ....
i will not be able to be chosen to take that course, they may be choosing those people who score higher then me so! i really very scare and nervous T.T
o ___O
TOTALLY~!!!! didn't expect my blog to be dead the FIRST TIME~! O.O
it have been dead for 16 DAYS! can't believe it, WOW~!!!!
last time i will at least post it once or twice a week haha now i see .... really busy this few days T.T and i'm feeling tired too~ hahas .....
This days busy through out the whole day with quite number of things actually =P hahas.... i also didn't expect myself to do things that i don't usually do because i don't have that time and habit, although i have the time i will spent my it on computers, television and MP3?
BUT!? i'm actually READING books~!!? [ oh~ my~ =X hahas..... ]
Today quite early in the morning wake up went for the hygiene practical course!
those things that regarding with McDonald i will only said! WASTE TIME!!!!!
JINJJA~!!!!! waste my time and money to go all the way there forget it don't feel like and don't wanna talk bout it now! =P
這一整個星期都在忙!? 忙什麼呢!? 哈哈.... =D 沒想到我會讀書啊, 讀小說唷~ ^^
好刺激好好讀喔 =D 我曾再讀的是關于星座的小說, 其實讀書也是一件滿好玩的 "潔癖" =D
我也很久沒登入我的臉書 [FACEBOOK] 了 .......
我這幾個星期也在學新的東東哦~ ^^ 哈哈....
" 안녕하세요 " [ annyeonghaseyo ] ... BINGO~! 對了哈哈 就是韓語/文 =D
[ 海派甜心 ] 我也看了一半了, 哦~ 又好看! 又刺激!又感人!又可愛!而且也很好笑 哈哈 ^^
明天就是18號了, 也就是說明天是拿成績的一天 .... 這天還是到來了, 我多怕我會考的很不好啦! 心里很怕也養養的 T ___ T
嗨~! .... 我多希望可以拿到我想要的只不過..... 我看還是算了吧, 因為我沒那個信心我會拿到好成績啦... 真的恐怕要讓家裡人失望了 [無言] ....
TOTALLY~!!!! didn't expect my blog to be dead the FIRST TIME~! O.O
it have been dead for 16 DAYS! can't believe it, WOW~!!!!
last time i will at least post it once or twice a week haha now i see .... really busy this few days T.T and i'm feeling tired too~ hahas .....
This days busy through out the whole day with quite number of things actually =P hahas.... i also didn't expect myself to do things that i don't usually do because i don't have that time and habit, although i have the time i will spent my it on computers, television and MP3?
BUT!? i'm actually READING books~!!? [ oh~ my~ =X hahas..... ]
Today quite early in the morning wake up went for the hygiene practical course!
those things that regarding with McDonald i will only said! WASTE TIME!!!!!
JINJJA~!!!!! waste my time and money to go all the way there forget it don't feel like and don't wanna talk bout it now! =P
這一整個星期都在忙!? 忙什麼呢!? 哈哈.... =D 沒想到我會讀書啊, 讀小說唷~ ^^
好刺激好好讀喔 =D 我曾再讀的是關于星座的小說, 其實讀書也是一件滿好玩的 "潔癖" =D
我也很久沒登入我的臉書 [FACEBOOK] 了 .......
我這幾個星期也在學新的東東哦~ ^^ 哈哈....
" 안녕하세요 " [ annyeonghaseyo ] ... BINGO~! 對了哈哈 就是韓語/文 =D
[ 海派甜心 ] 我也看了一半了, 哦~ 又好看! 又刺激!又感人!又可愛!而且也很好笑 哈哈 ^^
明天就是18號了, 也就是說明天是拿成績的一天 .... 這天還是到來了, 我多怕我會考的很不好啦! 心里很怕也養養的 T ___ T
嗨~! .... 我多希望可以拿到我想要的只不過..... 我看還是算了吧, 因為我沒那個信心我會拿到好成績啦... 真的恐怕要讓家裡人失望了 [無言] ....
OMG~!!! T.T
i'm really feeling uncomfortable now~!!! girls...... really trouble sometimes =x
this past few weeks don't really appetite to eat and drink, i'm really feeling tired and sleepy now!
tomorrow some more i have to go for work so sad!.....
coming Tuesday have to go to Jalan Bersa Community Center for the STUPID mac hygiene course with Aunty kala, don't feel like going cause MORNING! 8.30am must reached Lavender MRT station T.T OMG~!!!! can faint some more still have to walk to CC by some one who will be waiting for us at the MRT station tel to tell us how should we go to the CC, so~ trouble some!!! the course start at 9.30am and END~! at 6.30pm!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!
I'm pissed off now~! T.T
I wanted to buy a memory stick for my phone ^^
i now really don't know what to do!
those people found me~! i mean my secondary friends found my facebook !
she added me but i ignore it cause i really and seriously don't wanna kep in touch with them, they SUCKS my life up T.T
being with them i will die and destroy my future ......
Friday, 4th December.....
Me, JunJie and Eileen went to Plaza Singapura for Twilight "New Moon" movie, we meet up at hougang mall by 11am plus. We watch 4.20pm show, but seriously the movie not really that nice cause i some kind don't really like continuous movie. I just interesting on the starting and ending of the movie ^^
But i'm sure that the ending will sure be exciting, cool and sad hahas.....
Saturday .....
i went to work early in the morning [tired of working but no choice =P] !
i end work at 5pm and they come and find me so happy, but we decided on Friday that they come find me after i end work hahas....
we buy curry puff to eat and Eileen buy milk tea follow by we went to Daiso for "shopping", i bought a photo album and Eileen bought a book stand and erm.... a box !? O.O
hahas... anyway they came to my house after that cause Eileen wanna play monopoly [out of sudden!? =D hahas] so JunJie follows, they eat dinner at my house to ^^ hahas... cute~
after that we play till 9.30pm plus if i'm not wrong =P
i company them to the bus stop till they board the bus then i go off ....
but now i really quite kind of missing them T.T sad!
oh ya~ quite long haven been Gam too? not sure what he busy with hahas.....
still got 12 days to receive "N" level result! i don't really have much confident on it haix.... so sad and irritating ! T.T JINCHA~!!!! arr~ really~ ........
i'm really feeling uncomfortable now~!!! girls...... really trouble sometimes =x
this past few weeks don't really appetite to eat and drink, i'm really feeling tired and sleepy now!
tomorrow some more i have to go for work so sad!.....
coming Tuesday have to go to Jalan Bersa Community Center for the STUPID mac hygiene course with Aunty kala, don't feel like going cause MORNING! 8.30am must reached Lavender MRT station T.T OMG~!!!! can faint some more still have to walk to CC by some one who will be waiting for us at the MRT station tel to tell us how should we go to the CC, so~ trouble some!!! the course start at 9.30am and END~! at 6.30pm!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!
I'm pissed off now~! T.T
I wanted to buy a memory stick for my phone ^^
i now really don't know what to do!
those people found me~! i mean my secondary friends found my facebook !
she added me but i ignore it cause i really and seriously don't wanna kep in touch with them, they SUCKS my life up T.T
being with them i will die and destroy my future ......
Friday, 4th December.....
Me, JunJie and Eileen went to Plaza Singapura for Twilight "New Moon" movie, we meet up at hougang mall by 11am plus. We watch 4.20pm show, but seriously the movie not really that nice cause i some kind don't really like continuous movie. I just interesting on the starting and ending of the movie ^^
But i'm sure that the ending will sure be exciting, cool and sad hahas.....
Saturday .....
i went to work early in the morning [tired of working but no choice =P] !
i end work at 5pm and they come and find me so happy, but we decided on Friday that they come find me after i end work hahas....
we buy curry puff to eat and Eileen buy milk tea follow by we went to Daiso for "shopping", i bought a photo album and Eileen bought a book stand and erm.... a box !? O.O
hahas... anyway they came to my house after that cause Eileen wanna play monopoly [out of sudden!? =D hahas] so JunJie follows, they eat dinner at my house to ^^ hahas... cute~
after that we play till 9.30pm plus if i'm not wrong =P
i company them to the bus stop till they board the bus then i go off ....
but now i really quite kind of missing them T.T sad!
oh ya~ quite long haven been Gam too? not sure what he busy with hahas.....
still got 12 days to receive "N" level result! i don't really have much confident on it haix.... so sad and irritating ! T.T JINCHA~!!!! arr~ really~ ........
morning~! ^^
OMG~! i'm so full~ =P just eaten my breakfast with JieJie ^^ hehe ....
we eat Korean instant noodles hahas miss it sooo~ much =D
tired! T.T cause later going off for work ..... start work at 12pm and end at 5pm or maybe later? tired of working there i feel like changing the job just like what JunJie told me to.....
yesterday i was having lots of fun cause i online MSN so we three, me, Eileen and JunJie were chatting together. AND~ not for few minutes they both started their "war" =P hahas....
none stop some more hahas =D
OMG~!!! why i have two friends that SO CUTE~! =P hahas ..... too bad that never copy the chat room or else i will laugh till my teeth drops when every time i read it =D hehe .....
i seldom online so i had fun yesterday when we three are online =D
miss those days so~ much ^^ hahas....
FINALLY tomorrow, it's FRIDAY~!!!! yeah~
i off hahas =P we three plus my JieJie and maybe Eileen friend Tricia, we are going to Plaza Singapura for " NEW MOON " movie =DDD hahas.....
Eileen really love Twilight this movie ^^ hahas....
and she's excited bout the movie cause she had read all the books and now just wait for the movie =D
Oh~ by the way Eileen bestie congrats for receiving the edusave award ^^ so good~
know why i said if i got receive singapore will snow? hahas, cause i was in class position 19 and will not be getting it cause have to be in between position 1 to 10, right? hahas
i so~ and do really envious you alot/every time ^^ hahas
keep up your good work alright~! =D [ don't be like me =P hehe ..... ]
Oh ya~
yesterday was a busy day for me too oh my~
my new phone and only company me almost three days and it dropped into the toilet bowl!
@#$%^&* ~!!!!!! i was shocked and angry .....
but luckily it's fine now haha =P
i have decided .....
i wanna earn money to buy for myself and which i wanted quite long ago =P
* Piano - $500 -$700 [cheapest]
* Guitar - price not sure yet .....
* MP3 - $ 70 -$80
* Laptop or Computer set $1000 - $2000 [i think]
I think just all this stuff ^^ hahas i will try my best =D 加油~!!!
i also wanna learn how to play piano and guitar too ^^ i still on my way learning hahas =P
OMG~! i'm so full~ =P just eaten my breakfast with JieJie ^^ hehe ....
we eat Korean instant noodles hahas miss it sooo~ much =D
tired! T.T cause later going off for work ..... start work at 12pm and end at 5pm or maybe later? tired of working there i feel like changing the job just like what JunJie told me to.....
yesterday i was having lots of fun cause i online MSN so we three, me, Eileen and JunJie were chatting together. AND~ not for few minutes they both started their "war" =P hahas....
none stop some more hahas =D
OMG~!!! why i have two friends that SO CUTE~! =P hahas ..... too bad that never copy the chat room or else i will laugh till my teeth drops when every time i read it =D hehe .....
i seldom online so i had fun yesterday when we three are online =D
miss those days so~ much ^^ hahas....
FINALLY tomorrow, it's FRIDAY~!!!! yeah~
i off hahas =P we three plus my JieJie and maybe Eileen friend Tricia, we are going to Plaza Singapura for " NEW MOON " movie =DDD hahas.....
Eileen really love Twilight this movie ^^ hahas....
and she's excited bout the movie cause she had read all the books and now just wait for the movie =D
Oh~ by the way Eileen bestie congrats for receiving the edusave award ^^ so good~
know why i said if i got receive singapore will snow? hahas, cause i was in class position 19 and will not be getting it cause have to be in between position 1 to 10, right? hahas
i so~ and do really envious you alot/every time ^^ hahas
keep up your good work alright~! =D [ don't be like me =P hehe ..... ]
Oh ya~
yesterday was a busy day for me too oh my~
my new phone and only company me almost three days and it dropped into the toilet bowl!
@#$%^&* ~!!!!!! i was shocked and angry .....
but luckily it's fine now haha =P
i have decided .....
i wanna earn money to buy for myself and which i wanted quite long ago =P
* Piano - $500 -$700 [cheapest]
* Guitar - price not sure yet .....
* MP3 - $ 70 -$80
* Laptop or Computer set $1000 - $2000 [i think]
I think just all this stuff ^^ hahas i will try my best =D 加油~!!!
i also wanna learn how to play piano and guitar too ^^ i still on my way learning hahas =P
ann yeong~ ^^
OMG~! i'm so sleepy ! T.T
today early in the morning wake up, company mama go SGH for diabetes appointment ..... waited for the doctor for more than half and hour what the..... tired and boring too!
yesterday and today went to hospital for appointment oh my~ hahas .....
yesterday is my kidney appointment, the doctor said everything is fine ^^ so surprised but doctor said still need to be careful of what i eat cause of my diabetes T.T sad~!.....
and also because that i only left one kidney to function so really must take care and be careful! =X feeling quite scare .....
I yesterday have lots of fun! really ^^
cause Eileen bestie company me go, this is the first time she go with me i'm so touched and delighted =D and she also bought me a small little cute present form china hahas and i love it very much =P hehe....
Thanks you so much ^^!
OMG~! i'm so sleepy ! T.T
today early in the morning wake up, company mama go SGH for diabetes appointment ..... waited for the doctor for more than half and hour what the..... tired and boring too!
yesterday and today went to hospital for appointment oh my~ hahas .....
yesterday is my kidney appointment, the doctor said everything is fine ^^ so surprised but doctor said still need to be careful of what i eat cause of my diabetes T.T sad~!.....
and also because that i only left one kidney to function so really must take care and be careful! =X feeling quite scare .....
I yesterday have lots of fun! really ^^
cause Eileen bestie company me go, this is the first time she go with me i'm so touched and delighted =D and she also bought me a small little cute present form china hahas and i love it very much =P hehe....
Thanks you so much ^^!
arrr~!!!! i'm pissed off~!!!!!! so unreasonable! T.T
my sis every time like that don't know why and i done nothing wrong she give me face or even nag/scold me really don't know what she want or what she's thinking about!
she asked me wanna eat spaghetti then i said i scare the taste of the sauce then she angry i was like O.O why angry!? if she want eat can cook and eat herself or can share with bro but she just angry! ...... i also have feeling she every time like that treat me, she's nice and a good sis and i agree but she's just too..... i have nothing to said but she some times just too attitude, i can't stand her!......
today mama and papa went to some part of Malaysia for a one short day tour which cost $55 per person lol.....
they went out early in the morning, hope that they will have a very safe trip ^^
hahas don't know this time what they will bring back =P hehe ......
Eileen bestie~!!!
i miss you~ T.T very long never see her and go out with her soo~ sad..... but really hope that we can meet up soon hahas ^^
my sis every time like that don't know why and i done nothing wrong she give me face or even nag/scold me really don't know what she want or what she's thinking about!
she asked me wanna eat spaghetti then i said i scare the taste of the sauce then she angry i was like O.O why angry!? if she want eat can cook and eat herself or can share with bro but she just angry! ...... i also have feeling she every time like that treat me, she's nice and a good sis and i agree but she's just too..... i have nothing to said but she some times just too attitude, i can't stand her!......
today mama and papa went to some part of Malaysia for a one short day tour which cost $55 per person lol.....
they went out early in the morning, hope that they will have a very safe trip ^^
hahas don't know this time what they will bring back =P hehe ......
Eileen bestie~!!!
i miss you~ T.T very long never see her and go out with her soo~ sad..... but really hope that we can meet up soon hahas ^^

