*-* Monday 31st December 2007 *-*
Haha today is the last day of 2007 le worx^^
This few days nv post cos veri lazy, sian and busy lor :P ps leh^^ hehe... two more days sch going reopen le so happy can see all mai frens le haha, the first day of sch in the morning I meet mai fren Ying Jing near her house there which oso I drop off at.
OH! yah hor mai report book still haven sign leh haha... 2moro night must rember to give mai daddy sign or else the teacher will nag, haix.... don noe who is mai form teacher next year leh dots...
On Wednesday Mai mummy and Aunty go malaysia to pray mai grandmother they take train and actually they wanted at night go de then mai daddy said take the morning train cos mai mummy eyes signt not really good then mai aunty nedd to hold somebody hand cos at night mah scared fall down...
den they today come back don noe whether got buy things for us a not leh think no bahx haha...
*-* Sunday 16th December 2007 *-*
Haix.... feel so sad and disappointed! I thought Friday can go Junction8 see xiaozhu at the end nv go lor, Friday bout 5pm plus I listen to Yes933 cos xiaozhu on the air at bout ending le they said can sign de book worx the xiaozhu book tht he realise den I like fall into a veri veri veri deep till no end de hole lor =(
Mai jiejie actually ask mi if wan go a not cos tht time I veri angry and disappointed cos at first mi, jiejie, her fren and mai fren going together de den mai jiejie fren don wan go le cos wanna see show den I okie lor nvm. I msg mai fren she said her uncle not at home cos I ask her to borrow camera from her uncle mah den I told nvm lor and I ask her if she wan go mah she said sry leh cos she going out with her mum the next day haix.... den i said okie lor den nvm.... Den left mi and mai jiejie le den suddenly mai shi yu marmie msg mi she told mi tht xiaozhu at junction8 at friday leh den we chat chat chat[msg] she said she wan go cos her gan meimei bought xiaozhu album le wanna give xiaozhu sign den I said meet up together lah den she said okie meanwhile she oso going out with her maple guild... At de end bout 12 or 1pm plus she told mi tht she don wanna go le cos too mani ppl den tht time I feel veri veri veri sad and disappointed and tht time mai tears almost drop ;(
Den I tell mai jiejie she said HUH!?.... haix I don noe wat to do at tht time lor don noe if wan to go a not cos I feel like mai mummy actually don wan allow mi go see xiaozhu de! Tht day pass le den is saturday go out with mai parents and jiejie... mai hurts actually recover le den morning mai daddy ask if wan to go junction8 a not den I fell into a deep deep hole again sia and like mani arrow shoot mai heart lor veri pain leh!!! But at the end we still go lah mai parents go there to do don noe wat CPF thing aft tht we go walk walk at de shopping mall den we go AMK Hub.
We at AMK Hub we go fair prices extra buy things aft tht we call mai uncle cos mai daddy wanna treat him eat KFC and it is mai uncle birthday haha... you lao le yi shui le wor! he said he at work but work till 2pm and he going out with his fren to celebrate bahx i think den we said nvm lor but he call back bout aft 3mins when we hang de phone he call us go Novena mrt station to wait for him den we all reach le we go walk walk we saw Guang Liang signature concert sia haha... quit a lot of ppl nia! They go buy 4D den go eat KFC den go walk walk den go home le haix.... reached home le watch tv den 6.30pm le I watch news den I saw xiaozhu news de junction8 signature concert wan I saw de album is the album th I bought wan den is like... OMG!!!....

I thought I bought the wrong wan lor but is actually de correct wan sia!! Den I one more time fell into the deep deep deep hole tht is even deeper den the previous wan and oso bout 10000 0000 0000kg of hammer hit mai head lor!!! hmm.... I so sad till I straight away cry lor but I cant cry infront of mai jiejie den I went to mai room follow by mai jiejie she said"haix... euu think
bout it den euu cry, think bout it den cry again. Cry oso no use liao all aready pass le worx..." I said"Nvm I one day will get xiaozhu signature de and oso got chance to go xiaozhu concert de^^".
