Haha! sunday so happy till wanna jump up and down!!!^^ Mi,Daddy,Mummy and Jiejie we all goo kovan to buy dress for relative wedding 1st December, but only mi and jiejie bought it mai parent didn't.
We at the "This Fashion" shop search everything, go in and out of the fitting room and finally found the dress that we do really like. We spent bout 20-30 mins searching wow! quite long worx...
We both buy the same dress but different colour, the dress is like one long dress all the way to the knee but above the knee a little bit. I love the dress veri much!^^ A bit look like agent dress haha... L bought a belt oso quite nice leh^^
After we bought the dress le oh the belt oso we go walk walk I go in one CD shop saw xiaozhu luo zhi xiang newest album[舞所不在] leh! Mummy and Jiejie came in to the shop folloe by daddy. Mummy said to Daddy "xiaozhu CD worx", mai daddy said to mi"euu wan den buy lor" I take le and daddy go pay $$$ we follow him.
I share it with mai Jiejie we treat the CD like our BaoBei^^ haha! I so happy worx!!! ^O^ I wan the album since it release and I finally have it le^^ I feel so HAPPINESS!^^
After that we all go eat den go mai daddy big brother house at Kallang but he not at home only mai aunty and cousin jin feng but I use to call her jin feng jiejie , actually I don feel like going de don noe why leh hehe... Den botu 30 mins den reached bahx I think, we follow daddy go buy 4D first den go to uncle house.
Mai aunty veri cute leh haha!^^ she kept on talking and telling us must respect our parent, study hard don let them down, take good care of them, din make them angry and amny many more lah. Haha... veri cute lor talk talk talk all the way^^ But she become thinner when the last tim I saw her which was during chinese new year, so poor thing same like mai mummy got so many illness haix... wish them wil be more healthy!^^
Got the album is good lah but... !st December 2007 THE COMING SATURDAY! 8pm at indoor stadium, 小猪 羅志祥 一支獨秀 concert [SHOW ON STAGE!]
Ai Yo! I wan go lah!!! =(x100000 00000 Feel so sad and wish I got chance to go worx!... so jealous of all that people got go xiaozhu concert!.
AI YO!!! I don wan to think bout le la but cant la everytime suddenly will think of it, the more and everytime I think I will cry lah!!! I feel like locking myself up in one room den Big Cry till I enough! Haix...
Haha yesterday quite interesting leh I go hougang mall with mai family accept for mai brother, we at NTUC we bought quite alot of things.
Den we bout to go to the counter liao den I go to where there is alot of magazine I saw Teenage magazine front page is xiaozhu luo zhi xiang den I ask mai mummy whether she can bought mi tht magazine den she said okie^^ I so happy lor den mai father come to us den mai mum said na... she[means mi] bought the CD[xiaozhu new album] liao, the CD mean the teenage magazine la cos mai father actually wanna buy mi xiaozhu album and I bought tht magazine le so I don noe if I still wanna buy the CD a not....
Haix.... actually I wan leh but I think tht I better buy the "gai ban" de more good cos got MV, DVD or maybe some other things so I decided nxt time den buy bahx...^^ but mai father gave mi and mai jiejie $10 haha... and I can save it till sch re-open adn save more $$$ den I can buy le ^^
But I scare when I had save enough $$$ le den the album don hv le ai yo wan cry liao la!!!!!!!!!!!! NO $$$ LIFE IS SO NO GDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =(
Den we bout to go to the counter liao den I go to where there is alot of magazine I saw Teenage magazine front page is xiaozhu luo zhi xiang den I ask mai mummy whether she can bought mi tht magazine den she said okie^^ I so happy lor den mai father come to us den mai mum said na... she[means mi] bought the CD[xiaozhu new album] liao, the CD mean the teenage magazine la cos mai father actually wanna buy mi xiaozhu album and I bought tht magazine le so I don noe if I still wanna buy the CD a not....
Haix.... actually I wan leh but I think tht I better buy the "gai ban" de more good cos got MV, DVD or maybe some other things so I decided nxt time den buy bahx...^^ but mai father gave mi and mai jiejie $10 haha... and I can save it till sch re-open adn save more $$$ den I can buy le ^^
But I scare when I had save enough $$$ le den the album don hv le ai yo wan cry liao la!!!!!!!!!!!! NO $$$ LIFE IS SO NO GDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =(
Haix... holiday actually quite sian worx *-* don have much thing to do, juz watch TV, do house work, some times early in the morning go park jog, listen to mp3 or go out with mai jiejie lor.