annyeong~ ^^
came back from work for quite some time, today was extremely exhausted and my leg is aching too.... tomorrow working 12pm to 5pm T.T
21st November Saturday was Angela signature concert, i was totally PISSED OFF! sad and disappointed ~!!!!! arrr~!!!!
why i was pissed off~!?
the people incharge there said that we just need to buy her album and can go up the stage to get Angela signature on the album BUT! they didn't said that we must buy from CD-DRAMA and no others shop. when is bout my turn they called me to queue up again! some more said what! give us another chance WHAT THE ****!!!there are quite a few of them too i feel like slapping them, i was soo~ angry till i have nothing to said but to queue up all over again....
luckily don't have so much people or else i will scold or even scream at them =P hahas....
But really feel happy to see her, OMG~!!!!! she's soo~!!!! pretty!!!! ^^
Why i was sad!? because EILEEN BESTIE said she will company me go and also bring camera to take photo too..... just too bad and sad that she had to bring her uncle and the family who came from china for a walk or play taht day and last minute ........
AND~! why i was disappointed!?
because Eileen promise me and had already confirm that she will go with me but at the end..... that day was the worst day i ever had [i think =P] because to go and see my favorite artist/singer without best friend is the most lonely and sad thing T.T
after i came back from IMM she called me many time to my sister phone but just so coincidence that my sister didn't bring her phone and she kept saying sorry to me and i told her that never mind just forget it what happened had happened ....
she thought that i was angry and never picked the phone hahas, lol...... but said it seriously i was quite angry at first but after a while i understand that she also quite difficult to decided because she have to care bout both side which is me and her uncle ^^
Cause she was my best friend and the only best friend that i had, i then must show understanding ^^ hahas.... hope she don't feel bad or else i will also T.T
but really bout one week never see her so sad !..... we usually go out very often .....
achim~ [morning in Korean ^^]
hahas Eileen bestie finally came back le and i yesterday reached home after work she called me while i was bathing lol.... hahas.... when i called her she was still on bus and somewhere in Jurong going back to school to assemble..... don't know what time she reaches home .....
finally this stupid com monitor can see, now this monitor same with my television T.T must on and off the screen button many times can can use OMG~! i'm pissed off ! .....
later going to meet at Eileen house too see her prom dress after that go to Clarke Quay for her make up appointment hahas.....
hahas Eileen bestie finally came back le and i yesterday reached home after work she called me while i was bathing lol.... hahas.... when i called her she was still on bus and somewhere in Jurong going back to school to assemble..... don't know what time she reaches home .....
finally this stupid com monitor can see, now this monitor same with my television T.T must on and off the screen button many times can can use OMG~! i'm pissed off ! .....
later going to meet at Eileen house too see her prom dress after that go to Clarke Quay for her make up appointment hahas.....
Today is Thursday OMG~! and is the day that Eileen came back form somewhere =P hahas.... she having school vocation so good i also want hahas.... really miss her this few days, although only three days T.T later still have to go for work T.T so boring and tired somre more later my secondary school friend come and find me lol..... but i think i will be quite happy to see them ^^ but of cause i will not forget and forgive what they've done! .......
Tomorrow quite early in the morning need wake up and go straight to Eileen bestie house cause hahas, she's going prom night ^^ hahas OMG~! i'm sure she's more pretty tomorrow after all the make up and etc.... hahas ^^ can't wait to see her dress up =D i'm going to company her to Clark Quay one of the shop there which the service is sucks till cannot sucks =P her prom night starts at 4.30pm i think, we have to rush hahas some more after her prom night she will be that night of CINDERELLA~! ^^ hahas.... cause she's wearing that prom dress to changi airport to fetch her uncle from china when is coming to SG for holiday .
Meanwhile i think she's also fetching her hubby =P hehe ..... KIM HYUN JOONG Haptic phone design hahas OMG~! i'm actually jealous but already use to not having handphone, but i'm happy that she bought that ^^ congrats =D Oh ya~ hahas i forgot to said that i really and have done my rebornding ahhhhhs~!!!! finally ^^ hahas....
O~M~G~!!!! i also can't wait to see Angela 張韶涵, she's pretty and love to listen her songs too cause her voice is always that bight and shine =D hahas.... so after tomorrow prom thing of Eileen bestie then Saturday is my day hahas, is bestie turns to company me to Angela signature concert ^^ hahas..... the event starts at 2.30pm or maybe later but i think is worth it ^^ hahas.....
Tomorrow quite early in the morning need wake up and go straight to Eileen bestie house cause hahas, she's going prom night ^^ hahas OMG~! i'm sure she's more pretty tomorrow after all the make up and etc.... hahas ^^ can't wait to see her dress up =D i'm going to company her to Clark Quay one of the shop there which the service is sucks till cannot sucks =P her prom night starts at 4.30pm i think, we have to rush hahas some more after her prom night she will be that night of CINDERELLA~! ^^ hahas.... cause she's wearing that prom dress to changi airport to fetch her uncle from china when is coming to SG for holiday .
Meanwhile i think she's also fetching her hubby =P hehe ..... KIM HYUN JOONG Haptic phone design hahas OMG~! i'm actually jealous but already use to not having handphone, but i'm happy that she bought that ^^ congrats =D Oh ya~ hahas i forgot to said that i really and have done my rebornding ahhhhhs~!!!! finally ^^ hahas....
O~M~G~!!!! i also can't wait to see Angela 張韶涵, she's pretty and love to listen her songs too cause her voice is always that bight and shine =D hahas.... so after tomorrow prom thing of Eileen bestie then Saturday is my day hahas, is bestie turns to company me to Angela signature concert ^^ hahas..... the event starts at 2.30pm or maybe later but i think is worth it ^^ hahas.....
超好看的 ^^
又搞笑又悲傷哈哈 .....
超好看的 ^^
又搞笑又悲傷哈哈 .....
It's another new week O.O