Den at night I cant bear with it le and I cry.... cos is like veri near lor Friday I got a veri strong feel tht tell mi to go and oso bring de album go see whether is the correct wan but.... mai jiejie told mi tht she think hor cannot be don have sign book wat cos he nv open book signature concert... haix... is like I don have tht kind of luck lor!!!... Today sunday le^^ xiaozhu got go the Hong Xing Da Jiang leh he be de jia bin worx haha 5566 and 183club oso got go and he won be lonely ^O^ haha can see xiaozhu again I think this is xiaozhu first time stay in singapore 3 or 4 days bahx^^
Haix.... feel so sad and disappointed! I thought Friday can go Junction8 see xiaozhu at the end nv go lor, Friday bout 5pm plus I listen to Yes933 cos xiaozhu on the air at bout ending le they said can sign de book worx the xiaozhu book tht he realise den I like fall into a veri veri veri deep till no end de hole lor =(
Mai jiejie actually ask mi if wan go a not cos tht time I veri angry and disappointed cos at first mi, jiejie, her fren and mai fren going together de den mai jiejie fren don wan go le cos wanna see show den I okie lor nvm. I msg mai fren she said her uncle not at home cos I ask her to borrow camera from her uncle mah den I told nvm lor and I ask her if she wan go mah she said sry leh cos she going out with her mum the next day haix.... den i said okie lor den nvm.... Den left mi and mai jiejie le den suddenly mai shi yu marmie msg mi she told mi tht xiaozhu at junction8 at friday leh den we chat chat chat[msg] she said she wan go cos her gan meimei bought xiaozhu album le wanna give xiaozhu sign den I said meet up together lah den she said okie meanwhile she oso going out with her maple guild... At de end bout 12 or 1pm plus she told mi tht she don wanna go le cos too mani ppl den tht time I feel veri veri veri sad and disappointed and tht time mai tears almost drop ;(
Den I tell mai jiejie she said HUH!?.... haix I don noe wat to do at tht time lor don noe if wan to go a not cos I feel like mai mummy actually don wan allow mi go see xiaozhu de! Tht day pass le den is saturday go out with mai parents and jiejie... mai hurts actually recover le den morning mai daddy ask if wan to go junction8 a not den I fell into a deep deep hole again sia and like mani arrow shoot mai heart lor veri pain leh!!! But at the end we still go lah mai parents go there to do don noe wat CPF thing aft tht we go walk walk at de shopping mall den we go AMK Hub.
We at AMK Hub we go fair prices extra buy things aft tht we call mai uncle cos mai daddy wanna treat him eat KFC and it is mai uncle birthday haha... you lao le yi shui le wor! he said he at work but work till 2pm and he going out with his fren to celebrate bahx i think den we said nvm lor but he call back bout aft 3mins when we hang de phone he call us go Novena mrt station to wait for him den we all reach le we go walk walk we saw Guang Liang signature concert sia haha... quit a lot of ppl nia! They go buy 4D den go eat KFC den go walk walk den go home le haix.... reached home le watch tv den 6.30pm le I watch news den I saw xiaozhu news de junction8 signature concert wan I saw de album is the album th I bought wan den is like... OMG!!!....

I thought I bought the wrong wan lor but is actually de correct wan sia!! Den I one more time fell into the deep deep deep hole tht is even deeper den the previous wan and oso bout 10000 0000 0000kg of hammer hit mai head lor!!! hmm.... I so sad till I straight away cry lor but I cant cry infront of mai jiejie den I went to mai room follow by mai jiejie she said"haix... euu think

*-*12th December 2007*-*
Haha!^^ so happy I decided to go see xiaozhu le but only can go Friday de I wish I can go both days leh =(
But nvm lah haha cos can see xiaozhu in personal I a ready very happy le like can celebrate le worx^O^ cos I love him veri much !!!
I feel veri bad leh cos yesterday I got post mah I post tht mai jiejie don wan go with mi see xiaozhu like her face veri sian like this leh, I feel so x1000000 bad worx!!!
hope tht mai jiejie don angry or sad leh or else I will feel veri guilty de leh=( ps and sry leh mai baobei jiejie^^ I love euu lots!!! :P
So excited worx don noe wat time go off leh^^ I go with mai BEST BEST fren Eileen we had known each other since we were pri 5 bahx haha and with mai jiejie and her fren xiu qin oso^O^ wow! den like this the day will be veri fun worx haha! :P
But den still feel a bit sad leh cos cant have xiaozhu signature haix...
Haha!^^ so happy I decided to go see xiaozhu le but only can go Friday de I wish I can go both days leh =(
But nvm lah haha cos can see xiaozhu in personal I a ready very happy le like can celebrate le worx^O^ cos I love him veri much !!!
I feel veri bad leh cos yesterday I got post mah I post tht mai jiejie don wan go with mi see xiaozhu like her face veri sian like this leh, I feel so x1000000 bad worx!!!
hope tht mai jiejie don angry or sad leh or else I will feel veri guilty de leh=( ps and sry leh mai baobei jiejie^^ I love euu lots!!! :P
So excited worx don noe wat time go off leh^^ I go with mai BEST BEST fren Eileen we had known each other since we were pri 5 bahx haha and with mai jiejie and her fren xiu qin oso^O^ wow! den like this the day will be veri fun worx haha! :P
But den still feel a bit sad leh cos cant have xiaozhu signature haix...