Now mai bro sleeping thts why i can use com but think he going to wake up le bahx^^ wish school can faster open cos can see all mai frens tht I really miss!!! ^O^ ai yo really quite miss them sia cos evey time when we all gather together we will have fun, laugher, said jokes chat bout everything. Really miss tht kind of days... I MISS ALL MAI FRENS!!!
AI YO one more thing made mi going really really really crazy leh!!!
XIIAOZHU LUO ZHI XIANG! he release his new album le lah!!!!!!!! <<舞所不在>> all the song inside veri comfortable and high sia^^ I WAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYTHING BOUT XIIAOZHUU I WAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^O^ hehe.....
我真的超爱小猪的 and I will 永远支持 "小猪羅志祥" ^^ cos he veri de 可爱, 帅, 棒 and 搞笑!!!
Haha... still cant forget tht day go bugis see xiiaozhuu!!! ^O^ really verix1000 happy :P
小国王 羅志祥 will be holding some 一支獨秀concert he will be busy till nxt year worx wow! so cool man! haha... wish all his concert will "cheng gong de hen sun li " and "ren san ren hai"!!! all de best to 小国王^^ MUACKS!!!
I had quite alot of favourite singer 小国王[King] SHOW羅志祥, Princess JOLIN[小公主] 蔡依林, 可爱的Rainie杨丞琳, 超可爱 and pretty的Angela 張韶涵, Fahrenheit 飞轮海 and 可爱, 帅的Danson唐禹哲
Tht all... oh ya! and one last one haha.... S.H.E!!! ^^ they are the best!!! MUSIC ROX MAI LIFE MAN!!! haha...
Now mai bro sleeping thts why i can use com but think he going to wake up le bahx^^ wish school can faster open cos can see all mai frens tht I really miss!!! ^O^ ai yo really quite miss them sia cos evey time when we all gather together we will have fun, laugher, said jokes chat bout everything. Really miss tht kind of days... I MISS ALL MAI FRENS!!!
AI YO one more thing made mi going really really really crazy leh!!!
XIIAOZHU LUO ZHI XIANG! he release his new album le lah!!!!!!!! <<舞所不在>> all the song inside veri comfortable and high sia^^ I WAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYTHING BOUT XIIAOZHUU I WAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^O^ hehe.....
我真的超爱小猪的 and I will 永远支持 "小猪羅志祥" ^^ cos he veri de 可爱, 帅, 棒 and 搞笑!!!
Haha... still cant forget tht day go bugis see xiiaozhuu!!! ^O^ really verix1000 happy :P
小国王 羅志祥 will be holding some 一支獨秀concert he will be busy till nxt year worx wow! so cool man! haha... wish all his concert will "cheng gong de hen sun li " and "ren san ren hai"!!! all de best to 小国王^^ MUACKS!!!
I had quite alot of favourite singer 小国王[King] SHOW羅志祥, Princess JOLIN[小公主] 蔡依林, 可爱的Rainie杨丞琳, 超可爱 and pretty的Angela 張韶涵, Fahrenheit 飞轮海 and 可爱, 帅的Danson唐禹哲
Tht all... oh ya! and one last one haha.... S.H.E!!! ^^ they are the best!!! MUSIC ROX MAI LIFE MAN!!! haha...
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!! yesterday at bugis with mai jiejie, uncle, mummy, daddy leh mi, mai jiejie and mummy bout 6pm plus went out den bout 7pm reached bugis wao lao so many ppl worx haha of cos la BIG STAR wat XIAOZHU LUO ZHI XIANG^^ hehe...
So many ppl till tht we cant walk sia we need walk one big round den can reach the other side leh ai yo but nvm la veri happy cos i saw XIAOZHU!!! haha so cute and handsome worx he wear tht jacket.
But hor quite sad leh cos see most all of xiaozhu fans gt poster, concert ticket and his new album to let him sign SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I OSO WAN LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mi, mai jiejie and uncle we wait for xiaozhu to come meanwhile mai mummy and daddy go walk walk at the shopping mall, we wait for xiaozhu bout 15mins plus bahx den we go in front where xiaozhu will be alight den one teenage gal come to mi and ask mi "hmm..... wat are euu all waiting for???[in chinese]" I said".....Luo Zhi Xiang^^ "
den she tell her fren"ai ya xiaozhu lah..." den they went off -_-!!! DIAO!