time really past fast hahas, the past weekends and today i never go for work cause i felt that it is my time for me to relax and take a deep breathe/ rest .......
my hand wrist injuries really feel much better and comfortable when not working, feel very sad that this injuries will be with me till i die, wordless~! ........
yesterday is Sunday and out of sudden Eileen bestie called me out hahas, it's a Sunday, a family day OMG~! and i got nag by my Mother and Sister T.T but at the end still went out ^^ hahas cause she's going to Malacca tomorrow and will not be seeing her for few days and i'm ensure that i will definitely damn miss her =P hahas.....
I got some BIG NEW~!!! ^^
i'm going to reborn my hair later YEAH~!!!! hahas..... my wish finally came true ^o^ but if is not bestie told me that there is a offer for wash+cut+reborn+treatment cost $38 OMG~! hahas.... but don't know what time bestie will wake up cause i wanna asked her to company me but also don't know whether she's free or not T.T worried ......
Tomorrow going out with Shi Yu ......
feel born when going out with her cause..... now... i don't really treat them as my close friend anymore ... but just some others friend that i'm not familiar and strange with ......
although this is the last year that we gonna be together in secondary school and now we have graduate but still waiting for ' N ' level result ......
now i think of the past and them, i'm really PISSED OFF~!!!!!
but i was once happy to be with them and ..... just once, no more, no less .......
i wish to just end the friendship! ........
OMG~! i'm gonna miss Eileen bestie for this few days~! sad! T.T
she came back on Thursday ^^ hahas but will be going for her Prom on Friday and i will company her to do her make up at around Clark Quay. Then on Saturday she will be company me to IMM for ANGELA signature concert =D arrr~!!!! gonna scream ^^ hahas....
really can't wait to that day =P i wanna take as many photo as i can erm... maybe is as we can hahas.....
time really past fast hahas, the past weekends and today i never go for work cause i felt that it is my time for me to relax and take a deep breathe/ rest .......
my hand wrist injuries really feel much better and comfortable when not working, feel very sad that this injuries will be with me till i die, wordless~! ........
yesterday is Sunday and out of sudden Eileen bestie called me out hahas, it's a Sunday, a family day OMG~! and i got nag by my Mother and Sister T.T but at the end still went out ^^ hahas cause she's going to Malacca tomorrow and will not be seeing her for few days and i'm ensure that i will definitely damn miss her =P hahas.....
I got some BIG NEW~!!! ^^
i'm going to reborn my hair later YEAH~!!!! hahas..... my wish finally came true ^o^ but if is not bestie told me that there is a offer for wash+cut+reborn+treatment cost $38 OMG~! hahas.... but don't know what time bestie will wake up cause i wanna asked her to company me but also don't know whether she's free or not T.T worried ......
Tomorrow going out with Shi Yu ......
feel born when going out with her cause..... now... i don't really treat them as my close friend anymore ... but just some others friend that i'm not familiar and strange with ......
although this is the last year that we gonna be together in secondary school and now we have graduate but still waiting for ' N ' level result ......
now i think of the past and them, i'm really PISSED OFF~!!!!!
but i was once happy to be with them and ..... just once, no more, no less .......
i wish to just end the friendship! ........
OMG~! i'm gonna miss Eileen bestie for this few days~! sad! T.T
she came back on Thursday ^^ hahas but will be going for her Prom on Friday and i will company her to do her make up at around Clark Quay. Then on Saturday she will be company me to IMM for ANGELA signature concert =D arrr~!!!! gonna scream ^^ hahas....
really can't wait to that day =P i wanna take as many photo as i can erm... maybe is as we can hahas.....
finally i could come blog and post, yesterday came back home actually wanna post but don't know why the come so lag and the internet quite slow too T.T hahas....
OMG~! yesterday i have sooo~! much fun ^^
i went out with Eileen bestie and Gam =D we went to bugis one of the K there but so sad and angry is that, ... it's RAIN~! when we are on the way there errrr~! T.T and we were all wet and the most irritating the K room is damn COLD~!!!! hahas.....
we were almost like in the ice room singing K hahas... =P
but do really enjoy ^^ having lots of lots of fun, REALLY~! =D hehe .....
after K we went to bugis street, and know what.... it's still raining -_- ''' but the rain is much more small when we came hahas.... we charged the whole day when we wanna go somewhere....
They bought their prom stuff and dress but i bought nothing till Gam went home and we went and buy some drinks. I and Eileen bestie went back to the 2nd level again cause i wanna buy earring hahas, follow by we went to the another shopping mall which sell brand things. Eileen wanna buy a hair clip that looks like a hat, cute right!? ^^ hahas...
we also went to comics connection to look for " SS501/ Hyun Joong " muahahas~!
we bought ss501 poker cards for $ 5.90 each and 10 2R photo cards for $3 OMG~! i can't believe that i spend my money on those thing hahas, but i like those thing =P hehe ....
we went back to bugis street 2nd level agin cause Eileen couldn't find the hair clip that she wants but although they sell it but it's really too expensive O.O
but at the end still can't find so we went to bugis Junction and it's around 8.30pm hahas... i wanted to buy ear piece but at the end i bought ANGELA NEWEST ALBUM ^^ OMG~!!!!
i wanna thanks Eileen bestie again cause if is not her i will don't have enough money to buy the album when the day Angela came hahas....
oh ya the album i bought have lucky draw although i not really sure whats lucky draw is that but wish i could be one of them =P
we went home at around 9pm plus =X hahas.... lucky i reached home my parents didn't said much thing BUT~! the money that i took.....
come on! give me a break! alright T.T i earn and work so hard why can't i take my own money? even i take $40 also wanna said me .....
whatever hahas, wanna go watch SS501 SOS show OMG~! so scary T.T
and poor SS501 begin harm by those fool people HATE THEM~!!! bleah =X
wanna congrats SS501 grab the K- Chart win with " LOVE LIKE THIS " !!! ....
bestie you must watch these video, BUT don't smash your com and i will ensure that you will be JEALOUS! hahas.... know why!? cause i am jealous when i see this video OMG~!!!