*-*Today Tuesday, 11th December 2007 *-*
Yesterday eh no lah is today morning 12.55am wake up watch Yu Le Bai Fen Bai [100%Entertainment] 1pm den start^^
Before 1am I switch on the TV and I turn the channel to channel8 I saw xiaozhu de program it said tht he will be having two qian chang hui at Bishan Junction8 Top Of the 8[14th December 2007] another place is Marina Square I think so lah [15th December 2007].
And oso it said tht must have singapore chu de Taiwan ban album den can let him sign worx! haix... so sad I don have I bought the wrong wan lor!!! =( x10000 0000 00
Feel like jumping down from Taipei 101DaSha! ai yo mai heart hurts !!! so pain, feel like crying till I enough haix... but mai mummy allow mi to go lah but I don noe if I wan to go a not leh cos I buy wrong album cant let xiaozhu sign and if I go I cant see xiaozhu oso cos I'm a kid so short tht can see xiaozhu head and neck only worx... dot......... lol............. -_-!!!
I ask mai jiejie if she wan to go a not she like veri sian and don wan bah...
I GOING CRAZY LE LAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15th December is mai uncle "Benjamin Dominic" birthday haha^O^ you lao le yi sui le muahaha!!! but he still veri handsome worx^^ don noe why he don wan go find a lao po for himself lor so qi guai de leh you bu shi mei ren yao ma haix.... don noe wat he thinking leh?!
He veri good lor always treat us eat, buy thing for us like bags lor got nike, adidas...
love him so much sia ^^ haha!^O^
Yesterday eh no lah is today morning 12.55am wake up watch Yu Le Bai Fen Bai [100%Entertainment] 1pm den start^^
Before 1am I switch on the TV and I turn the channel to channel8 I saw xiaozhu de program it said tht he will be having two qian chang hui at Bishan Junction8 Top Of the 8[14th December 2007] another place is Marina Square I think so lah [15th December 2007].
And oso it said tht must have singapore chu de Taiwan ban album den can let him sign worx! haix... so sad I don have I bought the wrong wan lor!!! =( x10000 0000 00
Feel like jumping down from Taipei 101DaSha! ai yo mai heart hurts !!! so pain, feel like crying till I enough haix... but mai mummy allow mi to go lah but I don noe if I wan to go a not leh cos I buy wrong album cant let xiaozhu sign and if I go I cant see xiaozhu oso cos I'm a kid so short tht can see xiaozhu head and neck only worx... dot......... lol............. -_-!!!
I ask mai jiejie if she wan to go a not she like veri sian and don wan bah...
I GOING CRAZY LE LAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15th December is mai uncle "Benjamin Dominic" birthday haha^O^ you lao le yi sui le muahaha!!! but he still veri handsome worx^^ don noe why he don wan go find a lao po for himself lor so qi guai de leh you bu shi mei ren yao ma haix.... don noe wat he thinking leh?!
He veri good lor always treat us eat, buy thing for us like bags lor got nike, adidas...
love him so much sia ^^ haha!^O^
*-Today Monday, 10th December 2007*
I go out with mai BEST fren Eileen^^ I company her go repair her laptop and her handphone lor, we go orchard and bugis.
So fun worx haha^O^
Haix... XIAOZHU coming to singapore on 14th December, Friday at Bishan Juntion8 Top Of The 8 I WAN GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mai mummy actually allow mi go lah but the album I buy wrong lah so angry lor!!! FEEL SO SIA!!!!!!!!! =(
I wan xiaozhu signature lah!!! the album cost $18 to $20 leh I wish "Santa Claus" will give mi haha... dreaming...................HAIX~............
Shi Yu marmie I miss euu alot sia! wish can go out with her again, marmie I love euu FOREVER just like I love xiaozhu haha ^O^
I go out with mai BEST fren Eileen^^ I company her go repair her laptop and her handphone lor, we go orchard and bugis.
So fun worx haha^O^
Haix... XIAOZHU coming to singapore on 14th December, Friday at Bishan Juntion8 Top Of The 8 I WAN GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mai mummy actually allow mi go lah but the album I buy wrong lah so angry lor!!! FEEL SO SIA!!!!!!!!! =(
I wan xiaozhu signature lah!!! the album cost $18 to $20 leh I wish "Santa Claus" will give mi haha... dreaming...................HAIX~............
Shi Yu marmie I miss euu alot sia! wish can go out with her again, marmie I love euu FOREVER just like I love xiaozhu haha ^O^
AI YO veri angry la the previous blogskins make mi veri pek chey and tu lan leh haix....
like I post something on Monday 3rd December hor it appear Saturday December 1 leh and one more I Tuesday 4th December post hor it turn to be Monday December 3 worx -_-!!! lol....
Den now cannot change le lor so angry!!!
like I post something on Monday 3rd December hor it appear Saturday December 1 leh and one more I Tuesday 4th December post hor it turn to be Monday December 3 worx -_-!!! lol....