Mai jiejie said"haix.... singaporean means singaporean see so many ppl stand there and wait for something they oso do it ai yo... " haha! mai jiejie so funny worx!
After tht we went back to where we can see the stage but we three of us too short le haha cant see clearly ^O^ haix.... but I saw xiaozhu haha so happy feel like jumping leh ^^
By den xiaozhu veri ke lian oso lehx he need to prepare for de taiwan concert on tis month 17&18 and still need to fly here fly there fly everywhere ai yo like veri tired sia. After de taiwan concert there will be another concert coming tht is singapore haha he said he veri to open an conert in singapore cos it is his first time have concert in singapore lehx ^^
I nv go xiaozhu concert haix..... FEEL LIKE CRYING LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and oso no $$$ to buy xiaozhu album ARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAN CRY LAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don care le la when sch open le i don bring $$$ to sch accept for buying teens&teenage haha, and return mai jiejie back $$$ den after tht mai jiejie birthday need to buy her present^^ hehe don noe wat she wan leh.... nxt time ask her haha!>>>[JIE^^ thx alot for lending mi $$$ to buy xaiozhu book MUACKS! cos I scared by i save $$$ till nxt den the book a ready don have le so.... thx^^ MUACKS! MUACKS! MUACKS! ^O^]<<<
But I don noe if nxt year still gt xiaozhu album a not lehx....... if don have I sure cry de lor!!!
HAIX.... so wish tht I have a rich family lor! but is bu ke neng de la *_*
So many ppl till tht we cant walk sia we need walk one big round den can reach the other side leh ai yo but nvm la veri happy cos i saw XIAOZHU!!! haha so cute and handsome worx he wear tht jacket.
But hor quite sad leh cos see most all of xiaozhu fans gt poster, concert ticket and his new album to let him sign SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I OSO WAN LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mi, mai jiejie and uncle we wait for xiaozhu to come meanwhile mai mummy and daddy go walk walk at the shopping mall, we wait for xiaozhu bout 15mins plus bahx den we go in front where xiaozhu will be alight den one teenage gal come to mi and ask mi "hmm..... wat are euu all waiting for???[in chinese]" I said".....Luo Zhi Xiang^^ "
den she tell her fren"ai ya xiaozhu lah..." den they went off -_-!!! DIAO!
Mai jiejie said"haix.... singaporean means singaporean see so many ppl stand there and wait for something they oso do it ai yo... " haha! mai jiejie so funny worx!
After tht we went back to where we can see the stage but we three of us too short le haha cant see clearly ^O^ haix.... but I saw xiaozhu haha so happy feel like jumping leh ^^
By den xiaozhu veri ke lian oso lehx he need to prepare for de taiwan concert on tis month 17&18 and still need to fly here fly there fly everywhere ai yo like veri tired sia. After de taiwan concert there will be another concert coming tht is singapore haha he said he veri to open an conert in singapore cos it is his first time have concert in singapore lehx ^^
I nv go xiaozhu concert haix..... FEEL LIKE CRYING LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and oso no $$$ to buy xiaozhu album ARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAN CRY LAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don care le la when sch open le i don bring $$$ to sch accept for buying teens&teenage haha, and return mai jiejie back $$$ den after tht mai jiejie birthday need to buy her present^^ hehe don noe wat she wan leh.... nxt time ask her haha!>>>[JIE^^ thx alot for lending mi $$$ to buy xaiozhu book MUACKS! cos I scared by i save $$$ till nxt den the book a ready don have le so.... thx^^ MUACKS! MUACKS! MUACKS! ^O^]<<<
But I don noe if nxt year still gt xiaozhu album a not lehx....... if don have I sure cry de lor!!!
HAIX.... so wish tht I have a rich family lor! but is bu ke neng de la *_*
ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going crazy today!!!!!!!!!!! I going to see xiaozhu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at bugis square!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but not really sure at bugis where worx... -_-!!! mai marmie[shi yu] is going oso she go with her gansis.
