*-* Monday 31st December 2007 *-*
Haha today is the last day of 2007 le worx^^
This few days nv post cos veri lazy, sian and busy lor :P ps leh^^ hehe... two more days sch going reopen le so happy can see all mai frens le haha, the first day of sch in the morning I meet mai fren Ying Jing near her house there which oso I drop off at.
OH! yah hor mai report book still haven sign leh haha... 2moro night must rember to give mai daddy sign or else the teacher will nag, haix.... don noe who is mai form teacher next year leh dots...
On Wednesday Mai mummy and Aunty go malaysia to pray mai grandmother they take train and actually they wanted at night go de then mai daddy said take the morning train cos mai mummy eyes signt not really good then mai aunty nedd to hold somebody hand cos at night mah scared fall down...
den they today come back don noe whether got buy things for us a not leh think no bahx haha...
*-* Sunday 16th December 2007 *-*
Haix.... feel so sad and disappointed! I thought Friday can go Junction8 see xiaozhu at the end nv go lor, Friday bout 5pm plus I listen to Yes933 cos xiaozhu on the air at bout ending le they said can sign de book worx the xiaozhu book tht he realise den I like fall into a veri veri veri deep till no end de hole lor =(
Mai jiejie actually ask mi if wan go a not cos tht time I veri angry and disappointed cos at first mi, jiejie, her fren and mai fren going together de den mai jiejie fren don wan go le cos wanna see show den I okie lor nvm. I msg mai fren she said her uncle not at home cos I ask her to borrow camera from her uncle mah den I told nvm lor and I ask her if she wan go mah she said sry leh cos she going out with her mum the next day haix.... den i said okie lor den nvm.... Den left mi and mai jiejie le den suddenly mai shi yu marmie msg mi she told mi tht xiaozhu at junction8 at friday leh den we chat chat chat[msg] she said she wan go cos her gan meimei bought xiaozhu album le wanna give xiaozhu sign den I said meet up together lah den she said okie meanwhile she oso going out with her maple guild... At de end bout 12 or 1pm plus she told mi tht she don wanna go le cos too mani ppl den tht time I feel veri veri veri sad and disappointed and tht time mai tears almost drop ;(
Den I tell mai jiejie she said HUH!?.... haix I don noe wat to do at tht time lor don noe if wan to go a not cos I feel like mai mummy actually don wan allow mi go see xiaozhu de! Tht day pass le den is saturday go out with mai parents and jiejie... mai hurts actually recover le den morning mai daddy ask if wan to go junction8 a not den I fell into a deep deep hole again sia and like mani arrow shoot mai heart lor veri pain leh!!! But at the end we still go lah mai parents go there to do don noe wat CPF thing aft tht we go walk walk at de shopping mall den we go AMK Hub.
We at AMK Hub we go fair prices extra buy things aft tht we call mai uncle cos mai daddy wanna treat him eat KFC and it is mai uncle birthday haha... you lao le yi shui le wor! he said he at work but work till 2pm and he going out with his fren to celebrate bahx i think den we said nvm lor but he call back bout aft 3mins when we hang de phone he call us go Novena mrt station to wait for him den we all reach le we go walk walk we saw Guang Liang signature concert sia haha... quit a lot of ppl nia! They go buy 4D den go eat KFC den go walk walk den go home le haix.... reached home le watch tv den 6.30pm le I watch news den I saw xiaozhu news de junction8 signature concert wan I saw de album is the album th I bought wan den is like... OMG!!!....

I thought I bought the wrong wan lor but is actually de correct wan sia!! Den I one more time fell into the deep deep deep hole tht is even deeper den the previous wan and oso bout 10000 0000 0000kg of hammer hit mai head lor!!! hmm.... I so sad till I straight away cry lor but I cant cry infront of mai jiejie den I went to mai room follow by mai jiejie she said"haix... euu think
bout it den euu cry, think bout it den cry again. Cry oso no use liao all aready pass le worx..." I said"Nvm I one day will get xiaozhu signature de and oso got chance to go xiaozhu concert de^^".
Den at night I cant bear with it le and I cry.... cos is like veri near lor Friday I got a veri strong feel tht tell mi to go and oso bring de album go see whether is the correct wan but.... mai jiejie told mi tht she think hor cannot be don have sign book wat cos he nv open book signature concert... haix... is like I don have tht kind of luck lor!!!... Today sunday le^^ xiaozhu got go the Hong Xing Da Jiang leh he be de jia bin worx haha 5566 and 183club oso got go and he won be lonely ^O^ haha can see xiaozhu again I think this is xiaozhu first time stay in singapore 3 or 4 days bahx^^
Haix.... feel so sad and disappointed! I thought Friday can go Junction8 see xiaozhu at the end nv go lor, Friday bout 5pm plus I listen to Yes933 cos xiaozhu on the air at bout ending le they said can sign de book worx the xiaozhu book tht he realise den I like fall into a veri veri veri deep till no end de hole lor =(
Mai jiejie actually ask mi if wan go a not cos tht time I veri angry and disappointed cos at first mi, jiejie, her fren and mai fren going together de den mai jiejie fren don wan go le cos wanna see show den I okie lor nvm. I msg mai fren she said her uncle not at home cos I ask her to borrow camera from her uncle mah den I told nvm lor and I ask her if she wan go mah she said sry leh cos she going out with her mum the next day haix.... den i said okie lor den nvm.... Den left mi and mai jiejie le den suddenly mai shi yu marmie msg mi she told mi tht xiaozhu at junction8 at friday leh den we chat chat chat[msg] she said she wan go cos her gan meimei bought xiaozhu album le wanna give xiaozhu sign den I said meet up together lah den she said okie meanwhile she oso going out with her maple guild... At de end bout 12 or 1pm plus she told mi tht she don wanna go le cos too mani ppl den tht time I feel veri veri veri sad and disappointed and tht time mai tears almost drop ;(
Den I tell mai jiejie she said HUH!?.... haix I don noe wat to do at tht time lor don noe if wan to go a not cos I feel like mai mummy actually don wan allow mi go see xiaozhu de! Tht day pass le den is saturday go out with mai parents and jiejie... mai hurts actually recover le den morning mai daddy ask if wan to go junction8 a not den I fell into a deep deep hole again sia and like mani arrow shoot mai heart lor veri pain leh!!! But at the end we still go lah mai parents go there to do don noe wat CPF thing aft tht we go walk walk at de shopping mall den we go AMK Hub.
We at AMK Hub we go fair prices extra buy things aft tht we call mai uncle cos mai daddy wanna treat him eat KFC and it is mai uncle birthday haha... you lao le yi shui le wor! he said he at work but work till 2pm and he going out with his fren to celebrate bahx i think den we said nvm lor but he call back bout aft 3mins when we hang de phone he call us go Novena mrt station to wait for him den we all reach le we go walk walk we saw Guang Liang signature concert sia haha... quit a lot of ppl nia! They go buy 4D den go eat KFC den go walk walk den go home le haix.... reached home le watch tv den 6.30pm le I watch news den I saw xiaozhu news de junction8 signature concert wan I saw de album is the album th I bought wan den is like... OMG!!!....

I thought I bought the wrong wan lor but is actually de correct wan sia!! Den I one more time fell into the deep deep deep hole tht is even deeper den the previous wan and oso bout 10000 0000 0000kg of hammer hit mai head lor!!! hmm.... I so sad till I straight away cry lor but I cant cry infront of mai jiejie den I went to mai room follow by mai jiejie she said"haix... euu think