OMG~! yesterday i have sooo~! much fun ^^
i went out with Eileen bestie and Gam =D we went to bugis one of the K there but so sad and angry is that, ... it's RAIN~! when we are on the way there errrr~! T.T and we were all wet and the most irritating the K room is damn COLD~!!!! hahas.....
we were almost like in the ice room singing K hahas... =P
but do really enjoy ^^ having lots of lots of fun, REALLY~! =D hehe .....
after K we went to bugis street, and know what.... it's still raining -_- ''' but the rain is much more small when we came hahas.... we charged the whole day when we wanna go somewhere....
They bought their prom stuff and dress but i bought nothing till Gam went home and we went and buy some drinks. I and Eileen bestie went back to the 2nd level again cause i wanna buy earring hahas, follow by we went to the another shopping mall which sell brand things. Eileen wanna buy a hair clip that looks like a hat, cute right!? ^^ hahas...
we also went to comics connection to look for " SS501/ Hyun Joong " muahahas~!
we bought ss501 poker cards for $ 5.90 each and 10 2R photo cards for $3 OMG~! i can't believe that i spend my money on those thing hahas, but i like those thing =P hehe ....
we went back to bugis street 2nd level agin cause Eileen couldn't find the hair clip that she wants but although they sell it but it's really too expensive O.O
but at the end still can't find so we went to bugis Junction and it's around 8.30pm hahas... i wanted to buy ear piece but at the end i bought ANGELA NEWEST ALBUM ^^ OMG~!!!!
i wanna thanks Eileen bestie again cause if is not her i will don't have enough money to buy the album when the day Angela came hahas....
oh ya the album i bought have lucky draw although i not really sure whats lucky draw is that but wish i could be one of them =P
we went home at around 9pm plus =X hahas.... lucky i reached home my parents didn't said much thing BUT~! the money that i took.....
come on! give me a break! alright T.T i earn and work so hard why can't i take my own money? even i take $40 also wanna said me .....
whatever hahas, wanna go watch SS501 SOS show OMG~! so scary T.T
and poor SS501 begin harm by those fool people HATE THEM~!!! bleah =X
wanna congrats SS501 grab the K- Chart win with " LOVE LIKE THIS " !!! ....
bestie you must watch these video, BUT don't smash your com and i will ensure that you will be JEALOUS! hahas.... know why!? cause i am jealous when i see this video OMG~!!!
haven been almost a week never post O.O
i was quite shocked just now when i view my blog, cause i will post minimum 2 times a week a even seldom everyday but after the holiday day start.... erm... should be after the ' N ' level start i haven been posting much so i was surprise to see all this kind of strange things happening too hahas....
the day before i wanted to post but when i used the com not till 20 mins he wanna use lol..... so sad T.T yesterday went to hougang plaza play pool with bestie ^^ hahas... i having sooo~ much fun but sad to said that bestie doesn't seem to enjoy or having fun T.T hahas i'm not sure why but i try and wanted to entertain her but i can feel that she's not concentrating and thinking of something else lol.... =P hahas...
i think she really getting more and more excited bout her "KIM HYUN JOONG"
design =D right~ bestie ^^ ???
the haptic phone that she order or buy from china will be reaching SG soon haha! i feel happy and excited for her too ^^
although i also really want a phone which i can't afford now but if my bestie happy i happy ^o^
i also very excited the day that Angela held her signature concert OMG~! feel like screaming! hahas =P but if SS501 have it too i will scream till my throat can burst hahas =X not that serious =D hehe .....
i have been work 5 days per week OMG~! my leg's feeling jelly, pain and ache all around too T.T so sad~! only have Tuesday and Friday off ^^ but still have to do some house work on these off days oh my~! haha =D
昨天上班的時候, 下午看到我的三位同學她們來吃麥當鬧. 店里很忙突然聽到有人叫我我抬起頭看到她們笑著的跟我打招呼, 我不知道為什麼我沒跟她們笑只是打個小招呼. 我這群女同學, 這六位同學其實是很好的朋友, 我不知道為什麼我就是這麼的笨!!!!
笨的以為她們是我可以信賴的人, 以為她們真的是我的朋友! 原來我一直都笨笨的為她們服務, 要我或需要我的時候就很像迷糖一樣的粘著我, 裝作何我很親! 不要我的時候就不理,我當我透明, 還給我臉色看. 有一位是跟我最親的也是不大喜歡其她的, 她呢~ ..... 甚至會用手賞我一巴掌! 別誤會, 我的意思是她會和我玩然後突然賞我一巴掌. 我也一直以為是玩玩的也沒什麼可是我現在才知道.... 她... 是故意的.....
我真的都以為她們是我的朋友, 這是天大的笑話~!!!
她們對我的態度是真的很難忍受, 事情也過了我也忍了四年了...
這四年以來... 我就是她們的便利商店~! 要什麼就跟我借還說會換我, 新買的筆也給她們拿去.... 我真的是個笨蛋~! 沒人要的笨蛋~! 為什麼我那麼相信她們 !?
有兩位同學特別的壞, 壞到把我的東西丟掉還裝做不知道幫我找!
我真的真的真的~!!! 終於可以脫離他們, 也真的不希望和她們有多聯絡因為.....
我受夠了~!!! 累了.... 也 ..... 厭倦了 ......
真正的朋友, 永久的朋友是很難找到的! 這句話我真的同意, 因為如果沒有真正的朋友, 會活的很難受也很難過, 甚至會做不該做的是. 我的八位同學, 兩位是沒有什麼的, 一位就是那個和我最親的, 其她都是抽煙的, 罵髒話, 聊那些贰心的話題.
不過我很慶幸有幾位好朋友, 我確定也很肯定我真的可以信賴也甚至可以依靠他們 ^^
Eileen, Gam, Jun Jie .... 我只對這三位印象最深刻哈哈 ^^
不過還有一些我做工的朋友, 因為太多了我也懶的打字 =P
i was quite shocked just now when i view my blog, cause i will post minimum 2 times a week a even seldom everyday but after the holiday day start.... erm... should be after the ' N ' level start i haven been posting much so i was surprise to see all this kind of strange things happening too hahas....
the day before i wanted to post but when i used the com not till 20 mins he wanna use lol..... so sad T.T yesterday went to hougang plaza play pool with bestie ^^ hahas... i having sooo~ much fun but sad to said that bestie doesn't seem to enjoy or having fun T.T hahas i'm not sure why but i try and wanted to entertain her but i can feel that she's not concentrating and thinking of something else lol.... =P hahas...
i think she really getting more and more excited bout her "KIM HYUN JOONG"
design =D right~ bestie ^^ ???
the haptic phone that she order or buy from china will be reaching SG soon haha! i feel happy and excited for her too ^^
although i also really want a phone which i can't afford now but if my bestie happy i happy ^o^
i also very excited the day that Angela held her signature concert OMG~! feel like screaming! hahas =P but if SS501 have it too i will scream till my throat can burst hahas =X not that serious =D hehe .....
i have been work 5 days per week OMG~! my leg's feeling jelly, pain and ache all around too T.T so sad~! only have Tuesday and Friday off ^^ but still have to do some house work on these off days oh my~! haha =D
昨天上班的時候, 下午看到我的三位同學她們來吃麥當鬧. 店里很忙突然聽到有人叫我我抬起頭看到她們笑著的跟我打招呼, 我不知道為什麼我沒跟她們笑只是打個小招呼. 我這群女同學, 這六位同學其實是很好的朋友, 我不知道為什麼我就是這麼的笨!!!!
笨的以為她們是我可以信賴的人, 以為她們真的是我的朋友! 原來我一直都笨笨的為她們服務, 要我或需要我的時候就很像迷糖一樣的粘著我, 裝作何我很親! 不要我的時候就不理,我當我透明, 還給我臉色看. 有一位是跟我最親的也是不大喜歡其她的, 她呢~ ..... 甚至會用手賞我一巴掌! 別誤會, 我的意思是她會和我玩然後突然賞我一巴掌. 我也一直以為是玩玩的也沒什麼可是我現在才知道.... 她... 是故意的.....