Den now cannot change le lor so angry!!!
Ai Yo yesterday go KK hospital check up veri long leh bout 5pm plus den mai turn haix... wait till siao and veri pek chey leh mi, jiejie and mummy go together haha we bout 11.30am plus den go de how we know must wait so long.
Before we go see the doctor I go X-Ray first actually I don really like X-Ray leh veri trouble some! I every year must go KK hospital check up till I 17 or 18 year old bah haha cos I got kidney problem and thats why mai sports is veri weak, sec one is mai veri first time taking narfa test and I fail so as sec two haha... bleah^^
Mai right kidney is at the originally place but the left wan is below and a bit smaller, mai doctor said that the small wan is growing haha so happy and every thing is veri okie leh^O^
Doctor said mai left wan last year is 7.2cm this year is 9cm le worx ^^ WOW!
Mai uncle work there and at his lunch time he come find us we at mac eating den after every thing le is bout 5.10pm bahx we go find him where he was working, he so cute lor haha and mai jiejie said "ren zhen de nan ren shi zhui shuai de" we all laugh! ^O^
Yesterday I miss out mai favourite show "YU LE BAI FEN BAI " [100% Entertainment] 5pm channel U!!! Monday to Friday...... -_-!!! arrrr so angry actually yesterday I wan see chong po de but 2am leh so late and I verix100 tired leh! den I nv watch lor I go sleep haix...
Before we go see the doctor I go X-Ray first actually I don really like X-Ray leh veri trouble some! I every year must go KK hospital check up till I 17 or 18 year old bah haha cos I got kidney problem and thats why mai sports is veri weak, sec one is mai veri first time taking narfa test and I fail so as sec two haha... bleah^^
Mai right kidney is at the originally place but the left wan is below and a bit smaller, mai doctor said that the small wan is growing haha so happy and every thing is veri okie leh^O^
Doctor said mai left wan last year is 7.2cm this year is 9cm le worx ^^ WOW!
Mai uncle work there and at his lunch time he come find us we at mac eating den after every thing le is bout 5.10pm bahx we go find him where he was working, he so cute lor haha and mai jiejie said "ren zhen de nan ren shi zhui shuai de" we all laugh! ^O^
Yesterday I miss out mai favourite show "YU LE BAI FEN BAI " [100% Entertainment] 5pm channel U!!! Monday to Friday...... -_-!!! arrrr so angry actually yesterday I wan see chong po de but 2am leh so late and I verix100 tired leh! den I nv watch lor I go sleep haix...
Haha... yesterday go relative wedding so fun sia, inside the church bout 2hours stand sing song sit, stand sing song sit ai yo so trouble some worx :P
Quite boring lor inside the church listen to the person talk talk talk and speak thailand some more mai cousin married with a thailand girl talk all the way almost felt asleep haha :P ^^
I wear mai mummy shoe hor both of mai leg last toe swallow veri pain leh!
Mai cousin Jin Feng jiejie so good she got go xiaozhu concert leh! so jealous lor =(
she said her friend got 1 pair of ticket and they go together lor, haix.... concert is already over le feel like crying lor cant see xiaozhu concert!!! I now listening to xiaozhu songs.... if xiaozhu next time come singapore open concert I 100% will go de^O^
Quite boring lor inside the church listen to the person talk talk talk and speak thailand some more mai cousin married with a thailand girl talk all the way almost felt asleep haha :P ^^
I wear mai mummy shoe hor both of mai leg last toe swallow veri pain leh!
Mai cousin Jin Feng jiejie so good she got go xiaozhu concert leh! so jealous lor =(
she said her friend got 1 pair of ticket and they go together lor, haix.... concert is already over le feel like crying lor cant see xiaozhu concert!!! I now listening to xiaozhu songs.... if xiaozhu next time come singapore open concert I 100% will go de^O^
Ai yo today I so early wake up sia cos need go to mai relative wedding but we go church sian lor...
don noe go there how long leh -_-!!!......
Haix... so sad today xiaozhu concert leh! AI YO wanna cry liao la =(
so wish that I can go lor !!! haix.... nvm la after tonight everything is over le but mai heart veri pain sia miss this concert and I nv been to concert before leh^^ hehe wish next time got chance to go bahx^^
MUACKS! love and support xiaozhu luo zhi xiang FOREVER!!!^O^
don noe go there how long leh -_-!!!......
Haix... so sad today xiaozhu concert leh! AI YO wanna cry liao la =(
so wish that I can go lor !!! haix.... nvm la after tonight everything is over le but mai heart veri pain sia miss this concert and I nv been to concert before leh^^ hehe wish next time got chance to go bahx^^
MUACKS! love and support xiaozhu luo zhi xiang FOREVER!!!^O^
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