*-*12th December 2007*-*
Haha!^^ so happy I decided to go see xiaozhu le but only can go Friday de I wish I can go both days leh =(
But nvm lah haha cos can see xiaozhu in personal I a ready very happy le like can celebrate le worx^O^ cos I love him veri much !!!
I feel veri bad leh cos yesterday I got post mah I post tht mai jiejie don wan go with mi see xiaozhu like her face veri sian like this leh, I feel so x1000000 bad worx!!!
hope tht mai jiejie don angry or sad leh or else I will feel veri guilty de leh=( ps and sry leh mai baobei jiejie^^ I love euu lots!!! :P
So excited worx don noe wat time go off leh^^ I go with mai BEST BEST fren Eileen we had known each other since we were pri 5 bahx haha and with mai jiejie and her fren xiu qin oso^O^ wow! den like this the day will be veri fun worx haha! :P
But den still feel a bit sad leh cos cant have xiaozhu signature haix...
Haha!^^ so happy I decided to go see xiaozhu le but only can go Friday de I wish I can go both days leh =(
But nvm lah haha cos can see xiaozhu in personal I a ready very happy le like can celebrate le worx^O^ cos I love him veri much !!!
I feel veri bad leh cos yesterday I got post mah I post tht mai jiejie don wan go with mi see xiaozhu like her face veri sian like this leh, I feel so x1000000 bad worx!!!
hope tht mai jiejie don angry or sad leh or else I will feel veri guilty de leh=( ps and sry leh mai baobei jiejie^^ I love euu lots!!! :P
So excited worx don noe wat time go off leh^^ I go with mai BEST BEST fren Eileen we had known each other since we were pri 5 bahx haha and with mai jiejie and her fren xiu qin oso^O^ wow! den like this the day will be veri fun worx haha! :P
But den still feel a bit sad leh cos cant have xiaozhu signature haix...
*-*Today Tuesday, 11th December 2007 *-*
Yesterday eh no lah is today morning 12.55am wake up watch Yu Le Bai Fen Bai [100%Entertainment] 1pm den start^^
Before 1am I switch on the TV and I turn the channel to channel8 I saw xiaozhu de program it said tht he will be having two qian chang hui at Bishan Junction8 Top Of the 8[14th December 2007] another place is Marina Square I think so lah [15th December 2007].
And oso it said tht must have singapore chu de Taiwan ban album den can let him sign worx! haix... so sad I don have I bought the wrong wan lor!!! =( x10000 0000 00
Feel like jumping down from Taipei 101DaSha! ai yo mai heart hurts !!! so pain, feel like crying till I enough haix... but mai mummy allow mi to go lah but I don noe if I wan to go a not leh cos I buy wrong album cant let xiaozhu sign and if I go I cant see xiaozhu oso cos I'm a kid so short tht can see xiaozhu head and neck only worx... dot......... lol............. -_-!!!
I ask mai jiejie if she wan to go a not she like veri sian and don wan bah...
I GOING CRAZY LE LAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15th December is mai uncle "Benjamin Dominic" birthday haha^O^ you lao le yi sui le muahaha!!! but he still veri handsome worx^^ don noe why he don wan go find a lao po for himself lor so qi guai de leh you bu shi mei ren yao ma haix.... don noe wat he thinking leh?!
He veri good lor always treat us eat, buy thing for us like bags lor got nike, adidas...
love him so much sia ^^ haha!^O^
Yesterday eh no lah is today morning 12.55am wake up watch Yu Le Bai Fen Bai [100%Entertainment] 1pm den start^^
Before 1am I switch on the TV and I turn the channel to channel8 I saw xiaozhu de program it said tht he will be having two qian chang hui at Bishan Junction8 Top Of the 8[14th December 2007] another place is Marina Square I think so lah [15th December 2007].
And oso it said tht must have singapore chu de Taiwan ban album den can let him sign worx! haix... so sad I don have I bought the wrong wan lor!!! =( x10000 0000 00
Feel like jumping down from Taipei 101DaSha! ai yo mai heart hurts !!! so pain, feel like crying till I enough haix... but mai mummy allow mi to go lah but I don noe if I wan to go a not leh cos I buy wrong album cant let xiaozhu sign and if I go I cant see xiaozhu oso cos I'm a kid so short tht can see xiaozhu head and neck only worx... dot......... lol............. -_-!!!
I ask mai jiejie if she wan to go a not she like veri sian and don wan bah...
I GOING CRAZY LE LAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15th December is mai uncle "Benjamin Dominic" birthday haha^O^ you lao le yi sui le muahaha!!! but he still veri handsome worx^^ don noe why he don wan go find a lao po for himself lor so qi guai de leh you bu shi mei ren yao ma haix.... don noe wat he thinking leh?!
He veri good lor always treat us eat, buy thing for us like bags lor got nike, adidas...
love him so much sia ^^ haha!^O^
*-Today Monday, 10th December 2007*
I go out with mai BEST fren Eileen^^ I company her go repair her laptop and her handphone lor, we go orchard and bugis.
So fun worx haha^O^
Haix... XIAOZHU coming to singapore on 14th December, Friday at Bishan Juntion8 Top Of The 8 I WAN GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mai mummy actually allow mi go lah but the album I buy wrong lah so angry lor!!! FEEL SO SIA!!!!!!!!! =(
I wan xiaozhu signature lah!!! the album cost $18 to $20 leh I wish "Santa Claus" will give mi haha... dreaming...................HAIX~............
Shi Yu marmie I miss euu alot sia! wish can go out with her again, marmie I love euu FOREVER just like I love xiaozhu haha ^O^
I go out with mai BEST fren Eileen^^ I company her go repair her laptop and her handphone lor, we go orchard and bugis.
So fun worx haha^O^
Haix... XIAOZHU coming to singapore on 14th December, Friday at Bishan Juntion8 Top Of The 8 I WAN GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mai mummy actually allow mi go lah but the album I buy wrong lah so angry lor!!! FEEL SO SIA!!!!!!!!! =(
I wan xiaozhu signature lah!!! the album cost $18 to $20 leh I wish "Santa Claus" will give mi haha... dreaming...................HAIX~............
Shi Yu marmie I miss euu alot sia! wish can go out with her again, marmie I love euu FOREVER just like I love xiaozhu haha ^O^
AI YO veri angry la the previous blogskins make mi veri pek chey and tu lan leh haix....
like I post something on Monday 3rd December hor it appear Saturday December 1 leh and one more I Tuesday 4th December post hor it turn to be Monday December 3 worx -_-!!! lol....
Den now cannot change le lor so angry!!!
like I post something on Monday 3rd December hor it appear Saturday December 1 leh and one more I Tuesday 4th December post hor it turn to be Monday December 3 worx -_-!!! lol....
Den now cannot change le lor so angry!!!
Ai Yo yesterday go KK hospital check up veri long leh bout 5pm plus den mai turn haix... wait till siao and veri pek chey leh mi, jiejie and mummy go together haha we bout 11.30am plus den go de how we know must wait so long.
Before we go see the doctor I go X-Ray first actually I don really like X-Ray leh veri trouble some! I every year must go KK hospital check up till I 17 or 18 year old bah haha cos I got kidney problem and thats why mai sports is veri weak, sec one is mai veri first time taking narfa test and I fail so as sec two haha... bleah^^
Mai right kidney is at the originally place but the left wan is below and a bit smaller, mai doctor said that the small wan is growing haha so happy and every thing is veri okie leh^O^
Doctor said mai left wan last year is 7.2cm this year is 9cm le worx ^^ WOW!
Mai uncle work there and at his lunch time he come find us we at mac eating den after every thing le is bout 5.10pm bahx we go find him where he was working, he so cute lor haha and mai jiejie said "ren zhen de nan ren shi zhui shuai de" we all laugh! ^O^
Yesterday I miss out mai favourite show "YU LE BAI FEN BAI " [100% Entertainment] 5pm channel U!!! Monday to Friday...... -_-!!! arrrr so angry actually yesterday I wan see chong po de but 2am leh so late and I verix100 tired leh! den I nv watch lor I go sleep haix...
Before we go see the doctor I go X-Ray first actually I don really like X-Ray leh veri trouble some! I every year must go KK hospital check up till I 17 or 18 year old bah haha cos I got kidney problem and thats why mai sports is veri weak, sec one is mai veri first time taking narfa test and I fail so as sec two haha... bleah^^
Mai right kidney is at the originally place but the left wan is below and a bit smaller, mai doctor said that the small wan is growing haha so happy and every thing is veri okie leh^O^
Doctor said mai left wan last year is 7.2cm this year is 9cm le worx ^^ WOW!
Mai uncle work there and at his lunch time he come find us we at mac eating den after every thing le is bout 5.10pm bahx we go find him where he was working, he so cute lor haha and mai jiejie said "ren zhen de nan ren shi zhui shuai de" we all laugh! ^O^
Yesterday I miss out mai favourite show "YU LE BAI FEN BAI " [100% Entertainment] 5pm channel U!!! Monday to Friday...... -_-!!! arrrr so angry actually yesterday I wan see chong po de but 2am leh so late and I verix100 tired leh! den I nv watch lor I go sleep haix...
Haha... yesterday go relative wedding so fun sia, inside the church bout 2hours stand sing song sit, stand sing song sit ai yo so trouble some worx :P
Quite boring lor inside the church listen to the person talk talk talk and speak thailand some more mai cousin married with a thailand girl talk all the way almost felt asleep haha :P ^^
I wear mai mummy shoe hor both of mai leg last toe swallow veri pain leh!
Mai cousin Jin Feng jiejie so good she got go xiaozhu concert leh! so jealous lor =(
she said her friend got 1 pair of ticket and they go together lor, haix.... concert is already over le feel like crying lor cant see xiaozhu concert!!! I now listening to xiaozhu songs.... if xiaozhu next time come singapore open concert I 100% will go de^O^
Quite boring lor inside the church listen to the person talk talk talk and speak thailand some more mai cousin married with a thailand girl talk all the way almost felt asleep haha :P ^^
I wear mai mummy shoe hor both of mai leg last toe swallow veri pain leh!
Mai cousin Jin Feng jiejie so good she got go xiaozhu concert leh! so jealous lor =(
she said her friend got 1 pair of ticket and they go together lor, haix.... concert is already over le feel like crying lor cant see xiaozhu concert!!! I now listening to xiaozhu songs.... if xiaozhu next time come singapore open concert I 100% will go de^O^
Ai yo today I so early wake up sia cos need go to mai relative wedding but we go church sian lor...
don noe go there how long leh -_-!!!......
Haix... so sad today xiaozhu concert leh! AI YO wanna cry liao la =(
so wish that I can go lor !!! haix.... nvm la after tonight everything is over le but mai heart veri pain sia miss this concert and I nv been to concert before leh^^ hehe wish next time got chance to go bahx^^
MUACKS! love and support xiaozhu luo zhi xiang FOREVER!!!^O^
don noe go there how long leh -_-!!!......
Haix... so sad today xiaozhu concert leh! AI YO wanna cry liao la =(
so wish that I can go lor !!! haix.... nvm la after tonight everything is over le but mai heart veri pain sia miss this concert and I nv been to concert before leh^^ hehe wish next time got chance to go bahx^^
MUACKS! love and support xiaozhu luo zhi xiang FOREVER!!!^O^
Haha! sunday so happy till wanna jump up and down!!!^^ Mi,Daddy,Mummy and Jiejie we all goo kovan to buy dress for relative wedding 1st December, but only mi and jiejie bought it mai parent didn't.
We at the "This Fashion" shop search everything, go in and out of the fitting room and finally found the dress that we do really like. We spent bout 20-30 mins searching wow! quite long worx...
We both buy the same dress but different colour, the dress is like one long dress all the way to the knee but above the knee a little bit. I love the dress veri much!^^ A bit look like agent dress haha... L bought a belt oso quite nice leh^^
After we bought the dress le oh the belt oso we go walk walk I go in one CD shop saw xiaozhu luo zhi xiang newest album[舞所不在] leh! Mummy and Jiejie came in to the shop folloe by daddy. Mummy said to Daddy "xiaozhu CD worx", mai daddy said to mi"euu wan den buy lor" I take le and daddy go pay $$$ we follow him.
I share it with mai Jiejie we treat the CD like our BaoBei^^ haha! I so happy worx!!! ^O^ I wan the album since it release and I finally have it le^^ I feel so HAPPINESS!^^
After that we all go eat den go mai daddy big brother house at Kallang but he not at home only mai aunty and cousin jin feng but I use to call her jin feng jiejie , actually I don feel like going de don noe why leh hehe... Den botu 30 mins den reached bahx I think, we follow daddy go buy 4D first den go to uncle house.
Mai aunty veri cute leh haha!^^ she kept on talking and telling us must respect our parent, study hard don let them down, take good care of them, din make them angry and amny many more lah. Haha... veri cute lor talk talk talk all the way^^ But she become thinner when the last tim I saw her which was during chinese new year, so poor thing same like mai mummy got so many illness haix... wish them wil be more healthy!^^
Got the album is good lah but... !st December 2007 THE COMING SATURDAY! 8pm at indoor stadium, 小猪 羅志祥 一支獨秀 concert [SHOW ON STAGE!]
Ai Yo! I wan go lah!!! =(x100000 00000 Feel so sad and wish I got chance to go worx!... so jealous of all that people got go xiaozhu concert!.
AI YO!!! I don wan to think bout le la but cant la everytime suddenly will think of it, the more and everytime I think I will cry lah!!! I feel like locking myself up in one room den Big Cry till I enough! Haix...
We at the "This Fashion" shop search everything, go in and out of the fitting room and finally found the dress that we do really like. We spent bout 20-30 mins searching wow! quite long worx...
We both buy the same dress but different colour, the dress is like one long dress all the way to the knee but above the knee a little bit. I love the dress veri much!^^ A bit look like agent dress haha... L bought a belt oso quite nice leh^^
After we bought the dress le oh the belt oso we go walk walk I go in one CD shop saw xiaozhu luo zhi xiang newest album[舞所不在] leh! Mummy and Jiejie came in to the shop folloe by daddy. Mummy said to Daddy "xiaozhu CD worx", mai daddy said to mi"euu wan den buy lor" I take le and daddy go pay $$$ we follow him.
I share it with mai Jiejie we treat the CD like our BaoBei^^ haha! I so happy worx!!! ^O^ I wan the album since it release and I finally have it le^^ I feel so HAPPINESS!^^
After that we all go eat den go mai daddy big brother house at Kallang but he not at home only mai aunty and cousin jin feng but I use to call her jin feng jiejie , actually I don feel like going de don noe why leh hehe... Den botu 30 mins den reached bahx I think, we follow daddy go buy 4D first den go to uncle house.
Mai aunty veri cute leh haha!^^ she kept on talking and telling us must respect our parent, study hard don let them down, take good care of them, din make them angry and amny many more lah. Haha... veri cute lor talk talk talk all the way^^ But she become thinner when the last tim I saw her which was during chinese new year, so poor thing same like mai mummy got so many illness haix... wish them wil be more healthy!^^
Got the album is good lah but... !st December 2007 THE COMING SATURDAY! 8pm at indoor stadium, 小猪 羅志祥 一支獨秀 concert [SHOW ON STAGE!]
Ai Yo! I wan go lah!!! =(x100000 00000 Feel so sad and wish I got chance to go worx!... so jealous of all that people got go xiaozhu concert!.
AI YO!!! I don wan to think bout le la but cant la everytime suddenly will think of it, the more and everytime I think I will cry lah!!! I feel like locking myself up in one room den Big Cry till I enough! Haix...
Haha yesterday quite interesting leh I go hougang mall with mai family accept for mai brother, we at NTUC we bought quite alot of things.
Den we bout to go to the counter liao den I go to where there is alot of magazine I saw Teenage magazine front page is xiaozhu luo zhi xiang den I ask mai mummy whether she can bought mi tht magazine den she said okie^^ I so happy lor den mai father come to us den mai mum said na... she[means mi] bought the CD[xiaozhu new album] liao, the CD mean the teenage magazine la cos mai father actually wanna buy mi xiaozhu album and I bought tht magazine le so I don noe if I still wanna buy the CD a not....
Haix.... actually I wan leh but I think tht I better buy the "gai ban" de more good cos got MV, DVD or maybe some other things so I decided nxt time den buy bahx...^^ but mai father gave mi and mai jiejie $10 haha... and I can save it till sch re-open adn save more $$$ den I can buy le ^^
But I scare when I had save enough $$$ le den the album don hv le ai yo wan cry liao la!!!!!!!!!!!! NO $$$ LIFE IS SO NO GDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =(
Den we bout to go to the counter liao den I go to where there is alot of magazine I saw Teenage magazine front page is xiaozhu luo zhi xiang den I ask mai mummy whether she can bought mi tht magazine den she said okie^^ I so happy lor den mai father come to us den mai mum said na... she[means mi] bought the CD[xiaozhu new album] liao, the CD mean the teenage magazine la cos mai father actually wanna buy mi xiaozhu album and I bought tht magazine le so I don noe if I still wanna buy the CD a not....
Haix.... actually I wan leh but I think tht I better buy the "gai ban" de more good cos got MV, DVD or maybe some other things so I decided nxt time den buy bahx...^^ but mai father gave mi and mai jiejie $10 haha... and I can save it till sch re-open adn save more $$$ den I can buy le ^^