我真的都以為她們是我的朋友, 這是天大的笑話~!!!
她們對我的態度是真的很難忍受, 事情也過了我也忍了四年了...
這四年以來... 我就是她們的便利商店~! 要什麼就跟我借還說會換我, 新買的筆也給她們拿去.... 我真的是個笨蛋~! 沒人要的笨蛋~! 為什麼我那麼相信她們 !?
有兩位同學特別的壞, 壞到把我的東西丟掉還裝做不知道幫我找!
我真的真的真的~!!! 終於可以脫離他們, 也真的不希望和她們有多聯絡因為.....
我受夠了~!!! 累了.... 也 ..... 厭倦了 ......
真正的朋友, 永久的朋友是很難找到的! 這句話我真的同意, 因為如果沒有真正的朋友, 會活的很難受也很難過, 甚至會做不該做的是. 我的八位同學, 兩位是沒有什麼的, 一位就是那個和我最親的, 其她都是抽煙的, 罵髒話, 聊那些贰心的話題.
不過我很慶幸有幾位好朋友, 我確定也很肯定我真的可以信賴也甚至可以依靠他們 ^^
Eileen, Gam, Jun Jie .... 我只對這三位印象最深刻哈哈 ^^
不過還有一些我做工的朋友, 因為太多了我也懶的打字 =P
ahn young~ ^^
it feels like nothing is happening or going on around me!? .....
like I've been spending most of my time up on working, house work and etc.....
just that getting lesser time to take a good rest/ nap T.T
I now even don't have much time watching television programs and using computer too!
oh my god just can't believe it! ... O.O
but i only can use to it haha, haix..... one thing make me sad is that! .....
my MP3 spoil~!!! ahhh~!!!!! freaking hell! T.T
yesterday still can use but don't know why today after charging can't be switch on haix....
OMG!!!! I'm surely will bore to death without music T.T
lucky bro went out so that i can use come meanwhile listen to music haha ^^
after the holiday start.... haven been relaxing myself and also haven been seeing bestie for few week i think..... oh ya she also having a job for one week, lol.... she hate jobs so much hahas, this is what i can only said bout her and this is what she told me too =P
really! hope she can really! find a job that suits her ^^ GOOD LUCK! and all the best to you bestie hehe .....
i also wish taht i could find a job that the salary is more higher than fast food restaurant, but unfortunately can't be able to find... but still wish that i can work one more job BUT i'm sure that i will unable to exertion haix..... so many thing to plan and do with T.T
it also have been a very long time since i go out with bestie and play/fool around, also haven been a long long time since i do shopping.... but i do really think that shop those stuff that i shouldn't buy is really a waste of my time, although i really want that thing but is useless or what i will think that it's wasting my time and money .....
but something does worth it to buy =P hahas .....
hope end of this year i could go big shopping with bestie and my family =D haha ....
i wanna buy MP3, handphone for myself of cause will pay by myself too.....
i also wanna go cut and do soft bonding on my hair ^^ hehe .....
but the mostly thing i wanna do is that .......
buy a new television, cause the TV now in my house need to take some time to on it OMG! can faint hahas.....
buy a comfortable and nice sofa that my parent like it very much, also earn money till enough for my mother to do lezar on her eyes haix.......
so much thing to do with MONEY!!!
this month 21st, Angela's coming to SG and held signature concert for her newest album
'' The 5th Season '' i actually definitely going but at the end really thought that don't wanna waste that money and just go there take a look but now i really decided to buy it because! it's very seldom for her to come SG hahas.... and i don't wanna to disappointed myself and also don't wanna make myself regret for not going ^^ so.... hope either sis or bestie could company me go =D really worried that no one is free that day, it's on the saturday at IMM, 2.3opm ^^
it feels like nothing is happening or going on around me!? .....
like I've been spending most of my time up on working, house work and etc.....
just that getting lesser time to take a good rest/ nap T.T
I now even don't have much time watching television programs and using computer too!
oh my god just can't believe it! ... O.O
but i only can use to it haha, haix..... one thing make me sad is that! .....
my MP3 spoil~!!! ahhh~!!!!! freaking hell! T.T
yesterday still can use but don't know why today after charging can't be switch on haix....
OMG!!!! I'm surely will bore to death without music T.T
lucky bro went out so that i can use come meanwhile listen to music haha ^^
after the holiday start.... haven been relaxing myself and also haven been seeing bestie for few week i think..... oh ya she also having a job for one week, lol.... she hate jobs so much hahas, this is what i can only said bout her and this is what she told me too =P
really! hope she can really! find a job that suits her ^^ GOOD LUCK! and all the best to you bestie hehe .....
i also wish taht i could find a job that the salary is more higher than fast food restaurant, but unfortunately can't be able to find... but still wish that i can work one more job BUT i'm sure that i will unable to exertion haix..... so many thing to plan and do with T.T
it also have been a very long time since i go out with bestie and play/fool around, also haven been a long long time since i do shopping.... but i do really think that shop those stuff that i shouldn't buy is really a waste of my time, although i really want that thing but is useless or what i will think that it's wasting my time and money .....
but something does worth it to buy =P hahas .....
hope end of this year i could go big shopping with bestie and my family =D haha ....
i wanna buy MP3, handphone for myself of cause will pay by myself too.....
i also wanna go cut and do soft bonding on my hair ^^ hehe .....
but the mostly thing i wanna do is that .......
buy a new television, cause the TV now in my house need to take some time to on it OMG! can faint hahas.....
buy a comfortable and nice sofa that my parent like it very much, also earn money till enough for my mother to do lezar on her eyes haix.......
so much thing to do with MONEY!!!
this month 21st, Angela's coming to SG and held signature concert for her newest album
'' The 5th Season '' i actually definitely going but at the end really thought that don't wanna waste that money and just go there take a look but now i really decided to buy it because! it's very seldom for her to come SG hahas.... and i don't wanna to disappointed myself and also don't wanna make myself regret for not going ^^ so.... hope either sis or bestie could company me go =D really worried that no one is free that day, it's on the saturday at IMM, 2.3opm ^^
好累喔~! T.T
嗨~ ..... 剛沖好涼好舒服哈哈 =D 現在邊吃邊打字因為我實在是太餌了!
今天上班本來2點就可以下班了誰知道拖我到5 點! 腳好累好酸喔, 也很痛啦 T.T
還好哥還沒回來要不然我不知道還要等到什麼時候才可以用電腦啦, 可是也奇怪這麼吃了他還不回家唉唷~ 真是的....
沒辦法需要錢啦~! 不過也賺不了多少, 怎麼辦啦~!!!! T.T
- 我現在暫時不要買專輯, 等改版在買 ....
- 需要千多塊給媽媽電眼睛 ....
- 手機的錢 ....
嗨~.... 買不完的東西啊! .....
海派甜心第一集我看了唷哈哈, 小豬和楊丞琳好~! 可愛哈哈, 我的媽呀~!!!! ^^
如果不看真的會後悔啦! =P 所以一定要看 ^^