I love mai uncle so much haha cos yesterday I sms him if he today can company mi and mai jiejie go see xiaozhu a not he say okie but he work till 7pm and he called mai mummy to go oso cos he wanna treat us eat^^ I need to go bugis early cos I not really sure where is it leh and the qian chang hui start at 7.30pm worx! haix... hope can find the place lor hehe *-*
I love mai uncle so much haha cos yesterday I sms him if he today can company mi and mai jiejie go see xiaozhu a not he say okie but he work till 7pm and he called mai mummy to go oso cos he wanna treat us eat^^ I need to go bugis early cos I not really sure where is it leh and the qian chang hui start at 7.30pm worx! haix... hope can find the place lor hehe *-*
Hehe... long time no post le:P cos this few weeks veri sian^^ don noe wat to post, no time to post and only can use com on the morning but often on afternoon or evening if mai bro go out.
Haix... yeaterday go out with mai baobei jiejie go some place walk walk, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......... so funny worx!!! ^O^
We actually wanted to go AMK de den we took the wrong bus 147 instead of 74 and 88 -_-!!! lol...
on the bus 147 bout 3 to 5 mins later...
mai jiejie: erm... euu notice something!
me: wat thing???
mai jiejie: I think we board the wrong bus leh we should board 74 or 88...
I look at mai jiejjie she look at mi too den we laughed out quite a long time haha...
Den we go bugis haha! we board wrong bus nam worx but we alight at the wrong station too!!! OMG!... cos mai jiejie don noe tht the station tht we wanted to alight gt construction but I told her is this station she said no no no!
The bus went off den I tell her tht it is! den she... [sound liky OOPS.......] den we alight at the nxt stop lor^^
The more worst coming le haha!!! we alight le den we don noe how to walk to bugis den we anyhow walk till one big round! den but 10 to 15 mins later we finally reached le haha...
I at the bugis like siao lor cos seeing the XIAOZHU LUO ZHI XIANG poster of his 1st December concert at the indoor stadium, acutally mai uncle wanted to treat mi go xiaozhu concert de and I want but I said nvm la... cos nid to paid double leh $78x2 worx!!! anyway $78 cant see anything wat only can hear his song and see the big tv haix....
Den I all de way keep saying xiaozhu xiaozhu xiaozhu......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha mai jiejie oso sick of mi le hehe...
After bugis we go bishan walk up walk down, eating mac ice cream den we at one CD shop I saw xiaozhu book! den i beg mai jiejie to lend mi $7 to buy tht book^^ and bout 3 min later she decided to lend mi le haha so happy worx!!!It cost $16.90
HAHAHAHA........ so happy lor feel like jumping :P!!! jie I LOVE EUU!!! MUACKS^^
jiejie fang xin la i will retrun euu the $$$ de la^^ hehe thx alot!
Haix... yeaterday go out with mai baobei jiejie go some place walk walk, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......... so funny worx!!! ^O^
We actually wanted to go AMK de den we took the wrong bus 147 instead of 74 and 88 -_-!!! lol...
on the bus 147 bout 3 to 5 mins later...
mai jiejie: erm... euu notice something!
me: wat thing???
mai jiejie: I think we board the wrong bus leh we should board 74 or 88...
I look at mai jiejjie she look at mi too den we laughed out quite a long time haha...
Den we go bugis haha! we board wrong bus nam worx but we alight at the wrong station too!!! OMG!... cos mai jiejie don noe tht the station tht we wanted to alight gt construction but I told her is this station she said no no no!
The bus went off den I tell her tht it is! den she... [sound liky OOPS.......] den we alight at the nxt stop lor^^
The more worst coming le haha!!! we alight le den we don noe how to walk to bugis den we anyhow walk till one big round! den but 10 to 15 mins later we finally reached le haha...
I at the bugis like siao lor cos seeing the XIAOZHU LUO ZHI XIANG poster of his 1st December concert at the indoor stadium, acutally mai uncle wanted to treat mi go xiaozhu concert de and I want but I said nvm la... cos nid to paid double leh $78x2 worx!!! anyway $78 cant see anything wat only can hear his song and see the big tv haix....
Den I all de way keep saying xiaozhu xiaozhu xiaozhu......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha mai jiejie oso sick of mi le hehe...
After bugis we go bishan walk up walk down, eating mac ice cream den we at one CD shop I saw xiaozhu book! den i beg mai jiejie to lend mi $7 to buy tht book^^ and bout 3 min later she decided to lend mi le haha so happy worx!!!It cost $16.90
HAHAHAHA........ so happy lor feel like jumping :P!!! jie I LOVE EUU!!! MUACKS^^
jiejie fang xin la i will retrun euu the $$$ de la^^ hehe thx alot!
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