But I scare when I had save enough $$$ le den the album don hv le ai yo wan cry liao la!!!!!!!!!!!! NO $$$ LIFE IS SO NO GDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =(
Haix... holiday actually quite sian worx *-* don have much thing to do, juz watch TV, do house work, some times early in the morning go park jog, listen to mp3 or go out with mai jiejie lor.
Now mai bro sleeping thts why i can use com but think he going to wake up le bahx^^ wish school can faster open cos can see all mai frens tht I really miss!!! ^O^ ai yo really quite miss them sia cos evey time when we all gather together we will have fun, laugher, said jokes chat bout everything. Really miss tht kind of days... I MISS ALL MAI FRENS!!!
AI YO one more thing made mi going really really really crazy leh!!!
XIIAOZHU LUO ZHI XIANG! he release his new album le lah!!!!!!!! <<舞所不在>> all the song inside veri comfortable and high sia^^ I WAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYTHING BOUT XIIAOZHUU I WAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^O^ hehe.....
我真的超爱小猪的 and I will 永远支持 "小猪羅志祥" ^^ cos he veri de 可爱, 帅, 棒 and 搞笑!!!
Haha... still cant forget tht day go bugis see xiiaozhuu!!! ^O^ really verix1000 happy :P
小国王 羅志祥 will be holding some 一支獨秀concert he will be busy till nxt year worx wow! so cool man! haha... wish all his concert will "cheng gong de hen sun li " and "ren san ren hai"!!! all de best to 小国王^^ MUACKS!!!
I had quite alot of favourite singer 小国王[King] SHOW羅志祥, Princess JOLIN[小公主] 蔡依林, 可爱的Rainie杨丞琳, 超可爱 and pretty的Angela 張韶涵, Fahrenheit 飞轮海 and 可爱, 帅的Danson唐禹哲
Tht all... oh ya! and one last one haha.... S.H.E!!! ^^ they are the best!!! MUSIC ROX MAI LIFE MAN!!! haha...
Now mai bro sleeping thts why i can use com but think he going to wake up le bahx^^ wish school can faster open cos can see all mai frens tht I really miss!!! ^O^ ai yo really quite miss them sia cos evey time when we all gather together we will have fun, laugher, said jokes chat bout everything. Really miss tht kind of days... I MISS ALL MAI FRENS!!!
AI YO one more thing made mi going really really really crazy leh!!!
XIIAOZHU LUO ZHI XIANG! he release his new album le lah!!!!!!!! <<舞所不在>> all the song inside veri comfortable and high sia^^ I WAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYTHING BOUT XIIAOZHUU I WAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^O^ hehe.....
我真的超爱小猪的 and I will 永远支持 "小猪羅志祥" ^^ cos he veri de 可爱, 帅, 棒 and 搞笑!!!
Haha... still cant forget tht day go bugis see xiiaozhuu!!! ^O^ really verix1000 happy :P
小国王 羅志祥 will be holding some 一支獨秀concert he will be busy till nxt year worx wow! so cool man! haha... wish all his concert will "cheng gong de hen sun li " and "ren san ren hai"!!! all de best to 小国王^^ MUACKS!!!
I had quite alot of favourite singer 小国王[King] SHOW羅志祥, Princess JOLIN[小公主] 蔡依林, 可爱的Rainie杨丞琳, 超可爱 and pretty的Angela 張韶涵, Fahrenheit 飞轮海 and 可爱, 帅的Danson唐禹哲
Tht all... oh ya! and one last one haha.... S.H.E!!! ^^ they are the best!!! MUSIC ROX MAI LIFE MAN!!! haha...
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!! yesterday at bugis with mai jiejie, uncle, mummy, daddy leh mi, mai jiejie and mummy bout 6pm plus went out den bout 7pm reached bugis wao lao so many ppl worx haha of cos la BIG STAR wat XIAOZHU LUO ZHI XIANG^^ hehe...
So many ppl till tht we cant walk sia we need walk one big round den can reach the other side leh ai yo but nvm la veri happy cos i saw XIAOZHU!!! haha so cute and handsome worx he wear tht jacket.
But hor quite sad leh cos see most all of xiaozhu fans gt poster, concert ticket and his new album to let him sign SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I OSO WAN LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mi, mai jiejie and uncle we wait for xiaozhu to come meanwhile mai mummy and daddy go walk walk at the shopping mall, we wait for xiaozhu bout 15mins plus bahx den we go in front where xiaozhu will be alight den one teenage gal come to mi and ask mi "hmm..... wat are euu all waiting for???[in chinese]" I said".....Luo Zhi Xiang^^ "
den she tell her fren"ai ya xiaozhu lah..." den they went off -_-!!! DIAO!
Mai jiejie said"haix.... singaporean means singaporean see so many ppl stand there and wait for something they oso do it ai yo... " haha! mai jiejie so funny worx!
After tht we went back to where we can see the stage but we three of us too short le haha cant see clearly ^O^ haix.... but I saw xiaozhu haha so happy feel like jumping leh ^^
By den xiaozhu veri ke lian oso lehx he need to prepare for de taiwan concert on tis month 17&18 and still need to fly here fly there fly everywhere ai yo like veri tired sia. After de taiwan concert there will be another concert coming tht is singapore haha he said he veri to open an conert in singapore cos it is his first time have concert in singapore lehx ^^
I nv go xiaozhu concert haix..... FEEL LIKE CRYING LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and oso no $$$ to buy xiaozhu album ARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAN CRY LAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don care le la when sch open le i don bring $$$ to sch accept for buying teens&teenage haha, and return mai jiejie back $$$ den after tht mai jiejie birthday need to buy her present^^ hehe don noe wat she wan leh.... nxt time ask her haha!>>>[JIE^^ thx alot for lending mi $$$ to buy xaiozhu book MUACKS! cos I scared by i save $$$ till nxt den the book a ready don have le so.... thx^^ MUACKS! MUACKS! MUACKS! ^O^]<<<
But I don noe if nxt year still gt xiaozhu album a not lehx....... if don have I sure cry de lor!!!
HAIX.... so wish tht I have a rich family lor! but is bu ke neng de la *_*
So many ppl till tht we cant walk sia we need walk one big round den can reach the other side leh ai yo but nvm la veri happy cos i saw XIAOZHU!!! haha so cute and handsome worx he wear tht jacket.
But hor quite sad leh cos see most all of xiaozhu fans gt poster, concert ticket and his new album to let him sign SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I OSO WAN LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mi, mai jiejie and uncle we wait for xiaozhu to come meanwhile mai mummy and daddy go walk walk at the shopping mall, we wait for xiaozhu bout 15mins plus bahx den we go in front where xiaozhu will be alight den one teenage gal come to mi and ask mi "hmm..... wat are euu all waiting for???[in chinese]" I said".....Luo Zhi Xiang^^ "
den she tell her fren"ai ya xiaozhu lah..." den they went off -_-!!! DIAO!
Mai jiejie said"haix.... singaporean means singaporean see so many ppl stand there and wait for something they oso do it ai yo... " haha! mai jiejie so funny worx!
After tht we went back to where we can see the stage but we three of us too short le haha cant see clearly ^O^ haix.... but I saw xiaozhu haha so happy feel like jumping leh ^^
By den xiaozhu veri ke lian oso lehx he need to prepare for de taiwan concert on tis month 17&18 and still need to fly here fly there fly everywhere ai yo like veri tired sia. After de taiwan concert there will be another concert coming tht is singapore haha he said he veri to open an conert in singapore cos it is his first time have concert in singapore lehx ^^
I nv go xiaozhu concert haix..... FEEL LIKE CRYING LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and oso no $$$ to buy xiaozhu album ARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAN CRY LAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don care le la when sch open le i don bring $$$ to sch accept for buying teens&teenage haha, and return mai jiejie back $$$ den after tht mai jiejie birthday need to buy her present^^ hehe don noe wat she wan leh.... nxt time ask her haha!>>>[JIE^^ thx alot for lending mi $$$ to buy xaiozhu book MUACKS! cos I scared by i save $$$ till nxt den the book a ready don have le so.... thx^^ MUACKS! MUACKS! MUACKS! ^O^]<<<
But I don noe if nxt year still gt xiaozhu album a not lehx....... if don have I sure cry de lor!!!
HAIX.... so wish tht I have a rich family lor! but is bu ke neng de la *_*
ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going crazy today!!!!!!!!!!! I going to see xiaozhu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at bugis square!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but not really sure at bugis where worx... -_-!!! mai marmie[shi yu] is going oso she go with her gansis.
I love mai uncle so much haha cos yesterday I sms him if he today can company mi and mai jiejie go see xiaozhu a not he say okie but he work till 7pm and he called mai mummy to go oso cos he wanna treat us eat^^ I need to go bugis early cos I not really sure where is it leh and the qian chang hui start at 7.30pm worx! haix... hope can find the place lor hehe *-*
I love mai uncle so much haha cos yesterday I sms him if he today can company mi and mai jiejie go see xiaozhu a not he say okie but he work till 7pm and he called mai mummy to go oso cos he wanna treat us eat^^ I need to go bugis early cos I not really sure where is it leh and the qian chang hui start at 7.30pm worx! haix... hope can find the place lor hehe *-*
Hehe... long time no post le:P cos this few weeks veri sian^^ don noe wat to post, no time to post and only can use com on the morning but often on afternoon or evening if mai bro go out.
Haix... yeaterday go out with mai baobei jiejie go some place walk walk, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......... so funny worx!!! ^O^
We actually wanted to go AMK de den we took the wrong bus 147 instead of 74 and 88 -_-!!! lol...
on the bus 147 bout 3 to 5 mins later...
mai jiejie: erm... euu notice something!
me: wat thing???
mai jiejie: I think we board the wrong bus leh we should board 74 or 88...
I look at mai jiejjie she look at mi too den we laughed out quite a long time haha...
Den we go bugis haha! we board wrong bus nam worx but we alight at the wrong station too!!! OMG!... cos mai jiejie don noe tht the station tht we wanted to alight gt construction but I told her is this station she said no no no!
The bus went off den I tell her tht it is! den she... [sound liky OOPS.......] den we alight at the nxt stop lor^^
The more worst coming le haha!!! we alight le den we don noe how to walk to bugis den we anyhow walk till one big round! den but 10 to 15 mins later we finally reached le haha...
I at the bugis like siao lor cos seeing the XIAOZHU LUO ZHI XIANG poster of his 1st December concert at the indoor stadium, acutally mai uncle wanted to treat mi go xiaozhu concert de and I want but I said nvm la... cos nid to paid double leh $78x2 worx!!! anyway $78 cant see anything wat only can hear his song and see the big tv haix....
Den I all de way keep saying xiaozhu xiaozhu xiaozhu......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha mai jiejie oso sick of mi le hehe...
After bugis we go bishan walk up walk down, eating mac ice cream den we at one CD shop I saw xiaozhu book! den i beg mai jiejie to lend mi $7 to buy tht book^^ and bout 3 min later she decided to lend mi le haha so happy worx!!!It cost $16.90
HAHAHAHA........ so happy lor feel like jumping :P!!! jie I LOVE EUU!!! MUACKS^^
jiejie fang xin la i will retrun euu the $$$ de la^^ hehe thx alot!
Haix... yeaterday go out with mai baobei jiejie go some place walk walk, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......... so funny worx!!! ^O^
We actually wanted to go AMK de den we took the wrong bus 147 instead of 74 and 88 -_-!!! lol...
on the bus 147 bout 3 to 5 mins later...
mai jiejie: erm... euu notice something!
me: wat thing???
mai jiejie: I think we board the wrong bus leh we should board 74 or 88...
I look at mai jiejjie she look at mi too den we laughed out quite a long time haha...
Den we go bugis haha! we board wrong bus nam worx but we alight at the wrong station too!!! OMG!... cos mai jiejie don noe tht the station tht we wanted to alight gt construction but I told her is this station she said no no no!
The bus went off den I tell her tht it is! den she... [sound liky OOPS.......] den we alight at the nxt stop lor^^
The more worst coming le haha!!! we alight le den we don noe how to walk to bugis den we anyhow walk till one big round! den but 10 to 15 mins later we finally reached le haha...
I at the bugis like siao lor cos seeing the XIAOZHU LUO ZHI XIANG poster of his 1st December concert at the indoor stadium, acutally mai uncle wanted to treat mi go xiaozhu concert de and I want but I said nvm la... cos nid to paid double leh $78x2 worx!!! anyway $78 cant see anything wat only can hear his song and see the big tv haix....
Den I all de way keep saying xiaozhu xiaozhu xiaozhu......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha mai jiejie oso sick of mi le hehe...
After bugis we go bishan walk up walk down, eating mac ice cream den we at one CD shop I saw xiaozhu book! den i beg mai jiejie to lend mi $7 to buy tht book^^ and bout 3 min later she decided to lend mi le haha so happy worx!!!It cost $16.90
HAHAHAHA........ so happy lor feel like jumping :P!!! jie I LOVE EUU!!! MUACKS^^
jiejie fang xin la i will retrun euu the $$$ de la^^ hehe thx alot!
WAO KAO yesterday soooooooooooooo angry lor tht orjiao raj la idiot lor said wat i run away nv go help de old folks leh!!! I whole evening at de toilet there lor helping old folks open de door cos quite hard to open and help them go in de toilet lor cos some of their legs nt really de strong mah! de orjiao so bad wan lor said lyk i sit aside relaxing lor tok cork la!!!
So angry lor stupid orjiao every day eat shit wan lor so black de skin and some more use charcoal to wash face! BLEAH!!!!!! HATE HIM LOR! even miss neo is more gd den him lor^^
So angry lor stupid orjiao every day eat shit wan lor so black de skin and some more use charcoal to wash face! BLEAH!!!!!! HATE HIM LOR! even miss neo is more gd den him lor^^
Haix.... yesterday so tired sia go don noe where lor and some more go with JULIET GOH wao kao sian lor hear her NAG all de way sia!!! I yesterday whole day nt at home lor from morning 7am till 8pm plus den reached home leh so tiring, I reached home le faster go bathe den sleep^^ haha!
Mi, Paulyn, Lynn, Ying Jing we four gals go lor and still gt some other class ppl lah bout almost 40 of SKSS student go. During lunch and dinner time hor tht paulyn ar ai yo yo eat more den one plate worx haha so cute lor ^O^ lyk eating competition haha...
Haix today osos nid to go sch lor VERI SIAN AND SUX lor! go sch for CIP sia to help de old folks, cos mai sch is opening don noe wat ting lor den de old folks com but nt in sch la is some where near mai sch lor. I don noe whether mai fren Lynn gt go a nt leh cos if she nv go den I will ne alone worx!!! I DON WAN!!! =( Hope she will go ^O^
Muz before 3pm reached de sch worx den bout 9pm to 10 pm pus den can go home lor veri late sia! OMG confirm will be veri tired wan lor =(
Gtg le BB! ^^ nxt time den post haha... MUACKS! MUACKS! MUACKS!
Mi, Paulyn, Lynn, Ying Jing we four gals go lor and still gt some other class ppl lah bout almost 40 of SKSS student go. During lunch and dinner time hor tht paulyn ar ai yo yo eat more den one plate worx haha so cute lor ^O^ lyk eating competition haha...
Haix today osos nid to go sch lor VERI SIAN AND SUX lor! go sch for CIP sia to help de old folks, cos mai sch is opening don noe wat ting lor den de old folks com but nt in sch la is some where near mai sch lor. I don noe whether mai fren Lynn gt go a nt leh cos if she nv go den I will ne alone worx!!! I DON WAN!!! =( Hope she will go ^O^
Muz before 3pm reached de sch worx den bout 9pm to 10 pm pus den can go home lor veri late sia! OMG confirm will be veri tired wan lor =(
Gtg le BB! ^^ nxt time den post haha... MUACKS! MUACKS! MUACKS!
Haix... mai marmie[shiyu] nv com to sch again tis two daes lor! so sad!!! miss her verix1000000000000000000000 much worx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MARMIE COM BK TO SCH LA^^ ONE DAE OSO CAN LAH!? I really veri miss euu!!! ^O^
MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!..... so happy lor i no nid retain liao hehe^^ feel lyk celebrate lor bleah...
i pass all accept for math! heh heh ^^ but i still quite happy with mai result leh but don noe mai parent lor haix... ^^
The veri important ting is tht mai class 2T8 all will be de same class nxt year worx!!!!!! hehe... SO HAPPY LOR^^
Gt one more ting wanna said to mai two darling fren^^ : lynn, ying jing sry leh todae nv go to compass with euu all although mai fren eileen cant go out with mi!!! SRY don angry hor^^
I don wanna go with euu all is bcos tht I had no mood and some more i angry with mai darling boi boi lor! >> TA WU HUI WO LOR!!!<<[wanna cry!!! =( ]
Hope tht euu two understand^^ but I still wanna said>>> SRY!!!<<< ^^
MARMIE COM BK TO SCH LA^^ ONE DAE OSO CAN LAH!? I really veri miss euu!!! ^O^
MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!..... so happy lor i no nid retain liao hehe^^ feel lyk celebrate lor bleah...
i pass all accept for math! heh heh ^^ but i still quite happy with mai result leh but don noe mai parent lor haix... ^^
The veri important ting is tht mai class 2T8 all will be de same class nxt year worx!!!!!! hehe... SO HAPPY LOR^^
Gt one more ting wanna said to mai two darling fren^^ : lynn, ying jing sry leh todae nv go to compass with euu all although mai fren eileen cant go out with mi!!! SRY don angry hor^^
I don wanna go with euu all is bcos tht I had no mood and some more i angry with mai darling boi boi lor! >> TA WU HUI WO LOR!!!<<[wanna cry!!! =( ]
Hope tht euu two understand^^ but I still wanna said>>> SRY!!!<<< ^^