鈺~! 加油喔~ ^^
FIGHTING~!!! 我們一定可以賺到夠本的哈哈.....
作工辛苦也沒辦法啊, 天下沒有免費的東西就算有也是要付出代價的, 是不是~!? ^^
所以呢~.... 我也只能說, 撐著点 =D 不要放棄啊~ 也不要偷懶喔~! ^^ 哈哈....
嗨~ ..... 剛沖好涼好舒服哈哈 =D 現在邊吃邊打字因為我實在是太餌了!
今天上班本來2點就可以下班了誰知道拖我到5 點! 腳好累好酸喔, 也很痛啦 T.T
還好哥還沒回來要不然我不知道還要等到什麼時候才可以用電腦啦, 可是也奇怪這麼吃了他還不回家唉唷~ 真是的....
沒辦法需要錢啦~! 不過也賺不了多少, 怎麼辦啦~!!!! T.T
- 我現在暫時不要買專輯, 等改版在買 ....
- 需要千多塊給媽媽電眼睛 ....
- 手機的錢 ....
嗨~.... 買不完的東西啊! .....
海派甜心第一集我看了唷哈哈, 小豬和楊丞琳好~! 可愛哈哈, 我的媽呀~!!!! ^^
如果不看真的會後悔啦! =P 所以一定要看 ^^
鈺~! 加油喔~ ^^
FIGHTING~!!! 我們一定可以賺到夠本的哈哈.....
作工辛苦也沒辦法啊, 天下沒有免費的東西就算有也是要付出代價的, 是不是~!? ^^
所以呢~.... 我也只能說, 撐著点 =D 不要放棄啊~ 也不要偷懶喔~! ^^ 哈哈....
今天是回學校的最後一天, 也就是說.... 我們畢業啦 ^^
哈哈... 好開心喔! 不過等拿成績的那天因該會跟同學聚在一起,
這次一定要聚久一點也要和我們的繼任老師聊一聊 ^^
今天要放學的時候.... 真的有好多人哭喔~ 我看了很心痛也很難過, 真的很舍不得分開....
嗨~ 時間真的走的好快喔.... 好想睡了一觉隔天早上起來就 " 到 " 了......
不過真的希望我們可以再讀一樣的 ITE 學校 ^^
我實在哭不出啊不知道為什麼啦..... 就是沒有想哭的感覺嗨~ ......
最後... 我找到了答案......
我不是對這些同學冷淡也不是不喜歡他們, 更不是對他們沒有友情.....
我..... 發現到..... 我對同學....不熟~! .......
因為今天放學之前, 我們大家握手的握手, 擁抱的擁抱.... 同學都是熱情依依不捨的....
到有人要和我握手, 我是尷尬的握,有些同學也沒要和我握手......
不過我還是很開心有這群朋友, 我們的....
快樂時光, 吵架/打架, 鬥嘴, 頑固, 可愛/俏皮行動和態度 ..... 很多很多 .....
真的很捨不得這群朋友啦 T.T 不過這天充實要到的.... 而且... 已經到了 ! .....
我也還記得我們的 " 團結力量 " !!! 哈哈....
更不會忘了我們的第二個 "媽媽", 我們的繼任老師 Mdm Hartini ^^
真的很感謝她所為我們做的事, 她的耐心還有她的那份母愛 ~!!!! =P
突然覺得有點害怕的感覺, 因為現在曾在打雷而且也很大聲, 響了好幾十次啦我的媽呀~!
因為一直想著 "世界末日" 這四個字, 嗨~! 真的好恐怖喔!!! T.T
一直不聽的打雷也不下雨? .....
對了~! ....
明天還要上班, [ 9點 - 5 點! ] 上了網就差點忘了... 因為我放學回到家就2點半了吧, 就換個衣服然後去洗碗, 掃地什麼的.... 我好像是邊必著眼邊做, 因為真的實在是太困了也好累喔 .....
所以全部做完我就休息一下才洗個澡, 然後我說要睡覺睡到電腦去了唉唷~
好吧今天就到這兒啦 ^^
今天是回學校的最後一天, 也就是說.... 我們畢業啦 ^^
哈哈... 好開心喔! 不過等拿成績的那天因該會跟同學聚在一起,
這次一定要聚久一點也要和我們的繼任老師聊一聊 ^^
今天要放學的時候.... 真的有好多人哭喔~ 我看了很心痛也很難過, 真的很舍不得分開....
嗨~ 時間真的走的好快喔.... 好想睡了一觉隔天早上起來就 " 到 " 了......
不過真的希望我們可以再讀一樣的 ITE 學校 ^^
我實在哭不出啊不知道為什麼啦..... 就是沒有想哭的感覺嗨~ ......
最後... 我找到了答案......
我不是對這些同學冷淡也不是不喜歡他們, 更不是對他們沒有友情.....
我..... 發現到..... 我對同學....不熟~! .......
因為今天放學之前, 我們大家握手的握手, 擁抱的擁抱.... 同學都是熱情依依不捨的....
到有人要和我握手, 我是尷尬的握,有些同學也沒要和我握手......
不過我還是很開心有這群朋友, 我們的....
快樂時光, 吵架/打架, 鬥嘴, 頑固, 可愛/俏皮行動和態度 ..... 很多很多 .....
真的很捨不得這群朋友啦 T.T 不過這天充實要到的.... 而且... 已經到了 ! .....
我也還記得我們的 " 團結力量 " !!! 哈哈....
更不會忘了我們的第二個 "媽媽", 我們的繼任老師 Mdm Hartini ^^
真的很感謝她所為我們做的事, 她的耐心還有她的那份母愛 ~!!!! =P
突然覺得有點害怕的感覺, 因為現在曾在打雷而且也很大聲, 響了好幾十次啦我的媽呀~!
因為一直想著 "世界末日" 這四個字, 嗨~! 真的好恐怖喔!!! T.T
一直不聽的打雷也不下雨? .....
對了~! ....
明天還要上班, [ 9點 - 5 點! ] 上了網就差點忘了... 因為我放學回到家就2點半了吧, 就換個衣服然後去洗碗, 掃地什麼的.... 我好像是邊必著眼邊做, 因為真的實在是太困了也好累喔 .....
所以全部做完我就休息一下才洗個澡, 然後我說要睡覺睡到電腦去了唉唷~
好吧今天就到這兒啦 ^^
ahn-young~ ^^
Came back from school for for sometimes le ..... today finally went back to school OMG~! hahas... i bout one week never go school le =P hehe...
today in school do erm.... music!? can said in this way, i think =D we create our own music so cool and fun ^^ hahas... fun till i don't wanna end the lesson ^^
i brought home my pieces of music =P erm... quite okay actually but not sure what other people will think bout it of maybe comment bout it hahas....
will be putting that piece of song on my blog ^^ so do give me some comments hehe =D
oh ya and listen to the music LOUD and CLEAR ^^ thanks hahas...
Tomorrow school outing will be going to science center T.T lol.... again OMG~!
so boring man =P haix~.... if less than 30 people the outing will be cancel not sure why !??? O.O
Came back from school for for sometimes le ..... today finally went back to school OMG~! hahas... i bout one week never go school le =P hehe...
today in school do erm.... music!? can said in this way, i think =D we create our own music so cool and fun ^^ hahas... fun till i don't wanna end the lesson ^^
i brought home my pieces of music =P erm... quite okay actually but not sure what other people will think bout it of maybe comment bout it hahas....
will be putting that piece of song on my blog ^^ so do give me some comments hehe =D
oh ya and listen to the music LOUD and CLEAR ^^ thanks hahas...
Tomorrow school outing will be going to science center T.T lol.... again OMG~!
so boring man =P haix~.... if less than 30 people the outing will be cancel not sure why !??? O.O
剛從hougang mall 回來..... 和媽媽去吃早餐, 今天8 點就起床了.
嗨~ 今天又沒去上學, 我忠覺得考完了試沒有那重興氛要去學校. 我明天還是去比較好要不讓老師真的快瘋了哈哈.... 這個星期是最後一個星期了, 星期五拿 report book 不知道給回我們幹嘛啊!?
早上起床去廚房要喝水, 我看到碗淜/洗手淜放/擠了滿滿的碗筷, OH MY 天啊~!!!!
嗨~ ...... 然後媽媽又叫我陪她去拿錢, 她會拿錢不會安提款機唉唷~ .....
媽媽你也太可愛了吧 =D 我就有一點不耐煩, 一大早看到不想看的東西然後又被叫出門....
我無話可說啦 =P 去拿錢的時候我們也順便去蓋銀行簿子, 吼~ 真的有的傷心了 T.T
沒身多少錢, 爸爸自己身上也只剩下$10, 薪水也還沒發. 家用只好有我和姐姐的錢啦, 我想拿$30.... 不過不知道該不該拿因為我覺得媽媽和姐姐都說的對, 我每次拿錢都是去買哪些沒用而且也不該買的東西.... 像是專輯啦, 雜誌啦 有的沒得.... 不過我真的很想要嘛 T.T
錢是我自己做工專來得不過也沒多少, 至少讓我買我想要的東西嘛嗨~ .....
我好想把書讀得很好然後拿到獎學金, 找到一份很好的職業賺很多很多的錢給這個家 ^^
希望.... 也期待.....
嗨~ 今天又沒去上學, 我忠覺得考完了試沒有那重興氛要去學校. 我明天還是去比較好要不讓老師真的快瘋了哈哈.... 這個星期是最後一個星期了, 星期五拿 report book 不知道給回我們幹嘛啊!?
早上起床去廚房要喝水, 我看到碗淜/洗手淜放/擠了滿滿的碗筷, OH MY 天啊~!!!!
嗨~ ...... 然後媽媽又叫我陪她去拿錢, 她會拿錢不會安提款機唉唷~ .....
媽媽你也太可愛了吧 =D 我就有一點不耐煩, 一大早看到不想看的東西然後又被叫出門....
我無話可說啦 =P 去拿錢的時候我們也順便去蓋銀行簿子, 吼~ 真的有的傷心了 T.T
沒身多少錢, 爸爸自己身上也只剩下$10, 薪水也還沒發. 家用只好有我和姐姐的錢啦, 我想拿$30.... 不過不知道該不該拿因為我覺得媽媽和姐姐都說的對, 我每次拿錢都是去買哪些沒用而且也不該買的東西.... 像是專輯啦, 雜誌啦 有的沒得.... 不過我真的很想要嘛 T.T
錢是我自己做工專來得不過也沒多少, 至少讓我買我想要的東西嘛嗨~ .....
我好想把書讀得很好然後拿到獎學金, 找到一份很好的職業賺很多很多的錢給這個家 ^^
希望.... 也期待.....
lol.... got some comment from my sister T.T thats why i post in english =3
but will also post in chinese =P hahas.....
today skip school again .... don't know why but i just know that i tomorrow must go or else my parent will "kill" me so as the school hahas...
yesterday and Saturday went back to work haix... sick and tired .....
but one thing is that i'm happy to see my friends again ^^ hahas..... miss them damn lots worx T.T Adele sister, Lisa, Xinyi OMG~! hahas..... but still really hope all of us pass our exams with flying colours ^^
But i'm scare that i can't be able to choose the course that i want cause of my maths cannot pass haix.... just wish and hope that my math really can pass, at least pass by few marks !? also can PLEASE~!!!! T.T
現在我和鈺一樣啦, 需要錢啦 T.T [傷心....]
我想要買東西啦 唉唷~! 很多東西想買也有很多東西想弄 ......
1) SS501 的全部專輯 ......
2) STAGE 品牌的東西 ....
3) 張韶涵 和 蔡依林 的專輯 ....
4) 和鈺去KBOX/玩卓球 ....
因該還有很多吧, 只是縣再站是想不起來嗨~.....
好啦我要去看 " 海派甜心 " 和 " 桃花小妹 " 啦
掰掰 ^^
but will also post in chinese =P hahas.....
today skip school again .... don't know why but i just know that i tomorrow must go or else my parent will "kill" me so as the school hahas...
yesterday and Saturday went back to work haix... sick and tired .....
but one thing is that i'm happy to see my friends again ^^ hahas..... miss them damn lots worx T.T Adele sister, Lisa, Xinyi OMG~! hahas..... but still really hope all of us pass our exams with flying colours ^^