Ai yo mai marmie[shi yu] tis two daes nv go sch haix..... same lor without her quite sian and lonely leh! ^o^
MARMIE I MISS EUU VERI MUCH!!!! hope tht the coming Tuesday euu will com to sch coz i gt a veri important ting to tell euu! veri veri important!!! so euu muz com to sch okie!?^^
And gt one more ting to tell euu is tht euu pass ur maths and english worx! and we all can go up to sec 3 le MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...........
Marmie i really veri miss euu lor =(

But poor Mr.Tan injured himself again so sad lor =( x1000 haix.... quite miss him lor:P
I wish tht he will be mai form teacher nxt year again lor although some of them don wish to... -_-!!!
Haix.... juz came bk from sch wao lao juz now math exam lor! scare will fail leh, tis is only paper one leh still gt paper two worx... ai yo don noe if can pass a not =(
I only gt 60%/100% confident!!! :P som of de question quite difficult sia den paper two will be more difficult leh! ai yo!!!!!
Haha finally todae can relax le coz tomoro chinese exam mah^^
I only gt 60%/100% confident!!! :P som of de question quite difficult sia den paper two will be more difficult leh! ai yo!!!!!
Haha finally todae can relax le coz tomoro chinese exam mah^^
Happy belated Birthdae to Fiona jiejie^^
Haha! yeaterdae so fun lor mi, mai marmie[shiyu], lynn, ying jing, ailin and fiona we all aft sch quickly go cp[compass point] leh coz we wanna buy b'dae present for fiona but den lynn already bought for her le so the rest of us share $$$ and buy lor^^
I called lynn and ying jing bring fiona go to mac sit first den the rest of us go mini toons buy present, we actually wanna buy bugs bunny de by den the bugs bunny nt really de cute and soft mah so we but the cute tortoise with ribbon wan lor^^
The mini toons member hor rape the present till so big worx... den she giv us the plastic more big sia LOL...!!!
Den we wait for 10 to 13 min for the member to rape the present aft tht we go find them at mac lor. We walked towards them quietly and we hide the present behide us haha so funny lor^^
den we scared fiona coz we wanna giv her surprise mah! she a bit ps lor when she take the present ^^ so cute! haha....
I noe is a bit late la but only one dae late only mah, I still wanna wish Fions JieJie>>>
HAPPY BIRTHDAE!!! [belated] ^^
Haix.... exams coming le worx! nxt wk sia!!! muz chiong liao lor^^ Wish 2T8, mai jiejie Elaine, mai frenz, mai best best fren Eileen can pass thier exams with FLYING CLOURS!!!! ^^
Xiiaoyanqq [madgalene] SUPPORT euu all !!!!!! ^^
I called lynn and ying jing bring fiona go to mac sit first den the rest of us go mini toons buy present, we actually wanna buy bugs bunny de by den the bugs bunny nt really de cute and soft mah so we but the cute tortoise with ribbon wan lor^^
The mini toons member hor rape the present till so big worx... den she giv us the plastic more big sia LOL...!!!
Den we wait for 10 to 13 min for the member to rape the present aft tht we go find them at mac lor. We walked towards them quietly and we hide the present behide us haha so funny lor^^
den we scared fiona coz we wanna giv her surprise mah! she a bit ps lor when she take the present ^^ so cute! haha....
I noe is a bit late la but only one dae late only mah, I still wanna wish Fions JieJie>>>
HAPPY BIRTHDAE!!! [belated] ^^
Haix.... exams coming le worx! nxt wk sia!!! muz chiong liao lor^^ Wish 2T8, mai jiejie Elaine, mai frenz, mai best best fren Eileen can pass thier exams with FLYING CLOURS!!!! ^^
Xiiaoyanqq [madgalene] SUPPORT euu all !!!!!! ^^
Wao Lao todae so angry sia tht teacher lor feel lyk scolding her bk!!! during PE lesson time coz i sick ma no energy to play games mah den she sitting at de stage there and she saw mi sitting at a corner den she com towards mi.
She called mi stand up worx! den i almost no energy to stand lor but still try to stand and some more mai stomach verix100 de pain sia!!! den she tok to mi de attitude hor quite fierce lor den I don hv so much energy to stand liao mah and yet she wanna mi to ans her den i cry lor =(
she said tht she nt scolding mi worx she tht kind of attitude so de fierce lor!!!
she no hearts wan lor if gt hor is black wan lor bleah...
Ai ya don tok bout tht idiot teacher liao la so angry lor make mi cry again in sch veri PS wan leh!!!
hate tht sch sia so bad wan!!!!!!!!!!
Haix..... I feel quite bad now lehx coz I spread to mai [real] mummy and bro now ai yo , how ar? =(
korkor, mummy ps leh !:P

But veri happy worx coz juz now sleep aft tht wake up feeling more better liao^^
and still gt one more reason tht i feeling better is tht i todae gt go sch den I see all mai frenz den i feeling much much better!!!^^
special thx to>>> mai marmie[shiyu], darling lynn, mai laogong[paulyn], funny ying jing, cutie ailin, caring jeslyn, helpful and som 2T8 bois^^
Haha!^^ tomoro is mai Fiona jiejie b'date. Mi, mai marmie[shiyu], darling lynn and funny ying jing discussing how to help her celebrate lor den we tok here tok there in class still haven decide yet ai yo^^ they so cute sia! haha...
But I tink we going to buy a bugs bunny bear bear for her lehx coz she lyk and we actually wanna buy cake wan by den mi and darling lynn don hv so much $$$ so we decided nt to buy lor haix... but I feel lyk eating cakes worx! haha :P
She called mi stand up worx! den i almost no energy to stand lor but still try to stand and some more mai stomach verix100 de pain sia!!! den she tok to mi de attitude hor quite fierce lor den I don hv so much energy to stand liao mah and yet she wanna mi to ans her den i cry lor =(
she said tht she nt scolding mi worx she tht kind of attitude so de fierce lor!!!
she no hearts wan lor if gt hor is black wan lor bleah...
Ai ya don tok bout tht idiot teacher liao la so angry lor make mi cry again in sch veri PS wan leh!!!
hate tht sch sia so bad wan!!!!!!!!!!
Haix..... I feel quite bad now lehx coz I spread to mai [real] mummy and bro now ai yo , how ar? =(
korkor, mummy ps leh !:P