But i'm scare that i can't be able to choose the course that i want cause of my maths cannot pass haix.... just wish and hope that my math really can pass, at least pass by few marks !? also can PLEASE~!!!! T.T
現在我和鈺一樣啦, 需要錢啦 T.T [傷心....]
我想要買東西啦 唉唷~! 很多東西想買也有很多東西想弄 ......
1) SS501 的全部專輯 ......
2) STAGE 品牌的東西 ....
3) 張韶涵 和 蔡依林 的專輯 ....
4) 和鈺去KBOX/玩卓球 ....
因該還有很多吧, 只是縣再站是想不起來嗨~.....
好啦我要去看 " 海派甜心 " 和 " 桃花小妹 " 啦
掰掰 ^^
隔了三天了, 今天終於上部落格...
今天沒去學校, 本來是有/想去的不過昨天晚上突然沒興趣也不想去, 所以就有時間上部落個啦. 今天一早就洗碗ㄛ~ 我的媽呀~! 不過我洗完的時候姐姐就把面給煮好了哈哈, 好棒喔! ^^
姐姐~! " O " 水準大考... 加油喔~! 你一定可以做到的 ^^ FIGHTING~!!!
[別忘了有我這個小羊妹妹在你的背後支持你唷!!! ^^ ]
昨天我好晚睡覺喔, 整理電腦里的我一些文件 [ 電腦不算是我的, 是我哥哥的 T.T ]
然後就看 "桃花小妹" 第一集還有加幕後花絮喔 ^^ 好好看唷~
不過我還是期待 "海派甜心" 啦喀喀~ ....
超期待的啦! 也超想看的啦 ^o^
說到這個我就想到金鐘獎啦, 唉唷~ 我可憐的羅志祥, 好心疼他喔!
為什麼金鐘將男主角不是不是羅志祥呢!??? 為什麼是趙又廷啦!
氣死豬迷們了啦, 我看豬迷們的感受也和我一樣吧 .....
不過不要緊, 就像羅志祥說的路還很長, 入圍就是一中肯定下次還有機會的 ^^
" 籃球火 " 新加坡 11月2日, 週一到五晚上 11點30 首播喔~ 我想我應該會看吧 =P 哈哈....
「SS501 ASIA TOUR PERSONA 2009台北演唱會」
在10月17日台北小巨蛋开唱, 我的天啊~!!!!
好想去哦 T.T [ 哭泣.... ]
他們超酷! 超帥! 超可愛的啦!
我看鈺也想哭了吧 =P 嗨~ ....
《S.H.E Is The one 爱而为一》香港 [第一站] 世界巡回演唱,
我的媽呀他們超辣的~! 期待新加坡的喔~ ^^ 哈哈...
他們唱了有四十多首歌啊, 好棒喔 ^^
今天沒去學校, 本來是有/想去的不過昨天晚上突然沒興趣也不想去, 所以就有時間上部落個啦. 今天一早就洗碗ㄛ~ 我的媽呀~! 不過我洗完的時候姐姐就把面給煮好了哈哈, 好棒喔! ^^
姐姐~! " O " 水準大考... 加油喔~! 你一定可以做到的 ^^ FIGHTING~!!!
[別忘了有我這個小羊妹妹在你的背後支持你唷!!! ^^ ]
昨天我好晚睡覺喔, 整理電腦里的我一些文件 [ 電腦不算是我的, 是我哥哥的 T.T ]
然後就看 "桃花小妹" 第一集還有加幕後花絮喔 ^^ 好好看唷~
不過我還是期待 "海派甜心" 啦喀喀~ ....
超期待的啦! 也超想看的啦 ^o^
說到這個我就想到金鐘獎啦, 唉唷~ 我可憐的羅志祥, 好心疼他喔!
為什麼金鐘將男主角不是不是羅志祥呢!??? 為什麼是趙又廷啦!
氣死豬迷們了啦, 我看豬迷們的感受也和我一樣吧 .....
不過不要緊, 就像羅志祥說的路還很長, 入圍就是一中肯定下次還有機會的 ^^
" 籃球火 " 新加坡 11月2日, 週一到五晚上 11點30 首播喔~ 我想我應該會看吧 =P 哈哈....
「SS501 ASIA TOUR PERSONA 2009台北演唱會」
在10月17日台北小巨蛋开唱, 我的天啊~!!!!
好想去哦 T.T [ 哭泣.... ]
他們超酷! 超帥! 超可愛的啦!
我看鈺也想哭了吧 =P 嗨~ ....
金享俊再拍一部偶像劇喔~ " SETI ", 我覺得這部戲不錯, 滿好看的啦哈哈...
《S.H.E Is The one 爱而为一》香港 [第一站] 世界巡回演唱,
我的媽呀他們超辣的~! 期待新加坡的喔~ ^^ 哈哈...
他們唱了有四十多首歌啊, 好棒喔 ^^
yeobdusayo ~
現在曾再吃晚餐, 邊吃邊打字哈哈... 好幾天沒上部落格了喀喀~ 不好意思啦這幾天忙著追看一部戲唷~ 韓國電視劇喔 ^^ "WE GOT MARRIED [我們結婚了] "
ㄛ~ 超好看的啦! 愛死這部戲了啦 哈哈....
昨天又出門去了 =P
鈺問我為什麼突然有要出門了, 我就開玩笑的說幾天沒看到他感覺很不對啦哈哈... 她就說為什麼他有一種感覺我們很像是同心戀呀哈哈... 唉唷~ 鈺我是開玩笑的啦, 因為你每次約我出門而我一直不想出門的拒絕你啊. 我覺得不好手所以就決定出門哈哈....
我今天又和鈺出門哈哈, 去了她家玩鋼琴然後耶去了AMK HUB 買東西吃東西...
好想賺多多的錢然後可以分一點給爸爸媽媽和我自己然後和鈺出門買所有想要的東西哈哈哈哈~ =P 真的很希望這個願望可以實現唷~ ^^
現在曾再吃晚餐, 邊吃邊打字哈哈... 好幾天沒上部落格了喀喀~ 不好意思啦這幾天忙著追看一部戲唷~ 韓國電視劇喔 ^^ "WE GOT MARRIED [我們結婚了] "
ㄛ~ 超好看的啦! 愛死這部戲了啦 哈哈....
昨天又出門去了 =P
鈺問我為什麼突然有要出門了, 我就開玩笑的說幾天沒看到他感覺很不對啦哈哈... 她就說為什麼他有一種感覺我們很像是同心戀呀哈哈... 唉唷~ 鈺我是開玩笑的啦, 因為你每次約我出門而我一直不想出門的拒絕你啊. 我覺得不好手所以就決定出門哈哈....
我今天又和鈺出門哈哈, 去了她家玩鋼琴然後耶去了AMK HUB 買東西吃東西...
好想賺多多的錢然後可以分一點給爸爸媽媽和我自己然後和鈺出門買所有想要的東西哈哈哈哈~ =P 真的很希望這個願望可以實現唷~ ^^
我的天啊! 已經過了十一天了耶, 哈哈哈大考終於考完了好開心又輕鬆喔 =D 不過大考不是說做得很好啦真的很擔心成績嗨~! 現在只好等啦 ^^ 終於有機會上部落格了哈哈, 昨天本來要上的不過哥也太早起來了吧還我沒得有電腦啦真是的 T.T 早天又和鈴出門了不過也是和 GAM 還有他的其他朋友哈哈, 我們去玩卓球唷! 我又學會了一樣 "社會" 的玩法哈哈.... 好開心呢~! ^^ 來領的星期五可能還要去玩呢, 因為真的是早好玩的啦 =P 哈哈....
我的部落有很多東西要改要換的嗨唷~ 哈哈... 好啦就寫到這兒吧 ......
我的天啊! 已經過了十一天了耶, 哈哈哈大考終於考完了好開心又輕鬆喔 =D 不過大考不是說做得很好啦真的很擔心成績嗨~! 現在只好等啦 ^^ 終於有機會上部落格了哈哈, 昨天本來要上的不過哥也太早起來了吧還我沒得有電腦啦真是的 T.T 早天又和鈴出門了不過也是和 GAM 還有他的其他朋友哈哈, 我們去玩卓球唷! 我又學會了一樣 "社會" 的玩法哈哈.... 好開心呢~! ^^ 來領的星期五可能還要去玩呢, 因為真的是早好玩的啦 =P 哈哈....
期待 <<海派甜心>> 這部偶像劇唷, 一定要看啦 ^.=
我的部落有很多東西要改要換的嗨唷~ 哈哈... 好啦就寫到這兒吧 ......
yeobdusayo ~
剛從 Fiona 家回來超不多有一會兒了, 去她家吃生日蛋糕哈哈. 昨天是她的生日唷~ 不好意思昨天沒辦法跟你親自說生日快樂啦 =P 不過我現在,在這里還是要跟你說一聲........
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! 生日快樂~!!! =D 哈哈..... 真的希望你的大考可以過關也真的希望你努力的讀書啦! 知道嗎!?~ ^^ 加油喔 哈哈 .......
好累喔!, 好想上床睡覺啦 =P 不過還有數學功課還沒做完耶嗨~ 真是的, 還有多五天就大考了我的媽呀~!!!!!!! 緊張死我了啦, 快瘋了~!!! 哈哈... 禮拜天沒去上班, 我跑班哈哈~ 管他們的呢. 都說我大考到了還不放我休假真是的, 總有一天我會把你們給抄掉的哈哈哈~!.....
我的意思是我一定會把這分工給辭掉 ^^
加油喔~ ^^
下個星期就大考了 =P
我全部的朋友們祝你們好運啦, 你們一定會拿到好成績的哈哈 =D
剛從 Fiona 家回來超不多有一會兒了, 去她家吃生日蛋糕哈哈. 昨天是她的生日唷~ 不好意思昨天沒辦法跟你親自說生日快樂啦 =P 不過我現在,在這里還是要跟你說一聲........
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! 生日快樂~!!! =D 哈哈..... 真的希望你的大考可以過關也真的希望你努力的讀書啦! 知道嗎!?~ ^^ 加油喔 哈哈 .......
好累喔!, 好想上床睡覺啦 =P 不過還有數學功課還沒做完耶嗨~ 真是的, 還有多五天就大考了我的媽呀~!!!!!!! 緊張死我了啦, 快瘋了~!!! 哈哈... 禮拜天沒去上班, 我跑班哈哈~ 管他們的呢. 都說我大考到了還不放我休假真是的, 總有一天我會把你們給抄掉的哈哈哈~!.....
我的意思是我一定會把這分工給辭掉 ^^
加油喔~ ^^
下個星期就大考了 =P
我全部的朋友們祝你們好運啦, 你們一定會拿到好成績的哈哈 =D
ann yeong haseyo ~ =P
哈哈... 今天沒上班因為不想去, 我管他的呢. 誰叫他們這麼自私我都說了我大考快要到了沒時間上班, 不要以為我好欺負喔! 不給你們一点顏色看看哈哈哈 =D
我不管今天經理是誰反正我也不想干這分工了 ^^ 就算你們打來我也不太可能會接的, 對了我的腰傷又回來了! T.T 真是的啦, 要大考了經讓給我現在痛!? 要我怎麼專心嘛! T.T 嗨唷~
昨天和鈺鈴出去, 去了他朋友的家讀書. 本來是我很鈺鈴而已哪知道最後去了他朋友的家讀書哈哈. ㄛ~ 好高興喔! 我人生第一次摸到狗耶~! 我的媽呀哈哈, 好可愛唷!
ㄛ~ 簡直是痛死我了啦! 我現在要尊下都難了啦,不知道是不是又是跟那次一樣? 不過應該不太可能吧, 我又沒忍尿? 奇怪~! 嗨~ ..........
我這幾天都在看雜誌, 看天視, 玩電腦和學韓文 哈哈 ....
我已經告訴自己了不可以再浪費時間了, 要專心讀書不讓我一定會後悔的!
哈哈~ 加油! ....
annyongi kasesyo ~
哈哈... 今天沒上班因為不想去, 我管他的呢. 誰叫他們這麼自私我都說了我大考快要到了沒時間上班, 不要以為我好欺負喔! 不給你們一点顏色看看哈哈哈 =D
我不管今天經理是誰反正我也不想干這分工了 ^^ 就算你們打來我也不太可能會接的, 對了我的腰傷又回來了! T.T 真是的啦, 要大考了經讓給我現在痛!? 要我怎麼專心嘛! T.T 嗨唷~
昨天和鈺鈴出去, 去了他朋友的家讀書. 本來是我很鈺鈴而已哪知道最後去了他朋友的家讀書哈哈. ㄛ~ 好高興喔! 我人生第一次摸到狗耶~! 我的媽呀哈哈, 好可愛唷!
ㄛ~ 簡直是痛死我了啦! 我現在要尊下都難了啦,不知道是不是又是跟那次一樣? 不過應該不太可能吧, 我又沒忍尿? 奇怪~! 嗨~ ..........
我這幾天都在看雜誌, 看天視, 玩電腦和學韓文 哈哈 ....
我已經告訴自己了不可以再浪費時間了, 要專心讀書不讓我一定會後悔的!
哈哈~ 加油! ....
annyongi kasesyo ~
真是的! T.T 今天沒上學原因很欠打也很簡單, 原因就是... 我忘記洗校服哈哈 -_-'''
嗨~ 還我今天心情那麼好而且有早起床, 還覺得今天不會遲到結果還是沒上學嘛! =P 昨天和鈺鈴出門, 昨天真的累死我了啦. 早上去複診到3點多才到后港,我的媽呀~! 本來是問她要不要來 hougang mall 的超級市場找我結果等我快要回家的時候她才回我的簡訊. 我回到家馬上就打給她了, 我真的是給她下死了啦. 她說她心情不是說很好不想呆在家還問我要不要出門讀書, 我問她怎麼了她說她不知道怎麼開口. 所以我們就決定去益豐成 vivo city "讀書", 為什麼我放這個 "" 呢!? 因為哈哈 我真的覺得我們逛街和玩比讀書的時間還來得長唷哈哈. 我們還有說有笑喔, 超好玩的啦 ^^ 昨晚我們簡至是像瘋了一樣哈哈 =D 昨天去複診醫生說有進步不過還能進步的更多更好, 嗨~ 他還說糖尿病是要堅持不是只有一次就行的. 這兒我當然知道啊 ^^ 所以放心吧大考過後我一定會進步的, 我有相信我可以做到的哈哈. 因為我有時間做運動了嘛 唏唏~ 我超期待也超想看百分百啦! 有郭富城唷!!!! 啊~~~~ 帥翻了啦哈哈, 小豬說這集一定要看唉唷~ 小豬你不說我們也一定會看的啊 =D 哈哈.... 我看小豬也一高興慘了吧 ^^ 郭富城耶! 也是小豬的偶像啦, 小豬說這是他第一次那麼近距離得看他怎麼久喔哈哈.... 上一次是劉德華這一次是郭富城這一次是耶ㄛ~!!!
嗨~ 還我今天心情那麼好而且有早起床, 還覺得今天不會遲到結果還是沒上學嘛! =P 昨天和鈺鈴出門, 昨天真的累死我了啦. 早上去複診到3點多才到后港,我的媽呀~! 本來是問她要不要來 hougang mall 的超級市場找我結果等我快要回家的時候她才回我的簡訊. 我回到家馬上就打給她了, 我真的是給她下死了啦. 她說她心情不是說很好不想呆在家還問我要不要出門讀書, 我問她怎麼了她說她不知道怎麼開口. 所以我們就決定去益豐成 vivo city "讀書", 為什麼我放這個 "" 呢!? 因為哈哈 我真的覺得我們逛街和玩比讀書的時間還來得長唷哈哈. 我們還有說有笑喔, 超好玩的啦 ^^ 昨晚我們簡至是像瘋了一樣哈哈 =D 昨天去複診醫生說有進步不過還能進步的更多更好, 嗨~ 他還說糖尿病是要堅持不是只有一次就行的. 這兒我當然知道啊 ^^ 所以放心吧大考過後我一定會進步的, 我有相信我可以做到的哈哈. 因為我有時間做運動了嘛 唏唏~ 我超期待也超想看百分百啦! 有郭富城唷!!!! 啊~~~~ 帥翻了啦哈哈, 小豬說這集一定要看唉唷~ 小豬你不說我們也一定會看的啊 =D 哈哈.... 我看小豬也一高興慘了吧 ^^ 郭富城耶! 也是小豬的偶像啦, 小豬說這是他第一次那麼近距離得看他怎麼久喔哈哈.... 上一次是劉德華這一次是郭富城這一次是耶ㄛ~!!!
小豬前幾天去了韓國我的碼呀, 韓國的家人門診的是太屌了吧哈哈....
小豬你是我們的驕傲! 永遠都是!
小豬你是我們的驕傲! 永遠都是!
哈哈今天又學了一個新的字, 鈺領教我的 ^^ 意思就是 hello~! =D 哈哈唸起來好可愛唷 =P
剛吃好晚餐原本不想吃的只想喝杯熱牛乃不過姐姐叫我至少吃一點, 沒人吃很浪費嗨~! 沒辦法只好吃啦 ^^ 哈哈 ......
今天和鈺鈴出門, 去了兩個地方.... hougang mall 和 rivervale mall =D
我一放學要到家的時候她就打給我問我要不要出門!? 也太準和巧了吧, 我才剛要到幾你就打給我了呀哈哈... 我今天把吉他換給鈺鈴了, 好好玩喔不過可惜現在要考大考不能花太多時間玩耍. 不過我最想玩和學的樂器還是鋼琴 ^^ 喀喀~ 哈哈....
我在等今天的娛樂百分百下載好 T.T 超想看的啦, 不過也很奇怪為什麼禮拜一有 LIVE 呢!? 哈哈... 連小豬自己也不知道哈哈 .....
昨天看了兩集的百分百, 蝴蝶姐姐的慶生會和小鬼的戀愛百分百. ㄛ~!
超刺激! 超感動! 超好笑! 超感傷! 的啦 ~ ..... 很好看唷 ^^