But veri happy worx coz juz now sleep aft tht wake up feeling more better liao^^
and still gt one more reason tht i feeling better is tht i todae gt go sch den I see all mai frenz den i feeling much much better!!!^^
special thx to>>> mai marmie[shiyu], darling lynn, mai laogong[paulyn], funny ying jing, cutie ailin, caring jeslyn, helpful and som 2T8 bois^^
Haha!^^ tomoro is mai Fiona jiejie b'date. Mi, mai marmie[shiyu], darling lynn and funny ying jing discussing how to help her celebrate lor den we tok here tok there in class still haven decide yet ai yo^^ they so cute sia! haha...
But I tink we going to buy a bugs bunny bear bear for her lehx coz she lyk and we actually wanna buy cake wan by den mi and darling lynn don hv so much $$$ so we decided nt to buy lor haix... but I feel lyk eating cakes worx! haha :P
Ai yo veri ps leh yesterday in sch cry again =( don noe wat happen lor morning feeling okie wan lor den aft recess liao den go bk to class for our ss lesson den started to feel veri ill. Feel lyk vomiting lor den i went to de wash room bout don noe how mani times worx, feeling veri de nt well sia!!!
I vomit bout 3 to 4 times yesterday YUCKS! veri disgusting sia!!! now feeling a bit better liao ^^ haha so happy but i don noe whether 2moro PE lesson can play a nt leh? haix..... so trouble some!!!
Todae nv go sch haha I tink mai marmie nv go sch oso bahx!.... arrrrrrrr.......... now stomach veri pain worx!!!!!!
Now only mi n mai bro alone at home, he sleeping sia lyk pig ^^ jk jk! haix later still nid to wake him up to go sch at 10.30.
Thx all mai frenz^^ i love euu all, euu all so gd. I oso wanna thx some of mai bois frenz in 2T8 euuall care bout mi too! :P ^^ haha...
gtg le bb^^
nxt time den post bahx!!! ^^
I vomit bout 3 to 4 times yesterday YUCKS! veri disgusting sia!!! now feeling a bit better liao ^^ haha so happy but i don noe whether 2moro PE lesson can play a nt leh? haix..... so trouble some!!!
Todae nv go sch haha I tink mai marmie nv go sch oso bahx!.... arrrrrrrr.......... now stomach veri pain worx!!!!!!
Now only mi n mai bro alone at home, he sleeping sia lyk pig ^^ jk jk! haix later still nid to wake him up to go sch at 10.30.
Thx all mai frenz^^ i love euu all, euu all so gd. I oso wanna thx some of mai bois frenz in 2T8 euuall care bout mi too! :P ^^ haha...
gtg le bb^^
nxt time den post bahx!!! ^^
Haix.... in sch again liao sia! haha long time no post liao haha finally todae gt chance to post le ^^ coz at home hor nid study for de coming exams mah n mai bro don wanna let mi use com !!!
Now CPA lesson worx haha ai yo mai marmie[shiyu] nv com sch again leh =( so sad lor!!!
i tink mai marmie at home sleeping bahx or mayb now she using com worx^^ bleah.....
AI YO class veri noisy leh!!! cant stand it lor!
MWACKS! LV mai marmie, lao gong n al mai darling frenz!!!!^^ haha...
Now CPA lesson worx haha ai yo mai marmie[shiyu] nv com sch again leh =( so sad lor!!!
i tink mai marmie at home sleeping bahx or mayb now she using com worx^^ bleah.....
AI YO class veri noisy leh!!! cant stand it lor!
MWACKS! LV mai marmie, lao gong n al mai darling frenz!!!!^^ haha...
Haha so happy finally finish mai fren blog liao ^^ don noe whether they lyk it a nt leh??? hope bah!
On friday aft sch i go hougang mall wif mai fren fiona den we gt up to de bus no.89 den we walk up to de 2nd floor I saw mai pri. sch best fren eileen leh^^ haha den I sit wif her lor. Mai fren fiona sit wif lynn coz lynn took de same bus wif us too but she nv go hougang mall la....
I ask eileen if she wanna go wif us den she said sure den we three happily walk walk lor haha but hor i ps fiona leh coz mai fren mum work at NTUC mah so she wanna go find her mum lor by den nid to wait a while la den I ask fiona if she wanna go 1st den she said okie leh =(
I feel so bad worx!!!
Mi n eileen go eat mac den we two walk up walk down, go in tis shop go in tht shop den at last she wan go library read story books so we go in lor, we sit at a corner read books, take photos ^^ haha!
I miss her veri much worx!^^ we having lots of fun tht dae^^
By den i miss mai marmie[shiyu] veri much oso leh nv com to sch wan haix..... so sianz worx she nv com to sch!!! Final Yr exam coming liao ai yo muz chiong liao le haha^^
On friday aft sch i go hougang mall wif mai fren fiona den we gt up to de bus no.89 den we walk up to de 2nd floor I saw mai pri. sch best fren eileen leh^^ haha den I sit wif her lor. Mai fren fiona sit wif lynn coz lynn took de same bus wif us too but she nv go hougang mall la....
I ask eileen if she wanna go wif us den she said sure den we three happily walk walk lor haha but hor i ps fiona leh coz mai fren mum work at NTUC mah so she wanna go find her mum lor by den nid to wait a while la den I ask fiona if she wanna go 1st den she said okie leh =(
I feel so bad worx!!!
Mi n eileen go eat mac den we two walk up walk down, go in tis shop go in tht shop den at last she wan go library read story books so we go in lor, we sit at a corner read books, take photos ^^ haha!
I miss her veri much worx!^^ we having lots of fun tht dae^^
By den i miss mai marmie[shiyu] veri much oso leh nv com to sch wan haix..... so sianz worx she nv com to sch!!! Final Yr exam coming liao ai yo muz chiong liao le haha^^
) : SO ANGRY!!! ) :
WAO LAO tadae first dae of sch make mi so angry and bui song sia!!!
Coz todae during recess time mi n mai fren go buy food to eat wat den we bout 10 mins to wait mai other two of mai fren Ailin and Paulyn[laogong] queuing behide us. Den we buy hao le accept lynn den mi and mai marmie[shiyu] go behind and wait for her lor den how i noe de queue so long till cant go through sia so i tink walk pass Ailin and Paulyn lor.
Den they play play don wanna let mi go pass them den push here push there den knock till one Tamil gal holding wif plate lor. And noe wat a nt SHE SCOLD MI VULGARITIES LEHX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Den mai laogong[Paulyn] shout at her" EUU SCOLD HER FOR WAT SHER NT PURPOSELY WAN RITE!!!" so touch sia help mi scold her
wao lao so angry worx!!! she go drink her mother milk la don noe li mao de bleah!!!
one more tingis tht during art lesson means after recess time lah de teacher hor veri de guai lan sia, confiscate mai maths notes book worx!!! by de way i don noe wat she wans us to do wat so i use tht book to draw lor! ) :
SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coz todae during recess time mi n mai fren go buy food to eat wat den we bout 10 mins to wait mai other two of mai fren Ailin and Paulyn[laogong] queuing behide us. Den we buy hao le accept lynn den mi and mai marmie[shiyu] go behind and wait for her lor den how i noe de queue so long till cant go through sia so i tink walk pass Ailin and Paulyn lor.
Den they play play don wanna let mi go pass them den push here push there den knock till one Tamil gal holding wif plate lor. And noe wat a nt SHE SCOLD MI VULGARITIES LEHX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Den mai laogong[Paulyn] shout at her" EUU SCOLD HER FOR WAT SHER NT PURPOSELY WAN RITE!!!" so touch sia help mi scold her
wao lao so angry worx!!! she go drink her mother milk la don noe li mao de bleah!!!
one more tingis tht during art lesson means after recess time lah de teacher hor veri de guai lan sia, confiscate mai maths notes book worx!!! by de way i don noe wat she wans us to do wat so i use tht book to draw lor! ) :
SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'hv GONE CRAZY!!! AHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

He so HANDSOME, CUTE AND COOL worx!!!:P so happy sia tis
mai 1st time seeing him in personal leh!!!!!!!! ahh....
I going siao liao le
haha! at there hor i saw mai fren
lehx>> Ailin wif her sis and frens bahx I tink.
Haix..... but a bit ke xi leh no $$$ to buy de High School Musical
album or else can give xiiaozhuu sign leh! ):
but nvm la can see him I a
ready veri happy liao ^^ haha......

The more happy one is tht mai uncle wanna bring mi go see xiiaozhuu concert lehx, 12 Dec 2007 worx....... still nid to wait. Mai uncle said tht muz get gd result for mai end of yr exams den can go....... so...... jia you! jia you! bahx.....^^ haha!
AH!!!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha! sch going open liao worx can see mai marmie[shiyu] le and all mai frenz^^ MISS THEM SO MUCH SIA!!!!! don noe whether they gt miss mi a nt leh, joking la^^ :P
MWACKS! LV mai marmie sia so as all of mai
frenz lah! and of coz XIIAOZHUU LUO ZHI XIANG^^!

Holiday so sianz worx........ cannt see mai frenz nia ):
I miss 2T8 sia haha^^ I miss mai marmie[shiyu] leh!!!!!!!!!
so as lynn, ailin, jeslyn, ying jing, mai lao gong paulyn and mai nuer too jolyne ^^....... mani more^^ :P
Haix.... Final yr exams coming liao still gt 5 to 4 wks left ai yo muz work hard liao worx!!!
>>>2T8 KAMPATAE! JIA YOU! JIA YOU! for de coming exams^^ haha......<<<

SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHA! coz mai uncle yesterday called mi n ask mi whether i wanna go see xiiaozhuu yan chang hui lehx........ haha! of coz i said wan lah :P so I end of year exam muz work veri veri hard liao worx^^....
But I wanna buy his new album but don noe if Singapore gt sell a nt leh haix..... ):
So sad worx!!! on saturday go out wif mai marmie[shiyu], Lynn, Ailin, Jacitha^^ when I reached home is almost 9pm liao den gt scolded by mai [real] mummy )=
Mai mummy veri angry leh and said tht i cant go out wif mai frenz liao leh )= )= )= )= SO SAD!!!!!!!!!!
But mai daddy nv scolded mi worx^^ he juz asked mi if i hv eaten or bath liao mah!^^
Mai mummy scolded mi is bcoz i told her tht i will b home at bout 7pm plus but I haix......
Actually i can reached home by tht time de coz we at Bugis wat den at bout 6.55pm hor mai frenz Ailin and Jacitha they said they wanna go home den I told them i go homw wif them too lor. but den if we three go liao hor left lynn and mai marmie[shiyu] worx.....
Lynn said'Huh! den wat bout mi? I go home alone ar!"[face veri angry]
Marmie said" I oso go home alone wat^^"
Den????[4gt wat they said liao]
Den in mai heart I tink tht haix.... nvm la i company lynn go home bahx.... mai marmie and lynn go home lor coz mai marmie[shiyu] wanna go eat liao den go home. Mai poor marmie live at marsling[nt sure how to spell:P], at bout 7.15pm plus we go home.

Den we[mi and lynn] walked bout 15 mins to find de bus-stop haix.... and nid bout an hour to get home leh.
MUMMY DADDY SRY!!!!!!!!!! let euu all worried bout mi! )=
MUACKS! LOVE MAI FAMILY 4EVER^^ haha... so as mai teacher's and 2T8 ^^
MWACKS! MWACKS! MWACKS! bleah.......
Wao Lao I wanna cry liao la Friday lor don noe wat sport day sia sat under de sun from morning till end of sport day lor! )=
I GT SUN BURN LEH!!! mai face, nose,fore head and even mai hand lor VERI PAIN LEH!!!! )= )=)=)=
But veri fun worx...^^ coz Friday oso TEACHER'S DAY^^ haha! I still remeber tht mi and mai frenz shout to our form teacher>>> MR TAN 2T8 LOVES EUU!!!!<<<>
I noe it's late to say tis but still wanna say it wish whole world of teacher's a veri veri " HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!"^^ :p
I nv post tis on Friday is bcoz I reached home is a ready 5pm plus den i switched on television watched channel U hehe>>> Yu Le Bai fen Bai[100% Entertainment] till 6pm plus den i go bath. Dinner time actually mai korkor gave mi use com de but mai jiejie wanna use so i gave her use lor hu called she is mai baobei jiejie haix....^^ :P
Den I nv use de com lor i go sleep haha.......
I GT SUN BURN LEH!!! mai face, nose,fore head and even mai hand lor VERI PAIN LEH!!!! )= )=)=)=
But veri fun worx...^^ coz Friday oso TEACHER'S DAY^^ haha! I still remeber tht mi and mai frenz shout to our form teacher>>> MR TAN 2T8 LOVES EUU!!!!<<<>
I noe it's late to say tis but still wanna say it wish whole world of teacher's a veri veri " HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!"^^ :p
I nv post tis on Friday is bcoz I reached home is a ready 5pm plus den i switched on television watched channel U hehe>>> Yu Le Bai fen Bai[100% Entertainment] till 6pm plus den i go bath. Dinner time actually mai korkor gave mi use com de but mai jiejie wanna use so i gave her use lor hu called she is mai baobei jiejie haix....^^ :P
Den I nv use de com lor i go sleep haha.......

wat ting lor so lag n slow sia!!!!! so angry lor coz juz now
actually i already almost done mai posting liao lor den don noe wat hor
den close leh!!!!! now muz retype again liao lor )= )= )=
haix.... yeaterday so sian lor gt e-learning dae lorx......
so trouble som sia, I nt really sure wat to do leh den I almost everyting anyhow do lor.
Todae I get scolded by mai CPA teacher mdm yeo she said don noe wat
I nv do de e-learning CPA wan leh den I said i gt do worx.....
she said nv nia!!!! so angry worx.... she called mi go home do again leh sia
but juz now i go elearn hor i press "homework" hor nth bout
CPA there lor sia n still yet called mi to do lor i rather
drink milk or eat ice-cream lor^^>>>jk jk :P
by den hor gt put in CA2 marks wan lehx )= )= )=
CANT FIND HOW TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so sad nia!!! I WAN CRY!!!..................................
Haix...... wish mai mummy let mi n mai jiejie go n c him worx....^^ MWACKS! LOVE XIAOZHU 4EVER!!!^^ MWACKS! MWACKS! MWACKS! :p

Haha so excited leh xiaozhu[luo zhi xiang] is coming to singapore nxt wk leh so wish tht i can go to his concert lor ): ): ):
On 8th August he at ps[plaza singapura] having his concert leh, he so lucky n li hai lor he's de only singer tht is being choose from de HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL manger to sing de chinese verious of de song leh so cool man^^
I wish tht on 8th August i can to ps wif mai fren n go c xiaozhu concert leh^^ MUMMY PLS LET MI GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): if i can go hor tht means it is mai 1st time seeing him in personal leh^^ haha so happy juz wish tht mai mummy will let mi go lor haix............... so sad!!!!
I WANNA BUY XIAOZHU NEW SONGS CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!....... so happy sia finally mai marmie[shiyu] gt com to sch leh hipeey! miss her so MUCH lor bleah...^^
Todae SO SO SO.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAD SIA ):
Mai marmie[shiyu] nv com to sch leh MISS HER SO MUCH!!! haix...... wish tht mai marmie gt go to sch tomoro haha!