蛋糕是蝴蝶的形狀耶~! 好美好可愛唷 哈哈 ...

小朋友好可愛唷, 跳舞給蝴蝶姐姐. 祝她生日快樂 ^^



吊到的第一份禮物是 "小豬的簽名照" !
蝴蝶姐姐好失望的表情啊 哈哈~ 好可憐唷 ....

第二份是 "同時獲得小豬,小鬼和阿本的簽名照一張"
蝴蝶姐姐快要抓狂了 哈哈 ....

"按摩棒" ㄛ~! 我要啦, 小豬也有一個耶哈哈喔.
這個是 '蝴蝶蝴蝶生的真美麗' 的工作人員的 ^^
好有心唷 =D

可憐的蝴蝶姐姐 T.T
看到爸爸 還是忍不住會哭, 大老遠的來祝女兒生日快樂啦.
爸爸好辛苦唷 ^^

蝴蝶姐姐的初戀男友來到百分百 O.O
我也傻眼了啦 哈哈....

還倒數, 不過沒有來!?


蝴蝶吓到跑到小鬼後面躲起來 哈哈~
好可愛唷! ^^

蝴蝶為了要讓初戀男友生氣, 問他只不知道她喜歡小豬這件事!?
小豬是當場傻眼啦 哈哈....
好好小喔 =P

小鬼送蝴蝶一張字寫 "羅志祥家怕死[pass]".
哈哈, 小鬼也太可愛了吧 =D

"如果我今天不是藝人的話, 我沒有任何包複的話, 我一定追你"
蝴蝶當真喔~ 她說真的假的 !?
哈哈小豬說假的 ....

蝴蝶超不爽的把小鬼送她的 pass 仍在地上, 仍了幾次還踩上去唷
哈哈太好笑了啦, 踩到鞋子都掉了 ...

小豬好貼心喔, 耶好好喔 ^^ 我也要啦 T.T
哈哈, 那個字帶好可愛唷 ....

蝴蝶要和小豬交換, 把初戀男友送她的竹蜻蜓給交換...
而且小豬超想要那個竹蜻蜓的 哈哈 =D

超可愛的啦! 愛死你了~ 哈哈 =P
包包好美唷, 又可愛 ^^
小豬要給蝴蝶抱抱不過蝴蝶不敢何他擁抱, 不知道為什麼!?
我要都沒有你會不要!? 哈哈 ...
哈哈今天又學了一個新的字, 鈺領教我的 ^^ 意思就是 hello~! =D 哈哈唸起來好可愛唷 =P
剛吃好晚餐原本不想吃的只想喝杯熱牛乃不過姐姐叫我至少吃一點, 沒人吃很浪費嗨~! 沒辦法只好吃啦 ^^ 哈哈 ......
今天和鈺鈴出門, 去了兩個地方.... hougang mall 和 rivervale mall =D
我一放學要到家的時候她就打給我問我要不要出門!? 也太準和巧了吧, 我才剛要到幾你就打給我了呀哈哈... 我今天把吉他換給鈺鈴了, 好好玩喔不過可惜現在要考大考不能花太多時間玩耍. 不過我最想玩和學的樂器還是鋼琴 ^^ 喀喀~ 哈哈....
我在等今天的娛樂百分百下載好 T.T 超想看的啦, 不過也很奇怪為什麼禮拜一有 LIVE 呢!? 哈哈... 連小豬自己也不知道哈哈 .....
昨天看了兩集的百分百, 蝴蝶姐姐的慶生會和小鬼的戀愛百分百. ㄛ~!
超刺激! 超感動! 超好笑! 超感傷! 的啦 ~ ..... 很好看唷 ^^

蛋糕是蝴蝶的形狀耶~! 好美好可愛唷 哈哈 ...

小朋友好可愛唷, 跳舞給蝴蝶姐姐. 祝她生日快樂 ^^



吊到的第一份禮物是 "小豬的簽名照" !
蝴蝶姐姐好失望的表情啊 哈哈~ 好可憐唷 ....

第二份是 "同時獲得小豬,小鬼和阿本的簽名照一張"
蝴蝶姐姐快要抓狂了 哈哈 ....

"按摩棒" ㄛ~! 我要啦, 小豬也有一個耶哈哈喔.
這個是 '蝴蝶蝴蝶生的真美麗' 的工作人員的 ^^
好有心唷 =D

可憐的蝴蝶姐姐 T.T
看到爸爸 還是忍不住會哭, 大老遠的來祝女兒生日快樂啦.
爸爸好辛苦唷 ^^

蝴蝶姐姐的初戀男友來到百分百 O.O
我也傻眼了啦 哈哈....

還倒數, 不過沒有來!?


蝴蝶吓到跑到小鬼後面躲起來 哈哈~
好可愛唷! ^^

蝴蝶為了要讓初戀男友生氣, 問他只不知道她喜歡小豬這件事!?
小豬是當場傻眼啦 哈哈....
好好小喔 =P

小鬼送蝴蝶一張字寫 "羅志祥家怕死[pass]".
哈哈, 小鬼也太可愛了吧 =D

"如果我今天不是藝人的話, 我沒有任何包複的話, 我一定追你"
蝴蝶當真喔~ 她說真的假的 !?
哈哈小豬說假的 ....

蝴蝶超不爽的把小鬼送她的 pass 仍在地上, 仍了幾次還踩上去唷
哈哈太好笑了啦, 踩到鞋子都掉了 ...

小豬好貼心喔, 耶好好喔 ^^ 我也要啦 T.T
哈哈, 那個字帶好可愛唷 ....

蝴蝶要和小豬交換, 把初戀男友送她的竹蜻蜓給交換...
而且小豬超想要那個竹蜻蜓的 哈哈 =D

超可愛的啦! 愛死你了~ 哈哈 =P
包包好美唷, 又可愛 ^^
小豬要給蝴蝶抱抱不過蝴蝶不敢何他擁抱, 不知道為什麼!?
我要都沒有你會不要!? 哈哈 ...
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