Gt one gd new for her but i don noe whether if its a gd new for her a nt leh lol.....
De gd new is tht she pass her maths common test leh WOW! she so so so smart
sia nv study still can passed till so high leh congratez! ^^ feel so happy for mai marmie^^
One veri bad new for mai parent n jiejie leh so sad n angry of myself lor!!! don noe y hor i every time so hard working, concentrating on class don pass any test wan lor. Y i cant b smarter leh ): ): ): ): ): ): WANNA CRY LIAO LA!
Few more wks going to final yrs exam liao leh so scare lor wish can pass english, maths, science leh^^ kampatek to myself bahx..... ^^
Mai marmie[shiyu] nv com to sch leh MISS HER SO MUCH!!! haix...... wish tht mai marmie gt go to sch tomoro haha!

Gt one gd new for her but i don noe whether if its a gd new for her a nt leh lol.....
De gd new is tht she pass her maths common test leh WOW! she so so so smart

One veri bad new for mai parent n jiejie leh so sad n angry of myself lor!!! don noe y hor i every time so hard working, concentrating on class don pass any test wan lor. Y i cant b smarter leh ): ): ): ): ): ): WANNA CRY LIAO LA!
Few more wks going to final yrs exam liao leh so scare lor wish can pass english, maths, science leh^^ kampatek to myself bahx..... ^^


Yesterday veri fun sia we have class BBQ in sch leh so fun sia we play water boom haha! all wet sia mai fren lynn, ying jing, paulyn n jacinta pull mi to de changing room toilet n splash water on mi leh coz i'm nt wet, luckily i gt bring extra clothes haha^^
We eat chicken wings, crab sticks, marshmallow, hot dogs, mee hoon, fried rice n potato chips^^ we BBQ de marshmallow leh so delicious lor! haix.... but den mai marmie[shiyu] nv go so ke xi lor!!!

Haix..... todae n 2moro gt common test leh so scared will failed lor, todae is English test leh de close passage hor quite difficult leh ): hope will pass lor ^^
Wao lao 2moro more worst leh is math leh de subject tht i everytime fail wan lor ):
jiayou jiayou bahx.... haha^^
Wish 2T8 pass thier common test^^ :P so as mai korkor n jiejie haha KAMPATEH!!!
Wao lao 2moro more worst leh is math leh de subject tht i everytime fail wan lor ):
jiayou jiayou bahx.... haha^^
Wish 2T8 pass thier common test^^ :P so as mai korkor n jiejie haha KAMPATEH!!!
WAO LAO! on Thursday so sui sia hate tht idiot sch sia so de............!!!!!!!!!1 bleah...
On every Thursday we gt PE n start from 10pm to 11pm, our usual recess time is 10pm but not Thursday. Den[Thursday] mai whole class evey time during recess we buy food/drinks to de class tht we shouldn't do tht n we use to it liao lor! cos canteen gt three level upper sec so no sits for us to sit n eat lor!
Den mi, mai Marmie[shiyu], baobei Ailin n Fiona jiejie buy food n drinks up to de class to eat/drink, den we walked up de stairs case tht we shouldn't walked on bcos there is a "teacher" her voice sound lyk veri evil. Don noe y she came out from her room lor sia den she saw all de food n drink tht we r holding it den she called us to put de food on de table outside her room leh!
We put down liao den she said alot of rubbish[toking pok! lor], den she said wanna gave up de food or go detention de mai baobei Ailin saids gave up den we oso gave up lor. N still some more call us to go down buy again sia she thought wat, we rich meh our father nt open bank wan leh!!!
wao lao so angry lor! mai $$$ gone liao!! WAT DE HELL LOR TIS SCH!!!!!!!!!!! SO EVIL N STRICT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Den tht day oso gt scolded by our form teacher Mr James Tan cos we had been late for his lesson[maths] bout half an hour[i tink], feel so bad sia ):!
On every Thursday we gt PE n start from 10pm to 11pm, our usual recess time is 10pm but not Thursday. Den[Thursday] mai whole class evey time during recess we buy food/drinks to de class tht we shouldn't do tht n we use to it liao lor! cos canteen gt three level upper sec so no sits for us to sit n eat lor!
Den mi, mai Marmie[shiyu], baobei Ailin n Fiona jiejie buy food n drinks up to de class to eat/drink, den we walked up de stairs case tht we shouldn't walked on bcos there is a "teacher" her voice sound lyk veri evil. Don noe y she came out from her room lor sia den she saw all de food n drink tht we r holding it den she called us to put de food on de table outside her room leh!
We put down liao den she said alot of rubbish[toking pok! lor], den she said wanna gave up de food or go detention de mai baobei Ailin saids gave up den we oso gave up lor. N still some more call us to go down buy again sia she thought wat, we rich meh our father nt open bank wan leh!!!
wao lao so angry lor! mai $$$ gone liao!! WAT DE HELL LOR TIS SCH!!!!!!!!!!! SO EVIL N STRICT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Den tht day oso gt scolded by our form teacher Mr James Tan cos we had been late for his lesson[maths] bout half an hour[i tink], feel so bad sia ):!

Ai yo so excited leh! haha... coz mai favourite artist[Taiwan] Alan/Show Luo Zhi Xiang(xiaozhu) is coming to Singapore nxt month[I tink]!!! yeah! so happy....^^ I reallyx100000......... veri wish tht i can go to his concert leh coz i nv c all mai favorite artist in personal b4 leh ): so i reallyx1000000.......... wish i can go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ):
Mai parent sure won allow mi to go de haix....... SO SAD SIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So sad todae in sch coz during maths lesson time mai form teacher Mr James Tan called mi n mai marmie[shiyu] to give out some maths worksheet den i give out........ den i reached one of mai classmate "boi A"[sry cant tell de name^^] table he don noe i standing behind him mah meanwhile he playing wif "boi B". "Boi B" wanna bit "boi A" but he siam away n his head[i tink!] knock mai nose sia, WAO LAO PAIN AR!!!!! I cry a bit lah..... veri pain lehx.......!!! ): now still swallow leh! haix.......................... i nv blame him cos it was an accident. but still wanna said one sentence>>> " bois r so childish...... " ^^ :P
Mai bro veri wat leh juz now my mummy told mi tht mai bro wanna tk $$$[$50 i tink so bahx...] out from his bank, mai mummy said to mai bro tht de $$$ is daddy wan nt his. Mai mummy ask him y he wan de $$$ for n he said to mai mummy" y euu wanna ask!". Den y he don wanna tell y he wan de $$$ for!!! BLEAH..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He kept calling mai mummy to go bank wif him haix..... but at de end still nv go! i don noe y..............
Haha...! ps leh tis few days nv post anyting cos nth to post lor, haix.... ):
HAHA!!! todae so happy in sch cos mai marmie[shiyu] gt com to sch leh^^ hooray! :P
finally c her lor ^^ quite a long time nv c her leh......
LOVE her so much sia!!! :P MUACKS! MUACKS! MUACKS!............ hehe!
Haix... common test coming liao leh ai yo no time to play liao so sad ):
jiayou jiayou for common test bahx........
xiiaoyanqq[madgalene] wish:
LOVE 2T8 too! so as all de teacher teaches b4 last yr 1T8 n tis yr 2T8
^^ HAHA! bleah.........^^
HAHA!!! todae so happy in sch cos mai marmie[shiyu] gt com to sch leh^^ hooray! :P
finally c her lor ^^ quite a long time nv c her leh......
LOVE her so much sia!!! :P MUACKS! MUACKS! MUACKS!............ hehe!
Haix... common test coming liao leh ai yo no time to play liao so sad ):
jiayou jiayou for common test bahx........
xiiaoyanqq[madgalene] wish:
LOVE 2T8 too! so as all de teacher teaches b4 last yr 1T8 n tis yr 2T8
^^ HAHA! bleah.........^^

Ai yo few days ago mai blog siao siao wan leh tink is de template gt som ting rong bahx.... ^^ Haix... finally leh.... mai blog okie liao haha!!! so happy sia^^ :P don noe ppl hu view mai blog tink nice a not but i noe no change at all but hope is nice lor.... (:
HATE THT F......G BRO lor sia every time tk $$$ from mai daddy lor he so S.....K man, tink wat ar daddy open bank wan meh BLEAH......... go drink milk la euu tis I......T BRO!!!!! Don noe y gt tis kind of bro lor!, thought gt job liao so wat ar haven do de job till 1 mth yet leh said wat[to mai daddy n mummy]" Ai ya till i get salary will return euu de $$$ wan la!......" Ai ya he tok shit la!!!! n som more cheat mai daddy $$$ lor said wat go buy top up card but at de end don noe go buy wat lor n de hp still left $1 plus lor!!!so evil sia!!! he oso don wanna go sch n study lor only noe

When he was young hor soooooo GUAI wan lor n oso joke joke wif us de but now.... haix... lyk AH BENG lyk tis leh! he gt gang too! so irrtating when he show attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!! som time scold mi n mai jiejie so as mai parent lor or worst he will throw tings leh, so scary lyk monsters!!!!

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